

Started by gwynned, October 08, 2011, 07:35:47 PM

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Since London plays such an important part in the hoax, I wonder if we are being guided to look more carefully at London. 

This series on the 2012 Olympics is nothing less than brilliant and very provocative.  Did William Blake write about the new Jerusalem in London over a century ago?  Why do all the streets surrounding the site have biblical names?  Fascinating. 

Part 1A  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPFJv4TghZA
Part 1B  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61rC7fgTBcA
Part 2    http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_319737&src_vid=61rC7fgTBcA&feature=iv&v=eL66VAG57Ms

Symbols   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2nftZCiMTg 



August 13, 2012, 11:26:08 PM #390 Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 11:29:29 PM by Adi

This has an Aussie bent to it...including the humour, language & some characters......

London Olympics recapped in a 414 word sentence


Pissing rain in England, Leisel's pudgy, you're a sexist sexist pig if you say Leisel's pudgy, not enough condoms in the Olympic brothel, Harry Potter on par with Industrial revolution as major British cultural event, Queen has a sense of humour, Mr Bean still not funny, petal torch proves not all British youth are rioters, Shut up Eddie...

...Channel Nine loves swimming, Phelps still king, missile misfires, Seebohm not just abbreviation of swear word, D'Arcy lacks punch, Leisel slow and over the hill, Steph slow and over the hill, Ray Warren slow and over the hill, Australia sucks, oops don't say Australia sucks, second in the world is still awesome even though athletes always say "we came here for gold", Shut up Hacky...

...Cocks shuttled off for Badminton racket, Blade Runner not as fast as Harrison Ford, Andy Murray beats Federer in pretend Wimbledon final, New Zealand good at sports where you face backwards, London has a beach, Kazakhstan makes benefit glorious gold medals, Steph loves Kobe, oops, there's Kobe's wife, Bolt loves Swedish handballers, Bolt loves self, Bolt has every right to love self, Bolt a legend, how many times in my life did I feel like throwing vitamins at the telly...

...Horsey royal wins medal, Aussies win triple gold in ocean event no one can follow on TV, Sally rules, Anna Meares rules, whitewater canoeing is apparently a sport, BMX is a apparently a sport, four Aussie blokes who aren't sailors win boaty gold, oh feck, didya see that dive, Shut up Brayshaw...

...Prince Harry wins long jump, hey, apparently soccer is an Olympic sport, Britain loves Muslim Mo Bro, Saudi Arabia has a female athlete, Australia's got Tallent, no, we don't give a flying feck who's going to be in the Big Brother house...

...Bahamas beats America in relay, Jamaica beats America in relay, it is awesome watching small islands beating America in relays, Hooker too busy plotting revolution to remember how to pole vault, Mitcham too busy tweeting to remember how to dive, American runs on broken leg, Steffensen runs as though on broken leg, Shut up Slats...

... USA tops medal tally even though it's officially not a contest, Spice Girls still out of tune, Best games ever but shhh, don't tell Sydney, Sporting legacy of ancient Greece alive and well in Britain, economic legacy of modern day Greece also alive and well in Britain...

... Chickens make people want to click on Olympics stories.


Quote from: mjj4ever777 on August 13, 2012, 03:33:01 PM

Did anyone else see the headline on the floor, that said " To die would be an awfully big adventure" ?? It was near the beginning of the ceremony, and they only flashed on it for a brief second, but my husband and I both saw it!

Yes...I noticed that right away!   :affraid:



I have a bigger picture but have forgotten how to post it  :Pulling_hair:


August 14, 2012, 01:22:09 AM #394 Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 01:25:41 AM by MJonmind
Quote from: mac5k on August 13, 2012, 08:40:10 AM

May be it was part of their plan that nothing happened yesterday but don't forget the paralympics which will start soon with a closing on the 9th of September ...
Have a look at this video ... Interesting ...  :-[

And on and on it goes... ::) or so they want us to think... :errrr:
I guess we just have to all live our lives every day and do what we have to do--not live in fear. Kay sera...


Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on August 13, 2012, 11:23:17 AM



Internet is making too much noise, hence is talk of censure in a future, I reported to anyone who is around me,i have nephews and nieces in 18 years that look at these things differently and ask lots of questions.

Did you notice that you sometimes mixes spanish and english language? I have noticed that in more than one post, funny though  :icon_lol:  :smiley_abuv:
I corrected  :LolLolLolLol:


November 10, 2018, 12:48:15 PM #396 Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 12:51:59 PM by mimixoxo3

when are the new olympics coming up again? Im litterly dreaming about them!  this is a great blog here abotu dreams  (if you think thats cool idk ur beliefs)

you need to dream

I had a dream last night about that one gyminst that was there ( forgot her name but know her face) lol