
This Is It Doubles.........

Started by YoungMack, June 09, 2012, 04:08:32 PM

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Just curious.... I have watched the movie numerous times
And I only see the real MJ in there a few times. None of which
In my opinion were on stage. So if that's true could It be that at the
End when he mentions 4 years to save the planet..... Could
Possibly be another clue that some of it was filmed in 2008
and 2012 being a major turning point for the world. Don't know
............ Just a thought!!!


Australian MJ BeLIEver

June 14, 2012, 02:57:41 AM #45 Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 11:37:21 AM by Australian MJ BeLIEver
Quote from: MissG on June 12, 2012, 02:37:36 PM

I still think that there was a double we donĀ“t know about.

Agree with you 100% on this

Just don't think this double featured at 02 or was entirely responsible for TII
People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


Why the sample of blood taken allegedly to MJ in the UCLA on June 25, was the name of another person?

YoungMackTopic starter

So aussie........ let me ask you....... since we know that tii was a full scale production feature film... why did they lie and say it was for michaels private home videos? Also since it was filmed in hd why was so many of the shots look smudged and unclear MAINLY on the performances. Only filmed them from certain angles etc......... what is ure explanation for all that???

YoungMackTopic starter

I mean the only stage mj they use closeups on is theMAIN on who they show about 85% of
The time. When they show the others its only from certain angles and tend to be blurry or smudgy. I am an actor as well as musical artist and ive been on many sets and seen filming amd directors in action. Its just not normal for shots to look that way especially when its shot in hd.

YoungMackTopic starter

Paula what are you talking about??? I havent heard anything about that... let me know please..... thank you.


@Paula - remember the insurance policy was also in another name.  I thought that strange too since this was a multi-million dollar deal. 

"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said

Australian MJ BeLIEver

June 14, 2012, 11:34:58 AM #51 Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 11:42:14 AM by Australian MJ BeLIEver

you know what mack...  :Pulling_hair:

i am starting to doubt myself about it all being 100% MJ - MJ is def in TII, you have too see that come on!...  most of the time i see MJ. 777 shirt is 100% without a doubt MJ. fist in ear guy, is MJ. TDCAU def MJ. I'll be there & I want you back, Def MJ.. but you know what, i have to admit TII indeed features doubles. but for the most part is MJ. After our back and forth in this thread, i thought you know what, i havent watched it in ages, lets get the DVD out and make sure i know what i am talking about. i have discovered that i dont know what i am talking about, LOL. i have spent today, in fact most of my day (my day off too) watching TII pausing and replaying and my brain is seriously fried! cant tell you how exhausted i am. even though i initially resist, have to concede that there may be a double in i just cant stop loving you. i think that orange pants is a double and that maybe gold pants might be too...

but still for the most, part, i maintain its MJ.

as for your question, on low quality filming, i feel that MJ is possibly HD and that when it goes to poor quality it may feature a double.... but again, i am not confident in what i am saying.

:screaming-7365: :screaming-7365: :screaming-7365: hates that i have to go back on what i initially believed, but after watching for the past few hours, i have to admit to seeing what i see..

i don't know what to think. its all blurred.. i know there are doubles. i struggle seeing the difference, but i think you are right with the low quality filming point. i think that when this happens it is switching to a double. i know some of the moves are off. but the singing, for the most part is on. i think most of the singing is MJ.

i think the best answer, that satisfies both of us, is that is is neither all doubles, as you originally claimed. nor all MJ as i originally claimed... i think it is a combination of both and that why both HD and low quality filming methods are employed.

i know i know... i am completely back peddaling from my initial confidence abt no doubles. but after today i think what i come up with, is that i see two MJ's. real MJ and a double, and throughout TII, its cuts between both of them. again, i "think" that is what i now see, but i am now not 100% confident.

*ok, im going to go put my straight jacket on and rock in a corner of a psyciatric ward now - my brain is fried*

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


Quote from: YoungMack on June 14, 2012, 10:58:59 AM

Paula what are you talking about??? I havent heard anything about that... let me know please..... thank you.

On page 43 of the autopsy report listed the analysis of blood taken at the hospital before (13:30) of the declaration of death of Michael (14:26). In this analysis  could read the name "Trauma, Gershwin".

YoungMackTopic starter

Aussie... i havent read al of ure last post i am at work..... but try this........ watch the movie again..... pay specific attention to when the dancers are auditioning.... there ate 2 REAL QUICK cut away shots of MJ In the chairs watching with kenny ortega....... THAT is the real MJ.... i watched it sooooooo many times and if u compare that MJ to the others its ovious. The mj im talking about looks normal....  its the doubles who have had plastic surgery that when u see them ure like damn that dont look like mj or u tjink did he get more surgery....... the answer is NO... the man has doubles he used all the timefor everything hense why people think he got new surgeries etc......


Quote from: paula-c on June 14, 2012, 12:43:35 PM

Quote from: YoungMack on June 14, 2012, 10:58:59 AM

Paula what are you talking about??? I havent heard anything about that... let me know please..... thank you.

On page 43 of the autopsy report listed the analysis of blood taken at the hospital before (13:30) of the declaration of death of Michael (14:26). In this analysis  could read the name "Trauma, Gershwin".

In the preliminary of the case of Murray it was stated that there was indeed a codename for Michael in page 3 of the demand for Joe Murray, another name appears as code name used in the UCLA: Soule Shaun.


How many names were used that day at UCLA for a single person?

YoungMackTopic starter

I EFFIN LOVE MJ for this hoax..... it really has been like an adventure.
I have found myself thinking about it alot and it makes me feel like i have a purpose in the hoax kind of...... you all lnow what i mean???? Wow Ihope he comes back and throws a party for all
Of the true fans and hoaxers so we canmeet him as he will feel like he knows us already and vice versa. That would be a humbling experience to meet him. I wonder how much he would charge me to make a song with me????? HAHAH I would shit myself if I got to work with MJ. But you better believe it would be a good song. :)


I'll be short because everybody knows what I think:

TII: not all MJ
O2: not MJ


Quote from: ~Souza~ on June 14, 2012, 03:19:17 PM

I'll be short because everybody knows what I think:

TII: not all MJ
O2: not MJ



Quote from: SEHF on June 14, 2012, 03:20:39 PM

Quote from: ~Souza~ on June 14, 2012, 03:19:17 PM

I'll be short because everybody knows what I think:

TII: not all MJ
O2: not MJ


Don't you have to go and disagree with me here? Where are the good old days....

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