It greatly saddens me that the US turned their back on Michael. Since '93 people have looked at him differently and it's sickening! I live in the US and it makes me disgusted that others are so cruel and naive, they are more willing to turn their back and make snooty comments then listen to what is actually being said or watch was is happening. I didn't even hear about the 02 shows until after 6/25, show's you how much love the US has for him! I have defended Michael in more arguments then I care to count. There have been times when listening to his music driving I would get dirty looks because I have his music blasting through my speakers. My response, turn it up and smile! I don't understand how others can act so cruel to someone who has so much love and respect for everyone else. As we all know, others are quick to judge when they are not educated about the situation (in Laymen's terms they are idiots)sorry it had to be said. As MichaelsAngel said earlier, I to have sat through many conversations that he had vitiligo and even got into a verbal fight with a nurse while visiting my Aunt at the hospital, at the time I can't remember what it was about. I'm not the brightest person in the world, I don't pick up on everything, I don't understand a few things and yes I am a little naive at times but I do have the common sense to ask questions and figure things out for myself instead of just agreeing with the mass. It's disgusting and sad to have fellow citizens who are so idiotic and are unwilling to change and see whats right in front of them.
I was so angry after 6/25! People are so fake. Where was the support during the trial? Where was the support when he came on T.V to plead with others not to condemn him until all sides were heard! Where was the compassion when came out verbally and said he had vitiligo, where was the excitement when he became a father (because everyone knew he wanted to be), where were these people? Where were the emails to news stations telling them to stop insulting Michael and twisting everything he said. Where was everyone when he did good for the world to stand up and say he wasn't doing it alone. I'll tell you where, NOT WITH/BEHIND/STANDING UP FOR HIM. They turned their back, but after 6/25 WOOHOO a whole new story! People came out of the wood works with love for him, his music, what he stood for. People were purchasing any thing that had his name on it from CD's, clothes and books. How many video's are now on Youtube when you type in his name? Where was all of the love for Michael when he could embrace it without being behind a curtain?
Enough of my rant...sorry.