An observation about Back's sig pic

Started by mjselfsweet, January 05, 2012, 12:05:40 PM

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mjselfsweetTopic starter

I noticed this not too long ago, when i was going back and reading Back's posts,, his sig pic, I just kept staring and staring at it. For so long, I've seen alot of peeps commenting that it looks like a galaxy, or something to that effect, and trying to use that as a clue to add into the boiling soup of clues : ) LOL,, well as I enlarged it,, made it smaller,, looked at it from different angles, suddenly it became clear to me,, Its an EYE,, in the negative and then colored green..

If you look at it again,, the white,, is the dark iris/pupil, the swirls are in fact,,skin/wrinkles around the eye and part of a nose,, the little whispy parts above the eye is an eyebrow,,

and then of course I smacked myself upside my elf head and said of course,, "keep watchin"

;D  I dont have any good photo manipulation programs anymore, but if someone does,, maybe can make it back into a positive image, and take out the green?

suspicious mind

hey that is pretty sharp .
looking at it i can also see facial features and what looks like underlying bone structure. now is the question is it there or my imagination.  :-[

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


Quote from: mjselfsweet on January 05, 2012, 12:05:40 PM

I noticed this not too long ago, when i was going back and reading Back's posts,, his sig pic, I just kept staring and staring at it. For so long, I've seen alot of peeps commenting that it looks like a galaxy, or something to that effect, and trying to use that as a clue to add into the boiling soup of clues : ) LOL,, well as I enlarged it,, made it smaller,, looked at it from different angles, suddenly it became clear to me,, Its an EYE,, in the negative and then colored green..

If you look at it again,, the white,, is the dark iris/pupil, the swirls are in fact,,skin/wrinkles around the eye and part of a nose,, the little whispy parts above the eye is an eyebrow,,

and then of course I smacked myself upside my elf head and said of course,, "keep watchin"

;D  I dont have any good photo manipulation programs anymore, but if someone does,, maybe can make it back into a positive image, and take out the green?

Thank you for this post!!! It made me remember the GREEN MAN !!! we saw at We are the World ;)
It also reminded me of the MILKY WAY !!! humm.... and the painS from during the Memorial... albino/

Australian MJ BeLIEver

do you think its a negative image of this...

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

mjselfsweetTopic starter

no, because the eye part is already light, the negative would make it dark.  i'm doing some experiments LOL,, on pics from those years when Back started posting

mjselfsweetTopic starter

but it could of just been colorized.......