

Started by gwynned, October 08, 2011, 07:35:47 PM

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Since London plays such an important part in the hoax, I wonder if we are being guided to look more carefully at London. 

This series on the 2012 Olympics is nothing less than brilliant and very provocative.  Did William Blake write about the new Jerusalem in London over a century ago?  Why do all the streets surrounding the site have biblical names?  Fascinating. 

Part 1A  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPFJv4TghZA
Part 1B  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61rC7fgTBcA
Part 2    http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_319737&src_vid=61rC7fgTBcA&feature=iv&v=eL66VAG57Ms

Symbols   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2nftZCiMTg 



The ceremony was full of MJ related things, what was so obvious- one or two men dressed like MJ in Billie Jean in the spotlight at one part of the ceremony. I know, you probably already speaked about such a things  :icon_redface:

Enjoy the games guys!  :)

"Please do not forget who the driver is! ...:)

MJ will get us home safely! :)


JMO - Michael has nothing to do with the Olympics, the Queen and Katherine both wearing pink is a coincidence, triangles (pyramids) are everywhere because its a common and useful geometic shape ...... meanwhile talented athletes are giving their all and they deserve our attention and admiration. Please don't let fear of what is going on in the background all the time, not just at the games, spoil your enjoyment of the show the sportsmen and women are putting on.


Just watched the Truthergirls, and this lady gave her reasons why she thought no false flag would happen at the Olympics, and I agree with her.


Quote from: MJonmind on July 29, 2012, 03:59:50 AM

Just watched the Truthergirls, and this lady gave her reasons why she thought no false flag would happen at the Olympics, and I agree with her.

She has very good points, I hope she's right.



She's right:
there must be an outcome justifying the investment.
There must be a win-win situation also on the dark side of the moon.
There must be something that matters to the initiators that makes a destruction worthwhile.

Thinking of several thousands dead and wounded - that's not an outcome that really justifies an investment into bombs and destruction. There must be more to it.

London being the financial belly-button of the world - having left behind NY - could give some ideas why these games will be protected like no other (if the #1 banking market is important).

The opposite could be true as well if the #1 banking market for some reason is only a means and not a goal.

Last Bilderberg meetings were held in Greece - went down, Spain - went down, underground gold reserve country Switzerland - ?.

It depends on an overall goal whether the Games in London are in any danger.

Regardless of the likelihood of a disaster - the overall prelude of the Games was pretty ignorant, negative and dark. Blame it on typical British black humour or the weather or my very personal view.
None of the previous Olympics was comparably black coated - only Berlin and Sarajevo in retro. What a pity.

Create your day. Create the most astounding year of your life. Be the change you want to see in the world! L.O.V.E.
"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation." Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002
******* Let's tear the walls in the brains of this world down.*******

Time to BE.

Australian MJ BeLIEver

The creative director of the opening ceromony also directed "Trainspotting" "Slumdog Milionaire" and "Frankenstein" - comparably dark.

I don't know if that means anything. But he obviously has a habitual liking for darkness.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

gwynnedTopic starter

Just sayin'



The second part of this video is a clip from the Telegraph broadcast.  Still not sure about it, but post it for purposes of discussion.


NO NEED for a new thread, this will be moved to the existing thread of the Olympics...


Quote from: diggyon on July 28, 2012, 04:18:16 PM

It pisses me off to see all these pyramids and all seeing eyes everywhere in the planet. They are  e v e r y w h e r e  . It's enough. I really can't take it anymore.

OMG Same here...it's freakin getting under my skin
Do you give up yet?


Quote from: emulik on July 29, 2012, 03:14:37 AM

The ceremony was full of MJ related things, what was so obvious- one or two men dressed like MJ in Billie Jean in the spotlight at one part of the ceremony. I know, you probably already speaked about such a things  :icon_redface:

Enjoy the games guys!  :)

This is a really amazing moment... Michael shows us how is close to us .... :icon_bounce:  :suspect: mmm .. I think he is  tired of being hidden and quiet.....   :michael-jackson: :icon_e_wink: and we , king, are here !!!!  :michael-jackson: :icon_razz: :bearhug:



What things about the ceremony were pertaining to MJ?
I watched the whole thing and only 2 things I noticed were the Neverland
theme and the guy from signature...


Video-maker's comment:
"On 20/7/2012, just 7 days before the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics, a man calling himself 'The Joker' killed 12 people and injured 71 at a Batman DARK KNIGHT RISES screening in Aurora, Colorado. He later told police that he had rigged his flat with EXPLOSIVES.

Meanwhile, just 3 days prior to the shootings a video named 'My Homies Still' was released by Lil Wayne which showed a shooting inside a cinema which including exactly 12 skeletons in the background.

The new Batman movie also contains a scene where the villain Bane blows up a stadium using EXPLOSIVES (referring to the London Olympics) and prior to the 9/11 Attacks a batman advert just so happened to be aired at the time of the first reports of the attack...

So what is the connection between Batman and the latest spree of killings? Are they attempting to Raise a Dark Knight? Hopefully this video will answer all of your questions and more."


I still remember the dancers who were dressed like bats and were riding on bicycles. Why the hell did these "bats" appear in an opening ceremony of the olympics? Still wondering though!

Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool



JMO - Michael has nothing to do with the Olympics, the Queen and Katherine both wearing pink is a coincidence, triangles (pyramids) are everywhere because its a common and useful geometic shape ...... meanwhile talented athletes are giving their all and they deserve our attention and admiration. Please don't let fear of what is going on in the background all the time, not just at the games, spoil your enjoyment of the show the sportsmen and women are putting on.   

I agree that Michael has nothing to do with the London Olympics, and i also agree that triangles are very common and are used everywhere, but not the way they were/are used in the London Olympics..

A major symbol of the ruling bloodline families is the Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye. This represents the wisdom and knowledge that only the initiated or the "illuminated" have access to. The most famous use of this symbol is to be found on the Great Seal of the United States. It is a symbol commonly found in masonic lodges all over the world, and dates back at least to Ancient Egypt. In its depiction on the Great Seal, the Pyramid has 13 steps – the sacred 12 and 1. If you were paying attention last night, you would have recognised that the Olympic Stadium floodlights are, in fact, depictions of the All-Seeing Eye (as indeed are the Olympic mascots). And of course, if you count them...there are 13!!

By far the darkest part of the "ceremony" was the NHS scene, involving what appeared to be a mock child sacrifice to a giant hooded entity. This clearly had echoes of the cremation of care ritual at Bohemian Grove, in which an effigy of a child is sacrificed to Molech – a giant 40ft stone owl. The other children in the hospital beds were then pursued by smaller dark entities. Creepy and disturbing. The "ceremony" culminated with the Olympic cauldron rising into the air and transforming into a giant flaming eye – very much like the eye of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings Films.


"A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life."


I think Aussie's point about Danny Boyle being the director of the opening ceremony is very pertinent. Sinister, dark theatre - that's what he does.

I do not need to play 'spot the pyramid' or 'all-seeing eye' at every turn to be aware that TPTB do not have my best interests at heart.