
Strange Facts Surrounding Whitney Houston’s Death....

Started by 2good2btrue, March 15, 2012, 06:11:02 AM

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March 15, 2012, 06:11:02 AM Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 06:23:37 AM by 2good2btrue


When we look at the facts and the occurrences surrounding Whitney Houston's death coupled with the symbolic elements of the 2012 Grammy awards, the entire "event" has the looks of an occult ritual, complete with a blood sacrifice, a celebration and even a "re-birth". Some of the things described below were pre-planned, while others were possibly just odd coincidences. However, the overwhelming and almost palpable energy emanating from the 2012 Grammys definitely made some things align in a synchronistic fashion. Let's look at the most significant events that happened during that fateful weekend.

Strange Events

As in the cases of Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy and many others, bizarre events preceded and followed the death of Whitney Houston. After reviewing all of those accounts, one cannot help but wonder: Was Whitney's death truly an accident or was it a deliberate sacrifice planned by "unseen forces"? While most media reports drum into people's heads that "Whitney Houston = Drugs", some sources reveal other details that might lead to other paths of thinking. Here's Roger Friedman's account of things that happened at the Beverly Hilton on February 11th:

Whitney's Death: An Earlier Incident?

Whitney Houston's death made for a long day's journey into night at the Beverly Hilton. While the Clive Davis Grammy dinner had to proceed downstairs in the ballroom–with 800 guests already filing in as the news was breaking–Whitney remained in state, so to speak, in her fourth floor suite. She was not removed until just moments before the party ended–a little after midnight. She'd been in the suite, discovered in her bathtub. But there were many people in the suite when this happened at 3:50pm including her daughter Bobbi Kristina, her brother Gary, sister in law Pat Houston, and another player in this story — a nightlife friend who'd been guiding her around town the last few days as she was photographed in states of duress.

What you don't know is that around 11pm, paramedics were called back to the fourth floor. Security and police raced back to the 4th floor. A medical wheelchair with restraints was brought in through the back entrance to the hotel. Bobbi Kristina "freaked out"–well, she'd been upstairs for hours with her mother's dead body in the next room. It was understandable. The paramedics thought they were going to to have to take her to the hospital. But calm was restored. For ten minutes, though, security cleared the entire lobby of the hotel while the concert was going on inside the ballroom. I was out there at that moment, and it was one of the strangest scenes ever.

Then there's the mysterious story of a leak that occurred the night before from Whitney's group of suites. A man on the third floor right underneath Houston's suite suddenly experienced water cascading into his bathroom from above at 2:30am. It wasn't just a trickle. The man called security, then went upstairs to the fourth floor to see what was going on. He swears to me that it was Whitney's bathtub that was overflowing. He also says that a flat screen television had been been broken–the screen was smashed. My sources at the hotel say there was a "leak" but that it wasn't from Whitney's room. "They [her group] have a lot of rooms up there," says the hotel source. My source, this man, insists that he was told it was Whitney Houston's room. It does seem to have been part of her group of rooms.

There are many mysteries here. None of them have been reported or solved by TMZ or one of the other muckracking tabloids. I know the man who had to pull Whitney out of the bathtub yesterday and attempt to give her CPR. He told me, "She was already dead. There was nothing I could do."

More on Whitney's death and the Grammy party follows in the next post. And believe me, dear readers, this isn't easy. I've known Whitney Houston and her family for over 25 years. She was a beautiful girl with a big heart. She was full of optimism. Her mother is one of the finest people. The people who worked for and with her were devoted to her. When the shock turns to anger there will be a lot of finger pointing. But in the end, Whitney ruled her own world.
- Source: Forbes

I am not a criminal investigator and I cannot solve all of the mysteries surrounding Whitney's death but the fact that her body was there for hours, while a pre-Grammy party was happening just below is a little off-putting. Why wasn't it simply cancelled?  Isn't the presence of the dead body of a legendary singer in the same exact location as the party reason enough to cancel it? Was there some type of twisted thrill of partying right below Houston's body?

In another article, Roger Friedman noted the presence of a strange "Hollywood insider" lurking around Whitney Houston that was also around Michael Jackson during his "difficult periods". Who is that guy?

Whitney Houston's Mystery Friend Was Also Michael Jackson's Pal
Here's the one person in the Whitney Houston story whose name you have not heard, and who has remained a mystery: a Dutch man from Amsterdam who goes by the name of Raffles van Exel. He is also known – in court records—as Raffles Dawson and Raffles Benson. He was on the fourth floor of the Beverly Hilton Hotel in one of Houston's suites when she died. He appeared downstairs in the lobby shortly thereafter, wearing aviator sunglasses, sobbing.

As usual, he had an entourage in tow, including Quinton Aaron, the actor who played the football player in "The Blind Side." Raffles, in one of his many PR Newswire releases, recently announced that he's producing movies with Aaron. It's just one of many ventures he announces regularly. For someone who has no obvious means of support, he is a regular on PR Newswire and You Tube. On the latter, you can find him interviewing friends of Michael Jackson. It is assumed that he sells stories to tabloids. He regularly includes names of tabloid reporters like Kevin Frazier of "The Insider" on his Tweets.

Despite the shock of Whitney's death, Raffles still made it downstairs to Clive Davis's party. He was dressed in formal wear, had Whitney's tickets in his hand, and intended  to sit at her table. Just inside the ballroom he was comforted by celebrities to whom he related his story—"I found Whitney."  Gayle King hugged him. Quincy Jones listened patiently to his story. A security guard told me later, "Well, he was up there." He was also hanging around with Houston all week prior to her death. On Tuesday when she emerged from a nightclub, looking disheveled, Raffles appears in a photograph on TMZ like a deer in headlights. He is standing right behind her in a powder blue suit. On Twitter, he wrote: "STOP reading the stupid blogs.. Whitney had a great time, she looked amazing. Nothing was wrong, it was just DAMN hot in that club."

But who is Raffles van Exel? He's one of Hollywood's mysteries. I first met him in 2005 hanging around the Jackson family during Michael Jackson's child molestation trial. After Michael went abroad, Raffles was often seen with Michael's father, Joseph Jackson. He trades on being an "insider" when there's a scandal. No one really knows him, but he's always where there's action and celebrities. On the internet he claims to own a number of companies including Raffles Entertainment. He's also been sued a couple of times, once by a partner in something called Max Records, Inc., and once by a private aviation company in Los Angeles. I spoke to the plane company and they said they can't comment because the situation is ongoing. On Twitter he claims to be managing "my girl," Chaka Khan. There are plenty of pictures of Raffles on the internet with celebrities. You can see him with everyone from Magic Johnson to Sandra Bullock. If ever there was a real life Zelig, he is it.

It's  not a surprise that Raffles has turned up in Whitney Houston's story. Last October, he and Whitney and others traveled to North Carolina with Whitney's sister in law Patricia Houston for something called a Teen Summit. It was billed as part of The Patricia Houston Foundation, an organization for which there is no official 501 c3  registration. Pat Houston, married to Whitney's brother Gary, has been Whitney's manager for years.  (Whitney's own foundation for children ceased functioning years ago.) She also owns a consignment shop in North Carolina, and a candle company called Marion P. Candles, with Whitney.

Look for Raffles at Whitney's funeral tomorrow. In the old days he used to wear a yellow jacket full of black question marks—like The Riddler. On Saturday night, as he pulled in various guests to Clive Davis's party past the velvet ropes, he was wearing a Michael Jackson-like tuxedo. He lives in West Hollywood now, but his official domicile—and where he's been sued—is Chicago. He has not responded to countless emails and phone messages.
- Source: Forbes

Was this man instrumental in Whitney's sacrifice? Did Whitney fall out of the good graces of the music industry elite? Was she becoming difficult to manipulate? Was she sacrificed to introduce her successor? Difficult to say, but Whitney appeared to have premonitions about her death. Some reports described her as "manic" and agitated while others state that Whitney felt that "her days were numbered". Shortly before her death, Whitney was spotted handing singer Brandy a message whose contents remained a mystery.

What was in Whitney's secret note to Brandy?
Singer Brandy has one of the last messages ever delivered by Whitney Houston — but she's not telling anyone what it says.

On Feb. 9 in Los Angeles, Houston approached the younger singer as she and fellow singer Monica and mentor Clive Davis were conducting an interview with E!

A post on RyanSeacrest.com says Houston "crashed" the interview, then goes on to say "Whitney seemed a bit manic as she told Monica about swimming 'two hours a day,' and conspicuously handed a note to Brandy before hugging Davis."

When E! later asked Brandy directly what the note said, she replied "I'm going to just not say what it was and just keep it to myself for my own personal reasons." She also told the network "Whitney meant everything to me ... She's the reason that I sing."
Brandy and Houston starred in the 1997 remake of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella." Brandy also is the elder sister of singer Ray J, who had reportedly dated Houston on and off over the last two years of her life. Ray J gained notoriety in 2003 when a sex tape of him with Kim Kardashian was leaked to the public.

E! has video of Houston handing the note to Brandy, and Brandy's comments about not revealing its contents.
- Source: MSNBC

The Number 11
When dealing with occult rituals, numerology takes on a primordial importance. In the case of Whitney Houston, the number 11 is definitely a factor. In elite occult circles, the number 11 is a "master number" (it cannot be reduced) and, because it exceeds the number 10 (the number of perfection) by 1, it is usually associated with bad foreboding and black magic. Qabbalists associate the number 11 with transgression of the law, rebellion, war, sin, sorcery and martyrdom.

For this reason, the occult elite often associates mega-rituals involving sacrifice with the number 11. What was the massive mega-ritual of the modern times? September 11th – involving the Twin Towers. At what exact time do we "remember" WWI soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their rulers? At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – Veterans Day, aka Remembrance Day.

Going further than the date of her death, another link associates Whitney and her death with Lady Gaga and previous Grammy awards. As some know, Lady Gaga had close ties with fashion designer Alexander McQueen, who was no stranger to occult and mind control symbolism in his work. McQueen died on February 11th, 2010.

During the 2011 Grammy Awards, Gaga stated about her song "Born This Way":

"I need to thank Whitney Houston. I wanted to thank Whitney, because when I wrote 'Born this Way,' I imagined she was singing it – because I wasn't secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar. So, Whitney, I imagined you were singing 'Born This Way' when I wrote it."

"Born This Way" was released on February 11th, 2011. Exactly one year later, Whitney Houston dies on February 11th, 2012. Did Gaga (or her handlers) know something that the rest of us didn't? Her outfit evidently shows that death was on her mind.

Artists usually have their award ceremony wardrobes selected well in advance. Apparently, death was on Gaga's (or her handler's) mind.
Another little fact: Whitney's room number was 434 – which in Qabbalistic numerology equals 11 (4+3+4).

Statements from Industry Veterans
Who is better placed than artists who have worked in the music industry for years to provide insightful takes on the death of Whitney Houston? They obviously do not hold the ultimate truth and they might just be trying to make sense of things like the rest of us, but they have first -and experience when it comes to the workings of the music industry.

During an interview on Good Morning America, industry giant Celine Dion bluntly blamed the "bad influence" of show business for Whitney's death. She even stated that you "have to be afraid" of show business.

"It's just really unfortunate that drugs, bad people or bad influence took over. It took over her dreams.  It took over her love and motherhood. When you think about Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, to get into drugs like that, for whatever reason. Is it because of the stress and bad influence? What happens when you have everything? What happens when you have love, support, the family, motherhood? You have responsibilities of a mother and then something happens and it destroys everything. That's why I don't do parties and I don't hang out. That's why I'm not part of show business. We have to be afraid. I've always said you have to have fun and do music and you can never be part of show business because you don't what it's going to get yourself into. You have to do your work and get out of there."
- Source: Vancouver Sun

Is Celine Dion's avoidance of show business the reason she manages to be relatively scandal-free?

Another legendary diva, Chaka Khan, was even more direct when explaining the true cause of Whitney's death. During an interview with Piers Morgan, she stated:

"I think we all, as artists, because we're highly sensitive people, and this machine around us, this so-called 'music industry,' is such a demonic thing. It's sacrifices people's lives and their essences at the drop of a dime ... I had a manager once say to me, ' You know you're worth more money dead than alive.'

I mean, I've cried for her, a lot over the years, so many times. In a way I've mourned her, because I felt something was gonna happen because she was so close to the wire."
- Source: Eonline

Was Chaka Khan exaggerating when using the terms "demonic" and "sacrifice" when describing the music industry? Judging by the symbolism found at the Grammy awards, she was probably right on the dot.