If you live in Europe take a few minutes to watch this video...and if you don't

Started by paula-c, June 16, 2012, 09:02:48 PM

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paula-cTopic starter

If you live in Europe take a few minutes to watch this video...and if you don't live in Europe also

Dr. Rath's Call to the people of Germany and Europe, Berlin 13-3-2012

Dr. Rath's Call to the people of Germany and Europe, Berlin 13-3-2012 - YouTube


Wow - very powerful speech!  Thanks for sharing. There were a couple of you Japanese scientists some years ago who said they had discovered a cure for ALL cancers.  It made headline news for a few days, then nothing.  They were never heard from again.  I always wondered if they were paid off, or somehow silenced, so the drug companies can go on making billions of dollars off of the sick.  With all 7 continents of the world now divided into Unions, we're all in the same boat.  I hope this video goes viral.  The whole world needs to wake up.


This is a great speech. Thanks so much for sharing, paula-c. i am sharing the video now. Everyone has to wake up.

Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool

paula-cTopic starter

And if you look at this image of youtube, the video is seen more in Australia, after Canada, almost nothing in the United States, very little in Europe and Latin America and Africa in white



Just watched it.

Thank you Paula!

These dark deeds are outrageous.
Everyone needs to know about this.

Tweeted it, too.

You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception

paula-cTopic starter


Thanks Paula, this issue is really quite dark, you can not think as yet no cure for this cruel disease. In this speech Dr. Rath it is quite clear. I promise to spread.


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