Nah. Just my warped opinion, but I believe Neverland to be forever too good, too friendly, almost like Disneyland. And a bunker, too claustrophobic. :over-react-smiley: I don't see him painting himself into a corner like that, even if he has out thunk every possible snooper and has many secret exits. :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile
The IDEA, to me, of being on TOP of things, and OUT Thinking everyone, seems to suggest that he is out in the open, and far from underground (so unhealthy :-\), I could see him on a mountain TOP, (Puppet)Master :icon_cool: of all he surveys... :icon_mrgreen: :michael_jackson-1135: :woohoo2:
I see, maybe a cylindrical moss covered fortress of imposing dark stone, reflecting NO light, and a special, GRAND one way picture window room, overhanging the unscaleable cliffs, AND the multi-screened "bridge"/ Command Center in a separate, top-side studio at the inland side of the fortress.(Gotta have that, :icon_e_ugeek: right!) No signs of life except periodic smoke from the many huge fireplaces within. :Michael_Jackson_smiley_by_red
Perhaps a place with no roads at all to it. Just lots of height. Maybe a rookery with giant ravens in the rocky cliffs and trees. But no one else; it's so private. :Michael_Jackson_smiley_by_red
Maybe a narrow, uneven, perilous footpath with human looking bone, teeth and hair thrown around, as if there range...carnivores... :icon_pale: :icon_pale:
It requires a scary reputation, surrounded by much rumor and superstition, raggety old warning signs, and the technology to generate some holographic spooks, during the dark of the moon, enough to frighten people from coming near...heh heh heh. :errrr: EVER. :affraid:
THAT's the THRILLER Hoax HideOut, I think. :icon_mrgreen: :icon_bounce: I can almost hear the lightning crackling and thunderclaps. :errrr: :errrr: :icon_albino: