TIAI Revealed, Part 4: Art Is Resistance (R8 - R12)

Started by TS, December 22, 2009, 01:57:06 AM

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December 22, 2009, 01:57:06 AM Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 06:05:54 PM by ~Souza~

TIAI Revealed, Part 4: Art Is Resistance  (R8 - R12)

Having completed the introductory phase (R1 - R7), this next set of redirects (R8 - R12) were all related to the 911 terrorism (focusing now more directly on the emphasis of the TIAI message, corruption and conspiracies in our own governments, etc)—and the MJ hoax plan to bring more public awareness of these things, which in turn can bring more freedom, etc.

Of course MJ's desire to "heal the world" includes much more than just the government corruption; it includes the environment, the family, children, and many other things {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/board,74.0.html}.

TIAI did not focus on the government aspect because it is the only reason for the hoax; rather, because it is the most misunderstood reason—even among hoax believers!  In fact, MJHD forbid discussion on this subject.  So TIAI was set up to help hoax believers understand this important part of the hoax, and thereby create a safer environment for MJ when he returns (MJ's "Army of L.O.V.E." that understands the situation, and is ready to back him up as needed; see R39).

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R8. NINe 1nch Nai1s (Year Zero ARG)

Quoting from the Wikipedia redirect: "Year Zero is an alternate reality game (ARG) based on the Nine Inch Nails concept album of the same name ... Reznor stated that the concept behind Year Zero was partially inspired by his feelings toward the Bush administration. He further explained, ... I'm appalled by the behavior of our government, the direction that it has taken and the direction that it's taken everyone else in the world and its arrogance ..."

This redirect was chosen for several reasons.  It is an ARG, and yet not an ARG that is simply a game for entertainment; it is an ARG with a very important message, and one that goes along quite well with the TIAI message—in fact, the TIAI redirects were actually one form of ARG.

And like the "2012" film: the specifics of this Year Zero ARG are imaginary, but the concepts are very real.  Notice this statement, which is about the related Year Zero album {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_Zero_(album)}: "The album criticizes the American government's policies, and 'could be about the end of the world'. Reznor specifically cited what he labeled as the 'erosion of freedoms' and 'the way that we treat the rest of the world and our own citizens'. Reznor had previously called the results of the 2004 US election 'one step closer to the end of the world.' ... the timeline of the album and alternate reality game mentions historical events, such as the September 11 attacks ... Regardless of being fictional, a columnist of The Hartford Courant commented, 'What's scary is that this doesn't seem as far-fetched as it should, given recent revelations about the FBI's abuse of the Patriot Act and the dissent-equals-disloyalty double-speak coming out of Washington in recent years."

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R9. 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media

It seems as if nobody noticed that this 9-11 redirect was done intentionally on the date 11-9 (9-11 backwards); this was also the 9th redirect.  This message here is basically two-fold: you can't trust the mainstream media in general, and specifically you can't trust what the media has told us about the 9-11 attacks.

At this point it is probably a good place to stop and talk a little bit about a common term, no doubt you have heard it: conspiracy theorists; all too often, it is used with a negative connotation, a form of ridicule.  So we need to establish another term: conspiracy ridiculists!  You see, conspiracy theorists use evidence in support of the theory; but when opponents can't fight the truth with evidence, they resort to ridicule in attempts to make up for their lack of evidence.

The fact is that conspiracy theories are indeed based on theories; but at least in many cases, they are based upon true theories!  If you look up "conspiracy" in the Bible, you will find ten uses of the word (KJV); and out of those ten times, exactly ten of them are real conspiracies—and not merely some far-fetched imaginary theory, invented by some insanely ignorant people.  If you look up the related word "conspired", you will find similar results.

Among many serious problems with the mainstream media's account of 9-11 terrorism, possibly the most obvious evidence of USA government involvement, is the lack of any video showing the airplane supposedly flying into the Pentagon.  Probably no building in the world has more video and camera surveillance; and yet for eight years now, our beloved government hasn't been able to cough up the documentation from any of the numerous cameras.

Sure, we have seen the still shot of an explosion; but that could've been from a missile or a bomb.  Where is the motion video evidence of an airliner flying into the Pentagon??  Will the conspiracy ridiculists now come forward, and answer this question—since our "trustworthy" government refuses to do so???

Many hoax believers are already aware of the 9-11 conspiracy in our government.  For those who want to look into it, though, here are a couple of websites that are not from wild-eyed and uneducated lunatics; instead, they are from highly trained professionals: architects, engineers, and pilots—all agreeing that the official story about 9-11 is a big fat lie!  {http://www.ae911truth.org; http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Truth_Movement}

Of course President Bush is a big suspect in the 9-11 terrorism corruption.  Here is a video where he admits that he is in the secret society called "Skull and Bones" {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiisokDGbfA&NR=1}.  Why do you suppose they used such a name, could it possibly have anything to do with killing?  And by the way: the "conspiracy theorists" ridicule tactic was used in this clip.

Here is another video, where Bush was asked about 9-11 prior knowledge; and he was quite obviously embarrassed, and at a loss for words {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8ChWyZZAaA&NR=1}.  Bush corruption will be revisited, when we examine the assassinations of JFK Sr. & Jr. (see Part 7).

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R10. AIR Flyer

This redirect pointed to the flyer for the Year Zero ARG, and associated Year Zero album.  There are several phrases on this flyer, the most prominent of which is "Art Is Resistance"; other phrases include "here is one thing that the government wants you to forget", "you have a voice", "speak the truth", "art is action without violence", "art changes hearts without breaking bodies", etc.

This AIR (Art Is Resistance) redirect also has a connection with the "MJ AIR" blimp, in the Smooth Criminal portion of "This Is It".  And remember that Smooth Criminal is where MJ played the part of Mundson (in the original movie "Gilda"), who faked his death!

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R11. Wikipedia Article on "Faked Death"

This was the 11th redirect, and it was for the date 11-11; see if you can guess whether this was an accident, or by plan.  The most obvious reason for this clue, was to show once again that TIAI was promoting the MJ death hoax.

Several things on this Wikipedia page are interesting, including: "Steven Chin Leung, who faked his death in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks ... Dorothy Johnson, an American woman who allegedly faked her death in the September 11 attacks ... Ace Baker, an American composer and 9/11 conspiracy theorist, faked suicide by gunfire while on a live radio show with Jim Fetzer. Baker later admitted the stunt on his blog, calling it a work of performance art ..."

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R12. Performance Art

This was another Wikipedia page; and in fact it is a direct link from the statement quoted above, found on the "Faked Death" page.  Obviously, then, the MJ death hoax can be considered as performance art—and therefore it can certainly qualify as one form of non-violent artistic resistance (AIR).

Here is an interesting statement from the performance art Wikipedia page: "The performance may be scripted, unscripted, or improvisational. It may incorporate music, dance, song, or complete silence."  Ever since the June 25 hoaxed death, MJ himself has been completely silent; and yet his silence has already spoken louder than before his "death"!  Performance "art is resistance"; MJ "has a voice", and he can "speak the truth"—even through his silence.


December 22, 2009, 10:40:23 AM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

i so strongly believed in TIAI task
i wonder why ppl saw it as manipulation....


on twitter and everywhere i tried to promote all these idea you state here, esp. this governmental issues.

i asked ppl to watch ZEITGEIST - MOVIE (FULL VERSION)

there is also ZEITGEIST II by now

this documental movie is about NWO, 9/11, Federal Reserve and stuff
so these TIAI thing weren't new for me

i heard this movie was banned in USA, or smth, i don't really know
but for god's sake you have Internet, people!!!
thank you

If ignorance is a treasure, then i\'d rather be poor.
skype: silver_glepha


December 22, 2009, 10:55:21 AM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

TIAI is one of the most brilliant work's of art I've ever seen.  The 9/11 plot is just as devilish and disgusting as you can get.  Ever since that day people have been questioning what happened.  There were people who were quick to blame the "Mozlems"...ooh I can't stand that :x , for I am a Muslim, and there were and are the smart intelligent people who take the time to go above and beyond to find out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

With the destruction of the Twin Towers and all of a sudden out of nowhere, building 7 collapses.  Larry Silverstein is a leaseholder of the Twin Towers and he cashed in or put out an insurance policy on them not to long before the "attacks."

I have seen a documentary in 2006 called "Loose Change" about the inconsistencies of what the government and the media (Fox) gives us.  It is a really good and very informative piece.

This is just one of many examples of how our own "government" can destroy it's own.  Sometimes the Amercian people are so quick to blame others, they can't possibly fathom that their own "leaders" could do something like a 9/11.


I agree...that was all to make people hate muslims..and there are wayyyy 2 many inconsistancies with 911 for any1 to say something isn't right....and let's not forget that on that day every1 said they heard bombs or the pancake way the buidlings went down..or the fact those planes were not commercial planes...I'm stop right there and just say don't believe wat you see

Quote from: "applehead79"

TIAI is one of the most brilliant work's of art I've ever seen.  The 9/11 plot is just as devilish and disgusting as you can get.  Ever since that day people have been questioning what happened.  There were people who were quick to blame the "Mozlems"...ooh I can't stand that :x , for I am a Muslim, and there were and are the smart intelligent people who take the time to go above and beyond to find out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

With the destruction of the Twin Towers and all of a sudden out of nowhere, building 7 collapses.  Larry Silverstein is a leaseholder of the Twin Towers and he cashed in or put out an insurance policy on them not to long before the "attacks."

I have seen a documentary in 2006 called "Loose Change" about the inconsistencies of what the government and the media (Fox) gives us.  It is a really good and very informative piece.

This is just one of many examples of how our own "government" can destroy it's own.  Sometimes the Amercian people are so quick to blame others, they can't possibly fathom that their own "leaders" could do something like a 9/11.


December 22, 2009, 02:17:09 PM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Everything is finally coming together... :shock:


Quote from: "misha86"

I agree...that was all to make people hate muslims..and there are wayyyy 2 many inconsistancies with 911 for any1 to say something isn't right....and let's not forget that on that day every1 said they heard bombs or the pancake way the buidlings went down..or the fact those planes were not commercial planes...I'm stop right there and just say don't believe wat you see

Quote from: "applehead79"

TIAI is one of the most brilliant work's of art I've ever seen.  The 9/11 plot is just as devilish and disgusting as you can get.  Ever since that day people have been questioning what happened.  There were people who were quick to blame the "Mozlems"...ooh I can't stand that :x , for I am a Muslim, and there were and are the smart intelligent people who take the time to go above and beyond to find out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

With the destruction of the Twin Towers and all of a sudden out of nowhere, building 7 collapses.  Larry Silverstein is a leaseholder of the Twin Towers and he cashed in or put out an insurance policy on them not to long before the "attacks."

I have seen a documentary in 2006 called "Loose Change" about the inconsistencies of what the government and the media (Fox) gives us.  It is a really good and very informative piece.

This is just one of many examples of how our own "government" can destroy it's own.  Sometimes the Amercian people are so quick to blame others, they can't possibly fathom that their own "leaders" could do something like a 9/11.

agree. everything was to make christiand and muslims enemies and start the new world war. arrgggggh I hate Bush!  :evil:


December 23, 2009, 09:08:10 AM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

TIAI seems an ARG to me. Why not? This fake death, Cassandra, etc... EVERYTHING SEEMS AN ARG TO ME

*freaking out*


December 23, 2009, 03:58:21 PM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "silver_glepha"

i so strongly believed in TIAI task
i wonder why ppl saw it as manipulation....


on twitter and everywhere i tried to promote all these idea you state here, esp. this governmental issues.

i asked ppl to watch ZEITGEIST - MOVIE (FULL VERSION)

there is also ZEITGEIST II by now

this documental movie is about NWO, 9/11, Federal Reserve and stuff
so these TIAI thing weren't new for me

i heard this movie was banned in USA, or smth, i don't really know
but for god's sake you have Internet, people!!!
thank you

I agree with you silver, I too try at frequent intervals to poat videos like this and others from the lectures of Jordan Maxwell, and even Alex Jones (who despite his unfathomable hate for MJ, does have some truth abt the 9/11 farce).  Do you know what the most common comment I get to these video..."o, the are too long. i dn't have time for that!" Can you imagine?! No time indeedI Yet we MUST persist and insist! How can we be comfortable knowing that we have this bright light and they live in darkness?  It hurts me so much when they say this because I know that if they only took 1 hour @ least from their ridiculous nighttime viewing to watch even ONE of these documentaries, it would ignite a flame so bright that they will scramble for more!

People need to put aside their differences, the men behind the curtain don't care if you are christian or muslim or hindu for crying out loud- they are neither despite what you have been told! They have the same thing planned for the jew and the christian and the muslim....COMPLETE SLAVERY! No one is asking anyone to drop their faiths. People think that "O, this will not happen to me, because my God will save me from such oppression, so I dn't need to think about this". But what will be the fun in going to heaven if you stood by and did nothing while your fellow men are chained  and oppressed.  Whether we like it or not, we were all created by the same Divine being, and we are all brothers, the separation only took place when we began to focus on ourselves instead of the Almighty being who created us. We need to go back to the basics, back to the beginning. We need to Come Together over those things that are our INALIENABLE RIGHTS as MAN, and that which was given to us upon our creation in order to have dominion over our physical environment...freedom of will...Let's reclaim those together...


December 23, 2009, 04:08:10 PM #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Oh I don't know.  I have to think about all of this.  It's heady to say the least.


January 03, 2010, 09:57:01 PM #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

TY silver_glepha for sharing knowledge of this film...especially timely

We need to give Michael a living legacy of true honor.
"Stand-up, stand-up" to clear his name.
Isn\'t this the least we can do for him ?


January 09, 2010, 01:17:54 PM #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

kisses from France normandy thank you for the translation and video a true web spider d j have finished seulemen tla party has 9 hours of the morning in France, ahlalalla me it takes time lol but hey it's worth the puzzle began to assert not without difficulty, I tried to send you the fans of Michael on your website but c is not finally won that keeps you god I love doing research even if it takes me time I love you with all my heart that peace and l love back into the world of hi Normandy and big kisses from France


January 19, 2010, 12:18:25 AM #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Art has always been a resistance.


February 11, 2010, 03:19:55 AM #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Another good Edition  :geek:  i always thought 9/11 was a conspiarcy but after seeing this I AM CONVINCED. what a cruel, cruel, world we live in...  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(


This is a direct tie-in to R11 (the Faked Death article on Wikipedia).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connie_Franklin_murder_case (on the Wikipedia article for "Faked death," which was the TIAI redirect for 11/11/2009 (2+9 = 11, which makes it 11/11/11...a possible hint at BAMSDAY?)

"Connie Franklin became widely known in the United States for testifying at his own murder trial in 1929."

1+9+2+9 = 21 (7 x 3 or 777)

Connie = 3+6+5+5+9+5 = 33 (number of the Illuminati); also a nickname that some hoaxers usually call Dr. Murray.

Franklin = 6+9+1+5+2+3+9+5 = 40 = 4+0 = 4

33+4 = 37 (3 x 7 = 21 or 777)

In January 1929, Connie Franklin moved to the town of St. James in Stone County, Arkansas. At the time, he claimed to be 22 years old, and worked cutting timber and as a farm hand. Soon after his arrival in the area he began courting a local 16 year old girl, surname Ruminer, whose given name is reported variously as Tillar, Tillir, Tiller, and Tillie. In March 1929, Franklin disappeared. After an investigaton, Sheriff Sam Johnson presented Bertha Burns and Tillar Ruminer as his evidence to a grand jury, but as there were at that time no witnesses willing to testify, the Grand Jury took no action in the case.

Some months after Franklin's disappearance, Johnson intercepted a note which provided him with some information about the case, and he renewed his efforts to find witnesses. Ruminer had told the Sheriff in May 1929 that she and Franklin had been attacked by "night riders" on March 9, 1929. She explained that she and Franklin intended to marry, and en route to the Justice of the Peace they were attacked by four men; Hubert Hester, Herman Greenway, Joe White and Bill Younger. According to her statements, Hester and Greenway took her into the woods and raped her, while the others tortured, mutilated, and then burned Franklin alive. When Ruminer was questioned about her delay in reporting these crimes, she said that she had kept quiet due to the violence inflicted upon her and the threats of further violence made against her: "One of the attackers threatened to kill her, whipped her father and mother, carried away her brother as a hostage." Without bones, or witnesses, they could not issue arrest warrants. On November 18 (18 = 9; 11+9 or 11/9..ties into R9 from TIAI Revealed), 1929, the Grand Jury issued indictments for first degree murder for Alex Fulks, Joe White, Herman Greenway, Hubert Hester, and Bill C. Younger following the discovery by Bertha Burns of a fire pit and bones near her home, 8 and a half months after the alleged crime. A trial date was set for December 17.

Connie Franklin Returns

On December 5, the Arkansas Gazette ran a headline claiming that Connie Franklin had been seen alive after the supposed murder. A farmer, Elmer Wingo, reported that Franklin had worked for him and for his neighbors, the Philpotts, as a farm hand in the past, and that he had passed through the area in March 1929 looking for work. Two days after this story broke, ?Rogers was found at a farm belonging to Murry Bryant near Humphrey, AR., and subsequently brought back to Saint James. There Franklin was examined and quizzed by those who had known Franklin. Coleman Foster, a cousin to Tillar Ruminer and a friend of Franklin asserted that Rogers was not Franklin. Ruminer and her father also denied that Rogers was the same person as Franklin, at first hesitantly, and then more assertively during the trial. But Rogers was able to identify Ruminer and her father, while others in the community, including the accused men, asserted that Franklin and Rogers were the same person.

Shortly after his return to Saint James, however, the case was further complicated when Johnson discovered that the man claiming to be Connie Franklin was actually Marion Franklin Rogers (maybe hinting the man claiming to be Conrad Murray is Michael Joe Jackson?), who had a wife and was the father of three or four children. Further investigation revealed that in 1926 Rogers had been admitted to the State Hospital for Nervous Diseases, whence he had escaped three months later.

Unable to find any witnesses to Franklin's identity who did not have an interest in the case, the prosecutor decided that a trial was the only method of resolving the issue. A grand jury was convened at the same time to establish the identify of Rogers. Doctor J.E. Luther confirmed he was the same man through comparison of his military and state hospital records and first hand examination.

During the trial, prosecuting attorney Hugh Williamson was opposed by Ben Williamson, his younger brother, acting as chief defense counsel. Judge S. M. Bone presided. The prosecution submitted burned bones as evidence of Franklin's death, but as a temple bone had been mislaid, the state health officer Garrison refused to swear that the remains were human (maybe hinting that the "body" we've seen isn't a real body?). In addition, both Garrison and a dentist testified that the teeth found at the site were not human. Ruminer testified that Rogers was not the same man as Connie Franklin, and recounted her version of the events of March 9. Her testimony was corroborated by a deaf mute, Reuben Harrell, a nephew to Coleman Foster, who had come forward as a witness to the crimes.

The defense presented witnesses who claimed that Rogers and Franklin were the same person. During his testimony, Rogers claimed that he had been out drinking with the defendants on the day of the "murder," (doesn't Murray seem to be quite the party guy also?) fallen off his mule, and had not seen Ruminer until the following day. At that point, he claimed, Ruminer had said she wanted to postpone the wedding until the fall (reminded me of the delay of the funeral), to which he replied that if she didn't marry him immediately she would never see him again. She would not, so he left town and worked in nearby Humphrey AR, not to return until he heard that others were on trial for his murder. He made efforts to explain the story had its roots in the liquor wars between the Hess family and the Younger and Greenways. The defense also claimed that enemies of the accused had used Franklin's disappearance to frame them for murder, including placing animal bones in a fire in the woods. In the end, the trial lasted two days.

Initially, the jury reported they were deadlocked. Judge S. M. Bone told the jury that the trial had already cost the county $8000 and instructed them to try again to come to a verdict. The next day, they returned a verdict of "not guilty."


I just noticed the 911 I the spelling of NINe 1nch Na1s. I don't trust the media and I was taught by my parents not to trust them and to do my own research, especially when things don't add up. How is it that they have footage of the plane crashing into the building and it was timed perfectly the caught the moment just in time? ( not a good thing just expressing the astonishment of the existence of the film) who filmed it?! Why were they there? You can't trust people that lie about going to the moon. :judge-smiley:

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