havent had anywhere to go before to talk about what i beLIEve about what happened to michael. no one believes me that hes still alive.
ive got my own theory, hope you dont mind hearing it and letting me know what you think. mj_dance/
well, im english and was sooo looking forward to going to the concerts in london. i couldnt believe it when they said michael died. it just doesnt make sense! they say he was a drug addict and that he was bankrupt just to say bad things about him!
anyway.... ive been looking into this for the past year and a half and im certain i know when hes coming back. it all makes sense, to me, so hopefully you can read and let me know what you think!
michael will be coming back during the opening celebrations of the london 2012 olympic games! let me tell you why i think this.
london = very important location. this is where he was going to do his concerts and the next BIG thing happening in london is the olympics!
in TII he said about we only have 4 years to get it right. well, from 2008 when this was being planned to 2012 IS FOUR YEARS!! hes waiting to see if we can start and heal the world in this time. but im not sure whether he'll come back because we still need his help, or if he'll come back because he can see we are making a chance to save the world. confused/
the number 7, as we all know, is very important! and the olympic starts in JULY, the 7th month! whats more, the last big event was the london 7/7 bombings (RIP) so even that ties in with my theory. so the 7/7 bombings, then michael telling us we need to sort this world out (links to the bombings) then the olympic games in the 7th month. just too much of a coincidence.
the opening ceremony will be watched by people all over the world. what better platform for michael to get his message arcoss than this? on the most important month (july) in a city that has links with TII!
ok, thats basically my theory summed up, please tell me what you think! i havent got it all worked out yet but so far it all makes sense to me. i hope you guys agree and maybe can help me work throu my theory.