The King of Kabbalah? (Tree of Life) - Illuminati

Started by michangelo, December 21, 2009, 05:23:12 PM

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michangeloTopic starter

December 21, 2009, 05:23:12 PM Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 04:35:07 AM by simalves

OK! first excuse my bad English.

I conducted a small investigation into Michael Jackson and his entry into the Kabbalah.
I will sum you have to continue if you find other things to investigate.

1.In June 2005, Jeannette Walls of, has writing this article:


2. And then I am doing research on the Kabbalah and Wikimedia are many interesting things to read, but one thing among others that I lay down.
you remember the sign on the floor for rehearsals?
Well I tried to find the images in question, but I did not film because I bought the DVD-R in January.
It looks like this:

3. That just is none other than Sephiroth, the Tree of Life!
View branch of the tree, it does not remember some things?

4. Here's what means the various branch

* Keter (supernal crown, representing above-conscious will)
* Chochmah (intellect of wisdom)
* Binah (intellect of understanding)
* Daat (intellect of knowledge)
* Chesed (sometimes referred to as Gedolah-greatness) (emotion of lovingkindness)
* Gevurah (sometimes referred to as Din-justice or Pachad-fear) (emotion of severity/strength)
* Tiferet (emotional balance of harmony/beauty-Representing compassion)
* Netzach (emotion of victory/eternity)
* Hod (emotion of glory/splendour)
* Yesod (emotion of foundation)
* Malkuth (emotion of kingship)

5. And now look at this carefully!

6. Kabbalistic tree with flaming sword in YELLOW.The flaming sword that protects the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life itself.
And who is the protector of EDEN?

The most important and well known scheme of depicting the Sephirot arranges them as a tree with 3 columns. The Right column represents the spiritual force of expansion. The Left represents its opposite, restriction. The Middle column is the balance and synthesis between these opposing tendencies. The connecting lines in the diagram show the specific connections of spiritual flow between the Sephirot, the "22 Connecting Paths", and corresponding to the spiritual channels of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Kabbalah sees the Hebrew letters as channels of spiritual lifeforce. This derives from the account in Genesis of the Creation of the World, where Creation takes place through 10 Herbrew "Sayings" of God ("Let there be.."). In Kabbalistic theology, these letters remain the immanent spiritual forces that constantly recreate all existence. The paths divide into 3 Categories, shown in this diagram by their different colours, corresponding to the 3 types of letter.

Latent interinclusion of the Sephirot

The first development that enabled the Sephirot to unite in cooperation was the interinclusion within each of them of a further subset of the 10 Sephirot. So, for example, Chesed contains Chesed within Chesed, Gevurah within Chesed (typified by a restriction performed out of love, like a father punishing a child) etc. In Kabbalistic interpretation, as there are 7 emotional Sephirot, their subsets form 7x7=49 emotional states.


I may be crazy but pay attention to figures who are 22 or 777 and of course follow the yellow path .. if you say that I continue to give you the link to wikimedia, even if you do not believe that it is Associate MJ it remains very intriguing.
PS: Look at the poster of this is it top of the page and compare with the tree of life!




December 21, 2009, 06:42:51 PM #1 Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 04:34:08 AM by simalves

5. And now look at this carefully!

6. Kabbalistic tree with flaming sword in YELLOW.The flaming sword that protects the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life itself.
And who is the protector of EDEN?

The most important and well known scheme of depicting the Sephirot arranges them as a tree with 3 columns. The Right column represents the spiritual force of expansion. The Left represents its opposite, restriction. The Middle column is the balance and synthesis between these opposing tendencies. The connecting lines in the diagram show the specific connections of spiritual flow between the Sephirot, the "22 Connecting Paths", and corresponding to the spiritual channels of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Kabbalah sees the Hebrew letters as channels of spiritual lifeforce. This derives from the account in Genesis of the Creation of the World, where Creation takes place through 10 Herbrew "Sayings" of God ("Let there be.."). In Kabbalistic theology, these letters remain the immanent spiritual forces that constantly recreate all existence. The paths divide into 3 Categories, shown in this diagram by their different colours, corresponding to the 3 types of letter.

I may be crazy but pay attention to figures who are 22 or 777 and of course follow the yellow path .. if you say that I continue to give you the link to wikimedia, even if you do not believe that it is Associate MJ it remains very intriguing.
PS: Look at the poster of this is it top of the page and compare with the tree of life![/b

What a great observation
The 7 theory, The angel painting.
I think you discovered someting really interesting here.

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