It's funny how everyone interprets things differently. I've never gotten the impression AT ALL that any of Michael's kids enjoy smiling for paps. Liking the camera, and liking paps constantly invading their privacy are two completely different things. Those kids know how disrespectful most paps were to their father, and they know how uncomfortable Michael was with having his entire life scrutinized in the "fish bowl" that he has talked about on several occasions. I've actually gotten the impression that the kid's behavior towards paps is rather sarcastic (not that I blame them at all!), like Prince pointing right at them, any of the 3 of them outright GLARING right at the camera, Prince's pointing out the book he chose at the library (since they can't even do something as mundane as going to the library without being photographed, and no, I've never thought he was pointing at his book in an effort to give a "clue"), and Paris's somewhat goofy smile and peace sign. No, I've never once gotten the impression that the J3 enjoy being photographed everywhere they go. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Prince and Paris are actually chuckling to themselves in the picture in this thread about how lame the paps are to follow them everywhere they go.