You know how in the story/movie of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo is bitten by the giant spider, and becomes like the dead. Sam indeed thinks he's dead and is weeping, until he hides and overhears the orks talking amongst themselves how when the spider bites someone it only appears they are dead, and they will after a bit of time come alive/conscious again, but the spider wraps them up in her websilk only to come back later to digest them. Could this lady's story be a clue from MJ, that another scenario that TS was wanting us to explore was that the body in the ambulance and at the hospital was a dead-like zombie Michael wrapped in the white sheet like the spidersilk, only to recover in the time-frame for that certain drug he would have to take to have this happen. Michael did in fact get bitten by a spider, and in TII he climbs out of a spider, so is there something being hinted at here? IDK Also in PPB's little video it seems the good doctor makes a zombie out of the MJ (Blanket)!