Michael as a woman oopps woman as Michael !!

Started by Suzi~Ses~Its~Right, March 02, 2012, 06:21:37 PM

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Suzi~Ses~Its~RightTopic starter

Ok delete if this has been posted before, or this is the wrong place but ... this russian woman freaked me out a little, I dont think she is convincing enough to play a double .. but boy!! a quick glance at her is pretty convincing.


~*~*Shoot for the Moon ~ Even if you miss you land among the Stars*~*~
We only live once. Since we are given the gift of life, it should be a persistent endeavour to immortalize ourselves, no matter what field of endeavour we choose\' .. Michael Jackson
Michael to me your not an icon nor a superstar .. your just a boy that this girl fell in love with a very long time ago.


Wow. for a woman, she's the best "michael" I ever saw. She's so thin, just like Michael is today. She's got clothing down also, down to the shoes.



 OMG!She's amazing......What if.........?????

I have one question.. does she have any breasts, and if so, are they wrapped down so we cant see them.......

I believe she is one of the best look-a-likes, and has some wonderful poses......She could easily pass as MJ....God bless and thanks for posting this....Things that make you go Hmmmmmm...

(I can't help but wonder whether its possible that MJ,  gets around with his children, dressed up as a women) Food for thought.....a nanny maybe??


March 02, 2012, 11:36:03 PM #4 Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 11:43:11 PM by Tink

For a second there - she made me wonder what my sexuality was  lolol/
hands are tiny, so female. Definitely taping her chest - you can see it every so often.
But also be quite aware - a good digital artist can erase most of it. ;)

In all seriousness, she's using a "brow" appliance, along with a chin one, possibly one
for the throat.

I'd strongly suggest she spend money on Human Hair wigs, because those I can tell
are of low quality. She's used her sewing machine to good use, or a friend helped her.
You can easily buy sequins in oh, one inch strips, on down to single rows.

Done to good effect, I'll say.

Oh, geez - my bf's saying I should try, since I've got a similar nose to him...duh!

Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."


OMG! She's great!!  /bravo/

thank you for the link @Suzi~Ses~Its~Right


March 03, 2012, 02:56:11 AM #6 Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 03:01:27 AM by koulio02

you do not know Elena Romanenkova ???
rhoooooo  ???/ ???/ ???/
her FACEBOOK here :





LOL 2goodtobetrue...."does she have any breasts?"


everyone does. I think she was just able to conceal hers pretty successfully.

Coming soon to a trial near you; MJ: the resurrection

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