
I was thinking about tweeting to Paris that I am a beLIEver?

Started by SgtPepper, July 12, 2012, 02:01:23 AM

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SgtPepperTopic starter

I was wondering your thoughts on this? would it be wrong of me to do? I am not doing it with intentions to disrespect her or the Jackson family, I am maybe hoping she will respond with her thoughts on it. . . maybe revealing a clue? Idk maybe I am just reaching here but I just wanna know your thoughts on it.

Shamone Jackson


My opinion is that she already gives us enough validations and gentle whispers through her twitter. It's very gracious of her to do even that.


Quote from: Shamone Jackson on July 12, 2012, 02:08:17 AM

My advice...don't do it.

Absolutely agree  dont do it, could cause more harm than good especially amoung non believer followers.  There is enough on her twitter page to give us an idea of where she is coming from.  If you watch some of her videos on her twitter page top left of her page, the one video promoting London Bridge, it is interesting that even though she has stated that the Album "Michael" has Jason Malaci (sp?) singing on it not her farther ........  it is played over her "London Bridge" promotional video starting with "Breaking News" now personally I found that VERY interesting!   :affraid:  :icon_eek:  JMO




Le roi est mort, VIVE LE ROI !


Agree - I wouldn't go there either......Paris gives enough as it is and we ought to be grateful.

Even if you did tweet that to Paris, it won't change anything.


Agree. Wouldn´t go there either.

That´s like a tax investigator ringing the doorbell at a tax evader´s house asking if he can help with the tax declaration.  :icon_lol:

There´s no point in doing that.

You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception

SgtPepperTopic starter

Okay, thanks for the input. I guess there is no point but it was only a thought.

Australian MJ BeLIEver

sgt pepper, i know how it may feel on this end in hoaxworld. we know the truth. we know paris knows that we know the truth... we want to tell it to the world, including to Paris, "Hey Paris, "i know", etc.   but the thing is she is still in character.. and she is also a child. and best not to go there at all. she is already way too bombarded by MJ fans. believers and non.

yes the other point about trouble with non believers is also true and an important one. we dont want to fuel the fire. in addition to this, there are some 'crazy' believers too, who have already done things such as this and they cause more harm than good.

plus, this is michaels hoax, not paris'

its so easy to get excited on this side of the fence. i completely understand why there might be such a desire to tweet, but you have no doubt exercised your better judgement.

we want these kids to have a normal life and not contribute to the circus.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

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