Interesting! My favorite part of the Galactic Federation which I've checked in on once and a while since about 8 years ago, is the crop circles. They have had the most extensive collection of crop circles that I've seen anywhere online. I believe these beings (for the most part but what do I know) are benevolent and have been sending us messages for years.
I've read years ago that earth was riddled with tunnels that provided super-sonic transportation for elite. Underground Denver Airport is one entrance going many stories deep, another one in Tibet mountains. They connect to underground cities that have been there for perhaps thousands of years. They are connected to Reptilians, greys and Illuminati. They may in fact have avoided the destruction of Noah's flood by going underground. There's the theory of Cain's father being Satan, a Reptilian, and that Cain's seed is the Synagogue of Satan. The Genesis story indicates that Adam was not the father of Cain, like he was Abel or Seth. This is a fascinating study with much merit to it, but it's subtle. It would help to explain where the Illuminati comes from, and their bloodline throughout history going back thousands of years--from Cain, seed of Satan. In the garden Satan (reptilian) sexually seduced naive Eve and she conceived, then she had sex with Adam and conceived again--a natural and rare occurrence where 2 children are conceived through 2 inseminations almost at the same time. And 'they' have hidden underground all this time, involved with mankind in the most evil of ways. There may be E.T.'s from UFO's that have been trying to help us. Perhaps Michael Archangel and his army fighting the Dragon (Reptilian) and his army. There's an interesting passage in Revelation concerning end-time. These creatures come up from deep underground to torment humans.
Revelation 9:1-11 KJV - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw - Bible Gateway
This is the study on Cain, son of Satan.
Who is Cain's Father? Part One