sgt pepper, i know how it may feel on this end in hoaxworld. we know the truth. we know paris knows that we know the truth... we want to tell it to the world, including to Paris, "Hey Paris, "i know", etc. but the thing is she is still in character.. and she is also a child. and best not to go there at all. she is already way too bombarded by MJ fans. believers and non.
yes the other point about trouble with non believers is also true and an important one. we dont want to fuel the fire. in addition to this, there are some 'crazy' believers too, who have already done things such as this and they cause more harm than good.
plus, this is michaels hoax, not paris'
its so easy to get excited on this side of the fence. i completely understand why there might be such a desire to tweet, but you have no doubt exercised your better judgement.
we want these kids to have a normal life and not contribute to the circus.