Michael Jackson is not dead song from Spankox

Started by lenalu, August 01, 2011, 01:26:51 PM

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August 01, 2011, 01:26:51 PM Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 12:55:30 PM by ForstAMoon

Hey I haven't been here for a while but I had to post this


that is a song by spankox ( don't know them, or him?) but I really like it and there are a lot of informations about the hoax given, that we of course already know, but I think it's a cool thing that the the meadia and the music industry now believes in the hoax!
please tell me what you think about that! ;D



It has been mentioned before, however, this is a great song....You may enjoy my version of it.  Thanks for sharing.  God bless



I like how this Spankox guy also did entire remix albums on Elvis songs.  I read that his remix albums were supported by the Elvis Presley Estate, so I feel Lisa Marie would have shared information with him about MJ.


Call me a party p00per but this kind of thing seriously makes me ill.

In the eyes of the public, and 'normal' people, we are being chucked into the same category as people who swear they saw Elvis Presley alive here there and everywhere.

Publicity like this -- in the form of random "MJ is not dead!" songs that are most likely not meant to be taken seriously -- sort of dumbs down the mystery and shock of the fact(s) Michael is alive and well somewhere.

I hate to think that with the presence of music like this, and books, and random websites and people reporting "I saw MJ alive!!"... one day this hoax will just be a big joke.

my darling songbird,
where are you, dear?
are you gone and disappeared?
or are you warbling somewhere

where I cannot yet hear?

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