The Good Angels/ETs

Started by peacock7, May 26, 2011, 01:40:51 PM

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Quote from: Dontwalkaway on May 27, 2012, 10:18:08 AM

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa May 25 2012 - YouTube
Message from SaluSa,  Galactic Federation of Light

Our Galactic Family Of Light Galactic Federation of Light May 25 2012 - YouTube
The Bermuda Triangle

Thanks Gwynned for sharing.  The messages from the Galactic Federation lately have been mind blowing.  Did you also hear the part where they talk about a crystal city in the future ?   It's like the whole real world/universe has been hidden from us.  It's like we've been living in a little fishbowl.

Did you read the part where they said they wanted volunteers to monitor reactions ?  They do it through telepathy, energy waves ?  I will volunteer if I know it's helping the world move up faster.  The only thing I'm worried about is that I don't want to be deceived into helping the dark side.  It was said that the illuminati are setting up a deception in order to take over the world.  They could be using fake or real aliens.  How do we know who is working for who ?  Is the Galactic Federation set up by the illuminati to deceive us ????
If the Galactic Federation is working with Anonymous then it makes me want to trust them a little more.  I just wish we had more proof about what side their on.
I don't want to be tricked into following the illuminati.
Otherwise I want to volunteer.  Or did I do it already ?  Maybe they're already reading my mind !!!!!!  I said I wanted them to come about a year ago when there was a message about it.  They said it was through telepathy !!!!!!!!

:omg:        :beerchug:  Confusion.  Should I be shocked or cheering ?!!

:WTF:          :icon_bounce:    :woohoo2:       :icon_question:

Yes, it's all about intuition.  It's the only way we can now discern the proper path, given how the yellow brick road is now littered with lies and disinformation.

I don't think the Illuminati want us to think positive thoughts about the future, so I'm pretty sure that whatever the 'Galactic Federation of Light' may turn out to be, they are benevolent.

But I'm still stunned by the revelation about the Bermuda Triangle being a hotel.  If true, it means all those ridiculous stories about disappearances were mere covers for something more prosaic but no less diabolical.  If true, and the people are given incontrovertible evidence of this mass hoax that has left us beggars while our masters live in luxury at our expense and without our knowledge or permission.......well, I am with Anonymous.  We do not forgive  We do not forget.  Justice demands nothing less.


There is always room for forgiveness, but they will not get away with it. What goes around comes around.

Love is the Solution to Everything.


Thanks for your response Gwynned.  In your opinion, The Galactic Federation is benevolent because they give us positive thoughts for the future.  The illuminati probably just wants to scare us.  I'm leaning that way too.

Much Love to You    :-*

"And when that flag blows
There'll be no more wars
And when all calls
I will answer all your prayers"

Chorus from the song "Cry",  Invincible Album


Quote from: Dontwalkaway on May 27, 2012, 04:14:47 PM

Thanks for your response Gwynned.  In your opinion, The Galactic Federation is benevolent because they give us positive thoughts for the future.  The illuminati probably just wants to scare us.  I'm leaning that way too.

Much Love to You    :-*

Thank you and much LOVE back at you.  In thinking about it further, it's not as simple as 'positive is good' and 'negative is bad.'  The world faces serious problems and a Polyanna attitude toward fixing it is not the answer.  There is a tactic used with trouble youth called 'scaring them straight,' which is in essence a mirroring of the future should this course of action continue.

Calling the world's attention through extraordinary means to the REAL problems that face us, like poverty and violence among children is quite different than creating abstract fears such as the fear of terrorists inan effort to DETRACT us from the real problems while we hand them the money for them to use as they please.


Interesting! My favorite part of the Galactic Federation which I've checked in on once and a while since about 8 years ago, is the crop circles. They have had the most extensive collection of crop circles that I've seen anywhere online.  I believe these beings (for the most part but what do I know) are benevolent and have been sending us messages for years.

I've read years ago that earth was riddled with tunnels that provided super-sonic transportation for elite. Underground Denver Airport is one entrance going many stories deep, another one in Tibet mountains. They connect to underground cities that have been there for perhaps thousands of years. They are connected to Reptilians, greys and Illuminati. They may in fact have avoided the destruction of Noah's flood by going underground. There's the theory of Cain's father being Satan, a Reptilian, and that Cain's seed is the Synagogue of Satan. The Genesis story indicates that Adam was not the father of Cain, like he was Abel or Seth. This is a fascinating study with much merit to it, but it's subtle. It would help to explain where the Illuminati comes from, and their bloodline throughout history going back thousands of years--from Cain, seed of Satan. In the garden Satan (reptilian) sexually seduced naive Eve and she conceived, then she had sex with Adam and conceived again--a natural and rare occurrence where 2 children are conceived through 2 inseminations almost at the same time.  And 'they' have hidden underground all this time, involved with mankind in the most evil of ways. There may be E.T.'s from UFO's that have been trying to help us.  Perhaps Michael Archangel and his army fighting the Dragon (Reptilian) and his army. There's an interesting passage in Revelation concerning end-time. These creatures come up from deep underground to torment humans.

Revelation 9:1-11 KJV - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw - Bible Gateway

This is the study on Cain, son of Satan.
Who is Cain's Father? Part One


Quote from: MJonmind on May 28, 2012, 03:07:41 AM

Interesting! My favorite part of the Galactic Federation which I've checked in on once and a while since about 8 years ago, is the crop circles. They have had the most extensive collection of crop circles that I've seen anywhere online.  I believe these beings (for the most part but what do I know) are benevolent and have been sending us messages for years.

I've read years ago that earth was riddled with tunnels that provided super-sonic transportation for elite. Underground Denver Airport is one entrance going many stories deep, another one in Tibet mountains. They connect to underground cities that have been there for perhaps thousands of years. They are connected to Reptilians, greys and Illuminati. They may in fact have avoided the destruction of Noah's flood by going underground. There's the theory of Cain's father being Satan, a Reptilian, and that Cain's seed is the Synagogue of Satan. The Genesis story indicates that Adam was not the father of Cain, like he was Abel or Seth. This is a fascinating study with much merit to it, but it's subtle. It would help to explain where the Illuminati comes from, and their bloodline throughout history going back thousands of years--from Cain, seed of Satan. In the garden Satan (reptilian) sexually seduced naive Eve and she conceived, then she had sex with Adam and conceived again--a natural and rare occurrence where 2 children are conceived through 2 inseminations almost at the same time.  And 'they' have hidden underground all this time, involved with mankind in the most evil of ways. There may be E.T.'s from UFO's that have been trying to help us.  Perhaps Michael Archangel and his army fighting the Dragon (Reptilian) and his army. There's an interesting passage in Revelation concerning end-time. These creatures come up from deep underground to torment humans.

Revelation 9:1-11 KJV - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw - Bible Gateway

This is the study on Cain, son of Satan.
Who is Cain's Father? Part One

Fascinating.  Just started to read about Cain.  My head is spinning and I need to live my 'real life' for a bit but will return to finish this amazing analysis.  THANK YOU!