What if...

Started by mimi248, January 31, 2012, 11:12:58 AM

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Hi ! I have been thinking recently  about something  and i would like to share my idea with you .
so first let's face it .  All fans have noted how much the connexion between him and us is profound and  indescribable.And as all of us know, this bond between us is specific and can't be related to the classical relation " Idol/fans" . When i became a fan, i felt a connexion that i've never felt  with any  of my other  "crush" celebrities .   like i was close to him, as if a part of me had always been connected to him   and at the start , i thought i was gone mad and lost my head, but now i've understood that i was not going crazy.... If i had to describe my feeling about Michael, i'd say Michael is a part of me, of my soul he means EVERYTHING to me, he means the world, words can't really describe what i feel but i'm not joking it IS that's all.  well ,fans would understand it but others  would say, OMG what the hell is she talking about?? you don't even KNOW him!! And that is the point i want to put my finger on . I think i KNOW him the same way i think he KNOWS us. i can't really explain it but there is just something about us, and also that he NEEDS us the way we NEED him.
And there is much more than that, this is just the top of the iceberg but our connexion is really more complex and powerful and well, beyond logic  ... the love that we feel for him is MORE that i had  never imagined expected or felt for anyone  even my family !!!  ,it is beyond a simple '  crush" on celebrities, much more than that .... and people can't really understand it . how is that possible? We feel what he feels, we cry when he cries, we laugh when he laughs and smiles, we feel hapiness when he is all right, and versus sadness when his heart is weeping and hopeless... I will go further, 2 or maybe 3 weeks before his death, i know many fans who felt that something was gonna happen... for some  it was trouble dreams, others gone sick, others were crying , screaming made crisis for no reasons 1 day before ,others  just felt it,  i can go on and on ... but please don't tell me that these are just a coincidence, and that nothing is connected between us...
Well, so now,  that is my feeling.
What if we didn't choose to be " a fan" ? what if we had always been connected to him since our birth? what if our soul was really a part of his????? what if we were really a part of him? i say it in the right way!! what if his soul is just simply our soul sister?  or something like that!! that would explain so many things  right? like why our connexion to him is SO strong the way his connexion to us is !!!
I shouldn't talk about "Bible"  but he said it himself!!
he said my fans are my army of love, L.O.V.E equals GOD so translated as " the  army of god  fighting against the devil,  in the last war called Armaggedon " .MJ knew that...
He also said in  the song cry, " you're chosen one" and i know he talked about HIS FANS

sO  what if WE WERE THE CHOSEN ONE??? just think about it, how many fans are truly connected to him? surely not all fans.. there are like 2 billions of people who like MJ, there are millions abour 200 or more millions of people calling themselves mj fans. But how many people are really connected to him? how many fans actually FEELS like he is a part of them? maybe 20 millions maybe more, but it really  makes the number going down ^^
so it imight be  possible that  all of fans that belongs to his Army of L.O.V.E are bound to him in a strong and closer way. Remember how our life, our experience, our personnality, is strangely similar, to each one and to michael's life, personnality and experience. This is NOT a coincidence.   ..it might be possible that we are the chosen one... chosen by God.



mimi248, yes, I totally know what you mean. Sometimes during these 2+ years I've been amazed at the powerful emotions I feel for Michael. I feel such respect, pride, thankfulness, and attraction to everything about him, that has not faded in the slightest.  I know he is a gift to the world from God.


I must've been born in the wrong decade. I grew up watching the child molestation trials on TV. I asked my dad who Michael Jackson was. He said he was a excellent singer, but he had done some bad things to kids. Michael never entered my mind again until early 2009. My mum was a fan of MJ's music. One day when we were unpacking stuff in our rental (my parents had separated and were to get divorced soon) and I came across one of her cassette tapes. It was a Bad-era MJ hits or something like that, with songs from both Thriller and Bad. Luckily, mums CD player also played cassettes. I put it in and pressed play. "Bad" started playing. I listened through the whole tape, laughing at my mums attempt to dance to Billie Jean. I lay in bed that night thinking about the lyrics of Man In The Mirror. Surely the Michael Jackson that my father had told me about years ago was not the same Michael Jackson that sung this song, that cared so much about the world and the people in it. The next week, I was back with my dad. I found a collection of vinyl records. The one on top was Thriller. I couldn't believe it. Was it a coincidence? No, i told myself. Our stereo had a record player on it. I asked dad if we could listen to it. He said yes. I let him set it up, and then Wanna Be Startin Somethin started rolling out it's epic bass line and beat. I was hooked from that day onwards. It sounds crazy but it was like Michael was who I was waiting for. Or maybe Michael was waiting for me. I was happy. Until June 25th. I was shocked more than upset when I heard the news. It was like I had made a new friend, and we became close, and then they moved away suddenly, without saying goodbye. How does one react to that kind of feeling? Days later I stayed up all night to watch the memorial service as it was aired in America. There were numerous programs on beforehand, mostly about all the "scandalous" things that Michael supposedly had done. The trial, the accusations, the hyperbaric chamber, Bubbles, Elephant Man bones, and of course, the "dangling" of his youngest son. But there was something else on as well. I don't remember what it was, but it was hoaxy, because in the morning I found a piece of paper that I had wrote on during the night. It said: Three Possibilities: 1 it's a giant hoax, 2 he faked his death, or 3 he really died. I don't what I was thinking that night, or what I watched, but it obviously pointed me in the right direction. Towards the end of 2010, I found that piece of paper again, and it reminded me of something my brother said. While watching the replay of the memorial, my older brother (who dislikes MJ) said, "Why are his kids chewing gum? They're at their fathers memorial and they chew gum?" At that point I knew something was up. YouTube was my first port of call. I searched and found the series by Pianogames. I particularly enjoyed his videos. They gave me strength to believe in Michael, and to believe that he was alive and well. I researched for about 6 months until I stumbled across this wonderful website, full of people who shared the same common belief: Michael lives. One of the first posts I read was by TS. I had no idea what they were talking about, but I knew answers would be lurking around her somewhere. I read a bit, and was presently surprised when I found that people had beLIEved since 2009. I had found a virtual home, and I was grateful for it. So here I am now, 6 months after joining, although it feels like it's been about two years. So much to learn, read and explore. I was/am happy here. And now that you guys have started this topic, I've realised something. It was something more powerful than chance or luck that guided me to find that cassette tape. That tape introduced me to the magical world of Michael Jackson. And even though I've looked for it, I never found it again  suspicious//

"I ask for a bad guy, and they give me MICHAEL JACKSON?!?!?"


Quote from: SpeedDemon1987 on February 02, 2012, 05:48:59 AM

I must've been born in the wrong decade. I grew up watching the child molestation trials on TV. I asked my dad who Michael Jackson was. He said he was a excellent singer, but he had done some bad things to kids. Michael never entered my mind again until early 2009. My mum was a fan of MJ's music. One day when we were unpacking stuff in our rental (my parents had separated and were to get divorced soon) and I came across one of her cassette tapes. It was a Bad-era MJ hits or something like that, with songs from both Thriller and Bad. Luckily, mums CD player also played cassettes. I put it in and pressed play. "Bad" started playing. I listened through the whole tape, laughing at my mums attempt to dance to Billie Jean. I lay in bed that night thinking about the lyrics of Man In The Mirror. Surely the Michael Jackson that my father had told me about years ago was not the same Michael Jackson that sung this song, that cared so much about the world and the people in it. The next week, I was back with my dad. I found a collection of vinyl records. The one on top was Thriller. I couldn't believe it. Was it a coincidence? No, i told myself. Our stereo had a record player on it. I asked dad if we could listen to it. He said yes. I let him set it up, and then Wanna Be Startin Somethin started rolling out it's epic bass line and beat. I was hooked from that day onwards. It sounds crazy but it was like Michael was who I was waiting for. Or maybe Michael was waiting for me. I was happy. Until June 25th. I was shocked more than upset when I heard the news. It was like I had made a new friend, and we became close, and then they moved away suddenly, without saying goodbye. How does one react to that kind of feeling? Days later I stayed up all night to watch the memorial service as it was aired in America. There were numerous programs on beforehand, mostly about all the "scandalous" things that Michael supposedly had done. The trial, the accusations, the hyperbaric chamber, Bubbles, Elephant Man bones, and of course, the "dangling" of his youngest son. But there was something else on as well. I don't remember what it was, but it was hoaxy, because in the morning I found a piece of paper that I had wrote on during the night. It said: Three Possibilities: 1 it's a giant hoax, 2 he faked his death, or 3 he really died. I don't what I was thinking that night, or what I watched, but it obviously pointed me in the right direction. Towards the end of 2010, I found that piece of paper again, and it reminded me of something my brother said. While watching the replay of the memorial, my older brother (who dislikes MJ) said, "Why are his kids chewing gum? They're at their fathers memorial and they chew gum?" At that point I knew something was up. YouTube was my first port of call. I searched and found the series by Pianogames. I particularly enjoyed his videos. They gave me strength to believe in Michael, and to believe that he was alive and well. I researched for about 6 months until I stumbled across this wonderful website, full of people who shared the same common belief: Michael lives. One of the first posts I read was by TS. I had no idea what they were talking about, but I knew answers would be lurking around her somewhere. I read a bit, and was presently surprised when I found that people had beLIEved since 2009. I had found a virtual home, and I was grateful for it. So here I am now, 6 months after joining, although it feels like it's been about two years. So much to learn, read and explore. I was/am happy here. And now that you guys have started this topic, I've realised something. It was something more powerful than chance or luck that guided me to find that cassette tape. That tape introduced me to the magical world of Michael Jackson. And even though I've looked for it, I never found it again  suspicious//

wonderful story Speeddemon :) I was born in 80s, so my first memory of Michael was Bad era, next, when he made concert in my country during History tou I was still so young, so I cannot attend his concert..
we are really blessed we can experience his magic in our lifetimes bearhug
"Please do not forget who the driver is! ...:)

MJ will get us home safely! :)


I don't believe that everyone's the chosen one - that sounds bizarre, to be honest. The "Chosen One" is a myth, steeped in Movies, like the Matrix, lol.

What I do know, is that there are different levels of Spirituality, that each and everyone of us can reach, depending on how hard you practice at it.

I don't worship Michael - he's my brother.

Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."


I don't see it as a spiritual thing! May be it is something you have in common with someone, may be same childhood experiences, the same thoughts, the same beliefs, same character, same interests, all that makes you think that you know someone very well..... Just my opinion.....

Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool


Beautiful posts!  Well now I feel better as I thought I was going crazy.  I have followed Michael for over 40 years, I have gone through different stages of "liking" him through the ages.  Meaning his singing, looks, dancing, that's what I saw back then....Then years ago my feelings changed, I began to see him as a teacher.  His strength was so powerful and overwhelming to me.  He was so "bullied" by people but always managed to hold his head up and carry on.  His belief in God....scared me.  I get it now.  His message, kindness I could go on.  Through his teachings I feel a connection also, I know he has made me a better person.  My everyday mission is to help and do what ever I can for people.  I have always been like that, however, Michael has made me see the importance and makes me try harder and give my all in everything I do and not to give up.  He is a part of my life.  I use to say that to my husband and he would think I was nuts.  Now he agrees also......not with the nuts part....... but that Michael is a part of me.  I am thankful for his guidance,  what I have learned, will continue to learn and how my eyes are so wide open to the world and people around me.  Thank you Michael, you are my guiding light. Take care, Love to All


I absolutely believe in the cosmic consciousness.
Mankind is not aware of this (yet). Only a few of us.
But there is an evolutionary process going on which will cause mankind to evolve to a higher state of consciousness. Bit by bit.
I believe that Michael channeled/channels this hidden consciousness. Whether knowingly or not....I do not know. But probably he is one of the few that have already reached that higher level of evolution. Possibly he was born that way.
That´s they way that he was/is able to reach the masses.

You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception


Quote from: wishingstar on January 31, 2012, 02:16:32 PM

I have to say this is an interesting thing to think about.  I have always held the belief that this hoax is something greater than myself....for whatever reason, I do not know.  I have also held the belief that people are naturally "connected" in some spiritual way....totally unknown to us.  It accounts for the feelings I have towards certain people....even total strangers.  If we are connected as you suggest, how would we truly begin to comprehend that?  I don't think we could.  Michael was forever surrounded by people who claimed to love him, care for him etc.  Yet, he said he was one of the loneliest people.  Why is it some celebrities can live their life on a regular basis....going to the grocery store, getting gas, eating out etc.  Then we have these stars that can't move an inch without the paps trailing them....that was Michael's world obviously.  He was the celebrity that was hounded the most.  Ironic, he had the most people around him, yet felt lonely.  Is it because of the lack of "connected" people?  Family doesn't really count in this for me....family comes first, connection or not.  If we do not have those people that we feel truly connected to in our life, what do we have....shallowness, loneliness.  Trying to find those people when you can't move an inch, I imagine could be very difficult.  That would account for why we see so many celebrities fall off the deep end and into despair or even death......even a false death.  I have many people in my life...people who I know are friends and that I love dearly.  But we are not connected on any spiritual level.  Perhaps that's why I gravitated here.  I find a certain peace in writing and not being judged for the person I am not, but rather appreciated for the person I am.  This is Michael's world....appreciation of the true self.  He was always himself....people didn't appreciate that.  Fans didn't appreciate that....they wanted an idol, a sex symbol, a perfect entertainer.  He may have been all that....however, not to be appreciated for the spiritual being you are is quite the challenge.  It presents a problem because the world will not take you seriously on subjects outside of the normal topics in your life.  Michael obviously loved talking about the Bible and his faith.  However, the world would not listen.  For whatever reason, here on forum, we do.  I absolutely believe he is here among us.  He had a message to get out to the world.  He needed the world's attention to do that.  He did.  Then it was a matter of finding those open hearts and minds for the possibility of more.  He did.  Then over time, it was matter of keeping those hearts and minds fed until the appropriate time.  He did.  Now it's up to us, the open minds, open hearts to hold him up.  When he bams, there will be hell to pay.  He will need beLIEvers to sustain him.  I want to be clear, however, Michael is just a man with a message for me.  He is no messiah, no god, just a man with a heart and soul for the truth.  The hoax forums, hoax videos, hoax blogs will all become very important in the time of bam.  People will flock these sites to gain the truth of all events.  By doing so, Michael will have created the largest Bible study in the world.  Surely, we are connected on some spiritual level.  Otherwise, how is it we could understand so well, what he is trying to say?  I don't know about being pre-ordained from God.  However, applehead's recent post on the TIAI Jan 21 thread was inspiring and true to my heart.  The tree of knowledge and the the tree of life are taking root in my life.  It's some connection through Michael that is happening.  How or why I have no clue....I just know it is.  So, yes, there must be some sort of spiritual connection with people....and perhaps we are connected that way with Michael.  Other than being online anonymously, I don't see how he would be able to discern the true hearts, from the rabid fan.  You may have a good point here......thank you for sharing your thoughts......much appreciated.

Blessings Always

Love this post, Wishingstar.  And love all the other posts as well.


It's all for L.O.V.E.


@Starchild and everyone who has been so sweet to me........I love you guys!  Your words of kindness about my above post are like hugs to me.  I really, truly appreciate the time you take to read my words and let me know you appreciate them.  It's means so much to me.
I have no idea what will happen from this day forward....but, I do know that we have a family here.  We may not agree on things, or even get along perfectly.  However, that's a family for you, lol.  In reading over the threads in general, I have come to believe that Michael really did see a family forming out of TII.  In his speech to the crew, he said, "we are family, just know that...." I know that now, more than ever.  Through you guys appreciating my words, I feel the love that Michael strove for all his life.  He was, is, and always will be about love......L O V E.  Love is the answer.
Thank you from the bottom of my little heart.
Love you all......


I think we should thank Michael for creating this whole thing. Yes we are one big family from all over the world. Different cultures, different beliefs, different languages, and yet united in love.

Thank you Michael. It's great to have this big family.....   /bravo/

I can smell Michael in that !!!!!! :)

Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool