Now it makes me think that could have a terminal patient and that another person died on June 25 recall the marijuana that was found in the house of Michael?
QuoteMost marijuana is increasingly accepted socially, especially after continuous investigations that praising its medicinal benefits. The social and political changes in United States are allowing that increasingly appear more laws for marijuana. For the year 2011, we have a list of U.S. States that allow the consumption of marijuana as medicine Alaska, with an initiative approved in 1999 allows the cultivation of 6 plant as a maximum, if half are mature adults and the other half are young plants that are not in phase of flowering. Diseases for which approves consumption cachexia, cancer, epilepsy and other disorders characterized by seizures, chronic pain, glaucoma, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other disorders related to muscle spasticity, and nausea. Arizona, recently adopted in 2010 regulates a law that allows to have up to 12 plants maximum. Marijuana is permitted for the treatment of cancer, AIDS, hepatitis C, glaucoma, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cachexia, the syndrome of wear, chronic pain, nausea, seizures and severe or persistent muscle spasms. California, in 1996, where a proposition was the first that allowed medical marijuana could be used. November 6, 1996. On January 1, 2011 Governor Schwarzenegger introduced a Bill to decriminalizing the possession of a marijuana small amount, but it was rejected another that allowed the legalization of marijuana for personal use. The number of plants, limited to 6 adult plants and 12 in growth phase. Diseases with permission to be treated with cannabis are anorexia, AIDS, arthritis, cachexia, cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine, muscle spasms persistent including spasms associated with multiple sclerosis, seizures including seizures associated with epilepsy, chronic, severe nausea or other clinical pictures which show persistent medical symptoms that can be treated with cannabis. Colorado in 2002 comes into force a law allowing the possession of 6 plants, while maximum 3 in flowering phase. Treatable diseases with cannabis are cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, cachexia, severe pain, nausea, seizures or persistent muscle spasms. Hawaii in 2000 approved decriminalization for possession of marijuana cultivated if you have less than 7 floors (3 at an advanced stage and 4 in growth). Diseases for which medical marijuana under the supervision of a physician can consume are multiple sclerosis and the Crohn's disease, glaucoma, cancer, AIDS, severe pain, cachexia, or syndrome of wear, nausea, seizures, or severe and persistent muscle spasms Maine, which in 1999 allows the use of medical marijuana and are allowed to have up to 6 plants. Diseases with permission to consume marijuana are cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's disease, chronic pain, syndrome of cachexia, severe nausea, severe epilepsy and persistent muscle spasms, and multiple sclerosis.Maryland. In 2003 approved a law that dictates that medical marijuana is considered as a mitigating factor in the trials of the State, with a maximum penalty of a fine of $ 100 Michigan. In 2008 was approved the law that allows to have up to 12 marijuana plants to treat diseases such as cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, hepatitis C, Crohn's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, wasting syndrome, severe and chronic pain, nausea, convulsions, epilepsy, muscle spasms, and multiple sclerosis. Montana. In 2004 approved the regularisation that allows to have up to six cannabis plants to treat cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, cachexia, chronic or severe pain, nausea, epilepsy, severe or persistent muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease. Nevada. The October 1, 2001 comes into force the l ey that allows medical use of marijuana. The main diseases treated with marijuana are AIDS, cancer, glaucoma and any medical condition or treatment for cachexia, persistent muscle spasms or convulsions, nausea or pain. You can have up to 7 plants, 4 immature and 3 with buds. New Jersey. On October 1, 2010 approved treatment with cannabis seizures, intractable skeletal muscle spasticity, glaucoma, severe or chronic pain, nausea or vomiting, cachexia, or wasting syndrome caused by HIV / AIDS or cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, muscular dystrophy or inflammatory bowel disease as the disease of Crohn.Nuevo Mexico. The law that allows the treatment of diseases with marijuana came into force on July 1, 2007. also allows to have up to 16 (4 plants in bloom,) and 12 plants to grow. Diseases: severe chronic pain, pain, peripheral neuropathy, náu beneficial as chemotherapy
QuoteWhat is ringworm? Ringworm or dermatophytosis is a superficial infection by fungi of the skin, hair and nails. There are three genera of dermatophytes (skin microscopic fungi): Microsporum, Epidermophyton and Trichophyton, each with several species. There is a natural resistance of the skin, hair and nails to infection by dermatophytes. The clinical manifestations, as well as its infectivity, will depend on both the own l fungus (fungi of animals tend to produce an intense inflammatory reaction in the host and are more contagious, while fungi are usually in soils are less virulent), as the patient-dependent factors. Thus there are some factors that facilitate the emergence of infections caused by fungus: Childhood. Immunological diseases. Diabetes. Diseases of the skin, such as Ichthyosis or the Keratoderma Palmoplantaris. Atopy. Treatment with corticoids. Low body temperature. The tropical or semitropical climate. Injuries. Occlusion, maceration, or sweating in the area. Occupational exposure to fungi (veterinarians, caretakers of animales...). How is it treated? Slight localized infections respond well to topical treatment of the lesions (with as the topical Allylamine antifungal creams, or topical nitrofurans). By oral treatment is necessary if the topic fails, if many areas (or a wide area) are affected, or if there is a condition of nails or hair follicles. It is advisable to do cleaning and waxing of the affected area, and iron out and cut the infected nails to facilitate the action of the antifungal. In the tiñas of scalp, beard or hairy areas, it may be advisable to washing with shampoos with Selenium sulfate, or apply lotions with sulfate of zinc or copper, or potassium permanganate is very inflamed area. On athlete's foot, it may be necessary to also treat inflammation or bacterial infection.
How to evolve the Tinea Inguinalis? Fungi rarely spread beyond the surface of the body to cause a serious illness. However, in people with weak immune systems for other diseases (AIDS, treatments that depress the immune system such as steroids or cancer treatments), fungal infections can spread or do Chronicles. The skin tiñas usually leave no scar once the fungus disappears, and even in some cases go unnoticed and get better without treatment. The Tinea Inguinalis that affect the scalp can leave bald.