you know what mack... :Pulling_hair:
i am starting to doubt myself about it all being 100% MJ - MJ is def in TII, you have too see that come on!... most of the time i see MJ. 777 shirt is 100% without a doubt MJ. fist in ear guy, is MJ. TDCAU def MJ. I'll be there & I want you back, Def MJ.. but you know what, i have to admit TII indeed features doubles. but for the most part is MJ. After our back and forth in this thread, i thought you know what, i havent watched it in ages, lets get the DVD out and make sure i know what i am talking about. i have discovered that i dont know what i am talking about, LOL. i have spent today, in fact most of my day (my day off too) watching TII pausing and replaying and my brain is seriously fried! cant tell you how exhausted i am. even though i initially resist, have to concede that there may be a double in i just cant stop loving you. i think that orange pants is a double and that maybe gold pants might be too...
but still for the most, part, i maintain its MJ.
as for your question, on low quality filming, i feel that MJ is possibly HD and that when it goes to poor quality it may feature a double.... but again, i am not confident in what i am saying.
:screaming-7365: :screaming-7365: :screaming-7365: hates that i have to go back on what i initially believed, but after watching for the past few hours, i have to admit to seeing what i see..
i don't know what to think. its all blurred.. i know there are doubles. i struggle seeing the difference, but i think you are right with the low quality filming point. i think that when this happens it is switching to a double. i know some of the moves are off. but the singing, for the most part is on. i think most of the singing is MJ.
i think the best answer, that satisfies both of us, is that is is neither all doubles, as you originally claimed. nor all MJ as i originally claimed... i think it is a combination of both and that why both HD and low quality filming methods are employed.
i know i know... i am completely back peddaling from my initial confidence abt no doubles. but after today i think what i come up with, is that i see two MJ's. real MJ and a double, and throughout TII, its cuts between both of them. again, i "think" that is what i now see, but i am now not 100% confident.
*ok, im going to go put my straight jacket on and rock in a corner of a psyciatric ward now - my brain is fried*