TIAI February 10

Started by jono, February 10, 2012, 01:42:40 AM

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February 10, 2012, 01:42:40 AM Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 01:46:05 AM by jono


Quote from: fordtocarr on February 09, 2012, 08:59:18 AM

Quote from: Front on February 08, 2012, 07:38:38 PM

Perhaps now is a good time to revisit 2 of Michael's "whispers" from the memorial.....

One Love...

Truth (Truth will prevail = time)...

Some of the most spiritual and passionate people that walk(ed) the Earth do/did not consider themselves to be "religious". Does spiritual = religious? Not necessarily. Front has stated many times --- if you're not a religious person, it matters not...have faith in Michael and continue to believe in what you already KNOW. Do not let the religious beliefs/interpretations of others "derail your hoax train", so to speak. There are many constituents (beliefs) of the same train---each car (individual) is connected and rides along the same track---together as ONE.

The confusion and heartache from the non-religious people's POV is highly understandable...but what should be realized is: it's simply not necessary---so too is the feeling of being "left out". Au contraire---you are very MUCH included!---if you SEE the "bigger PIcturE". Imagine that we are all in a forest. Some people will notice the trees first...others will see the animals first...others will first observe the rays of light shattering through the green canopy of the branches. We all have different perspectives, although our eyes are witnessing the very same scenario! For people that are partial to the trees...does that mean that the animals and the light do not exist? Absolutely not! Likewise, does it make you less of a beLIEver or less of "passenger" on this journey just because you don't see/don't relate/don't believe in a specific religion? Not necessarily. The journey is what you make it. You can choose to embrace only a few aspects of the "scenery".....or you can choose to embrace ALL aspects. The journey will continue regardless of religious beliefs. <---- again, this goes back to "having faith in Michael"

Keep an open mind, listen, observe, share your thoughts.....it's okay to disagree. Isn't it wonderful when people who have opposing beliefs share and learn from each other? It's one of the most powerful things in the world!--- AND, one that ultimately converges on the same path...even if we don't realize it's happening at that tIME. HIndsight truly IS 20/20.

The dark clouds will part.....horizons shall <<---e-x-p-a-n-d--->> and the glory of L.O.V.E. will rain down upon them quenching their souls.

In case you missed it before, perhaps it's relevant to re-post this now.....

Front wrote:


‪Parallel lives, parallel paths‬
And for so long a one-way looking glass
In the mysterious depths of time and space
Footsteps converge to reveal a face
The mirror, no more a one-way reflection
Wiped free of smudges and deception
How I long for that day of transformation...
A Godly utopia without degradation
A collective heart
One love, one race
No matter the color of your face
Contradicting opinions with peaceful notions
Humility + respect = a powerful potion
Many residents, one home
We come and go
Despite it all, I want you to know
We'll see this through 'til the end
And we shall see the light again

and I shall add with appropriateness to the moment:
A collective heart
One love, one race
No matter the color of your face
Beliefs may differ along the way
Through this journey from night into day
Soldiers of L.O.V.E., hand in hand
As we trek through the desolate land
Light will emanate from below and above
Warming our souls with a religion of Love

In times of silence, try not to get discouraged. It only means there is something BIG in the works.....and the "feather" will DEFINITELY be heard when it flutters to the "stage".

I've been away awhile..just jumping in and out..but I had to say this post was amazing.  The forest analogy is FANTASTIC!  Make me feel quite differently about a lot of things.  The poem was really a thinker too.  Very beautiful and informative.  Thank you!!
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." - Albert Einstein


Have I missed something, or this the first time TS has acknowledged Front, albeit indirectly by redirecting to Ford's post, if you follow me!?

This redirect confirms to me that TS and Front are still on the same page,  ;) even though it has not felt like this to some of us (me!) recently. I love it! Thank you so much guys!  :lol:

And I loved your comment too Ford!


TS and Front are one and the same...looks like


^^ well yes, Gina, but it might just be our over-vivid imaginations!!   ;)


February 10, 2012, 05:41:36 AM #4 Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 05:50:33 AM by applehead250609
Quote from: jono on February 10, 2012, 01:42:40 AM


Quote from: fordtocarr on February 09, 2012, 08:59:18 AM

Quote from: Front on February 08, 2012, 07:38:38 PM

Perhaps now is a good time to revisit 2 of Michael's "whispers" from the memorial.....

One Love...

Truth (Truth will prevail = time)...

Some of the most spiritual and passionate people that walk(ed) the Earth do/did not consider themselves to be "religious". Does spiritual = religious? Not necessarily. Front has stated many times --- if you're not a religious person, it matters not...have faith in Michael and continue to believe in what you already KNOW. Do not let the religious beliefs/interpretations of others "derail your hoax train", so to speak. There are many constituents (beliefs) of the same train---each car (individual) is connected and rides along the same track---together as ONE.

The confusion and heartache from the non-religious people's POV is highly understandable...but what should be realized is: it's simply not necessary---so too is the feeling of being "left out". Au contraire---you are very MUCH included!---if you SEE the "bigger PIcturE". Imagine that we are all in a forest. Some people will notice the trees first...others will see the animals first...others will first observe the rays of light shattering through the green canopy of the branches. We all have different perspectives, although our eyes are witnessing the very same scenario! For people that are partial to the trees...does that mean that the animals and the light do not exist? Absolutely not! Likewise, does it make you less of a beLIEver or less of "passenger" on this journey just because you don't see/don't relate/don't believe in a specific religion? Not necessarily. The journey is what you make it. You can choose to embrace only a few aspects of the "scenery".....or you can choose to embrace ALL aspects. The journey will continue regardless of religious beliefs. <---- again, this goes back to "having faith in Michael"

Keep an open mind, listen, observe, share your thoughts.....it's okay to disagree. Isn't it wonderful when people who have opposing beliefs share and learn from each other? It's one of the most powerful things in the world!--- AND, one that ultimately converges on the same path...even if we don't realize it's happening at that tIME. HIndsight truly IS 20/20.

The dark clouds will part.....horizons shall <<---e-x-p-a-n-d--->> and the glory of L.O.V.E. will rain down upon them quenching their souls.

In case you missed it before, perhaps it's relevant to re-post this now.....

Front wrote:


‪Parallel lives, parallel paths‬
And for so long a one-way looking glass
In the mysterious depths of time and space
Footsteps converge to reveal a face
The mirror, no more a one-way reflection
Wiped free of smudges and deception
How I long for that day of transformation...
A Godly utopia without degradation
A collective heart
One love, one race
No matter the color of your face
Contradicting opinions with peaceful notions
Humility + respect = a powerful potion
Many residents, one home
We come and go
Despite it all, I want you to know
We'll see this through 'til the end
And we shall see the light again

and I shall add with appropriateness to the moment:
A collective heart
One love, one race
No matter the color of your face
Beliefs may differ along the way
Through this journey from night into day
Soldiers of L.O.V.E., hand in hand
As we trek through the desolate land
Light will emanate from below and above
Warming our souls with a religion of Love

In times of silence, try not to get discouraged. It only means there is something BIG in the works.....and the "feather" will DEFINITELY be heard when it flutters to the "stage".

I've been away awhile..just jumping in and out..but I had to say this post was amazing.  The forest analogy is FANTASTIC!  Make me feel quite differently about a lot of things.  The poem was really a thinker too.  Very beautiful and informative.  Thank you!!

WOW what a beautiful post Front wrote  :shock:  /bravo/ !!!
To my humble opinion
THE TRUTH is in all the major religions, like pieces of a puzzle  ;)) . Eastern religions are closer to the truth in some ways than western religions, and in other ways, they are farther away. It is the same with western religions.
If you combine THE TRUTH in western religions with THE TRUTH in eastern religions, you will see a more complete picture, so make the two one as the Bible says.

The word "religion" means "unity" :Thus, there will not be a real religion until they unite with each other as just different ways to see the ULTIMATE TRUTH  8-) .

It is a good thing that the truth is spread out through all religions. It shows that the Holy Spirit or collective unconscious does not favor anyone.

Only people that are able to see the truth in other religions will be saved, and that is the way it should be. If you cannot see the truth in others, you cannot see it.

The differences that are causing the conflict now, a great negative, will become a great positive. The differences will unite religions and make them all necessary, equal, and legitimate when the truth is seen.


Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as fact, then you are in trouble.
Joseph Campbell

Pieces of the puzzle, or explanations of the truth, are found in many different places. Our task is to find them and put them together into a complete picture. Example: Western religion does not say much about the knowledge of the balancing opposites, but ancient Egyptian and eastern religions do, such as Taoism, Buddhism, etc. The Bible just deals with it using good and evil.

Eastern religions have creation myths, but the truth is not in them as clearly as it is in the Bible; at least they are not as clear from my perspective.

Muslims pray five times a day, and acknowledging God/Life many times a day is absolutely essential. I call it spiritual exercise. They have no pictures, statues or other images of God, and this is very important, because images mislead people.

The Bible does not talk about reincarnation, but Buddhism and Hinduism do. Religions such as Scientology, Unification Church, New Age, the Mormons, and all the great independent philosophers and poets also have different pieces to the puzzle. You just have to remember that there are also a lot of things that are not true. You have to remember that even the founders or prophets of a new way of seeing life misinterpret their own inspired revelations. When you see clearly, you will see the true and false in all religions.
All religious books need to be reinterpreted now with our new ability to see the ultimate truth. We do not change them; we just see what they really say.

The Buddhists say that when you have no desire, you find heaven (nirvana). I say you have to be fulfilled here and now. It is the same thing; I just say it in the OPPOSITE way. One of the ways I found the truth in religions is that I just look at what they believed was true and looked at the exact opposite, and many times, that was where the truth was. The mind reverses things just like a MIRROR. When you know this, you can use it as a tool to find the truth in most myths. Peter, the founder of the church, said people were seeing things Upside Down and BACKwards, and it was why he was crucified upside down.

To become a spiritual being, we become the exact opposite of the way people are now. See, Acts of Peter, XXXVlll

Jesus said,


"When the outer has become as the inner, and the lower as the upper, then will this WORLD find PEACE."

People, mankind, are living as their false, mortal mind-self, and they should be living as their immortal spiritual-self, the exact opposite of the way they are now.
Most of the truth is found in science and nowhere else. Truth is also found in philosophy, novels, movies, music, poetry and the performing arts  8-)  etc.

There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it.
George Bernard Shaw

When religions are fighting wars to destroy each other as they have done in the past and are doing now, you can be sure that something is missing.Organized religions can be the best or worst thing for the truth.
Ritual and tradition is a very good thing if you know the truth. If you do not, it will be misleading.
The first step is an open mind, tolerance, and peace.
Some people protect their beliefs by fighting any different ideology than theirs. Sometimes, they even kill and torture people that disagree with them. It really does not make them look too enlightened, but they are too unconscious to realize it. They unconsciously do the work of the devil in the name of God.

Religions have it all BACKwards. They worship things of the past, dead things, but they say to worship life, not death. Many religions are currently into death and fear, and they should be into life and love. They are dead and do not know it. As the Bible says, let the dead bury the dead. Life is for the living, and if they do not want to wake up, so be it. It is now or never.
The living one is anyone that lives in the truth and the life.

My God is better than your God; my God can beat up your God ,lol  lolol/ .It is all pretty silly and stupid, but it is happening. It is as stupid as it gets, and it is time to see it for what it is and start changing things before it destroys us all.
Fighting for a deception, a misinterpretation, is the ultimate waste of life. Violence gives power to the mind and must only be used in self-defense.

THE TRUTH will reveal itself to those who are ready to see it. It will never be seen by those who are not ready to see it. Trying to hurt others will just make things worse. If a religion cannot sell itself on it its own merit in a non-violent comparison with other religions, it means people are misinterpreting your religion, not that you need to start killing people who disagree with you. Your job is to wake up. You can write a book about it or teach it to others if it helps you stay in the present. The most important thing you can do for the truth is just live in it.

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: curls on February 10, 2012, 05:32:07 AM

^^ well yes, Gina, but it might just be our over-vivid imaginations!!   ;)

I don't think so. The first days Front appeared on the Back thread I've said there that I believe Front is TS.
I'm too lazy to go look for my post but I know I've posted it. If they are not the same person - they play in the same team at least.

I also believe TS came under a few more usernames and sort of "tested" us...in a way. Well it is also very possible that I am paranoid :shock:. But something weird is going on.

I also want to say @ Sou I've read your long post and it was shocking to see how much TS influenced you in the way you came to express yourself, in the way you decided to study the Bible and in the way you amazingly progressed from someone who knew almost nothing from the scriptures to someone who now posts AMAZING studies on the Holy Book. :shock: respect/


Recognize that there is "truth and Holiness" in other religions means, directly and immediately, that men and women who practice them are saved in and on them, not despite them. Which in turn is equivalent to saying that God is revealing it and putting its salvation in all and each of the religions, without that never any man or women have been deprived of their presence of love... If God is revealed to all, then all religions are revealed and, therefore, to the same extent, true. Conclusion that, from the outset, can produce surprise and that he perhaps raises some a certain reaction of rejection.
Are all religions perfect?, not what is but this does not prevent any - as that is so it does not prevent to the biblical - be true to the extent needed, but real in that manages to capture, express and live presence alive, revealing  of God therein.
a culture takes riches of others without giving up being herself, something like could happen in the religious level.


February 10, 2012, 08:35:14 AM #7 Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 08:44:02 AM by Adi

Sittin' back on this one......watchin' from the sidelines......

TS could have redirected only to the original post by Front.....but that wasn't the case.....so the reply by fordtocarr was what we must be focussed on, in combination with the uplifting post by Front.


Interesting redirect...and nice to see TS is still in the wings (although I 'feel' him here even when he's 'quiet'---much like Front  ;) ).  If there was any doubt about 'them' being on the same team...that doubt can now be placed in the 'things I KNOW' pile lol.  This further confirmation seals that deal 100%...and that alone made me smile when clicking on this thread and seeing Front's post as the redirect.  How I wish other things could be moved to the KNOW pile as beautifully as this one has.  I've 'sensed' it for a long time...that TS and Front were coming from one 'source'...two sides of that perfect cube.  I most likely would've bet on it months back...had I had to wager on it.  Based on everything I've seen, mixed in with a strong 'gut' feeling...I believe they are 'team MJ' lol.  I know this has been 'contested' in the past, with some still being very 'cautious' about these two 'characters'...but they got me lol.

And speaking of those being 'cautious'....that's the other reason this redirect made me smile.  Ford is one member who has always shared her concerns/feelings of caution where these 'insiders' are concerned.  IMO, she's done it respectfully and IMO tried to remain respectful even when she felt she was being 'left out'.  I know this because I've read her posts and I've also responded to a few because I was amazed at how we both could be SEEING the same thing but 'experiencing' it in a completely different way (I find that fascinating).  Front's beautiful forest analogy speaks to this perfectly.  And TS not only chose Front's post....but he chose to redirect to a post by Ford (one who feels/felt 'left out' for not SEEING what others do).

We know TS doesn't just redirect to anything....he didn't HAVE to redirect to anything at all (he hasn't in awhile).  But today, he chose this one.  On one level, I believe it was to CEMENT any doubts about the 'team' (well, at least that they are on the same team...which team is a whole other topic lol----honestly, do you guys not FEEL Mike in everything they post?!?!?!?! THE man is in the house (!!!) and that makes me wanna  /woohoo/ lol).  On another level, it acknowledges and hopefully brings some comfort to those, like Ford, who have remained cautious/unsure but have kept an open mind and an open heart.  TS is confirming what Front said in his post...."you are very MUCH included!"

Beautiful redirect all around.  I feel like dancing  penguin/

With L.O.V.E. always.

The beauty of Michael Jackson is found in his heart and soul...his enormous talent is a bonus and what a bonus it is.

~PLAY the moments...PAUSE the memories...STOP the pain...REWIND the happiness~


TS likes numbers, that much we know.  fordtocarr's post is a nice, short note of a gracious nature.  That could well be the whole of it or......that along with these numbers from her post:

post # 669
6+6+9=21 (7+7+7)
date 2/9/2012
or her post number right now: 1497
1+4+9+7=21 (7+7+7)

Whole lotta 7's going on......BTC, can you please do me a favor and check my math  :lol:

Blessings Always


LMAO Wish...at least that's math I can follow lol.  Yes, based on my calculations, you are correct  :lol: (As an added bonus, how many posts til Ford reaches 2000?  :lol:)

Gotta love those 7's....they're everywhere  ::P

With L.O.V.E. always.

The beauty of Michael Jackson is found in his heart and soul...his enormous talent is a bonus and what a bonus it is.

~PLAY the moments...PAUSE the memories...STOP the pain...REWIND the happiness~


February 10, 2012, 12:25:55 PM #11 Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 02:01:35 PM by fordtocarr
Quote from: BeTheChange on February 10, 2012, 11:42:10 AM

LMAO Wish...at least that's math I can follow lol.  Yes, based on my calculations, you are correct  :lol: (As an added bonus, how many posts til Ford reaches 2000?  :lol

Okay, you perked up my ears!!  What's my number of posts at that time???  AND, what does that number signify??
Howdy to my treasured friends
I just thought I'd add to this... what BeTheChange wrote about me being on the cautious side.  I have.  I am.  I agree with what you've written about in your post entirely and your thoughts about the forest analogy and being cautious, but still being on the same team.
I'm trying to look deeper into that poem .. that I love.  I think that Michael's message has always been unity.  His songs talk about unity of all people/colors.  Look at the words in Can You Feel It.  He wrote that at the time being a JW and if you ever get a chance to go to an assembly, or convention (they're HUGE, maybe 40,000 people)...go to one.  All the colors and nationalities are there united as one.  No one noticing.  And JW's are all over the entire planet.  United as one.  I think this poem really speaks to racial unity.  We here are from all over the earth.  United in love for Michael.  But, in it, we are learning a LOT.  We are ultimately, learning who God is in the end.  We are being lead...coming from not only different backgrounds, beliefs, but nationalities.  We are uniting IN LOVE.
I don't understand the numerology aspect, and rely upon you all to explain that part, but I think I just posted a simple, thankful message to Front, which we all feel.  Cautious Suzie...(Ford) that's me....

Gotta love those 7's....they're everywhere  ::P

With L.O.V.E. always.


Now THAT makes me smile! ;D


Awesome re-direct TS and again great post by Front and great and touching acknowledgement by Fordtocarr.  respect/

I loved your post Applehead. /bravo/

When Prophets and Messengers delivered their messages it was crystal clear and hence it was simple. There were no conjectures and misinterpretations and I believe this is because the truth came directly from God, it was pure and free from men's injections. The confusion often comes after the messenger is gone with men adding their own differing perceptions, interpretations, cultural traditions into the religion raising them as doctrines that make it all an extremely complicated matter and have as a result the creation of the false need to depend on someone to help us understand God's - in reality simple - message, and induces the perception that the religions of the world are drastically different especially with the passing of time they seem to become more and more far from the simple truth delivered at/from The Source. The human factor is what makes the difference. It can make the difference for the greater good as well.  ;)

I believe that most religions have one common Source which is God, and God is the same for all of us. He is OUR Creator.  He is what should unite the people of the world. God and our love for Him should be the cement uniting the bricks that are religions and respect for non-religious people. Those bricks could create a wall, and not a wall seperating us but a wall shielding us from the attempts of those who want to destroy love, peace, freedom and unity for humankind by turning us against each other. We can live in Love, Peace and Harmony as one people, if this simple -- I believe, truth -- is dearly engraved in people's hearts. I believe this is what is happening in this forum.  respect/

It's all for L.O.V.E.

We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


If we still want to make connections with the official site - they talked about the Victory tour 2 days ago.

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