With much thought, I am finally going to respond to this. But I need to explain a few things first. Sorry if it becomes a dissertation, but I feel the importance of writing this down.
How did I get introduced to Michael Jackson? I was in 5th grade. Thriller just came out, and as a "tween" who was beginning to like boys, Michael became my first celebrity crush. This happened to coincide with the whole world having a crush on Michael. "Michael Mania" would be an understatement! And I was at the age where it had a HUGE impact on me. Posters, stickers...I had everything!
Fast forward several years. In high school, the "grunge" music scene was entering the landscape, and I was gravitating towards "alternative music"; i.e., Depeche Mode, The Cure, etc. Michael Jackson slid off my radar, and his musical style no longer fit my interest. With this lack of interest, along with the media brainwashing, I didn't think know what to think Michael anymore...if I thought much at all. I was in a different space; I went on to university, worked hard and entered the field of education. My life's passion and career has all been for kids, and each day I see the day-to-day realities of their lives. I am now on the "front lines" and work with kids as a professional counselor now, and I cannot even begin to tell you how troubling it is for me to see the state of our families. Michael has also observed what's happening, and has felt the same outrage, concern, and urgency that I feel each day. Although I have never met Michael, I feel spiritually connected to him by the cause we both share and feel so impassioned about. Like Michael, I, too, have felt called and obligated to help heal the world and our children.
When Michael Jackson "died", I, like many others, saw Michael with our hearts once again, and not with our poisoned eyes from all of the media lies and deception over the years. I began to reconnect with what he was all about. I did not know that Michael was so passionate about his concern for the plight of kids. I never knew about his Oxford speech, I never really paid attention to his lyrics, I never listened to his thoughts about children and families through his interviews, etc.
Strangely, stumbling upon a possible hoax site and doing research forced me to "discover the man I thought I knew". (Who would've ever imagined?) It has been truly eye opening, and I have such deep regret in not seeing and knowing these things before. I didn't realize that Michael and I were on the same team, fighting for the same things. This fight needs all the help it can get!
If Michael is trying to fight for our kids, and the forces against them, then yes, I will be fighting right alongside with him, even if from miles away and a complete stranger to him. It will take an "army" of committed people to defend and give a voice to the children, and to be effective change agents to combat the evils in this world that threaten them and their future.