Pic...Michael arriving at the Staples Center??

Started by AnaMarcia, July 02, 2011, 04:17:29 PM

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Has anyone ever seen this picture before?

For clothing (jacket and shirt) is a photo of Michael coming to rehearse and shoot TII. The jacket is the same.
I found it interesting because I've never seen before. If it's a picture TII, Michael arrived with straight hair and then made ​​her famous hairstyle to perform on stage with  curly hair, maybe it is proved that a film and not necessarily only a test.
So this is the sick man who came to the tests so discouraged and in need of protection of security guards?
I think not!



Quote from: all4loveandbelieve on September 17, 2011, 07:18:21 PM

(why is this man grabbing him like that?  )
In answering to your question Probably it was his bodyguard.. I am sure he was not hurting Michael..

That man is Thome Thome.


are we certain that is the real MJ? His nose doesn't look right...in those pics, it looks "normal"...earlier his nose looked really small...


1000 calories a day is not enough for a man, except he wants to lose weight.

Of course he is beautiful anyway, because this is true, he is just beautiful no matter what, but these pics just make me want to feed him, convince him or even force him to eat something.

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