
Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson

Started by Miss.Peppers, March 19, 2011, 08:51:01 PM

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I really think this is her:  <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/pariisjaxn<!-- m -->

If you look, Genevieve is following her.  Also, if this is her, then the other Prince twitter is real as they are following each other.

I think the kids have joined twitter.

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You all are right about Paris growing up...I've never had a teenage girl and I just want Paris to remain cute and innocent...but I guess it's normal for teens to grow and evolve! 

Australian MJ BeLIEver

January 16, 2013, 07:12:34 PM #2296 Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 07:14:10 PM by Australian MJ BeLIEver
Quote from: YouRnotAlone7 on January 16, 2013, 06:39:11 PM

You all are right about Paris growing up...I've never had a teenage girl and I just want Paris to remain cute and innocent...but I guess it's normal for teens to grow and evolve!

Completely get what you are saying, considering I am a mum of a gorgeous "cute as a button" little girl that keeps evolving into her own person every single day. It's kinda happy sad. But that is the mum in me speaking. Really its irrational for one to be sad. Only feels like a few years ago that I was a teenager and trying to break into my own character, person with thoughts and beliefs, taste, style, opinions and ideas.

It is a natural part of growing up, that is hard for others to watch like us with Paris, or me with my lil one, but then when I think back to my own time of teen years, the most important part of my life where we break away from what mum and dad want us to be and the first opportunity to really vocally and visually explore who we are to full degree...

In some cases it takes experimentation to get there, I know in my case, omg, went through 3 goth stages, 2 hippy stages, rastafari stages, hip hop stages until I became the person I am, and ironically still evolving.

I think Paris is becoming a mervelous young lady. Full of spunk, attitude, nous, ituition and intelligence. She may not be the cute little doe eyed blondie she once was, but what she is becoming is beauiful and far more substantial.

I also think sometimes, she like Michael may be playing a persona rather than revealing her real self. It's a way of keeping privacy, anonymity pretending your something that you are not. I think sometimes we shouldn't take Paris at face value, re: what she says.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


It's been made clear as far as I can tell that Paris, and LaToya as well, are fake informers. That doesn't mean everything they say is fake, or false, but it does mean they are guaranteed to provide a mixed bag. Considering that and everything we have learned about how to determine a reliable source from an unreliable one, I'd say Paris is officially out as far as reliability.

If someone just as soon lie to you as tell the truth would you really ever believe a thing that came out of their mouth? Not in real life, I doubt any of us would. It shouldn't be any different in this.

Are you entertained?


The media have been fake informers, the church has been a fake informer, the history books have been fake informers, the financial world has been a fake informer, the science world may have been a fake informer depending on their source of funding, preconceived beliefs, or agenda for disseminating information.  And like you said, fake means a "mixed bag" with some truth.  So where does this leave us?


No one and nothing to rely on but our own instincts.

Are you entertained?


With the "self". Maybe that is the lesson.  Remember Prince holding up his library book in '09......"Choose Your Own Adventure" ? It's up to our own judgment and discretions on what we are willing to believe as fact or what we toss away as fabrication and fiction. Not just the MJ hoax in specific, but in all of the subjects we have looked at through the course of TIAI. We are all different and we all have peculiar bents. Some of us are willing to throw it all away as fabrication, others take on board some of it as truth, others still believe most of what has been delved into. I'm talking of conspiracies, ect .....So have we come to a place individually where we are okay with our version of what actually transpired in the lead up to and on 25 th June 2009? Cause that is all we have at the moment.....speculations and assumptions as to how it was pulled off, the reasons governing why it was instigated and the goal of the hoax's purpose.
I'm still cool with what I see.....sting / conspiracies / danger / bad guys -elite.....If I am wrong, so be it. Don't bother me too much.
But as for this tweet from our lovely Paris...can't help feeling she's playing with us a little here. 


January 17, 2013, 12:32:48 AM #2301 Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 12:34:04 AM by ellyd
Quote from: Thriller4ever on January 16, 2013, 01:20:45 PM

no ellyd it's not...it's a way of writing 'n'...she definitely won't write 'Paris Jacksoh' will she?

So you know what another person would do or won't do.
Btw η is pretty common on twitter because it looks cool just like other fancy girls love.


In the least, it's continual focus on Front's 'n' - 'whisper'.  :icon_albino:


January 17, 2013, 04:15:23 AM #2303 Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 04:16:25 AM by everlastinglove_MJ
Quote from: hopi on January 15, 2013, 07:10:13 AM

Quote from: suspicious mind on January 15, 2013, 05:31:19 AM

paris' look seems to have made a few changes over the last 3.5 years, remind you of anyone we know.

Well, she's a teenager - due to my experience as mother they change A LOT during this years. So imo nothing special to Paris - she's searching for/learn about her identity and that's good! :smiley_abuv:
I can relate to that and I agree.
It's all for L.O.V.E.


January 17, 2013, 08:30:43 PM #2304 Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 08:50:23 PM by Sandal8259

Now with the playing of the words. Fake Informers could mean that these are the people that was informed of this entire unreal situation. So from my intake on the list of Fake Informers, it seems that these are the people that knows about this and are somewhat involve  on a regular basis or from time to time. If we go back to the interview that Michael and Lisa did with Diane Sawyer, we would get a little inside into the Genius mind. Michael STUDY people very well and had a long period of time to do so throughout his lifetime.  So much to that fact that he can literally anticipate what many of the people reaction will be. And is there not an old adage about a lie has have a truth in it.


I don't know if it is importent, but a few hours ago in Paris account she has written Paris ,France, now it changed to London, England.

With Love <3<3<3  :)

Billie J

Quote from: underthemoon on January 18, 2013, 06:55:06 AM

I don't know if it is importent, but a few hours ago in Paris account she has written Paris ,France, now it changed to London, England.

With Love <3<3<3  :)

@Underthemoon I have notice that too. Wondering if it's means Paris location or somebody else??
~Love lives forever~


I think nothing is done randomly.... :icon_e_ugeek:..  :icon_mrgreen: Mike is in Europe?  :icon_razz:



Paris tweet if there is anyone in LA, to get outside because it's so beautyfull outside ..... a reaktion to our spekulations ?
Maybe Paris is in LA...i don't know. She can be anywhere. We long have not seen any pic from her outside. No pics from kingofpopkids...
It was written that LaToya and Prince and Paris came to germany two weeks ago, but only Prince came with LaToya...with Bodyguards...one of them was the one who was seen in front of the gates at Carolwood when the Emergency leave.  :icon_razz:
He was a long time with the Jacksons !
The pics we see from Paris are not any more from her room...all looks so normal, not that modern like the houses in Calabassas.....she never tweets to persons and very much less then weeks ago.
No word about the family.
So who is in London and untill now in Paris ?
Love to you Paris ! You are so amazing ! :bearhug:



arg...she had deleted it ......now there is anly " feelingoutofplace"....but there stands written 2 hours ago.....she had deleted it when i write the post before.....
I get dizzy in this hoax....


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