TIAI February 26

Started by TS_comments, February 25, 2011, 08:25:19 PM

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Okay, so I decided to start the redirect thread this time.   ;)

As we near the end: let's go back to the beginning, and examine once more the ambulance photo.  Not so much revisiting what has already been discussed numerous times, but rather taking a new look at something that has been there all along—and yet has been mostly overlooked.  Some people have thought it was a face hidden in the picture {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17791;
http://mjkit.forumotion.net/t299-ambulance-photo-weird-images}.   However, it's easy to see faces in random shapes such as the clouds, or mountains, etc.

This zoomed area is a leaf-like pattern (whether or not you see a face hidden in the pattern).  So the big question for now is whether the pattern ...
#1 ... is part of the secondary image (with the red car, etc)?
#2 ... is part of the ambulance interior design?
#3 ... is edited into the picture (Photoshop), not part of the ambulance or secondary image?

To help you figure out the answer: I have included below four different ambulance photos, a video of the wall area behind the red car, and a video of the inside of ambulance 71 (11803, CA 1261551).

Wall area behind the red car (starting at 1:40): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2NQJMm3mi4

Inside ambulance 71 (starting at 9:00): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMB5gfcVChg

See what you can figure out.  I will probably join in the discussion on this thread, but I will not redirect to any new comments in this thread.


Le Papillon Bleu

March 16, 2011, 05:49:40 PM #750 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Gema"

Now with the enlarged image I see within the pattern:

- The head of Virgin Mary kissing the head of a baby
- The head of a person covering it with a hood, I even see both hands

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


The only thing i see is MJ bad era...with eyes open...

katy (MJFAN7)

March 16, 2011, 07:08:58 PM #751 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

To me it looks like Michael's head, (possibly on stage) leaned back with his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open, maybe starting to smile. :? Maybe I'll shuffle through my MJ photos to try and find one that looks like it.

أملي هو فيكم.


March 16, 2011, 07:10:14 PM #752 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

If we are still investigating ambulances, I would be curious to know what the inside of this ambulance looks like:

http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/michael ... ost_recent

Anybody? Also, what's with that logo on the window on the right? And the "layer 7" in the picture filename?

katy (MJFAN7)

March 16, 2011, 07:21:01 PM #753 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "MJFAN7"

To me it looks like Michael's head, (possibly on stage) leaned back with his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open, maybe starting to smile. :? Maybe I'll shuffle through my MJ photos to try and find one that looks like it.

It looks kind of like his face in this photo:


أملي هو فيكم.

Its her

March 16, 2011, 07:50:07 PM #754 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "TS_comments"

Okay, so I decided to start the redirect thread this time.   ;)

As we near the end: let's go back to the beginning, and examine once more the ambulance photo.  Not so much revisiting what has already been discussed numerous times, but rather taking a new look at something that has been there all along—and yet has been mostly overlooked.  Some people have thought it was a face hidden in the picture {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17791;
http://mjkit.forumotion.net/t299-ambulance-photo-weird-images}.   However, it's easy to see faces in random shapes such as the clouds, or mountains, etc.

This zoomed area is a leaf-like pattern (whether or not you see a face hidden in the pattern).  So the big question for now is whether the pattern ...
#1 ... is part of the secondary image (with the red car, etc)?
#2 ... is part of the ambulance interior design?
#3 ... is edited into the picture (Photoshop), not part of the ambulance or secondary image?

To help you figure out the answer: I have included below four different ambulance photos, a video of the wall area behind the red car, and a video of the inside of ambulance 71 (11803, CA 1261551).

Wall area behind the red car (starting at 1:40): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2NQJMm3mi4

Inside ambulance 71 (starting at 9:00): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMB5gfcVChg

See what you can figure out.  I will probably join in the discussion on this thread, but I will not redirect to any new comments in this thread.
 What if the Michael/leaf art (howEVER it came to be imprinted or reflected inside an ambulance) is simply a picture of a figure of speech?

:idea: Such as, "MJ, here, resting on his laurels" (even though these don't appear to be laurel leaves), as a real reference to the retirement of The King of Pop?

:idea: Another phrase/sentence represented by the picture, could be a reference to a Chapter Title  ;) in the "companion book" to "THE Greatest Show On Earth" Movie,


:idea: One more idea, my favorite :D , is back to my Hitchcockian theme of MJ doing a walk on OR ACTUALLY hiding himself, alive and kicking IN the actual video of the ambulance day events. NOT in any LEAVES, of course, don't be ridiculous!!   MJ doesn't climb trees... :?  And, at any rate, DEAD men don't either :o  :!:


(Where's.............Mike? Where's Mike...where's Mike...where's Mike :?: )

o-mi-GOSH! Remember THIS??? :o viewtopic.php?f=48&t=15087&start=25#p254191 :lol:  

ONLY Believe...


March 16, 2011, 08:31:06 PM #755 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

i can see mj in his trademark hat in the lower right side looking at us in what seems to be him looking at us thru a magnifying glass..and see what others see as well...lol..ok off to bed..need sleep..
huggs n faith to all


March 16, 2011, 09:52:05 PM #756 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I am curious about Station 71.....went looking around and found this response to someone asking about ambulance 71 (sorry for the just-a-link):

Thoughts.....what is the task force station all about? Does that mean that at station 71 there is no ambulance? Here is the LAFD glossary page:

So confusing......
Blessing Always!!!

suspicious mind

March 16, 2011, 10:03:18 PM #757 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "PureLove"

[b]I can not believe after 20 months people still can think that Michael was a drug addict or faked his death to escape from giving those concerts. Do these people really think they know who Michael is? They think that Michael was that fragile and that weak to be a drug addict and they think that Michael was that stupid to make a contract that he couldn't deal with! Didn't you learn a single thing from this hoax? You still say that numerology part of the hoax is our opinion/theory whatever. How can it be our opnion only since YOU can not debunk it?!? Since NOONE can debunk it! Can't you see what a perfect plan this is? After 20 months if you still think that Michael could be murdered, or he could be a drug addict, or did the hoax to escape doing the concerts, you shouldn't be here! Because NOTHING you will find after all will convince you to believe that he is alive and planned the hoax for a long time ago. It means that you missed everything and you have no idea about who Michael is and what his desires are and what he is capable of. With these absurd thoughts you are insulting and disrespecting Michael. There is no need to waste your time here because you are learning NOTHING and all you do is to spread negativity on the forum and confuse some of the believers who are so ready to lose their faith and hope. I'm sure that you have other things to do in life. So I could advise you to forget about the hoax/murder/dead issue and focus on your own life. Because it seems like this issue doesn't comfort you and you can not find the right answers. And you affect people with your negative and wrong thoughts.[/b]

why not there are still people who think he didn't want to be black.

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


March 17, 2011, 03:22:09 AM #758 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "trustno1"


These movies were also made by Dreamworks.

Owned by Sony.

Steffy the Dreamworks/Speilberg connection is something that's been playing on my mind for the longest time, so many references in Dreamworks movies that just jump out at you.  It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a certain someone had a hand in many if not all of them.  Even the Dreamworks logo of the little boy sitting on the moon with a fishing rod reminds me of the Childhood video.

In the Liberian Girl video, someone asks whos directing this movie, and the camera shows the back of Steven Spielberg sitting in the director's chair, but of course it's not him directing, or is he partially?


Its Her
(Where's.............Mike? Where's Mike...where's Mike...where's Mike  )

In this same video Dan Aykroyd asks, "Where's Michael, where's Michael?"
So many interconnections, joining the dots. We could go on forever! We've probably only scratched the surface.

Could the leaves be another hint at Green Man, similar to MJ at the Olympics popping up during WATW singing. There's been many threads of the significance of Green Man, mythically, historically connected to MJ.

And MJ said, I love trees and leaves and the changing of colors.

In any case, if this is truly a bonafide ambulance with perhaps real EMT or FBI professionals, then at least the non-reflected leaves show that Michael has a secret hand in things, overruling what is offically and naturally happening.


March 17, 2011, 08:01:30 AM #759 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I still don´t get the meaning of that leaf pattern or why it is relevant.

("Minkin güerveeeee")
Michael pls come back

"Why a four-year-old child could understand this hoax. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it"

Le Papillon Bleu

March 17, 2011, 05:03:41 PM #760 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "MJFAN7"

Quote from: "MJFAN7"

To me it looks like Michael's head, (possibly on stage) leaned back with his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open, maybe starting to smile. :? Maybe I'll shuffle through my MJ photos to try and find one that looks like it.

It looks kind of like his face in this photo:


yeah kinda from that era..

Le Papillon Bleu

March 17, 2011, 05:04:00 PM #761 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "MJFAN7"

To me it looks like Michael's head, (possibly on stage) leaned back with his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open, maybe starting to smile. :? Maybe I'll shuffle through my MJ photos to try and find one that looks like it.



March 17, 2011, 10:23:01 PM #762 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mdc"

If we are still investigating ambulances, I would be curious to know what the inside of this ambulance looks like:

http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/michael ... ost_recent

Anybody? Also, what's with that logo on the window on the right? And the "layer 7" in the picture filename?

Two of my jobs use the van style ambulance. I have offered to take photos, but it looks so different that other people have said don't bother. It's SUPER small compared to the box style.

Here's a post I did a WHILE ago discussing ambulance styles:
http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/ ... 10#p150956

Its her

March 18, 2011, 05:38:14 AM #763 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "MJonmind"

...In the Liberian Girl video, someone asks whos directing this movie, and the camera shows the back of Steven Spielberg sitting in the director's chair, but of course it's not him directing, or is he partially?


Its Her
(Where's.............Mike? Where's Mike...where's Mike...where's Mike  )

In this same video Dan Aykroyd asks, "Where's Michael, where's Michael?"So many interconnections, joining the dots. We could go on forever! We've probably only scratched the surface.
:o You're RIGHT!!  :D I forgot all about that!  8-) Good catch!

Like that "Where's Waldo" game, has anyone checked the trees around the ambulance, to see if they could spot him there?  ;) He told Bashir once that he "loved climbing trees, more than ANYthing..." :) And in that Liberian Girl short film, MJ was way up, behind the camera, higher than everyone in the room---kinda sorta up a "tree"...

Could the leaves be another hint at Green Man, similar to MJ at the Olympics popping up during WATW singing. There's been many threads of the significance of Green Man, mythically, historically connected to MJ.

And MJ said, I love trees and leaves and the changing of colors.

In any case, if this is truly a bonafide ambulance with perhaps real EMT or FBI professionals, then at least the non-reflected leaves show that Michael has a secret hand in things, overruling what is offically and naturally happening.

Another figure of speech, could be, MJ "Branches Out"...(meaning, "doing different things". FBI work :?:  :? )
ONLY Believe...


March 18, 2011, 06:20:38 AM #764 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Can someone tell me what these two brown areas are? I've always wondered about the cpr hand placement and whatever this is might be the reason his hand is so far up on MJ's chest.[attachment=0:755x7kr0]Ambulance2_crop.jpg[/attachment:755x7kr0]
It could be part of MJ's abdomen but its at an odd angle and the color looks off.

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