1. I would like to draw your attention on the following dates:25th June 2009 - MJ "died"
26th June 1977 - Elvis' last concert
26th June 1979 - Elvis' father died
26th June 1909 - Elvis Presley's manager, Tom parker was born
26th June 1938 - Felix "Bush" Breazeale - arranged a "living funeral" for himself ("Get Low" movie)If you are not yet familiar with this movie ^^, see more details about it here:
- ELVIS & "Get Low" (2009) & "This Is It" (2009) - FELIX vs Michael -
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=208909769166048- Photo-montages ALBUM -
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.208905932499765.51153.197418280315197&type=12. Before reading further, please take a look at this excerpt: Quote[...]
17. Why did the medics leave Vernon there? Weren't they realistically afraid of the stress on Vernon, especially knowing
he had a history of heart problems, as well as a recent heart attack. Why would he not go to the hospital with his only son?
Was it because he knew that it was not his son? Who really went to the hospital that day? Who was the donor?
18. Why did Joe and Dr. Nick identify the body? Why not a next of kin, as done on a regular basis?
19. In the final analysis, how did the father of Elvis Presley do a radio interview two hours after the death report in a
very calm and unemotional state?
(Written by The Presley Commission) - http://usuarios.multimania.es/elvistcb/newpage10.html
3. Elvis funeral -Back in 1977: "Son, Daddy will be with you
soon. Daddy will be with you
soon," cried
Vernon Presley at Elvis' funeral. Two years later on
June 26th 1979 Vernon Presley died of a
broken heart.
According to Jesse/Elvis, his father died too early, before he ever got to tell him the truth about his faked death. [read the quotes from his book here:
http://lindahoodsigmontruth.com/elvisjesse-and-numerology/ ] If this is it, then I'm sorry for them, it's really sad that his father passed without ever knowing what really happened...
4. But still, let's think about this damn' date of
JUNE 26th! lol :D Felix Bush Breazeale faked his funeral on June 26th 1938, then Elvis' last concert ever was on June 26th and MJ just happened to "die" on June 25th! Seriously, can this all be just a "coincidence"!?
- Let's run a
numerology test on Felix Breazeale's "funeral"date:
month + day: 6+2+6 =
14[14 = 2x7;
77 - MJ no.!]
year: 1+9+3+8 =
21; [21=3x7;
777 !- MJ no.]
total date sum: 6 + 2 + 6 + 1+ 9 + 3 + 8 =
35; [3+5=
8 Elvis no.!]
- Let's run a
numerology test on Mr. Vernon's death date:
month + day: 6+2+6 =
14[[14 = 2x7;
77 - MJ no.!]
year: 1+9+7+9 =
26; [2+6 =
8 Elvis no.!]
total date sum: 6 + 2 + 6 + 1+ 9 + 7 + 9 =
40; [ 40 = 5 x
Also: 4+0=4 - which is the
half of number 8; half... hint:
"heart broken in half"? :p lol That's what they said: that Mr. Vernon died of a broken heart! By the way! Isn't it such a predictable cause of death? lol I mean it wasn't so surprising, was it? Everyone expected the man to have his heart broken by his beloved famous son's sudden and premature "death", or no? I mean who would even dare question Mr. Vernon's death? [except maybe the crazy me! lol :p 8-) ] No, but seriously, who could reasonably answer to this question: How on Earth, did he die
exactly on June 26th??? Exactly on the same date as
his son's last concert ever!? The exact same date Felix Bush Brezeale had faked his funeral
39 years earlier [39 is 3 nines:
999 ]!! How could this be? Either it was indeed GOD's will OR it was another planned faked death... Mr. Vernon Presley probably wanted to be hidden together with his son for his final years! And to me this sounds more plausible than his death on JUNE 26! Any other date would not have raised my suspicion!
That is my opinion and no one is forced to like it or agree with it. I also think I am not far fetched with this idea, especially since
everybody seems "to die" of a "broken heart" in celebrity world!? What the hell happens? Do all celebs really have such weak hearts so as to die of a heart attack one after another?? Are we supposed to believe the B.S. that they were ALL drug addicts, alcohol-addicts or abusers of prescription pills!?? WTF!? I mean come on, how many drug addicts are there in the music/film industry? Many! Yes, very possible! But not ALL the MOST famous celebs! And not ALL with the same cause of death!! And NOT all on
similar "coincidental" death dates!! How far can this go? How long the people will be so naïve to eat every donut!??
5. Some of the most famous "half-broken hearts" and their bizarre death-dates: Elvis (16thAug. 1977) - 8 + 1 + 6 + 1+ 9 + 7 + 7 =
39; [39 ---) 3 nines:
Vernon Presley (26th June 1979) - 6 + 2 + 6 + 1+ 9 + 7 + 9 =
>40; [ 40 = 5 x
8 ]
^^ Consecutive total "death" numbers: 39, 40
Michael (25th June 2009) - 6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 9 =
24 [24 = 3x8; [888 - Elvis!]]
Liz Taylor (23rd March 2011) - 2+3+3+2+1+1 =
12 [hint to the year
12 is also half of 24! "half ... broken heart"]
Frank Dileo (24th Aug 2011) - 2+4+8+2+1+1 =
18 [18 = 2x9;
99; OR 18 ---) 1+
8 = 9]
James Brown (25th Dec. 2006) - 2+5+1+2+2+6 =
18 [The same ^^ !!]
^^ As you can see, the numbers 18 & 24 are of major importance, they repeat so often! Take a look at the 2 photo-montages, here below, for more details about 18 & 24 in MJ & Elvis - Numerology.
Notice how
3 of Michael's best friends "died ALL of a broken-heart" so close to his death-date on the
bizarre consecutive dates: 23, 24, 25: 23rd (Liz Taylor), 24th (Frank Dileo) and 25th (James Brown)? Makes you wonder who's next on the 26th!?

I took this screen shot^^ from a video about exposing the music industry. I don't remember exactly which one from this series...
But look...there is a
"preference" for the date of 25th! and the month of JUNE loll :p there are 4 possible options here, it's up to you to judge:
1. God likes number 25 [ :p ] and calls all artists in heaven on this date [ :p ]
2. These artists share a common destiny , therefore they all die on 25th, mostly in JUNE [ :p]
3. These artists were all murdered by the Illuminati and/or the music industry mafia, according to some stupid, morbid rituals, on the date of 25th.
4. Some of these artists were murdered [ as mentioned above] and some of them faked their dates on this exact date, as a protest ['the greatest revolution in the history of our nation"!] and as a cry for help against the Illuminati.
If you ask me, I tend to incline towards option no. 4 OR maybe there is another explanation of which I am not aware of...
Numbers 18 & 24