TIAI August 17

Started by TS_comments, August 17, 2011, 02:21:19 AM

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As most of you know already: the MJ tribute planned for October 8 is exactly 17 years (1 + 7 = 8 ) after the Elvis tribute, which MJ & LMP attended (and this redirect is on 8-17).  And it's not just Global Live pushing Katherine into this; remember that the family has been behind it (except Jermaine and Randy).  So if the location of the tribute is not a coincidence (Cardiff Wales & Cardiff Giant hoax), then the timing of it is also not a coincidence.

TS was not the first to bring up the Elvis connections and parallels, but TS did bring Elvis and MJ to the forefront in 2010 (www.ElvisAndMJ.com); however, the reaction from many was not supportive of bringing Elvis into the MJ hoax, and some even left this forum or the whole hoax over it.  As I have always said, though, the truth will all come out; and one year later, Jackson family members are supporting a tribute, which is very obviously intended to show the Elvis connection.

Likewise, TS was not the first to bring up the Illuminati and secret societies aspect of the MJ hoax, but TS did bring this to the forefront in 2009 (www.ThisIsAlsoIt.com); and just like the Elvis aspect, many have opposed TS because of the Illuminati aspect.  Nearly two years later, though, Jackson family members are starting to speak publicly about this as well.  As I have already documented in the July 7 thread, La Toya's book goes into this aspect a little {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/topic,19778.0.html}.  Furthermore, La Toya has just recently verified the Twitter for Paris {http://twitter.com/#!/latoyajackson/status/100693639176523776}; and Paris herself tweeted in June about the "secret society" aspect, encouraging us to "take time to seek" info about this for ourselves {http://twitter.com/#!/pariisjaxn/status/80390484186509312; http://twitter.com/#!/pariisjaxn/status/80381763427385344}.

Those who post regularly on this forum already know most or all of what I've said here; but I am including it because there are those not on this forum who still watch the TIAI redirects, and even copy what I post to other forums, etc.  And it's time for these important aspects of the hoax to be understood by all on this forum, other hoax forums, and YouTube, etc.

Getting back to the Elvis connections: the redirect for yesterday (August 16) was a statement by LMP at Graceland {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/topic,20123.0.html}.  Most of the connections there were discovered, and commented upon in that thread; but let me review them here, and add a few points.

" 'I'll see you next August.'  What does that sound like? --> I'll see you in July!" {lilwendy}.

" 'Elvis Through His Daughter's Eyes' ... this made me think of Jermaine's book 'You are Not Alone: Michael: Through a Brother's Eyes'." {Sarahli}.

"Maybe LMP's 'entire family' will include her father.  Elvis fans deserve a BAM too!  They've certainly been waiting long enough." {Andrea}.

" '...which as you all know as the 35th anniversary will be special time'  To me this was interesting. Why is the 35 anniversary special?" {GINAFELICIA}.

The "entire family" if taken literally, would have to include Jesse/Elvis—since he is still alive.  Why is the 35th anniversary special?  Because he will then be 77 years old, the same number as the "death" year (8-16-77).  Also because it will be exactly ten years after the 25th anniversary, when Dr. Hinton said Elvis would be "coming out" at Graceland.  And because "3+5=8" {Yambo3003}; of course 8 is the key number in the Elvis numerology.

It will also be in the year 2012, which we all know by now is a major year in MJ's hoax ("four years" from 2009, and 911 call at 12:21, FBI files, etc).  Of course even if there is an Elvis BAM: he would not be performing again, or even seen in public (other than maybe at Graceland next year).  Now I am not saying with any certainty that Elvis will BAM on 8-16-2012; but I am saying that if he ever does, that would be a very likely time.  Anyone who has read his book knows that Jesse himself would like the general public to know the truth {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/topic,16148.0.html}; but he has pressure from family, and especially EPE.

Last but not least: I will say for certain that MJ will BAM before the end of 2012!!!  Previously, I have given probabilities, possibilities, hints, and clues of a BAM from MJ.  However, this is the very first time that I have given a BAM timing with certainty—not that I am giving an exact day or even year (could be this year or next), but I am saying that there is a deadline beyond which his BAM will not be extended.  I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!



It would seem that all the 2012 dates favor Elvis (8 ), not Michael (7).

Those are great photo montages, SimPattyK, welcome to the forum.
I agree with whoever brought up that the false alarm BAM dates (Halloween 09, Jan 2010, summer 2010, etc) were probably included to keep our interest in the hoax. If we were looking at only
hints of a possible comeback of 2012 in July of 2009, I think we all might have given up and gone home after the burial.
2012 sounds a million years away, still. We are looking at trial starting within days. 2012 to me means Murray is to complete trial and then some...
and then some? Some what? What comes after trial? Has anyone speculated on this possibility? What happens if Murray is acquitted (or convicted) and Michael isn't back yet? I don't think I've seen a theory yet that includes a scenario after trial. This is fairly uncharted theory territory  :? 
Are you entertained?


Hello and welcome SimPattyK.....

Great to have you here.....and great first post!  I love the numbers.......they are such a road-map to me for some reason.  Thanks for pointing those out....it's amazing to see them all together like that.
Hope you enjoy it around here...looking forward to your posts!
Blessings to you!


Quote from: bec on August 30, 2011, 10:55:39 PM

It would seem that all the 2012 dates favor Elvis (8 ), not Michael (7).

Those are great photo montages, SimPattyK, welcome to the forum.
I agree with whoever brought up that the false alarm BAM dates (Halloween 09, Jan 2010, summer 2010, etc) were probably included to keep our interest in the hoax. If we were looking at only
hints of a possible comeback of 2012 in July of 2009, I think we all might have given up and gone home after the burial.

2012 sounds a million years away, still. We are looking at trial starting within days. 2012 to me means Murray is to complete trial and then some...

and then some? Some what? What comes after trial? Has anyone speculated on this possibility? What happens if Murray is acquitted (or convicted) and Michael isn't back yet? I don't think I've seen a theory yet that includes a scenario after trial. This is fairly uncharted theory territory  :?
Uncharted territory, yes.  And maybe that's the point.  We've been waiting for over two years for not only Michael's return but for this trial to happen and the general consensus has been - the trial must happen then Michael will come back.  But what if he doesn't right away?  How much longer can this trial be delayed and once it starts, how long will it last?  IF Murray is found guilty and Michael doesn't pop out and say "here I am!", what will happen?  We'll keep watchin' I guess.  If Murray is found guilty and we know he's not because Michael is alive then it would show a miscarriage of justice, a big FAIL to the whole court system for finding an innocent man guilty.  It's happened before.  But I'm starting to over-speculate now.  And I agree with you that the previous potential BAM dates were a way to keep us here, I can see some believers hearing 2012 in 2009 and saying "nuts to this".  But the hope that everyday is a possible BAM day keeps us here and if we need to wait longer, fine, I'll still be here.  And just think - none of us would "know" each other if not for Michael and his hoax.

P.S. @ SimPattyK - awesome post, love the numbers!


Just thinking out loud and perhaps someone can help on this thought because I can't completely wrap my head around it. If Murray goes to trial and let's say he's found guilty, Michael afterwards comes back, how has the justice system failed? Does it happen yes all the time, but if the courts (in this particular case with Murray) only go by what information they have then I'm confused. They didn't investigate if MJ was still alive or not, this is completely done with the speculation that he is in fact dead.

Another thought: Perhaps that's the point. The evidence is so skim, one thing is contradicting another therefore the investigation wasn't done completely.

Ah that whole process was enough to give me a headache.

Sorry for rambling.


"Breathe in waves of doubt, bitter in your mouth" - Toad The Wet Sprocket


Mish, ramble away...

If Murray is found guilty, when Michael comes back, just by virtue of not being dead, he will prove that the justice system is broken.
But is that a goal?
The justice system never failed Michael. It was the media and the investigators (DA's office) that failed Michael. And the people... who followed the media as if it were the Pide Piper.
So when looking for possible targets of a sting operation, I tend to focus on the media and the people.... and this being a hoax court... since the guard has long been changed at the DA's office.
But anything is possible. Michael can prove anything he wants to prove, just by not being dead as most believe him to be, depending on how he has written the script.
Are you entertained?


Quote from: bec on August 31, 2011, 10:26:28 AM

Mish, ramble away...

If Murray is found guilty, when Michael comes back, just by virtue of not being dead, he will prove that the justice system is broken.
But is that a goal?
The justice system never failed Michael. It was the media and the investigators (DA's office) that failed Michael. And the people... who followed the media as if it were the Pide Piper.
So when looking for possible targets of a sting operation, I tend to focus on the media and the people.... and this being a hoax court... since the guard has long been changed at the DA's office.
But anything is possible. Michael can prove anything he wants to prove, just by not being dead as most believe him to be, depending on how he has written the script.
Your right he certainly can! I am still trying to wrap my head around things that's all. I know the media is at fault on so many levels not just for MJ but anyone else they decide to target.

"Breathe in waves of doubt, bitter in your mouth" - Toad The Wet Sprocket


I have many thoughts about the trial filed away in my brain. I hear what you're saying Bec about us never really venturing beyond the trial, but I think I'm going to leave my thoughts where they are for now.  The trial has yet to start and until it does, I remain sceptical about it EVER happening, not because I'm being negative, but because I think there are many reasons why it might not.  It's all rather unknown territory isn't it?


You're right curls, it is all unknown territory. Perhaps that's one of the reasons for the lack of conjecture after the trial... because there is still debate over whether it will ever even take place.

Hopefully we will find out the answers to this question, and more, very shortly.
Are you entertained?


Just adding another thought.. let's imagine that the trial takes place (and TS seems confident about that) and let's imagine that Murray is found guilty and goes to jail ... if we consider the possibility of a hoax/sting court then maybe that Murray will not really go in jail but we will be made to believe so. Another hoax in the hoax so to speak, that will somehow be useful to make things last longer because Murray will make an appeal ... etc.

We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


August 31, 2011, 02:09:47 PM #249 Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 02:17:12 PM by MJonmind

The whole difficulty of this hoax is the unpredictable nature of the script that MJ has written, and the nature of
reality/illusions/lies. And there is absolutely NOTHING that is out of bounds happening. Like--MJ would never do this or that... mj_bad/

If Murray is convicted he will go to prison most likely--so would we have pics and video of him there conversing with gaurds
and other inmates, including more hoax clues? Exposing real prison problems?
If he is acquitted--I guess the fans will continue to be enraged, and he will stroll the streets with his nongrowing child.
There's still more MJ projects coming right--10 in 7 years? Albums, videos.
The tribute will happen with many more ongoing dots to connect.
Front and TS will occasionally post to encourage us on and not feel abandoned.
The news world and entertainment business will continue to give snatches of Michaelisms to make us perk up our ears.
Hoaxers will find more dates and numbers that work out as having 7, 9, 8, 117, 24, etc. significance.
At least now we have a deadline from TS, Jan. 1, 2013 for the BIG event.
Will we continue to see above hoax-type connections even after 2013?

I agree with PureLove that the so-called false Bam promises/predictions that have come and gone were to keep us from giving up too soon, before
we realized the extreme depth and far-reaching involvement of this hoax/ARG. michael-jackson/

The justice system is broken, the media world is broken, the entertainment business is tired and supersaturated, the governments are bankrupt,
children are continuing to be abused, the earth is not keeping up with man's use of its resources, religions may blend as this generation just wants
love and freedom not more control, on and on.
There has been and always will be good people, evil people, and good people can become evil, and vica versa.

Bottom line, I love Michael, I love being here, and will keep on watching because I haven't got a clue what's going to happen down the line. fresse/


Quote from: bec on August 30, 2011, 10:55:39 PM

[...]Those are great photo montages, SimPattyK, welcome to the forum.[...]

Thank you!

Quote from: wishingstar on August 30, 2011, 11:01:27 PM

Hello and welcome SimPattyK.....
Great to have you here.....and great first post!  I love the numbers.......they are such a road-map to me for some reason.  Thanks for pointing those out....it's amazing to see them all together like that.
Hope you enjoy it around here...looking forward to your posts!
Blessings to you!

Thank you, that's nice! yes I like the forum ;) Much LOVE to you!

Quote from: Andrea on August 31, 2011, 08:08:20 AM

P.S. @ SimPattyK - awesome post, love the numbers!

Thank you! And yes, numerology is the BEST proof ever that both Elvis and Michael are ALIVE, for all the obvious reasons! But most important: because it shows how everything was planned to the date and hour and minute!


Put some more of your work , especially the one with the clothes ... 2005 vs 2010 ... all of them actually !
moonwalk_/    +     elvis_/  =     bearhug


Quote from: Flaviuxa on August 31, 2011, 02:59:00 PM

Put some more of your work , especially the one with the clothes ... 2005 vs 2010 ... all of them actually !
moonwalk_/    +     elvis_/  =     bearhug

lol :) Ok I will ...  ;)

Australian MJ BeLIEver


your facebook pics are great! i look forward to seeing more from you.


People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

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