
Family pic Latoya posted on her Twitter act. 8/29/11

Started by bec, August 30, 2011, 12:49:36 AM

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latoyajackson 20 hours 57 mins ago Twitter
On MJ's 53rd birthday I'd like to share a personal photo of MJ's last birthday dinner with my family on August 30, 2004. http://yfrog.com/h0su2tjj

This is the pic:

This pic is interesting. Latoya says its from 2004 and that makes it interesting for 2 reasons. First, it is supposed to be taken at a birthday dinner for Michael yet his children are not in the photo. Second, we can clearly see 3 bottles of Figi water on the table to the left, with their labels faced.

The Fiji water is the source of the conundrum. We are left with just a few ways to explain it's appearance in this pic.

:arrow:One interpretation could be the Jackson family simply has long had an affinity for Fiji water, of which Michael also shares, and they have always had it supplied in any situation calling for bottled water. If this is our answer, we now know that the label facing is just a coincidence and the whole Fiji water-Barnum connection that is nearly as old as the hoax itself, has just been our imagination...

:!:Remember, in order for us to consider the Fiji water irrelevant here, we would also have to accept that the Fiji water is irrelevant in at least these three prior instances:

  • death bed pic in the Weekly World News
  • tii backstage footage
  • tribute press conference

If you reject that each appearance of a Fiji water bottle in this hoax was irrelevant, then 2 explanations for this pic remain.

:arrow: One explanation is that 5 years prior to 6/25/09, Michael subtly product placed the Figi water like this at a family function that he knew would likely involve taking photos so they could appear appear 7 years later (posted by Latoya) as a time capsule clue in the hoax,

:arrow: :idea: or this pic is more recent, aka post 6/25 and Latoya lied about the year for obvious reasons. First, because he is supposed to be 2 years dead so it has to be old, and second, because 2004-2011 is 7 years. In the case of this explanation, the children would have to be left out of it so their size did not give away the age of the pic.

If this pic was taken after 6/25/09, then this indeed was a gift from Michael, through Latoya, for us on his birthday.

Nice to think about but in all seriousness, as near as I can understand, its either one or the other: a) the Fiji water is not a Barnum reference/not a clue/irrelevant to the hoax, or b) this pic is a very big deal.


Australian MJ BeLIEver

perhaps he is IN fiji... im only half serious. but imagine.
mj would be far more subtle than that.

perhaps jacksons own the brand.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

becTopic starter

Yes, paula, that's my point. We have always held the appearance of Fiji water as a clue to the hoax-Barnum connection. It started with the "death-bed photo", then to TII, then appears at the Tribute conference... and finally it shows up purposely faced and framed in a Jackson Family photo from 2004.

It's enough to make one pause at the implications.
It's such a little detail... I guess I didn't think he had the little details planned for so long... just the big stuff (lyrics, symbolism, the PLAN). Dates and things can be manipulated (the will on 7/7/02 could have been manipulated and the document produced much later, for example), but this photo says a thousand words.
Are you entertained?


Bec, I don't want to take the wind out of your sails, so to speak, but aren't these all situations where it would be perfectly feasible to legitimately have bottles of water, without there being any clues or hoax connection?

Now I don't know if Fiji would be the brand of choice for the Jacksons, or if it is maybe so common in the US that that's the sort that would most likely be provided. Without ascertaining these things I can't make a decision about the importance or not of this water cropping up in all four places.

Is that why you're seeing it as important - because you know the Fiji brand is unusual and therefore it recurring in 2004, 2009 and now in 2011 is strange?


MJ had dinner with his family on 14 May 2009 for his parents' anniversary.  So how can the 2004 dinner be the last one he ever had with his family - that would have been 5 years before 2009.


becTopic starter

Quote from: curls on September 20, 2011, 12:12:31 PM

Bec, I don't want to take the wind out of your sails, so to speak, but aren't these all situations where it would be perfectly feasible to legitimately have bottles of water, without there being any clues or hoax connection?

Now I don't know if Fiji would be the brand of choice for the Jacksons, or if it is maybe so common in the US that that's the sort that would most likely be provided. Without ascertaining these things I can't make a decision about the importance or not of this water cropping up in all four places.

Is that why you're seeing it as important - because you know the Fiji brand is unusual and therefore it recurring in 2004, 2009 and now in 2011 is strange?

No loss of wind, lol, love u curls.

Fiji is fairly unusual to see in the US. It's not a very popular brand at all.
But the biggest thing about it's placement in the 2004 pic is that the family group, ie people are off centered in the frame so as to include the water sitting on the table off to the side. There seems no earthly reason to include the water. If the photographer had centered the subject, even passively, the water would have been cut out of the shot. Take a look at it again and you'll see what I mean.
That's the weirdest part to me.
Are you entertained?


Yes, I've looked again Bec, and I see what you mean!  It begs the question, who actually took the photo?  Someone random, who might easily have off centred the group (hell, I've got some family pics far worse than this one with all sorts of miscellaneous 'extras'!)?  Some professional? Someone taking orders from MJ to make sure they get the water in the shot?!

Anyone fancy asking LaToya if she remembers who took the photo?!!


Perhaps it's not the brand of water itself. Water = life.

Here is the opening paragraph for the link I'm providing.

** "Water is often used to symbolize things in literature. Since water is often a sign of life, many times water represents life. Water can also be broken up into two categories: fresh water and bad/polluted water. Fresh water can represent good health, and bad water symbolizes bad health." **



"Breathe in waves of doubt, bitter in your mouth" - Toad The Wet Sprocket


September 20, 2011, 01:36:51 PM #67 Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 01:38:25 PM by TheMoonIsDancing

You see a lot of hollywood celebrities drinking Fiji water, Evian, Smart Water: the more expensive brands.
I think the point of water symbolizing life is more fitting, and Fiji is just that trendy water 'classy' people drink lol. Plus, I can't stand how Fiji water tastes. It has so much flouride that all its natural minerals are stripped clean. It tastes like your drinking bleach diluted with water...  pale/


Quote from: Mish1981 on September 20, 2011, 01:05:55 PM

Perhaps it's not the brand of water itself. Water = life.

Here is the opening paragraph for the link I'm providing.

** "Water is often used to symbolize things in literature. Since water is often a sign of life, many times water represents life. Water can also be broken up into two categories: fresh water and bad/polluted water. Fresh water can represent good health, and bad water symbolizes bad health." **


So many things that have been said of fiji, i found this on the internet, the original text is in spanish

How many dead MORE DO YOU NEED?
The company's bottled Fiji water, thanks to a very effective marketing campaign, came to position your brand at an international level. Fiji bottled water reached to be the second best-selling watermark in United States. But for his "bad luck", it had a surfeit of arrogance to deploy an ad campaign in magazines in 2007, with the phrase "the label says Fiji because it is not bottled in Cleveland" (Ohio), as a way of accentuating the purity of its origin. Says one of the leaders of the campaign, the election of the city of Cleveland to include in the sentence was carried out at random. Cleveland authorities, somewhat offended, decided to conduct a comparative analysis of local tap water and bottled water, Fiji. The results determined that bottled water contained 6.3 micrograms of arsenic per liter, while the City tap water had a non-existent presence of arsenic. Analysis took public State, and of course, were a bofetazo for the company, which decided to promote their own analyses. The results of new studies, determined the presence of 2 micrograms per liter, being shown that Fiji water, as well as more expensive, slightly more toxic than water from tap (always within levels tolerated by the law). The company, not only decided to put an end to the campaign, but it also had to accentuate their policies to reduce the polluting effects throughout the product life cycle, before the sharp decline in its sales volumes.


Quote from: ~Souza~ on August 31, 2011, 11:10:52 PM

I will say it again: there is fluoride in Fiji water. Fluoride is poison, so there must be a clue there because I do not believe they would drink that shit. Also, I have only seen full, closed bottles. MJ looks photoshopped into that family picture, and so are maybe the bottles. So something is up with that picture, but what is it?

Yes. Michael´s hands are darker if one compares with 2004-5 pics. And also, Fiji water + fluoride reminds me of Michael´s bed, with a tube of tooth paste.
("Minkin güerveeeee")
Michael pls come back

"Why a four-year-old child could understand this hoax. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it"


May be the water is used because of charity?
since 2007
FIJI Water Foundation Launched in August 2007, the FIJI Water Foundation is a charitable trust funded and supported by our owners, employees, and partners from around the world.  The FIJI Water Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic organizations operating in Fiji and focuses on three priority areas of development throughout the islands: (1) improving access to, and quality of, health care; (2) creating and advancing educational opportunities for children, teenagers and adults; and (3) investing in clean water, sanitation, and infrastructure projects to improve quality of life.
Since its establishment, the Foundation has funded projects touching over 100,000 lives in all fourteen of Fiji's provinces. We continue to expand our outreach and identify long-term project partners who share the Foundation's sustainable development goals.

("Minkin güerveeeee")
Michael pls come back

"Why a four-year-old child could understand this hoax. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it"


Quote from: MissG on September 20, 2011, 04:02:58 PM

Quote from: ~Souza~ on August 31, 2011, 11:10:52 PM

I will say it again: there is fluoride in Fiji water. Fluoride is poison, so there must be a clue there because I do not believe they would drink that shit. Also, I have only seen full, closed bottles. MJ looks photoshopped into that family picture, and so are maybe the bottles. So something is up with that picture, but what is it?

Yes. Michael´s hands are darker if one compares with 2004-5 pics. And also, Fiji water + fluoride reminds me of Michael´s bed, with a tube of tooth paste.
This is of jermaine:

Someone, without any authorisation from the promoter, AEG, placed a discreet call to a doctor whom Michael had consulted in the past. After the symptoms had been explained to him, the doctor said it sounded as if Michael was suffering from "toxic poisoning of the brain" and should get to a hospital. For reasons that remain maddening to me, he didn't go.

Fluoride is a toxic substance that is found in toothpaste and water, the two things be the" scene of the crime " errrr 8)


September 21, 2011, 01:45:43 AM #72 Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 01:50:59 AM by curls

The toothpaste was still in it's box - i.e. unused.  I can't see if the water bottle is open. Water on the bedside table I can understand, but a box of toothpaste randomly left on a 'death bed'  WTF?? ?? Not 'random' at all I'd say. It was left there to be seen, which now makes me wonder some more about the other items littering that totally set-up scene.

becTopic starter

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