Racial Profiling & Police Brutality: Miles' Story

Started by katy (MJFAN7), September 30, 2011, 11:47:40 PM

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katy (MJFAN7)Topic starter

This is Miles ^

On January 12, 2010, one day after his 18th birthday, a CAPA High School honors student named Jordan Trent Miles was ambushed by three Pittsburgh police officers, dressed in plain clothes, who failed to identify themselves and approached him aggressively. The officers did not say "Stop! Police!", they just jumped out of an unmarked vehicle, one of them yelling "Where's your money? Where's the drugs? Where's the gun?" Miles, never before in trouble with the police and thinking he was being robbed, began to run, and slipped on the icy sidewalk. The officers overtook Miles and administered a brutal beating that left him unrecognizable, ripping dreadlocks out of his head, and continuing to beat him as he lay on the ground after their initial assault, stammering the Lord's Prayer. There can be no explaining away or excusing what was done to Miles.

The police officers lied about what happened, claiming there was a bulge in his pocket they assumed was a gun but "turned out to be a Mountain Dew bottle". No bottle was ever entered into evidence, and Jordan and his friends will tell you he doesn't even drink the soda. The officers also attempted to claim a neighbor reported him as a prowler and attempted to bring assault charges against Miles, which were tossed out of court when the neighbor said she did no such thing. Despite all this, the City of Pittsburgh went on to reward these violent officers with a commendation and, during their suspension, paid them more than they earned while working. Meanwhile, the Pittsburgh DA has not brought charges and the Justice Department announced on May 4th, 2011 that it would not prosecute the three officers. The mayor and police chief announced on May 5th that the three officers would be returning to work.

"I feel that my son was racially profiled," Terez Miles said. "It's a rough neighborhood; it was after dark. ... They assumed he was up to no good because he's black. My son, he knows nothing about the streets at all. He's had a very sheltered life, he's very quiet, he doesn't know police officers sit in cars and stalk people like that."

This story breaks my heart ):
I HATE hearing about things like this.
If you want to help, please go here: http://justiceforjordanmiles.com/

أملي هو فيكم.


You know what, sometimes the worst people are the police officers. Just because they have a uniform and a gun they think they can do what ever they want. I feel so bad for that poor man, if I were him i would have brought all of them to court, or else they will do it again..

When are people going to learn, to never judge a person by his appearances.  There is a proverb, DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.  Why is it they cannot print this in their heads. These are racists cops, they knew that, this poor soul was a good person, they just wanted to stir some s.h.i.t.How about LIVE AND LET LIVE..  I hope God will make them pay..

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson