
Illusion that happened in plain sight on intl. tv solved Michael drove amb. pg 9

Started by Tink, February 29, 2012, 05:47:49 AM

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I have something I want you all to watch; a few seconds of footage, from two separate sources, two different angles. The results are exactly the SAME.
I've discovered a major slip-up that occurred in plain sight, in full view of all cameras rolling, while commentaries were being said the day Michael allegedly died.

It directly lends credit to Michael definitely being alive, from the day his alleged body was transported. And it's nothing anyone's ever posted. Pearl: I forbid
you, PERSONALLY from posting this, without speaking to me first. And I do mean it, home girl!

I give inspiration to my Illusionist friends directly at the Magic Castle, who've spent countless hours showing me sleight of hand card tricks. Because that's HOW I saw through this Illusion, which has indeed bugged me subconsciously for a few months - the only amount of time I've actually watched the videos. My brain finally coalesced and put it together. Plus, HOW Michael and the Illusionist and his assistants even got away with it – and confusing people, in case the trick was ever discovered.

In other words, I do believe I've cracked this Illusion wide open, and HOW the trick was performed, from Rescue 5 onward.
Video #1
Michael Jackson's Body Arrives At L.A. Coroner's Office - YouTube
Geraldo – Watch the heavier Sheriff on the Right side, starting at 6:12, to 6:37. Clear as day, he exits the back of the van, from the side doors. The camera pulls BACK, as he walks back there. then for no apparent reason – he first reaches to the upper right of the license plate, and pulls off the white covering over the red 2010 tag, and starts to walk away. The other officer in dark blue walks past him, and opens the door with the plate on it. He then remembers something, and then walks back and also removes the upper left white covering over the red April tag. He pulls off his gloves, sleight of hand, to cover this all up. He then moseys back to enter the passenger front seat of the van, and they drive off.

Also watch the other video, at a slightly different angle here:
Brian Oxman 2nd Interview with Olbermann Re: Jacko Death - YouTube
Oxman – 2:03 – 2:29, Exactly the same procedure by the same man!  :o

If I'm not mistaken, this is the missing evidence between the person exiting the van alive after the van pulls inside the garage. It also lends credibility to the van with the same plates, and the argument of the no smog tags, then with the red smog tags. Then, the tape made by Michael's friends after the fact, which were made on a rainy day (which completely proves it was made afterwards – we had no rain in June!), and claiming that they made it, to throw everyone off the trail. Except - the inside door to the Coroner's office went from dark green to a sudden bright green. How stupid do they think we really are?

I was washing my car the other day, and the answer happened to be – on my own car's tags, which are April's! 2010 happened to be red tags with the DMV! Red/Red for Month & year.

Do hope that clears a few things up for everyone. It doesn't matter whether the person stepping out of the van was Michael or not; Illusionist assistants are used who are look-alikes all the time. I'd also be a bit unsteady on my feet myself, after playing dead for a few hours.



Are you entertained?


Quote from: Tink on May 08, 2012, 05:02:33 PM

Oh, I forgot to add this last little tantalizing tidbit: the two CNN indicias were definitely different between Miko's, and the one at the end of RTLs!

Here's the one off of Michael's door, during Miko's interview:
You will notice that there's a BLACK border, all the way around, with Michael's pick inserted, rather professionally.

Here's the end of the tape, off of Michael's door, on RTLs one:
NO BORDER, NO INSERT - and it's hand-painted! Nothing matches the real CNN logo, hello!

So, if this on TOP of the Super Mario Bros. images on the ORIGINAL 08/25/09 tape doesn't convince you that Michael orchestrated everything - then don't believe anything. No one else has EVER gone to such degrees to drop so many hints,
even by his own friends.

Those pictures show the same, one is just baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad(er) quality.




:icon_lol:  I agree--different amount of light.

Remember how we obsessed over the pony-tailed guy who we thought was on the stretcher, for 2 years until TS explained that he was an attendant on the far side with his legs mostly hidden.  Now why in the world did he have to look exactly like MJ unless it was a deliberate decoy. Then the guards are holding up their jackets like they're hiding MJ again, another decoy.  Then this driver medic who looks exactly like the old MJ disguise, could be another decoy. The fact that the medic in the amb pic holding the bag should be black according to testimony, and yet has a white arm is again trickery. There's a whole mess of shenanigans going on here, like a mastermind game.  I have still not eliminated Murray in my mind, almost because he seems the least likely with his height. This has happened so often, we'll think we have it in the bag and then, nope, back to the drawing-board.  I just can't explain how looking into Murray's eyes for hours in the courtroom seemed so mesmerizing and surreal. And I simply can't buy TS's MJ went to the airport--Jermaine's slip-up must be a decoy.  I just haven't been convinced beyond a shadow of doubt yet... :icon_e_confused:

TinkTopic starter

@MJonmind - if you look back at the page where I show how that fake ambulance photo was done, with the African-American medic - that photo is as fake as can be: black leg; black hand in glove, with white arm superimposed over. MJ with TWO NOSES!? Emergency Photoshop on the fly, for LOTS OF MONEY!! I decimated that photo into teeny-weeny bits like a Samurai with Photoshop as a sword.

See to me? Anything with a gross factor, seems to only be tolerated by mostly women, who are interested in the truth. The rest of the world is like, "EWWWW!" and runs away. We are peering behind that curtain, and see the Wizard of Oz at the controls of the Game.

Also remember - I've not been caught in a 3 year long run, like most of you. I feel for you who have been.

Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."


Quote from: Tink on May 09, 2012, 03:00:23 AM

Also remember - I've not been caught in a 3 year long run, like most of you. I feel for you who have been.

Why? We got the whole enchilada. Wouldn't have want to miss it in a million years!

TinkTopic starter

Quote from: ~Souza~ on May 09, 2012, 03:16:35 AM

Quote from: Tink on May 09, 2012, 03:00:23 AM

Also remember - I've not been caught in a 3 year long run, like most of you. I feel for you who have been.

Why? We got the whole enchilada. Wouldn't have want to miss it in a million years!
@Souza -  :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug:
Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."



Also remember - I've not been caught in a 3 year long run, like most of you. I feel for you who have been.

To the contrary I feel for you who haven't been!! ;)



Why? We got the whole enchilada. Wouldn't have want to miss it for in million years!

Yep, yep!  It's more than just the destination, but the getting there as well.


Quote from: MJonmind on May 12, 2012, 04:00:41 AM


Also remember - I've not been caught in a 3 year long run, like most of you. I feel for you who have been.

To the contrary I feel for you who haven't been!! ;)


TinkTopic starter

Quote from: SimPattyK on May 12, 2012, 05:20:28 AM

Quote from: MJonmind on May 12, 2012, 04:00:41 AM


Also remember - I've not been caught in a 3 year long run, like most of you. I feel for you who have been.

To the contrary I feel for you who haven't been!! ;)


This has merit - but the facts that I was under Propofol many times for surgery in a short period of time, led me onto all of this most intimately - and for that, I am grateful to understand this from the inside out!  :bearhug:

So, there's more than one way to look at it. My eyes are new as a baby's on all of this - and I hope I can see things that can keep on helping!

Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."

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