Michael and his friend Frank Dileo,lol

Started by applehead250609, September 30, 2011, 06:29:52 AM

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applehead250609Topic starter

This two guys are awesome and they had a REAL FRIENDSHIP.I LOVE them both  :-*!!!!

Contrary to what you might expect, [Dileo's] office is a humble space in a nondescript building. But hanging on those office walls are enough gold and platinum records to make your head spin. And there is also a framed photograph of Frank Dileo and Michael Jackson, from behind, standing at urinals in a public restroom. Above Michael's head, in Michael's handwriting, are the words:
"This water sure is cold." Above Frank's head, he wrote, "It's deep too."   :lol: geek/ :lol: lolol/ bounce/ :lol: geek/

Tookie & The King A Legacy of Greatness


The picture of Frank and the picture spread......where it's just him smiling up at the camera:

the word "Unvergessen" is the in the center of the page.  That just seems really planted to me.  Did Frank help him escape?  He's very happy to see that Michael is "Unvergessen"......I believe it's German for "unforgotten".
Frank sure looks healthy there......what a guy!  I would have loved to have met him for sure!
Just a random observation......
Have a beautiful day...


Thank you for the post Apple. Frank was a dear friend of Michael and I'm sure that Michael is missing him so much. Wish he was still alive and we could see him at the trial as well. Rest in Peace Frank. You are truly missed.

applehead250609Topic starter

PureLove and wishingstar thank you very much for your answers  :)!!!
PureLove there is no doubt in my mind that Frank is a very good friend of Michael .
Wishingstar your OBSERVATION is very clever  /bravo/,girl,who knows,maybe is a clue,but for sure Michael is unforgotten,in many people minds and hearts  :-*.
Love you both,take care.


i immediately saved the pic of those two at the urinal  lolol/

thanks applehead!


Quote from: TheMoonIsDancing on September 30, 2011, 02:59:42 PM

i immediately saved the pic of those two at the urinal  lolol/

thanks applehead!

Perhaps they're wizzin' on tabloids .....  mj_bad/


Yes he was a very good friend to Michael. May he rest in Peace.. Dont't forget Italians have a very big heart.. Once you have them as friends you should keep them you get lots from them.. I speak of experience. Love both.. May God bless  Frank's soul.. and protect Michael..

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


Quote from: TheMoonIsDancing on September 30, 2011, 02:59:42 PM

i immediately saved the pic of those two at the urinal  lolol/

thanks applehead!

Hilarious! Loved these pics thanks
Speechless, Speechless, That\'s how you make me feel!!!
I Love You now and forever Michael

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