It's now time for the third level! :D 8-) :)
The focus now is going to be the trip from the house to the hospital. And most specifically: who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA? MJ himself, an MJ double (still alive), a real corpse, a dummy, or nothing?
Please do not jump to any quick conclusions on this, and be very careful to remember the following principles of investigation: #1 the fewer people in on the hoax, the better; #2 once you have a theory, try to debunk your own theory; #3 we are looking for a theory that has at least two different strong points, which nobody can debunk.
Let's also review what has been established so far. Nobody has debunked the main point established in the first level: "... the photo was planned and staged in advance, rather than merely editing MJ's face into a photo that was actually taken through the ambulance window on 6-25-09." {}. As always, if you want to try and debunk something, please inform yourself first of what has already been discussed; I will usually ignore questions or objections which are just a repeat, and have already been answered.
In the second level, there have been a few strong points in support of FBI involvement; and nobody has debunked any of these strong points {}.
First and foremost, as in other areas of the hoax, the numerology speaks volumes; Andrea recently had an excellent post on FBI numerology, as well as some Joe/Joseph information {}.
The Elvis connection is another strong point in support of MJ having FBI help, and explains a lot on how this hoax could be pulled off successfully with LAFD and other government entities involved {;;}.
Next is the FBI "Fake Funerals, Empty Caskets" article, conveniently dated 9-3-2010 which is the one year anniversary of MJ's fake funeral and empty casket burial! "It's a morbid tale involving phony death certificates, staged funerals with paid actors, and coffins buried with no bodies, but in the end, it's just a financial fraud scheme like thousands of others we investigate every year. Earlier this month in Los Angeles, the fourth and final member of an insurance fraud ring was convicted in federal court." {}.
Last and maybe least—but still a big clue, is Marlon wearing the FBI cap on more than one occasion
In spite of the fact that nobody has debunked any of the above points, there have been a couple of general questions or objections to FBI involvement—including but not limited to who oversees the FBI {}. And there were several good replies
There were also questions about why, if the FBI is involved, would there be any numerology and other clues—wouldn't the FBI do the fake death so well, that nobody would know a thing? This is a very good question; but there are good answers. First of all, we know that Elvis had government help; and we also know that he used numerology and other clues.
But there is another answer, which should be very clear once you understand it; and it has to do with making sure that a sting operation does not qualify as entrapment. "Sting operations are fraught with ethical concerns over whether they constitute entrapment." {; see}.
If there were no clues about the hoax, then the FBI and/or MJ could be accused of entrapment. However, and I'm going to let another cat out of the bag here: the hoax forums are a very strong defense against entrapment. If the FBI or MJ were ever charged of entrapment, all they would need to do is point to the hoax forums as proof that anybody could've figured out MJ did not die, if they really wanted to figure it out.
The question of whether all, some, or none of the paramedics are in on the hoax, is a question that has not yet been answered with at least two strong points which nobody can debunk. Nevertheless, between the staged ambulance photo, and especially with the FBI involvement: nearly everyone is agreed that at least one or more of the paramedics are in on it.
On the other hand, though, so far nobody has offered any strong support for ALL of the paramedics being in on it; and if any of them were not in on it, there would almost certainly need to be a real corpse. Please don't dismiss this possibility too quickly; it would explain the warm room, the paramedics not recognizing MJ, he looked like a frail old man, etc—and it would also decrease the amount of people that would need to be in on it (both at the house, and at the hospital). If someone can bring at least two strong points against the corpse theory, and nobody can debunk either of the two: fine. And if not, then we need to be open to considering all possibilities—that is what good investigation is all about.