
Seeking a friend for the End of the World

Started by diggyon, July 03, 2012, 01:51:21 AM

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Hi everyone,

yesterday I discovered a new movie called "Seeking a friend for the End of the Word" so I thought sharing this info might be useful. It's about a guy who finds a friend from old times before the world ends. Here is the trailer:

I have noticed something. In the Movie it says that the world is gonna end in 3 weeks. That's 21 days (777).
I really don't know why Hollywood is insisting on making movies about this issue. I believe a hidden plan is the main reason.



Quote from: diggyon on July 03, 2012, 02:29:01 AM



Ah diggy, I read your title and thought you were looking for a friend before the end!

Re End of World movies, I think it's just classic disaster movie material - it doesn't get much more dramatic than the end of the world.

Well, in fact i am still looking for some friends because I lost a couple of them in the past few months! :-\
@diggyon, I'm sorry if me making light of the need for friendship touched a raw spot with you.  I would never have made that comment had I known you've just lost some friends. I hope you know you have many friends here, if that's any consolation. xx

diggyonTopic starter

July 03, 2012, 02:04:21 PM #16 Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 04:45:52 PM by diggyon

No curls, that's okay. You know, true friends are hard to find and what hurts the most is when you get betrayed or even hurt by those who claim to be your friends. Anyway, I got used to it in a way! But the thread is not about me at all. It is just about the movie!!!

Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool

Its her

Quote from: SEHF on July 03, 2012, 04:36:07 AM

SEHF, your avatar is really creepy. Is your turtle ok or what?  :'(  :icon_eek:
ONLY Believe...


July 03, 2012, 05:46:26 PM #18 Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 05:50:17 PM by everlastinglove_MJ

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this movie :)
This movie and many others seem to fit in or connected to Michael's message in This Is It "We have four years to get it right or else it's irreversible". Fix it and make that change before it's too late.
I also remember the "2012" movie trailer that was shown at the premiere of "This Is It" which surely isn't a coincidence and in all the cinemas


Adam Lambert's 'Time For Miracles' Video To Debut Before 'This Is It'
A '2012' trailer that includes the 'American Idol' runner-up's music video will be shown before Michael Jackson documentary


@Diggyon, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends. I hope it makes you feel a little better to know that you have many friends here :bearhug:

@SEHF: I think turtle has lost his iglo home due to the global warming and now has been extinguished :icon_cry: I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Or was it "George"? Galapagos turtle Lonesome George, over 100 years old, dead | abc7news.com


It's all for L.O.V.E.


I don't think a 70 mile wide meteorite would do it, but I suppose the aftermath of choked darkened atmosphere might starve us all to death.  Except for those few crazies who have built bunkers with years supply of foods. :icon_e_sad:

I took SEHF's pic to mean he doesn't want to see or hear about the meteorite coming and  EOW.

Diggyon, I hope we are all friends here!  :beerchug:

This EOW talk reminds me of Britney Spear's song.

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