TIAI Revealed, Part 6: "This Is It" Movie Rating (R20 - R28)
Part 6 here has to do with the movie, "This Is It", and also statements that I made about the movie (with username S.T.U.D.Y.) before it came out. I may repost those old S.T.U.D.Y. threads soon in this forum, with some updates, under the "Numbers Theory" section {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/board,14.0.html}.
In addition to my 9-9-09 prediction, I made several other statements about "This Is It" weeks before it came out publicly. Here are a few examples, all stated on 9-18-09; this was more than a month before the release of "This Is It", and the old MJkit forum still has this thread available to read (dated 9-20-09, because it was reposted on MJkit a couple days after I posted it on MJHD; {http://mjkit.forumotion.net/the-numbers-theory-for-all-theories-regarding-the-numbers-theory-f58/from-mjhd-excellent-the-9-9-09-prediction-did-come-true-this-is-it-settles-the-question-is-mj-alive-t1766.htm}
"Yes, this whole hoax and plan is for a bigger purpose than just exposing the media. It is time for everyone to STUDY peace {http://new.etonline.com/documents/mjackson_funeral_program_et_090409.pdf}: peace in our own lives, and peace in our world."
"So if an MJ 'resurrection' is part of the plan and movie, what day would it be: ... During the funeral wouldn't even fit with the original Thriller, because the dead did not hop out of their caskets during a funeral—no, they came out of their graves. ... 'R' = MJ Resurrection (9-9-09), MJ Return, MJ hoax Revealed!!! ... Let's see how many 'R' votes we can get between now and October 28 ..."
Notice here that I connected the "Resurrection" with 9-9-09, which was already 9 days past at that time; so I was not using resurrection in the sense of returning to public view—I used the word "Return" for that. I used the word "resurrection" in the sense of a concept, related to the hoax and especially the Thriller II film segment (graveyard scene, see R20 & R21 below).
As already stated, the cinema version of the movie did "Reveal" the hoax to a degree (no MJ RIP; Smooth Criminal hoax death, hoax death actor in original "Gilda" had same birthday as MJ {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Macready}; and MJ "bam" statement at end, etc). And the home version will reveal it even more (see R20 & R22 below).
Then what about the MJ "Return" to public view, when will that be? Well, the sad thing is that potentially he could've returned at Halloween; but we were not ready. We did not understand the NWO conspiracy aspect of the hoax, or the seriousness of it; in fact, the old MJHD was forbidding discussion on this subject! And just a few days later, it went down and was out for about a week. We simply were not ready for MJ to return yet; if he had, in all the excitement, people would've had little or no interest in studying into the NWO aspects of the hoax.
Since people were not ready for the MJ return at Halloween: immediately after the TII movie was released, TIAI was set up. The purpose of TIAI was (and still is) to give MJ fans, and especially hoax believers, a better understanding and bigger picture of the hoax and the reasons for it; this in turn would help prepare the way for the MJ "Return"!
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R20. 2 to 3 Hours of Additional Footage on "THIS IS IT" DVD/Blu-ray
This was a video clip of an interview with Kenny Ortega, about the fact that the DVD and Blu-ray versions of "This Is It" would have 2 or 3 hours of additional footage. Please notice that this redirect was on November 22, which was a week before the official release date (and specific content) was made public. That did not happen until November 30 {http://www.michaeljackson.com/us/news/michael-jacksons-it-dvd-and-blu-ray-release-date-announced}.
Once the DVD release date was made public, the website gave the specifics of what would be included in the additional footage {http://www.thisisitmovieondvd.com/, then click "Special Features" at the top}.

Notice that the first thing on the list is "Staging the Return"; of course this is intended to come across as the plan for MJ to return to the stage last summer, at the 02 arena in London. But could it have a double meaning??
Notice also that the extras on the Blu-ray are "Smooth Criminal" (which Revealed the hoax death), and even "Making Smooth Criminal"; additionally, there will be extra on "Thriller"—the clip with the MJ "Resurrection". So once again, "This Is It" movie has MJ "Resurrection", MJ "Return", and MJ hoax "Revealed"! Shouldn't this qualify for an "R" rating ?!?
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R21. MJ Doctor Investigation Will Go Into 2010
This was a People magazine news article on the internet, which came out on November 21, 2009; the title says it all: "Michael Jackson Doctor [Conrad Murray] Investigation Will Go into 2010". This was the TIAI redirect for Monday, November 23, 2009; however, as usual, the redirect was done the night before. And then Monday was the day when Conrad Murray was all over the TMZ news {http://www.tmz.com/2009/11/23/dr-conrad-murray-michael-jackson-work-houston/; http://www.tmz.com/2009/11/23/conrad-murray-dea-texas-medical-board-investigation-d-e-a/; http://www.tmz.com/2009/11/23/dr-conrad-murray-michael-jackson-texas-office-work-video/; and http://www.tmz.com/2009/11/23/dr-conrad-murray-michael-jackson-patients/}.
Back in early October, however, TMZ said: "... the investigation into MJ's death should wrap up next week -- and Murray is still the sole target." {http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/08/doctor-conrad-murray-michael-jackson-bench-warrant-arrest-child-support-court/} Why the major change, from completed in October (the month when the film was released) to January 2010 or beyond???
You see, they couldn't arrest Dr. Murray in October, and then have him sit in jail for not killing MJ—and then let him out in January or beyond when MJ returns, and says it's all a hoax. So they did not arrest him in October. But if MJ was not planning on returning until January or beyond: then why the statement about an arrest back in October? Why not just say, back in October, that it would not be completed until 2010? Could it be that in early October, MJ was still planning on the "return" at Halloween—and then he had to change his plans?
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R22. DVD Easter Eggs
Here again, this clue had more than one meaning. A fairly obvious one is that Easter relates to the resurrection theme of TII, especially the Thriller part. Does this mean that MJ will return next April, during the Easter season? Not necessarily. Then when can we expect the MJ return to public view? That's what everyone wants to know, right?
As he said at the end of the movie: I will come "in my own time"; it is up to him alone, and nobody else will be able to figure it out for sure. Some distinct possibilities include: 12-25-09 (Christmas), 12-31-09 (full moon & New Years Eve), 1-1-10 (New Years Day), 1-18-10 (MLK Day), 1-25-10 (seven months since the "death", and same time as the DVD release), or beyond. Hopefully not beyond; but that may depend, to a certain extent, on whether MJ fans are ready for the return (understand the TIAI message, join the Army of L.O.V.E., etc).
But what about the DVD Easter eggs, where does that fit in? Well, this is a term which refers to video clips on DVD's that are hidden; and it takes a particular key sequence code to unlock each hidden clip. Many DVD Easter eggs are simple enough, that people discover the unlock code by random guessing; but the codes can be made so complex, that it is essentially impossible to discover by chance.
If needed, MJ can use this to hide information about the hoax and purpose for the hoax, until the time is right to reveal it. Then, after millions already have the DVD in their homes, the unlock code could be given publicly; then everyone would have the information at the same time.
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R23. Seventy Seven

This "Seventy Seven" image had several meanings. Most obvious, is the many sevens surrounding MJ. This image also looks similar to the MJ logo; most have seen this already, but if you haven't seen it yet: you can see it on this good website {http://www.myspace.com/thisisalsomj}
Another meaning here is the upside down pyramid. The illuminati likes the regular pyramid (like on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill): with the few on top, controlling the masses below. Turning the pyramid upside down represents the masses controlling the few (government afraid of the people).
If you write "666" on a regular pyramid, and then turn it over so that you have an upside down pyramid, the numbers become "999". You see, MJ plans to turn the NWO upside down with the hoax, revolving around the 9-9-09 date.
Speaking of 9-9-09, lest I forget, that was the main purpose for the "Seventy Seven" image. This image was displayed 77 days after 9-9-09! The redirect was done at a different time than normal, to be a hint that the redirect was about time itself. Also, it was displayed on 11-24 & 11-25, so you could still come up with 77 depending on what time zone you live in—and whether you counted with inclusive reckoning (starting with 1) or standard reckoning (starting with 0). By now you may have guessed that that "99" was displayed at 99 days after 9-9-09; and again, the redirect was done at an unusual time of day (see R44).
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R24. "Give Thanks" On Thanksgiving
"Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness." (Psalm 30:4). The most obvious reason for this verse, was the "give thanks" part—especially since it was the redirect for Thanksgiving (November 26).
However, as with almost all of the redirects, there was more than one meaning involved. In the context (previous verse) it says: "O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave [resurrection]: thou hast kept me alive [never literally died], that I should not go down to the pit."
The whole chapter deals with David's thankfulness for being saved from death (God saved him, several times, especially from the attacks of Saul). The resurrection concept is of course a parallel with MJ; but another parallel is God's protection from being killed. The enemies of MJ tried to kill his reputation, but God overruled and he was found innocent of the charges. No doubt there are some who have wanted to literally kill him; but God has a special plan for MJ, and He has saved him from literal death (more on this in R27 & R37).
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R25. Don't Forget the Black Widow Spider in the TII Movie
This redirect was pretty straight forward; it pointed to a thread in the old MJkit forum, discussing the Black Widow spider in the TII movie. Of particular interest are the following statements, found on the page that TIAI pointed to.
"Black widows represent death. When the spider comes on stage during the movie Michael comes out of the spider. He escaped death. ... So, considering all that I've just posted.. We are here to change the world??? ... Anyway, the point is that Michael has escaped the death threat and he's alive."
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R26. Thriller II (TII) in "This Is It" (TII)
The redirect on this day was a YouTube video of the Thriller portion of "This Is It" (in mirror image). If you click the link above now, you will see that it has been removed due to copyright claim. But by now most of you have seen the clip, in the theater and/or on the TIAI YouTube redirect.
If you watched carefully, you probably noticed two phases of the spider scene. First, the spider came up out of the graveyard (this would be the "resurrection" phase). Then a little later, you see the spider coming on stage; and then MJ comes out of the spider into visibility (this would be the "return" phase, when he can be seen again by the public—maybe even on stage once again).
Of course MJ didn't literally die. And this is represented by the fact that spiders often play dead, especially when in danger ("Threatened"). When the spider got up out of the graveyard, and started walking, that was when it quit playing dead (the spider came back to life, resurrection).
We have not yet seen the 9-9-09 connection with "This Is It" in relation to the hoax and resurrection (other than of course my posts on the hoax forums); that would be too obvious for now. But keep watching, we will yet see more developments regarding 9-9-09 and the hoax.
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R27. "WHEN the Disciples Gathered Around Him ..."
"However, WHEN the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe." (Acts 14:20, NKJV). As usual, not only was the quoted verse important, but also the context (previous verse): "Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead."
Here again we have parallels, like with David: enemies trying to kill him, God saving him from death, yet they think that he is dead (like most think MJ is dead), and then a "resurrection" and return to public life (he rose up, etc).
Although many saw the parallels here, it seems that nobody noticed the key word "WHEN" (which is why I have emphasized it here). Do you want to see MJ return to public view? Of course, we all do! Then we need to "gather around him" by joining Michael's Army of L.O.V.E. (see R28 & R39).
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R28. Community, Love and Support
This is another one of the clues that needs little if any explanation. A picture is worth a thousand words. We need to join the Army of L.O.V.E., and give Michael our "love and support"—as well as caring for each other.