
Urgent...please watch my video and tell me what you think..part 1

Started by 2good2btrue, July 30, 2011, 02:31:27 AM

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This is the first part of my first attempt at exposing the NWO and zionist Jews.....who surrounded and leeched onto MJ most of his life.......next part is coming soon....Remember, this is all based on actual facts, and I am not a racist in any way.....just presenting the facts....what I do believe is that, MJ will expose all of this when he returns...he will have everyones attention at that precise moment, and the whole world will be watching...
Scary stuff, but its all real......and there's lots more in the next video....



Quote from: MJonmind on July 30, 2011, 04:35:43 AM

applehead250609, that is a very deep branching rabbit hole, one I've explored a bit a few years ago. When the newscaster spoke about building 7 going down, he said it was like a hollywood movie. That is true about much that we have been told about Hitler, the Holocaust etc., in our history books, movies, etc.  We've been fed half-truths, lies, twists and proganda for decades. It's a 'religion' around the world that is taboo to discuss/debate.  When they call it Shoah business, or Holocaust industry, it really is that --complex and powerful. There are many in prison or silenced for speaking contrary to the official story. Just like 911, the masses believe what they are told, and don't question. It is questions that start opening the door to finding inconsistencies, contradictions, silenced stories, and background motivations for carrying out these monstrous deceptions. Compared to the death count and suffering in those years, the 3000 lost in 911, was nothing.  Hitler once said, ""If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed".  http://thinkexist.com/quotation/if_you_tell_a_big_enough_lie_and_tell_it/195660.html

Yes Mjonmind the rabbit hole is very deep and many things we think are  true,actually are a lie,lol.Michael used Hitler quote many times,mmmm.Let's see,  the one I remember now is when he spoke to Oprah in 1993,here it is:

Oprah : But can you really forgive?
Michael : I do forgive. There's so much garbage and so much trash that's written about me it is so untrue, they're complete lies, and those are some of the things I wanted to talk about. The press has made up so much ... God ... awful, horrifying stories it has made me realize the more often you hear a lie, I mean, you begin to believe it.

Strange this number 7 is appearing everywere,even in this Twin tower sad story,but there is one thing I dont understand .Why people keep talking about Michael as the 7-th child,when in fact he is the 8-th one :? :?:?



Thanks for posting this. Very interesting and insightful. Especially that movie...wow...

Awareness + Awakening = Higher Consciousness

2good2btrueTopic starter

Thanks guys for your feedback....it is a real eye opener.  Part two will be about the real reason for 9/11 and WHY I believe the firefighters and paramedics would go ahead and be part of this hoax....its for revenge....V for Vendetta.

So far we have dvelved into WHY MJ had to fake his death.  We have never really discussed WHY the people around him, would go with it......In my opinion, after investigating the truths about 9/11....there is alot of people that want the truth out there, and for those who are responsible, to be charged and crucified for these terrible deeds.....


even with their lives to pay these sons of bitches all the evil that have done and are doing :evil:,... I sorry for my expression, good video forward  2good2btrue

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