Ok I'll try to debunk the no body theory.
No body means the paramedics HAVE to be in on it. They would never be fooled by a corpse or a dummy and the whole thing could have been blown right there if they called for back up in dealing with pushy Murray insisting they take a rotting corpse to UCLA. Can't risk it, too much planning has gone into this hoax to ruin it this way.
If the paramedics are in on it, the 911 call must be fake. This would mean that the call screen was manipulated somehow. This has never been discussed before but that information came from somewhere to be photographed at some point. It's an interesting side point I won't go into now, but perhaps good for a different discussion. I don't think it's ever been addressed. But we know the operator disconnected prior to emergency vehicle arrival and that is not normal. The operator also led the caller at one point in naming the person's symptoms ("ok he's not breathing, and he's not conscious either". [statement] the caller never said the person was not conscious at this point. Perhaps the gentleman who needs help was choking? Operator was quite cavalier in stating this symptom instead of questioning. Weird at minimum.)
If there is no body does the fire chief setting up cones outside have to know? No I suppose not. The "body" was loaded inside the gates and fire chief was outside. I have never heard it said that he went in, and he was videotaped outside with gates closed so I have to assume he did not go in and remained with the firetruck on the street.
If there was no body the bodyguards must also know. But that's sort of a given. Body Guards. *snicker*
No body means a dummy, nothing, or MJ himself went to UCLA.
Once in the ambulance, if anyone took a peak through the windows, a dummy would suffice, or even MJ himself. Really MJ himself is perfect, since the EMTs are in on it, because no one glancing would be any the wiser. MJ rushed to hospital, if anyone sees anything they would see... MJ being rushed to hospital. But then we can't entubulate live MJ, that's very uncomfortable and possibly dangerous with a conscious person. So perhaps the dummy IS the best solution. They can cut the tracheal tube off the mouthpiece from the inside and strap it to dummy's face. That's prob how they set up the pic anyway, this accounts for why the mouthpiece isn't sitting quite right.
So if MJ (or a dummy) is on the cot going into UCLA, and not a real body, who needs to be in on it?
One person at UCLA, high up in a position of authority, would need to be in on it so as to direct all other staff away from the scene, provide privacy and cover, so that no one not in the know (everyone) sees a thing. An esteemed Doctor, I believe, would satisfy the position, but I am not in the medical field so someone might know better then me on this. Perhaps there is a floor supervisor who would be considered highest rank, I don't know. But then, if UCLA hears that MJ is coming, of course he would be given a private wing, and this would come from highest authority, so really all we need is one person to escort them to the location, and something on that stretcher in case anyone happens to see it being wheeled by.
Once the MJ entourage is behind closed doors within UCLA, anything can be done. MJ can quick change (if this aspect is correct), a dummy could be wrapped up in a sheet as "the body", or wrapped in a carpet and sent out with someone dressed as a janitor. The possibilities are endless here. No staff need be present in this private location within UCLA, "the patient is DOA and the family is attending", and no assistance is needed on an emergency basis, no team needs jump in. There is about an hour of time that needs to be accounted for here. It is *possible* that no one knows anything because no one ever actually saw anything and Dr. Cooper is the only one aware, but I don't have much to back this up. Here's my hole in the theory... simply due to lack of information. We know the family was there because their arrivals are documented. Maybe the family provided the cover for this hour of time. All would stay away because no one wants to interfere with young children at the bedside of their newly "dead" dad.
If we have no body, what was wrapped in a sheet and strapped to a cot and sent via helicopter? If a dummy was wrapped in sheet and sent out on a stretcher do any of those helicopter guys need to know? I don't think so, I can't imagine any of them are the type to sneak peaks at corpses they transport. So long as the weight and heft of it matched, they would be none the wiser to what they were carrying. If it was live MJ, it's a little tougher, because live bodies move much different then dead ones and I would imagine even someone handling it via stretcher might be able to tell? A dummy, on the other hand, would have similar properties to a dead body when hefted. If this is the case and a dummy was sent in the helicopter, then van video was at least set up and filmed at another time, and possibly another location.
Only problem with the dummy/dead body angle at this juncture, the way the body "moved" in the helicopter... dead bodies don't bend like that and I can't imagine dummy's do either. That looks very much so like a live body bend, regardless of who or what provided the forces to move it.
Nearing the end of the scenario of 6/25, no body does also mean that the coroner has to be in on it. If we concede or accept that the DC is fake, we must logically concede and accept that the coroner is in on it. I have researched the DC to death and I accept and concede that it is fake.
I am operating on the knowledge that the coroner's office stated in late June 2009 that MJ's body was not being kept there (remember the musical body storage locations reports of summer 2009, remember it was rumored that MJ's body was going to Neverland for a memorial there on the 28th. Then it was in Barry Gordy's crypt, then it was at Forest Lawn, then Forest Lawn said it wasn't there... My point is not that maybe the body was here there or everywhere, my point is that the coroner's office started this speculation by stating MJ's body was NOT there. I'll never in a million years find the statement in print all this time, so I can't prove it, but perhaps there's some long time hoaxers that also remember this).
The above being said, no one at the coroner's office needs to know anything at all, since the report released was that MJ's body was not there, so they didn't need a real body to fool anyone at that location either.
Feel free, anyone, to poke holes in it and we can go from there. At no point in The Scenario, do I see a requirement for a real body, which begs the question, if a real body is not necessary, what would the benefit be to using one at all?
Ps. Have we ever discussed why MJ HAD to go to UCLA that day and it was NOT ok that he go directly to the coroner (since coroner is in on it anyway)??