
Conrad Murray Trial Wraps On 30th Anniversary Of Elvis Doc’s Acquittal

Started by SimPattyK, November 03, 2011, 03:56:34 PM

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SOURCE : http://www.mamapop.com/2011/11/conrad-murray-trial-wraps-on-30th-anniversary-of-elvis-docs-acquittal.html?mid=51
[. . . . ]
As the case goes to [what is soon to be known as] the Murray Jury, we remember an eerily similar trial that came to a close 30 years ago this week.  One that just so happened to involve Michael Jackson's late father-in-law.

On November 5, 1981 Dr. George Nichopoulos (better known as "Dr. Nick") was acquitted of 11 counts of criminally overprescribing addictive drugs to a stable of famous and near-famous clients, most notably the original King, Elvis Presley.  Presley died at 42 in August 1977.  While the cause of death was a massive, sudden heart attack the, a criminal complaint against Dr. Nick reported that "in the first eight months of 1977 alone, he had [prescribed] more than 10,000 doses of sedatives, amphetamines and narcotics: all in Elvis's name."
[ . . . .]



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Wow! Michael had everything worked out to the last T.. I  /bravo/ applaud Michael, I always have and will always do.. Michael is my inspiration, my mentor.. Actually I never said this but I became a psychologist due to Michael. He was always talking about children, that I wanted to help children and teenagers. So Michael due to you I am helping children so they can  have a better life. God bless..

p.s. Hurry up already, come out where ever you are.  lolol/

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


This all absolutely blows the mind!  Such a pity the world has so clue of the massiveness of this Murray trial and the parallels to Dr. Nick's trial, which is significant mostly when one realizes MJ and Elvis are both alive and the creators of it all.  Elvis was obviously not a drug addict either and the whole massive purchase of drugs was for show just as Murray's purchase of propofol.

Thanks SimPattK!  I really am glad you are here to promote the Elvis connection because of your love for him as well as MJ.  I don't have a strong interest in Elvis (his music is beautiful!), but I can see that MJ has planned so much around Elvis.  We haven't heard much from Lisa Marie-- maybe she'll have another contribution soon--hope so!
moonwalk_/ elvis_/
all4loveandbelieve, that's so cool!



katy (MJFAN7)

أملي هو فيكم.

SimPattyKTopic starter

Quote from: MJonmind on November 03, 2011, 07:46:30 PM

Such a pity the world has so clue of the massiveness of this Murray trial and the parallels to Dr. Nick's trial, which is significant mostly when one realizes MJ and Elvis are both alive and the creators of it all.  Elvis was obviously not a drug addict either and the whole massive purchase of drugs was for show just as Murray's purchase of propofol.

Thanks SimPattK!  I really am glad you are here to promote the Elvis connection because of your love for him as well as MJ.  I don't have a strong interest in Elvis (his music is beautiful!), but I can see that MJ has planned so much around Elvis.  We haven't heard much from Lisa Marie-- maybe she'll have another contribution soon--hope so!
moonwalk_/ elvis_/
all4loveandbelieve, that's so cool!

Thank you MJonMind for underlying exactly this aspect^^ the connections to ELVIS and the fact that Elvis was NOT a drug addict!!!
I am willing to accept even that he might have died back in' 77 but NOT that he died because of drugs!!! NO WAY!!!
MJ & ELvis were/are everything, but NOT drug-addicts!!

@MJonMind you said very well, from what i can see on this forum, except for me and/or maybe a few persons, not many seem to be very much involved on this process of seeking and "promoting" the MJ & Elvis connections & clues

I don't want to seem obsessed . I am not obsessed by any of them! I love them both, not equally, but in a different manner! as i also adore Patricia Kaas. They are all true artists! original, different, unique! each in their own way! so is my love for them!

I don't want to impose anyone anything, but there are times when I feel that Elvis is somehow neglected by beLIEvers. I don't say it's from negative attitude from them, maybe it's also time that has passed, Elvis was not seen for such a long time, although HE can be felt! his presence was/is/has always been felt...by those who can see/look/listen with a hoax-mind!!!

Even on this topic, people seem to put all these connections on Michael's account and to thank only him for everything... I don't know... it seems a bit unfair to Elvis... let's not forget he did it first! Even if at the beginning he did it with no will to come back! he probably changed his mind in the last 10 years or so...

I mean yeah we all know Michael is a genius, but if Michael's death hoax is almost identical to Elvis' death hoax, this is mostly because Elvis must have collaborated for a long period of time with Michael! for this big project... telling him all the details, giving him ideas or advice! Elvis knew people!! and not just common ordinary people!! Influential, powerful people in the system! Don't forget Elvis worked with the FBI, he was a secret agent! (maybe he still is...I don't know)

I think we should rather  look both ways and thank them both for planning and orchestrating THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH! Don't you get it it is/was all a team work! better said a "family business!" ("monKEY business" ;) loll ) Remember MJ's words at the end of "This is It" : "We're all ONE, we're a family, just know that!"
Then we have LISA! a very important tie in all this!Lisa has always been present too...with subtle statements in interviews! her presence in TMZ articles (a lot of them!!), her presence at the funeral (the last one to leave and stand besides MJ's casket!).... this is all a giant hoax pulled together by these 2 amazing families! They are all geniuses!


TMZ just updated:

10:54 AM: Jury asked for highlighters to scrutinize some printed evidence. They got green ones

Then erased it and put it again in another form:

10:54 AM: The jury just asked for forms and highlighters.

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