
MJ's Skin Doc The Med Board Is On My Ass ... and My Lawyer Just Quit

Started by ForstAMoon, December 05, 2011, 10:20:51 AM

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MJ's Skin DocThe Med Board Is On My Ass...
and My Lawyer Just Quit

It ain't lookin' good for Dr. Arnie Klein ... Michael Jackson's dermatologist is under investigation by the Medical Board of California --  reportedly for pumping the singer full of prescription painkillers -- and now his lawyer has officially jumped ship.

Klein just posted a letter on his Facebook page, apparently sent from his former attorney -- advising Klein that he's been subpoenaed by the Board and has to appear for questioning on Dec. 15.

The letter does not explain the nature of the probe -- but according to TheDailyBeast.com, officials want to know more about allegations that Klein over-prescribed Demerol to MJ.

The Board reportedly wants to question Klein about the possibility that he self-prescribed narcotics, used false names on narcotics prescriptions, illegally handed out samples of dangerous drugs to his famous patients, and may have committed gross negligence by practicing while afflicted with multiple sclerosis.

Klein has always strongly denied any wrongdoing ... and thus far, has not been accused of any criminal conduct in the death of Michael Jackson.

As for Klein's lawyer, Herbert L. Weinberg -- dude doesn't explain why he's bailing on Arnie ... but recommends a couple of "fine lawyers" who could take over.

We called Klein for comment -- so far, no response.



 There is Murray, Klein, doctors and who knows more for a while


The way I understand this is that he is being investigated by the DEA for falsely prescribing medication in alias names....not over the death of MJ.

Lets not forget about all the evidence stacked up against him....the medications found in MJ's house were all in different names, and prescribed by Klein, Not Murray..

This is exactly what happened to Dr Nick, Elvis Presley's doctor.  He was also charged in the same way, but was let off.......God bless and thanks for sharing..


Quote from: GINAFELICIA on December 05, 2011, 01:02:52 PM

Quote from: StrangerInCalifornia on December 05, 2011, 12:56:41 PM

Quote from: GINAFELICIA on December 05, 2011, 12:50:46 PM

Isn't it a little late for the Board, after 2 years, to subpoena Klein ??
What were they waiting for until now?

I got the impression they were waiting for the trial to be over. I could be wrong tho.

But it doesn't make sense. The medical results of the autopsy were already available a long time ago. I wonder what the Board wants to prove now, after so much time.

Michael died of propofol under Murray's care, Klein was not in the picture anymore at that time, so what is this subpoena about?

It has nothing to do with the autopsy report or Michael's "death." The answers to your questions are in the article that ForstAMoon posted.


Quote from: ForstAMoon on December 05, 2011, 10:20:51 AM

MJ's Skin DocThe Med Board Is On My Ass...
and My Lawyer Just Quit

The Board reportedly wants to question Klein about the possibility that he self-prescribed narcotics, used false names on narcotics prescriptions, illegally handed out samples of dangerous drugs to his famous patients, and may have committed gross negligence by practicing while afflicted with multiple sclerosis
I didn't know that Dr Klein has MS - did anyone else know this? I know that MS can be controlled by medication if not well advanced. My physician has MS and I wouldn't have known it except that she told me. So, I wonder if it's different because he actually does procedures?

I also find it really unusual that someone would be sent undercover to "investigate" unless they were a PI or undercover cop.

Snoopy - great point you bring up about Branca. I do think Michael is cleaning house. Interesting scarf that he's wearing.

I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012


The whole article is kind of odd to say the least. WOW!!  I dont even know where to start..  WTF?? So I'll make a list of what caught my attention.
1. He(Klein) was served at 1:28 AM wich means Klein was making a call in the middle of the night. So someone who has never seen him before could have some kind of skin emergency at such a time of the night and Klein will gladly help him !?! /cook/   Can someone please tell me what kind of skin emergency would be required for this?? suspicious//

2. Klein apparently has MS... SO WHAT???  I am personally offended by the statement of Klein doing illegal practice for practicing with MS.  I have MS and guess what???  I'M NOT IMPAIRED OR STUPID in any way that gets in the way of me working and doing a good job at work. That is just ridiculous. Sure I'm way more tired than a normal average person so I personnaly make the choice to work less hours a week than I use to. But that's it and unless I'm in the middle of an MS outbreak, and believe me you know without a doubt when it happens, I can work just fine and I'm not obligated to tell any potential employer of my illness and they canT not hire me cause that's considered discrimination. Here in Canada you are not recognized anywhere as being invalid/unable to work in any way if you have MS, you cant get disability or anything like that. So I'm not buying for a second Klein was not allowed by law to practice dermatology.  What's next!??!   He's not a surgeon...  :roll:

3. Then there is the reference to the Wizard of Oz, that is totally weird. Who refers to the Wizard of Oz in a serious legal matter as the one Klein is being accused of, if you ask me it gives it a big joke tone.

4. Also why on earth is Klein posting on facebook and twitter such legal documents? Somebody please explain that to me, please! :? I know I wouldn't publicise it especially if I still had a clientele and even if I didn't I would not brag about that to the world. It's just ridiculous and makes no sense what so ever in my mind. But if someone can make me see the light please go ahead and do so. geek/

I know I may come off as frustrated here, but yes I am!!

Huhum... clears throat....  ;D Sorry everyone.... I just had a minor melt down, I'm OK now for a while again.  lolol/


I mean no harm, but some seem to still be at square one.

Is the trial over?  'Who Is It' – that's up next for the murder of MJ?  Are some still looking for who killed MJ on a hoax site?  Where are some folk's imaginations?  Why is it so hard for some to believe that MJ is the executive producer and director of a movie?  When one comes from that place, everything else falls into place.

MJ approached Kline, Branca, Dileo, Berry Gordy, et al and told them of his plans.  The same plans he discussed with Geraldo in 2005 as it pertained to his desire in taking film to another level (and some of us know that is anyone could do it – he could).   Why don't some just fess up and admit that they don't think MJ is capable of doing what he promised to do?  We have seen him behind the camera so much – even up thru This Is It.  Why don't some admit that they don't think MJ is smart enough to pull this thing off just because they can't imagine it?  They forget how public buildings and such are used in movies ALL OF THE TIME.

He said he had a few surprises.  In 2002, he is on video ranting about Sony, but at the end he says "The best is yet to come."  In This Is It, he does a scene where he ESCAPES and comes back to life. I mean on and on.

I'd bet big bucks that he had little help in writing the script, since it seems he has planned this for a long time.  I seriously feel as if he planned to hoax his death – NOT BECAUSE HE FEARED FOR HIS LIFE – but because he wanted to take film to a new level – plus he knows that by 12-21-12, many folks will be living on another timeline and in a different reality.  He wants to take the lead in that new reality. He is an AHM.

MJ was not living in that prop house.  He was not taking drugs.  He was planning his movie.  He is not afraid of anyone.  He is Christ Protected.  He is his own ultimate judge.  He knows that he is not hurting anyone as it pertains to him becoming an illusionist thru film.  We live an illusion, as that is what life is.  They could have killed him whilst he was on trial, after the trial, in Ireland, Bahrain and on and on.  After his acquittal, it was game over.

I believe and know that MJ is the Godfather in ALL things having to do with his name.  See, if some came from that place, they wouldn't be suspicious of his family members.  Never, never.  He is in charge.  Everything is cleared thru him.  HE IS THE PUPPETMASTER.  And this means that he is controlling Kline, Branca, et al as it pertains to his name and his Estate.  He is paying them to perform in his movie.

MJ is happy folks.  He is not living in hiding.  HIDING FROM WHOM FOR GOD'S sake?  Yes, at one time he feared for his life, but that was BEFORE his trial.  I think it was 2good2betrue that came up with the similarities between MJ's 2005 trial and This Is It as it pertains to some of the folks that were in the documentary of MJ's 2005 trial as actors.  MJ thought to himself, ok they are going to do a doc on my 2005 trial, so I'm going to write a script and call it the Doctor Conrad Murray Documentary.  And I'm going to direct it, after all I sing about the doc in my Smooth Criminal video.

MJ has a lot of power.  It is estimated that the Beatles catalog alone is worth in the high billions.  Some wanted his catalog years ago – and still hate that he has it, but he is Christ protected – and he fears no one.  Plus, he is working with rich Arabs on some things – like the EMI purchase.  If he was in danger, his children and family would be too.  He is probably the one negotiating getting Paris on Ellen and acting bits.  Some think for sure that he is responsible for Evan Ross being in the movie industry.  He is NO LONGER afraid for his life.  All of the crime related elements to this story/hoax have been written and planted by MJ.

Some of the ones that are just waking up to MJ being alive are better rounded than many on this website that have been here since the beginning.  And that is a shame.  Bec is one of the main ones that never wonder about things that matter not, because she knows that it all stems from MJ. Most articles that are controversial come from him.  Mentioning the missing handprints is his story.
Where is SoldierofLove I've wondered?  I've missed her.  She was one sharp cookie – and of course, Souza is sharp as a razor blade.  Imagine sliding down a razor blade into a pool of alcohol.  LOL!

In other words, although no one can explain why MJ sings about Doc Murray in the Moonwalker Smooth Criminal Video, and why the lady that showed up with Murray at beach was with Blanket and them in Hawaii is the same ACTRESS – and explain away the other 133 plus clues, some still think that nefarious things happened to him.  He had to die of something.  And not only did he wish to highlight how many deaths of those in the entertainment industry (since the twenties and thirties) have been caused by drugs (and other suspicious methods), going wayyyyyyyyyy back, he also wants to highlight what he has always maintained and sang about in Tabloid Junkie – and that is that just because you see it on TV or read it in a magazine – and so on................

I mean, he has had and will continue to have the last laugh at a lot of (punked) people.  Remember, he did not hoax his death for hoaxers.  He did what he did for himself – because he is and has always been – A MASTER OF HIS OWN REALITY AND HAS ALWAYS LIVED IN THE NOW BY CREATING.  He has professed more that once that he loved creating.  He also did it because he felt he was owed it because of how he was MISTREATED BY THOSE IN POWER, I.E, THE COURT SYSTEM, DA'S OFFICE, POLICE DEPARTMENTS – et al.

Omer was home at Neverland for pity's sake when over 100 or so police and sheriffs raided his home and destroyed and tore up stuff.  That house was not a mansion.  It was modest, and it was dear to MJ's and his children's and family's hearts – and look what some evil doers did to it.  Omer probably still has nightmares behind that raid.  MJ was praying that he and his friends would come out of that hellish experience ALIVE – and they made it out, but those living quarters would never be welcoming again.  Tsk-tsk!

What I ultimately think he is doing is – keeping his name in the news, because he wants to prove that it matters not how certain people tainted, tarnished and slandered his name, it is still relevant, a money-maker, is related to the uplifting of humanity, peace and love – and always will be.  His growth financially was stunted here in the US because of the false charges.  They tried to send him to prison.  He is still in pay back mode by showing how amazing his gifts were and still are.  Wow – what a glorious day it will be when everyone wakes up and realizes that he is still alive and kicking – and that it was he that graced the stage with Jermaine to announce his own death.  LMBO!  Another GAME OVER moment. rr/

Like the young men (Cali Swag) that remixed – "I Wanna Be Where You Are" stated – "It's a movie."  Plain and simple.  If MJ is TS or looks in on this board, he sees that there are not that many of this board that play this game with their imaginations, belief in him, and play it by keeping the dots connected.  He is probably shaking his head.  He is thinking that all of the blatant clues he's given (like his jumping out of coroners van) are so easily forgotten by the ones that profess to have figured it out.  The Memorial held clues, the staged funeral.  What happens to it all?

Again, and I promise that This Is It for me trying to reach some – IF YOU COME FROM A PLACE THAT MJ IS DIRECTING ALL THINGS THAT HAVE TO DO WITH HIM AND HIS NAME & HOAX – THEN EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FALL INTO PLACE.  He is showing how brilliant and masterful he is, and that he knows that time as we know it is running out.  He already lives simultaneously.

The powers that be know that MJ is alive and is making a movie.  Trust.

I found the video I think below about the Talented Actors.  Bless all of their hearts.

P.S. - Sorry, but I can't space in between.  Wrote too mcu I guess.




Apparently, this article is pointing out that everything around Arnold Klein is suspicious and obviously the media has already accused him of guilt, which has to be proven yet. I have to admit that it is strange that Dr. Klein was on vacation exactly 3 weeks before Michael's passing and even more suspicious that he managed to have an alibi, provided by Jason Pfeiffer, meaning that he expected he might have needed one.


The news about Klein's upcoming Medical Board hearing, added to the recent revelations in court about all that Demerol, might make any other doctor worry.

..which could mean that the investigation will not only be focused on Klein's practice, more persons are involved and this will soon be revealed. Klein could be one of many, he seems to be the key (or the sting) though. Wrong doctors, medical failures, patient privacy leaks and other wrongdoings will be under the microscope and be exposed, which could be one of the goals of the hoax too.

Interestingly, it is Klein himself who continues to feed the stream of information about the investigation against him and specifics on how he was served his subpoena.

It seems that Klein is predefending himself ahead of the media reports, because he already knew he would be subject of investigation. Why? Because he is guilty, is getting nervous, and is using his status on social media Twitter/FB to defend himself ... OR he's not guilty, and he suspected that the media would accuse him anyway, because he's not just a celeb doctor, he's MJ's doctor which is suspicious (in the eyes of the media). He surely doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.

I remember that, during the trial, Klein's medical reports looked fake and his signature was missing. At least Klein should have testified. Something seems off here suspicious//.


It's all for L.O.V.E.


Quote from: voiceforthesilent on December 05, 2011, 07:14:05 PM

Quote from: ForstAMoon on December 05, 2011, 10:20:51 AM

MJ's Skin DocThe Med Board Is On My Ass...
and My Lawyer Just Quit

The Board reportedly wants to question Klein about the possibility that he self-prescribed narcotics, used false names on narcotics prescriptions, illegally handed out samples of dangerous drugs to his famous patients, and may have committed gross negligence by practicing while afflicted with multiple sclerosis
I didn't know that Dr Klein has MS - did anyone else know this? I know that MS can be controlled by medication if not well advanced. My physician has MS and I wouldn't have known it except that she told me. So, I wonder if it's different because he actually does procedures?

I also find it really unusual that someone would be sent undercover to "investigate" unless they were a PI or undercover cop.

Snoopy - great point you bring up about Branca. I do think Michael is cleaning house. Interesting scarf that he's wearing.

My best friend has MS, she can still fonction.. She does gets attacks, her legs hurts and she cannot walk properly.. It is not a pretty sight. I do hope they find a cure for this disease.. As for Dr. Klein, I had no knowledge.. I think all doctors who took care of Michael may be questioned who knows.. This story is really long..

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


Quote from: everlastinglove_MJ on December 07, 2011, 04:44:20 PM

Apparently, this article is pointing out that everything around Arnold Klein is suspicious and obviously the media has already accused him of guilt, which has to be proven yet. I have to admit that it is strange that Dr. Klein was on vacation exactly 3 weeks before Michael's passing and even more suspicious that he managed to have an alibi, provided by Jason Pfeiffer, meaning that he expected he might have needed one.


Interestingly, it is Klein himself who continues to feed the stream of information about the investigation against him and specifics on how he was served his subpoena.

It seems that Klein is predefending himself ahead of the media reports, because he already knew he would be subject of investigation.

You have a valid point here. Thank you for your input. :)



Dr. Arnold Klein, who treated Michael Jackson for decades, had an office employee who just died ... an employee who had a history of 'drug abuse', even while working for Dr. Klein.
Bruce Ayers, who worked for three years as Dr. Klein's research assistant and confidant, was found dead on a sidewalk on December 18 in Los Angeles.
Dr. Klein tells TMZ he fired the 44-year-old Ayers in February, after learning Ayers was allegedly stealing drugs and money from Klein's office.
We're told Dr. Klein stored certain drugs at a pharmacy he used to fill prescriptions for patients. When the drugs would expire, there was a protocol for destroying them. But Klein says Ayers would go to the pharmacy and get expired Demerol for his own use -- and the pharmacy gave it to him. Klein says the pharmacy violated protocol.
We're told Dr. Klein knew Ayers was a drug addict when he hired him but at the time Ayers was on the wagon. Klein says it became painfully obvious at the beginning of 2009 that Ayers' drug problem had resurfaced. Several members of Klein's staff told the Dr. they would quit unless he fired Ayers.
And, we're told, after Ayers was fired, Klein's staff realized 100 Percocet pills were missing.
We've learned Ayers, who met Michael Jackson many times while working for Klein, had a history of abusing pain meds.
When Ayers' body was discovered, authorities found hospital records showing that he had been admitted to three different hospitals since August, in each case for pain issues -- and in each case he was discharged with various meds.
The L.A. County Coroner has deferred Ayers' cause of death, pending toxicology tests.
From Kleins research page:

Bruce Ayers is the Director of Academic & Clinical Affairs for Minimally Invasive Aesthetics and the Arnold W. Klein Medical Corp. Bruce has an extensive clinical, medical and research background and directs our academic and clinical research programs in addition to providing management and staff oversight. Bruce, who joined the practice in 2005, travels extensively with Dr. Arnold Klein across the United States and around the World teaching the techniques and principals of minimally invasive aesthetics. Additionally, Bruce Ayers and Dr. Arnold Klein work together in the writing and publication of text book chapters and scientific articles on soft tissue augmentation, minimally invasive aesthetics and botulinum toxins, for peer-reviewed publications such as the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, Dermatological Surgery, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology among others.



Quote from: _Anna_ on December 05, 2011, 10:35:15 AM

The only problem is WHY does Michael have photos of him and his children in the house with Klein around spring 2009? If Klein is shady, WHAT did he do? And if he is shady WHY did Michael allow him in his house and why did he go to his office so often as we have photos from April-May 2009? Why did Michael keep him that close till 2009? This is what I find no answer to.


Quote from: _Anna_ on December 05, 2011, 10:35:15 AM

The only problem is WHY does Michael have photos of him and his children in the house with Klein around spring 2009? If Klein is shady, WHAT did he do? And if he is shady WHY did Michael allow him in his house and why did he go to his office so often as we have photos from April-May 2009? Why did Michael keep him that close till 2009? This is what I find no answer to.

I don't understand the friendship between MJ and Klein or OJ Simpson.  Why would he let either of them be in his house or around his children? 

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