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Started by BeLIEverMichelle, May 16, 2011, 04:50:24 PM

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BeLIEverMichelleTopic starter

May 16, 2011, 04:50:24 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

havent had anywhere to go before to talk about what i beLIEve about what happened to michael. no one believes me that hes still alive.
ive got my own theory, hope you dont mind hearing it and letting me know what you think.  mj_dance/

well, im english and was sooo looking forward to going to the concerts in london. i couldnt believe it when they said michael died. it just doesnt make sense! they say he was a drug addict and that he was bankrupt just to say bad things about him!
anyway.... ive been looking into this for the past year and a half and im certain i know when hes coming back. it all makes sense, to me, so hopefully you can read and let me know what you think!

michael will be coming back during the opening celebrations of the london 2012 olympic games! let me tell you why i think this.
london = very important location. this is where he was going to do his concerts and the next BIG thing happening in london is the olympics!
in TII he said about we only have 4 years to get it right. well, from 2008 when this was being planned to 2012 IS FOUR YEARS!! hes waiting to see if we can start and heal the world in this time. but im not sure whether he'll come back because we still need his help, or if he'll come back because he can see we are making a chance to save the world.  confused/
the number 7, as we all know, is very important! and the olympic starts in JULY, the 7th month! whats more, the last big event was the london 7/7 bombings (RIP) so even that ties in with my theory. so the 7/7 bombings, then michael telling us we need to sort this world out (links to the bombings) then the olympic games in the 7th month. just too much of a coincidence.
the opening ceremony will be watched by people all over the world. what better platform for michael to get his message arcoss than this? on the most important month (july) in a city that has links with TII!

ok, thats basically my theory summed up, please tell me what you think! i havent got it all worked out yet but so far it all makes sense to me. i hope you guys agree and maybe can help me work throu my theory.


OLYMPICS 2012. Watch it for more than just sport \";)\" BAMDAY!


May 16, 2011, 05:24:05 PM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Hi beLIEverMichelle!

Your theory makes a lot of sense...thank you for sharing!  I do firmly believe that when bam does come, it's going to be huge.  The Olympics are definitely huge!  There was something about the last Olympics and the word "believe".... I will look around and send it to you, if I find it.
Thanks again for the post......have a beautiful day!

Blessings Always


May 16, 2011, 05:41:23 PM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "BeLIEverMichelle"

havent had anywhere to go before to talk about what i beLIEve about what happened to michael. no one believes me that hes still alive.
ive got my own theory, hope you dont mind hearing it and letting me know what you think.  mj_dance/

well, im english and was sooo looking forward to going to the concerts in london. i couldnt believe it when they said michael died. it just doesnt make sense! they say he was a drug addict and that he was bankrupt just to say bad things about him!
anyway.... ive been looking into this for the past year and a half and im certain i know when hes coming back. it all makes sense, to me, so hopefully you can read and let me know what you think!

michael will be coming back during the opening celebrations of the london 2012 olympic games! let me tell you why i think this.
london = very important location. this is where he was going to do his concerts and the next BIG thing happening in london is the olympics!
in TII he said about we only have 4 years to get it right. well, from 2008 when this was being planned to 2012 IS FOUR YEARS!! hes waiting to see if we can start and heal the world in this time. but im not sure whether he'll come back because we still need his help, or if he'll come back because he can see we are making a chance to save the world.  confused/
the number 7, as we all know, is very important! and the olympic starts in JULY, the 7th month! whats more, the last big event was the london 7/7 bombings (RIP) so even that ties in with my theory. so the 7/7 bombings, then michael telling us we need to sort this world out (links to the bombings) then the olympic games in the 7th month. just too much of a coincidence.
the opening ceremony will be watched by people all over the world. what better platform for michael to get his message arcoss than this? on the most important month (july) in a city that has links with TII!

ok, thats basically my theory summed up, please tell me what you think! i havent got it all worked out yet but so far it all makes sense to me. i hope you guys agree and maybe can help me work throu my theory.


Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum. I agree with you I have always said that Michael would come back in 2012 but not for the olympics but for le cirque du Soleil  The Immortal tour. This is a special event also. It will be in Vegas. Either way he will come back in 2012> If he comes back this July even better for us. Blessings.

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson


May 17, 2011, 05:45:26 AM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

This is an awesome theory!  It makes a lot of sense! That would be an awesome event! An eye opener definitely for millions of people! I guess we cannot say this loud so as not to spoil Michael's plan!  suspicious//

(why am I using so many exclamation marks? --- "!" ) :mrgreen:

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May 17, 2011, 07:22:41 AM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

That would be cool if he come back at the London Olympics, I was going to the Olympics anyway.

BeLIEverMichelleTopic starter

May 17, 2011, 08:11:32 AM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "BeLIEverMichelle"

havent had anywhere to go before to talk about what i beLIEve about what happened to michael. no one believes me that hes still alive.
ive got my own theory, hope you dont mind hearing it and letting me know what you think.  mj_dance/

well, im english and was sooo looking forward to going to the concerts in london. i couldnt believe it when they said michael died. it just doesnt make sense! they say he was a drug addict and that he was bankrupt just to say bad things about him!
anyway.... ive been looking into this for the past year and a half and im certain i know when hes coming back. it all makes sense, to me, so hopefully you can read and let me know what you think!

michael will be coming back during the opening celebrations of the london 2012 olympic games! let me tell you why i think this.
london = very important location. this is where he was going to do his concerts and the next BIG thing happening in london is the olympics!
in TII he said about we only have 4 years to get it right. well, from 2008 when this was being planned to 2012 IS FOUR YEARS!! hes waiting to see if we can start and heal the world in this time. but im not sure whether he'll come back because we still need his help, or if he'll come back because he can see we are making a chance to save the world.  confused/
the number 7, as we all know, is very important! and the olympic starts in JULY, the 7th month! whats more, the last big event was the london 7/7 bombings (RIP) so even that ties in with my theory. so the 7/7 bombings, then michael telling us we need to sort this world out (links to the bombings) then the olympic games in the 7th month. just too much of a coincidence.
the opening ceremony will be watched by people all over the world. what better platform for michael to get his message arcoss than this? on the most important month (july) in a city that has links with TII!

ok, thats basically my theory summed up, please tell me what you think! i havent got it all worked out yet but so far it all makes sense to me. i hope you guys agree and maybe can help me work throu my theory.


Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum. I agree with you I have always said that Michael would come back in 2012 but not for the olympics but for le cirque du Soleil  The Immortal tour. This is a special event also. It will be in Vegas. Either way he will come back in 2012> If he comes back this July even better for us. Blessings.

thanks for everyones replies!  bearhug

i just think that london would be more convincing place for him to come back. the cirque du soleil is an awesome idea, but it doesnt have the mass appeal that the olympics have, plus the olympics would be on tv in every country, whereas the cirque would only be a live las vegas show, and not on tv.
plus london is where he made his announcements and where TII was going to be, to me, it just all fits perfectly!

hope you dont think im being disrespectful or anything :D as long as he comes back, thats the main thing! ;D

and thanks wishingstar for looking that out for me! cant wait to read it!

OLYMPICS 2012. Watch it for more than just sport \";)\" BAMDAY!


May 17, 2011, 01:51:23 PM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

It could be BAM's day.... nice theory! Haven't thought of it yet but it makes a lot of sense! :) Cirque du soleil has more 'links' with MJ but the platform of the Olympics is WAY bigger...


May 17, 2011, 02:13:51 PM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "AThousandTimes"

It could be BAM's day.... nice theory! Haven't thought of it yet but it makes a lot of sense! :) Cirque du soleil has more 'links' with MJ but the platform of the Olympics is WAY bigger...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You make very valid points surrounding the Olympics. We've had these discussions before and it was felt that when Michael does come back he'd need worldwide attention. Some felt that the Olympics would be overshadowed by Michael's re-appearance so it would not be done for that reason.

Myself, I am not sure, but I feel like whatever Michael does it will be bigger than we could ever imagine. There was a great article telling about a trip Michael used to take to Japan, (I think). Anyway he'd go in and out without anyone knowing because he'd be picked up by this wealthy man. He's spend days learning martial arts and talking. This man spoke so highly of Michael. Anyway it was in that article that this wealthy, influential, man said that he asked Michael to talk to the Olympics Board to try and get his martial arts added to the Olympics as a sport. He said that Michael was more influential than anyone he knew and if anyone could get this done it would be Michael. Michael told him he'd do his best and later the man said possibly in the 2016 (again from memory so might not be right) games it will happen. I'll see if I can find that article. It's a great read.

I have to wonder what the picture with "see you July 2011" is for if he won't be back until 2012? IDK...I try not to put too much hope on a date but I do feel a date is out there. I think that he's definitely going to break Paul McCartney's record hoax of 2 years and if he does this like everything else, 2012 is not a stretch.  Blessings.

I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012


Quote from: voiceforthesilent on May 17, 2011, 02:13:51 PM

Quote from: AThousandTimes

It could be BAM's day.... nice theory! Haven't thought of it yet but it makes a lot of sense!  :) Cirque du soleil has more 'links' with MJ but the platform of the Olympics is WAY bigger...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You make very valid points surrounding the Olympics. We've had these discussions before and it was felt that when Michael does come back he'd need worldwide attention. Some felt that the Olympics would be overshadowed by Michael's re-appearance so it would not be done for that reason.

Myself, I am not sure, but I feel like whatever Michael does it will be bigger than we could ever imagine. There was a great article telling about a trip Michael used to take to Japan, (I think). Anyway he'd go in and out without anyone knowing because he'd be picked up by this wealthy man. He's spend days learning martial arts and talking. This man spoke so highly of Michael. Anyway it was in that article that this wealthy, influential, man said that he asked Michael to talk to the Olympics Board to try and get his martial arts added to the Olympics as a sport. He said that Michael was more influential than anyone he knew and if anyone could get this done it would be Michael. Michael told him he'd do his best and later the man said possibly in the 2016 (again from memory so might not be right) games it will happen. I'll see if I can find that article. It's a great read.

I have to wonder what the picture with "see you July 2011" is for if he won't be back until 2012? IDK...I try not to put too much hope on a date but I do feel a date is out there. I think that he's definitely going to break Paul McCartney's record hoax of 2 years and if he does this like everything else, 2012 is not a stretch.  Blessings.


He said that Michael was more influential than anyone he knew and if anyone could get this done it would be Michael. Michael told him he'd do his best and later the man said possibly in the 2016 (again from memory so might not be right) games it will happen. I'll see if I can find that article. It's a great read.

Hi Voice, may be you meant this article, in which is mentioned that Michael had talked with Juan Antonio Samaranch, the International Olympic Committee chairman and that karate might have a chance to be an Olympic sport. It's a good read indeed, I enjoyed it.

Here's a part of it:

Karate, like other sports, eliminates discrimination. Regardless of color, race or gender, all people who do karate respect each other's strength and ability. Michael asked me to show him some karate moves. He could do them immediately, totally perfectly. He could have been a brilliant athlete. I asked Michael to help me put karate into the Olympics Games. He talked to International Olympic Committee chairman, Juan Antonio Samaranch and we were told that if we could unite all the sects of the martial art, karate had a chance to be an Olympic sport. Hopefully 2016 will be our year.


It's all for L.O.V.E.


July 15, 2012, 06:05:24 PM #9 Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 06:07:52 PM by vintagebaby2006

I definitely think he might come back during the Olympics. My brother mentioned this to me and I've been dwelling on it ever since. It makes a lot of sense considering the patterns with the number 4. In TII, Michael says "we have 4 years to get this right" Conrad Murray was sentenced to 4 years. And the Olympics is every 4 years. This makes a lot of sense to me. A LOT OF SENSE. Especially since Will-i-am was running with the torch this year during the Olympics and said the reason for his moonwalk could not be mentioned. hmmmm...



July 15, 2012, 06:40:58 PM #10 Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 06:47:56 PM by sweetsunsetwithMJ
Quote from: vintagebaby2006 on July 15, 2012, 06:05:24 PM

I definitely think he might come back during the Olympics. My brother mentioned this to me and I've been dwelling on it ever since. It makes a lot of sense considering the patterns with the number 4. In TII, Michael says "we have 4 years to get this right" Conrad Murray was sentenced to 4 years. And the Olympics is every 4 years. This makes a lot of sense to me. A LOT OF SENSE. Especially since Will-i-am was running with the torch this year during the Olympics and said the reason for his moonwalk could not be mentioned. hmmmm...


Hi vintagebaby2006 welcome to the forum :bearhug: thanks for your post, could you please post the link where Will.I.am said that about the moonwalk I find it very interesting and a great clue, I can't find it I only found this The Sun article but it doesn't mention it:

Voice judge Will.i.am carries the Olympic flame in Somerset | The Sun |Showbiz|TV|The Voice

I will copy paste this post on the London Olympics 2012 thread.



Will-I-Am mentioning that was a bit odd to say the least.  Why pray tell, lol, could he not mention why he was doing the moon-walk? Certainly Will doesn't feel intimidated by the haters.   However, if Michael appears during the Olympics that will knock me off of my feet because I am so not feeling that right now.  But as is reality, here in the hoaxville pavillion anything is possible. (((hugs))))

"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said

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