I don't remember hearing this story before.
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LoginTourists flock to Michael Jackson sites; tour buses adjust their routes
Los Angeles Times
June 27, 2009|Hugo Martin and W.J. Hennigan
"...A bus for Starline Tours, Hollywood's largest tour company, had stopped in front of the Holmby Hills home Thursday just as paramedics were transporting Jackson to UCLA Medical Center. The home had been a regular stop on the tour.
Driver Wendy Harris said a passenger got a phone message that Jackson had died. When the bus arrived at the home, encircled by police and reporters, Harris said she knew the news was accurate."I always play [the song] 'Billie Jean' when we arrive at the house and everybody knows it, no matter where they are from," she said. "This time, the mood was really somber. It wasn't the usual exciting, upbeat mood."
Starline spokesman Klaus Ritter said business jumped after the news of Jackson's death. "I wish we had more buses," he said. "These sort of things happen pretty quickly..."