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2good2btrueTopic starter

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Because there is just so much information lately in regards to possible STING operations and the FBI involvement, I thought maybe we can find some information about it here.. I can give some examples of some recent sting operations, and hopefully, it will clarify a few things for all of us......I admitt, I am totally clueless when it comes to all the legalities involved and how it all works within the law system...

Some videos I found: The first one is interesting

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Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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reminder to watch later.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue.”

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World…
   and leaving me Speechless!

“True goodbyes are the ones never said

Great thread 2good2btrue! There are so many things that we have discuss about Sting Operations and Entrapment before having some kind of idea of "hoax court" or "sting court". And often we are getting off topic in TS threads, so it's better to discuss everything here. So i think that we should start with the basics. A difference between Sting Operation and Entrapment and we need to look at couple examples of how they work. I found some very interesting books:1) "An Introduction to Policing", 2) "Introduction to Criminal Justice" ( i wish i could read this entire book, but i already have too many things to study pale/ ), 3) "Criminal Investigation".
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Entrapment.The Supreme Court has defined entrapment in Sorrells v. United States (1932) as "the conception and planning of an offense by an officer, and his procurement of it's commission by one who would not have perpetrated it except for the trickery, persuasion or fraud of the officer." Sorrells also explained the need for trickery in obtaining evidence:"Society is at war with the criminal classes, and the courts have uniformly held that in waging this warfare the forces of prevention and detection may use traps, decoys and deception to obtain evidence of the commission of a crime." Sorrells concludes, "The fact that government agents merely afford opportunities or facilities for the commission of the offense does not constitute entrapment."
These Court rulings still stand. In Sherman v. United States (1958), the Court explained, "Entrapment occurs only when the criminal conduct was 'the product of the creative activity' of law enforcement officials. To determine whether entrapment has been established, a line must be drawn between the trap for the unwary innocent and the trap for the unwary criminal."
Sting operations. Newman (2007, p.3) notes, "Because sting operations cover a wide variety of crimes and use different techniques depending on the operation's immediate or longterm purpose, it is difficult to define precisely what a sting operation is. However, with some exceptions, all sting operations contain four basic elements:
1. An opportunity or enticement to commit a crime, either created or exploited by police.
2. A targeted likely offender or group of offenders for a particular crime type.
3. An undercover or hidden police officer or surrogate or some form of deception.
4. A "gotcha" climax when the operation ends with arrests.
A controversial sting operation in New York City, Operation Lucky Bag, prompred charges of entrampment. The sting was started in 2006 and involved police officers leaving purses, bags or wallets on subway trains or other public places. If someone took the item, he or she was arrested. A spokesperson for the NYPD said, "Operation Lucky Bag is designed to combat the most frequently reported serious crime in the city's transit system - grand larceny" ("Controversial New York Sting," 2008, p.3). The executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union has criticized the operation, calling it "worse than entrapment. Entrapment is setting people up to engage in criminal activity to which they would not otherwise be disposed. This is setting people up to be Good Samaritans and then treating them like criminals."
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Sting operations, which have become a major law enforcement technique in recent years, involve using various undercover methods to apprehend thieves and recover stolen property. For example, the police rent a storefront and put the word out on the street that they will buy any stolen property - no questions asked. The police set up hidden video and audio recorders that can be used to identify "customers," who are then located and placed under arrest several months later. The audio and video recorders make excellent evidence in court. There are numerous examples of successful sting.
An FBI-run high-tech electronics store in Miami was used by drug traffickers to purchase beepers, cellular phones, and computers. The 17-month operation resulted in 93 arrests. Another FBI sting in New Jersey, in which agents posed as fences who bought 170 stolen trucks and luxury cars worth $9 million during a two-year period, netted 35 arrests. Another type of sting operation is directed against people wanted on warrants. These wanted persons are mailed a letter telling them that they have won an award (such as tickets to an important ball game) and that they should report to a certain location (usually a hotel) at a certain time to pick up the prize. When the person appears, he or she is arrested.
Traditionally, sting operations involved setting up false storefronts to deal in stolen property but over the years the definition of sting operations has expanded. They now often include corruption, prostitution, car theft, drug dealing, child pornography, child sexual abuse, and tobacco and alcohol sales to minors.
Studies of sting operations have found that they account for a large number of arrests and the recovery of a significant amount of stolen property. However, the studies have failed to demonstrate that the tactic leads to reductions in crime. A major drawback to sting operations is that they can serve as inducements to burglary and theft, because they create a market for stolen goods. Sting operations can also lead to questions regarding ethics. Consider the congressional Abscam operations. Abscam was a sting conducted by FBI agents from 1978 to 1980 against memeber of Congress. The agents, posing as Arab sheikhs, offered bribes to members of congress in return for favors. The sting resulted in the conviction of seven member of Congress and other officials, as well as harsh criticism (by some) of the FBI for its undercover methods.
Recently, police departments have expanded their definition of stings. Frustrated with increasing gun violence and perception that the federal government wasn't taking any action, New York City decided to take on gun dealers in other states. New York City sent teams of private investigators posing as gun buyers to stores in five states and caught 15 dealers making illegal sales. These businesses had been the source of 500 guns that were used in the commission of crimes in New York City. The operatives went into the stores with hidden cameras. One investigator looked at the guns, talked with the sales staff, and made the decision. This investigator then called the second investigator over (usually female), who had not been involved in any way, to fill out the background paperwork, and then the first investigator would pay for the gun, This practice is referred to as using a "straw buyer," someone with no criminal record, to fill out the background paperwork to purchase a gun for a dealer.  
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Sting operations have drawbacks. By its very nature, a sting involves deceit by police agents that often comes close to entrapment. Covert police activities have often been criticized as violating the personal rights of citizens which forcing officers into demeaning roles, such as having female officers act like prostitutes. (Ironically, recent 2005 research by Mary Dodge and her associates found that rather than considering it demeaning female officers find their work as make-believe prostitutes exciting; they consider it a stepping-stone for promotion.)
Sting operations may encourage criminals to commit new crimes because they have a new source for fencing stolen good. Innocent people may hurt their reputations by buying merchandise from a sting operation when they had no idea that the items had been stolen. By putting the government in the fencing business, such operations blur the line between law enforcement and criminal activity.  

That's it for now, but i'm still looking for good examples of Sting Operations. These books are very helpful, i'm sure that you will find something interesting in them.
So here we have at least one example of corruption sting in Congress, and FBI are supposed to be monitored by Congress, so it proves my thoughts on that there is a well made chain of people on key positions from Congress, U.S Attorney etc. So no matter who monitors FBI they can't possibly know everything that's going on in FBI office. If they have a sting against their members they will not be in the know about this operation.

L.O.V.E to all!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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"What one wishes is to be touched by truth and to be able to interpret that truth so that one may use what one is feeling and experiencing, be it despair or joy, in a way that will add meaning to one\'s life and will hopefully touch others as well.
This is art in its highest form. Those moments of enlightenment are what i continue to live for." -Michael Jackson

reminder to watch later. Thank you for sharing this information. Blessings.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012

I’ve only had time to watch the first video.  Will certainly watch the others.  What stood out immediately in watching this is that it was stated that this is the FIRST time in 30 years that this drug has ever been the target of a drug investigation.  My take on that, probably by design and even more subjective, probably did not kill Michael Jackson.  It’s not a drug that is addictive, nor is it a controlled substance, nor is it likely that one could stay awake long enough to inject himself with enough to do any real harm.  However, in choosing this method of take down by proxy, Michael still was able to bring full attention to just how easy and how desperate and how unorthodoxed doctors have become in issuing out drugs that they themselves don’t know enough about to even administer properly, if theprice is right.  If you have the money, then there  are doctors out there who will fall in line with street level drug pushers, and get and dispense the product.  No questions asked.  No medical history taken. No proper equipment on hand. No real concern about the patient.  It’s about money and that’s the bottom line.  At the right price any gullible human being can be bought and paid to particpate in the commission of a crime. It is still unclear who hired Murray and whether or not they had their own ulterior motives.  Add to that the reality that no one knows enough about death by propofol because it’s a first, thus requiring more time to thoroughly investigate it and its causitive effects.  Bottom line, they still don’t know, the reason why everything is so botched up and screwy.  My guess, they will never know enough about it to convict ANYONE for the crime.  But it was enough to shake up the medical community enough, and has been discussed and ripped apart for so long, that something will have to play out in court.  They can’t just let it hang out there with a big ole question mark behind it forever.  So there will be a trial, but the evidence will be so insignificant against Conrad Murray, that the charges against him will likely be dropped or he will get some kind of probation.  However, in keeping this open investigation going for so long, some other high profile people have been implicated for some unorthodoxed and perhaps even criminal things they have done that has little or nothing to do with propofol.  I can see some indictments against other people being brought as a result of this investigation.  Perhaps that was the desired outcome in the first place.  It’s complicated.  But then, so is the life and “death” of Michael Jackson.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue.”

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World…
   and leaving me Speechless!

“True goodbyes are the ones never said

It is apparent that using stings is on the rise in the law enforcement community. However it seems to blur the line between law enforcement being crooks themselves in that they actully lure and participate in these operations in order to make an arrest.  It seems to have a domino effect.  I can imagine anyone actively participating in a sting such as the ones seen above would at some point fall into the trap of pushing the envelope by becoming more and more involved in the criminal activity themselves and enjoying it.  It appears that the more players involved, the more likely they are to go beyond simple bait and trap methods opening themselves up to the possibilities of becoming more criminally inclined.

If a sting is being played out in Michael’s case, then that would explain the rants from Arnie Klein knowing that he is on the list to testify and he is not happy about it, thinking it would be soon, he went on a roll.  If he was feeling trapped in some way, then he was apparently willing to give up the goods on someone else to ty to clear his own ass.  And if it was indeed him making all that noise, then he said a lot of possibily damning stuff against some pretty powerful people. As time draws near, I would not be surprised if others join the bandwagon; then we could possibly be hearing from Tohme who has been implicated, on and on until somebody says something that can’t be  ignored.  In other words, they will rat each other out.  By the time the trial commences, no telling who will end up facing charges.  Who knows who is who?  Informers and under cover people come in all shapes and sizes and occupations.  They are not who they pretend to be.  It’s a game of wits and each one has a role to play.  I feel there will be some surprises and some people on the lamb we never gave a second thought about and not for propofol poisioning.  I don’t know whose side the law is on,  nor even if this trial is real.  I do feel, however that something is up, and somebody knows what it is.  So they wait and bait.  The longer it is prolonged, the possibility grows of slipups being made.  I can feel the uneasiness and the edginess in the air.  Cuts like a knife.  Could be that the courts are being watched to see how they handle this case.  Michael never got a fair shot in my opinion, and a lot of stuff was allowed that shouldn’t have been.  You just never know.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue.”

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World…
   and leaving me Speechless!

“True goodbyes are the ones never said


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