Trying to start a new post

Started by MeandMyShadow, November 17, 2011, 08:25:52 PM

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MeandMyShadowTopic starter

In a way, this is a test.    I have yet to figure out how to post a new post without replying to others.  I can't seem to find the new topic button that is suppose to be there.

But IF it works, I have a question.  Is the sentencing of CM going to be televised on the 29th?


Hi MeandMy Shadow.
Well, you did it and it did work. [post a new topic I mean]
I am hoping that the sentencing of our Connie will be televised. If MJ went to the trouble of filming that spoof comedy of a court case and the accompanying Conrad Documentary, which is the funniest piece of comedy I have seen in years, then I feel certain that the sentencing will absolutely be televised. Or maybe there will be some wild unexpected craziness [ as It'sHer joked about in another thread] like Conrad on the run and a big police pursuit. I'm just having fun and imagining scenarios here now. I fully expect to be on chat watching live with all the rest of our hoax family.
Hope your day is fantastic and filled with laughter MeandMyShadow. Much love to you. 

MeandMyShadowTopic starter

Thanks RK.  I still don't really know how I did it.  I went to the help menu and while on that, noticed the new topic tab showed up there.  So, I guess that is where I have to go (LOL)

I hope you are right about the sentencing being televised.  Can't wait until 29th, but I don't think it will be BAM.  I don't want to get my hopes up for that :)



go to "Community" on top or "Forum" at the bottom on page (left side) and click ----> the forum menu with all group of topics will appear.

Then go the the appropriate topic for your post. Then, once you click and are in, on the right hand side on the top, just above the black thick theme line, there is New Topic tag.

Good luck!

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