The Illuminati Card Game Has Predicted Your Future (An Absolute Must See)

Started by iamamjbeliever, December 16, 2011, 04:53:36 PM

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iamamjbelieverTopic starter


I know about this card game, after all it's so not new.
And it has almost every possible "Very bad, mwaha ha ha! :twisted:" event listed
in there. Do they actually follow the "game" plot? No idea. Maybe, maybe not!
You know, every single bad event gets "Look, it was all predicted!" after if happened.

Olympics 2012 are interesting though  :roll: we'll see.

actually I'm most worried about creating new deceases - not a secret they do create
the stuff in laboratories, and I hate the idea of something really serious
[not hoaxy swine flu-like money making joke] escaping the lab. It happened before
and it's just freaky and too dangerous.


... Economic collapse:

Do you know who they are Lucas Papademos (current Greek leader following the resignation of Papandreou) and Mariano Monti (now at the head of the Italian Government)?
Do you know who is Mario Draghi (current President of the European Central Bank)?

Well we go little by little

Goldman Sachs: it is one of the biggest banks in investment world and jointly responsible direct, along other entities such as the Agency of Moody's rating of the current crisis, and one of its greatest profiteers. Only by way of stroke, in 2007 they won $ 4 billion in operations which resulted in the current disaster

Papademos: Current Greek Prime Minister, following the resignation of Papandreou. Not elected by the people.
-Former Governor of the Bank of Boston from 1993 to 1994 Federal Reserve.
-Vice-President of the European Central Bank from 2002 to 2010.
-Member of the Trilateral Commission since 1998, founded by Rockefeller, neo-liberal lobby (dedicated to buy politicians in exchange for bribe them)
-Former Governor of the Bank of Central Greece between 1994 and 2002. It browbeat the accounts of public deficit in the country with the active help of Goldman Sachs, which led in large part and the current crisis in the country.
Mariano Monti: Current Prime Minister of Italy following the resignation of Berlusconi. Not elected by the people.
-Former European director of the above-mentioned Trilateral Commission.
-Ex-member of the management team of the Bilderberg Group.
-Goldman Sachs adviser during the period in which it helped to conceal the Greek government deficit

Mario Draghi: Current President of the European Central Bank to replace Jean-Claude Trichet.
-Former Executive Director of of the World Bank between 1985 and 1990.
-Vice President for Europe of Goldman Sachs from 2002 to 2006, which made the aforementioned falsification.

You have to see the number of people who worked for Goldman Sachs....
Well, what a coincidence, all in the hands of Goldman Sachs. Who created the crisis are presented now as the only  option to get out of it
Be putting their men where best
such strategies are well documented and have been used with different variations throughout the 20th century and 21st in other countries, notably in Latin America by the United States when engaged, and are still devoted to the extent they can, to suffocate economically through external debt for example to countries of Central America, to create social unrest and use it to place officers related to their interests.
Now this is happening in Europe, and is no longer to do us, but so does the international financial industry. And what is happening under the powerless eye and/or accomplice of Governments is largest robbery ever conducted in the history of mankind and on a planetary scale, blows of State, and flagrant violations of the sovereignty of States and their peoples
The new world order is here just in front of our noses, and the people do not finish awakening

Australian MJ BeLIEver

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


Not much about Illuminati, secret societies and new world order. What we do know is that global control is in progress. Everyone lives in a hurry, everything has to be now, and this leads us to use digital media, target-debit and credit transactions online. I think this a way of control we do and who we are. The letters I saw last year and surprised me today with the little that is the subject say that the Illuminati plan is running, unfortunately is not a widespread issue, for my part I mentioned this to my people around and I have regarded as an ET.
The ignorance and disbelief makes us vulnerable and easy target. Thanks for bringing this issue to me is very interesting. blessings


marumjj, I know how you feel.  I am also having trouble giving information.  They don't want to take it seriously and call me a conspiracy theorist and crazy.    I try to have them look or read different things but some people are sooooooo stubborn.    I'm not even making theories.  I'm trying to give facts such as what the Federal Reserve Bank is !!!!!!!     I think we need help with this "wake up".    Especially in the United States where I am and people are soooooooo brainwashed.

/pull hair/          /pull hair/              /pull hair/                /scream/       /scream/        /scream/

"And when that flag blows
There'll be no more wars
And when all calls
I will answer all your prayers"

Chorus from the song "Cry",  Invincible Album


What I agree with is that people are extremely brainwashed, especially in US.
Brainwashing tactics are beyond perfect in US, very very well-maintained.
AND what's the saddest thing, many do the covering-my-ears-la-la-not-listening-don't-care! when
you try to point out the most blatant, on-the-surface brainwashing material or
another criminal government operation which is poorly "disguised" as say "peace making"
or "delivering democracy abroad"  ::)  Yeah, that's my fave subject  :lol: sorry  ::P


the first time i saw the cards was last year and boy was i freaked out!!!
thanks for posting this video.
the illuminati is real, and they will continue to do horrible things to humanity, if people dont WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am tired of trying to wake up my family members, friends and people, they just wont believe me, they think that i am crazy........... screw them, they can go down by themselves, im not going down with them because i have woken up
/scream/ /scream/ /scream/ /scream/

"A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life."


Quote from: Aidan_81 on December 17, 2011, 11:49:11 AM

What I agree with is that people are extremely brainwashed, especially in US.
Brainwashing tactics are beyond perfect in US, very very well-maintained.
AND what's the saddest thing, many do the covering-my-ears-la-la-not-listening-don't-care! when
you try to point out the most blatant, on-the-surface brainwashing material or
another criminal government operation which is poorly "disguised" as say "peace making"
or "delivering democracy abroad"  ::)  Yeah, that's my fave subject  :lol: sorry  ::P

I totally agree with you and I'm from the US.  The intelligence of people has gone way down and tv sit-coms are so utterly stupid but so popular.  I see it in the younger their 20's.  In my neighborhood, the kids don't go outside to play...they're all in front of their TV's or computers.  We've lowered our standards in colleges so the less knowledgeable kids can have the opportunity to get a degree.  Nobody is in the library anymore...the younger people don't read books....they just believe everything on the internet...which can be, and most likely is, filtered, edited and controlled.  It seems like no matter what the president does, people think it's okay or they just say "It is what it is" and ignore it.  People really need to wake up and realize what's going on around them and to them!


I'm glad to see this being discussed more and more, across the threads.

It seems in the "silent" times of the hoax, people really get back to the underlying issue, the BIG one that needs to be stopped.


Yall are scaring me now, I'm alread worried about viruses being released but jeanie them cards are scary  OMG! OMG!


I was wondering if this game really was released btwn 1982 and 1995, f.i. the 09/11 card could have been printed after 09/11?
The effect of this game is creating awareness, but also fear, which is mind manipulation too.

It's all for L.O.V.E.


Quote from: everlastinglove_MJ on December 17, 2011, 07:27:47 PM

the 09/11 card could have been printed after 09/11?

9/11 wasn't the first of it's kind if I remember correctly. I mean towers were attacked way before that date
and seeing any towers like that as possible "terrorists' target" was always around. Not only in US I suppose.
But very likely the theory of such buildings being under that type of attack was born in US or
maybe UK, decades ago.


I've got to simply  lolol/ at this one! This card game was based upon!_Trilogy by Steve Jackson Games, of which I've got most books and materials.

Read above, and all that's in Wiki - then you'll see why I don't give any credence to those who now claim Science Fiction stories are real.
It's Satirical, and just a fun jaunt! Inspired even the Da Vinci Code, isn't that cool?

Thanks for helping me to put this all into perspective, since I first read Illuminatus! in '75 or '76, about the same time I was reading Chariots of the Gods. before I was old enough to go to High School.

Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."


Quote from: Katie2 on December 17, 2011, 06:10:33 PM

Yall are scaring me now, I'm alread worried about viruses being released but jeanie them cards are scary  OMG! OMG!

Katie, they've been dealing with highly infectious diseases, since the 1950s. It's been deemed to dangerous to try and control anything, such as Anthrax, as you saw.

Cipro is a drug that's relatively inexpensive. When I was sick, they gave me one antibiotic liquid over 90 minutes for sepsis, then Cipro for another 2 weeks. The Docs joked with me, that I was the most Anthrax resistant person on the planet, between those 2 drugs, since both were what they use for those exposed! I was like, "Bring it on!" Of course, 104 degree fever made it hysterically funny, on my end. :D

Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."

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