TIAI April 11

Started by TS_comments, April 11, 2011, 06:11:12 PM

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It's now time for the third level!   :D  8-)  :)

The focus now is going to be the trip from the house to the hospital.  And most specifically: who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA?  MJ himself, an MJ double (still alive), a real corpse, a dummy, or nothing?

Please do not jump to any quick conclusions on this, and be very careful to remember the following principles of investigation: #1 the fewer people in on the hoax, the better; #2 once you have a theory, try to debunk your own theory; #3 we are looking for a theory that has at least two different strong points, which nobody can debunk.

Let's also review what has been established so far.  Nobody has debunked the main point established in the first level: "... the photo was planned and staged in advance, rather than merely editing MJ's face into a photo that was actually taken through the ambulance window on 6-25-09." {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185}.  As always, if you want to try and debunk something, please inform yourself first of what has already been discussed; I will usually ignore questions or objections which are just a repeat, and have already been answered.

In the second level, there have been a few strong points in support of FBI involvement; and nobody has debunked any of these strong points {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=313461&#p313461}.

First and foremost, as in other areas of the hoax, the numerology speaks volumes; Andrea recently had an excellent post on FBI numerology, as well as some Joe/Joseph information {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=317514&#p317514}. 

The Elvis connection is another strong point in support of MJ having FBI help, and explains a lot on how this hoax could be pulled off successfully with LAFD and other government entities involved {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=314370&#p314370; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=313872&#p313872; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&p=313381&#p313381}.

Next is the FBI "Fake Funerals, Empty Caskets" article, conveniently dated 9-3-2010 which is the one year anniversary of MJ's fake funeral and empty casket burial!  "It's a morbid tale involving phony death certificates, staged funerals with paid actors, and coffins buried with no bodies, but in the end, it's just a financial fraud scheme like thousands of others we investigate every year.  Earlier this month in Los Angeles, the fourth and final member of an insurance fraud ring was convicted in federal court." {http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2010/september/funeral-scams/financial-fraud-and-funeral-scams}.

Last and maybe least—but still a big clue, is Marlon wearing the FBI cap on more than one occasion
{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1000#p320865; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6456&start=0#p103786}.

In spite of the fact that nobody has debunked any of the above points, there have been a couple of general questions or objections to FBI involvement—including but not limited to who oversees the FBI {http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1050#p321369}.  And there were several good replies
{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1075#p321814; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1075#p321843; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1075#p321890; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1075#p321894; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18185&start=1100#p322044}.

There were also questions about why, if the FBI is involved, would there be any numerology and other clues—wouldn't the FBI do the fake death so well, that nobody would know a thing?  This is a very good question; but there are good answers.  First of all, we know that Elvis had government help; and we also know that he used numerology and other clues.

But there is another answer, which should be very clear once you understand it; and it has to do with making sure that a sting operation does not qualify as entrapment.  "Sting operations are fraught with ethical concerns over whether they constitute entrapment." {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sting_operation; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrapment}.

If there were no clues about the hoax, then the FBI and/or MJ could be accused of entrapment.  However, and I'm going to let another cat out of the bag here: the hoax forums are a very strong defense against entrapment.  If the FBI or MJ were ever charged of entrapment, all they would need to do is point to the hoax forums as proof that anybody could've figured out MJ did not die, if they really wanted to figure it out.

The question of whether all, some, or none of the paramedics are in on the hoax, is a question that has not yet been answered with at least two strong points which nobody can debunk.  Nevertheless, between the staged ambulance photo, and especially with the FBI involvement: nearly everyone is agreed that at least one or more of the paramedics are in on it. 

On the other hand, though, so far nobody has offered any strong support for ALL of the paramedics being in on it; and if any of them were not in on it, there would almost certainly need to be a real corpse.  Please don't dismiss this possibility too quickly; it would explain the warm room, the paramedics not recognizing MJ, he looked like a frail old man, etc—and it would also decrease the amount of people that would need to be in on it (both at the house, and at the hospital).  If someone can bring at least two strong points against the corpse theory, and nobody can debunk either of the two: fine.  And if not, then we need to be open to considering all possibilities—that is what good investigation is all about.


Its her

Quote from: "suspicious mind"

Quote from: "Its her"

Quote from: "fordtocarr"

I want to thank you all who encourage me to keep on hoaxing, including you TS.  I didn't mean to rant or sound depressed on this thread (there is one for that), but I DID want TS to know my feelings, so I placed it in his thread.
I am still no better off in the confusion, and I see that the posts following mine are not either.  TS, you posted in the very next comment to the one to me, in your first sentence, another obscure statement.  The very thing that upsets me.  Right off, you say "Let me first answer why there were not more people on the scene, if it was really 6-25-09."  Why, if you KNOW or don't know, just SAY it??  Why lead us on goose chases where we are like the blind, perhaps thinking we've picked up the golden egg when it was only goose poo!  We go on thinking we have it and then days later, you give us another "clue" that says something again obscure and double sided so we really don't know if we're right or wrong.  When you could JUST SAY IT!!You are a very valuable, intellectual, reasoning, investigative person to us.  But, I think you lead us to feel, in your intelligence, that all you present is correct or in the "know". We tend to give up other theories because again of your presented persona, which may be correct, when you could be just theorizing or speculating as we are.
Forgive me, please, you know how harmful I feel toward the messing with lives with this approach.  I am so grateful to your imput, I just really believe, put up or shut up.  Prove it or it's speculation.  You lead us to varied opinion, not consensus, and if you KNOW a fact, then there COULD BE a consensus.  FINALLY.

There is method to the madness.

Of course, TS KNOWs, if he is in anyway on the inside of this Mystery. Either he is writing it as he goes (NO), or he and MJ (and one other, I think ;) )have already worked out the millions of little details in this complex legal case, which will make or break the case, depending on an important hurdle of unpredictability:  the thoughts (deductions) and emotions which form jury opinion, which decides the outcome of the case, barring judicial overrule.

I think "TS" stands for "The Solicitor". He is male. He is an attorney. Could be Branca. Remember how they tried hard to paint him as an enemy, to throw us off his trail as in on the Hoax Plot...

WhoEVER he is, he is not a criminal attorney, but he is quick enough to know that no matter how ironclad the evidence, and how airtight the case they have worked out, everything can go WAY south if they cannot convince a jury. :!: People are quirky.

The object of this game (figuratively speaking) here, is not to come right out and tell us what TS already mostly knows (they may be deciding about something or other, yet).

It is not to build or flesh out their case, either, which I think, barring new evidence, is wrapped up).

It ESPECIALLY is not to frustrate us!  :) One thing may be frustrating THEM to no end :lol:  :lol:  8-) : is, that you cannot MAKE people see something which they don't (or won't) see!! THEY must point it out, unmistakeably. It is the lawyer's job.

A CRAFTY lawyer can put an innocent man in prison for a lifetime, convincing people that they see something which is not EVEN there. This is where the phrase came from that "Lawyers are LIARS".

But, a man of integrity, who wishes to hone his craft and consistently win for his clients, with the TRUTH, NEEDs to be able to paint the facts, logically, inside the heads of unlimited types of people, any given day: the distracted, the disinterested, those selected for jury against their preference, the under educated (on the subject at hand), the immature (growing old doesn't mean growing up), the antagonistic or hostile, people who, from the get go, hold prejudice for your client, and on and on and on.... :shock:

It is a test,  ;) (NOT of US) to see if presenting evidence in various ways will better control the outcome of opinion. The genius is in trying to "make us see" (where have we heard THAT?); or, trying to see if they CAN make all different kinds of people, SEE how it IS and win the case. See?  :)

There is NO pressure on us. :P  Yeah, use your "noodle", but, don't worry about it! It is supposed to be fun and educational. I refuse to feel like a lab mouse intellect (squeak), next to some of the ultra intelligent, here, because photography was never my thing, professionally or recreationally. I help myself to cheese every day, whether I'm rewarded here or NOT. We all have different things to add. It is not a competition.  :D

TS simply needs to make it clearer. If he were trying this case in court, and he can't give US (the most interested and focused audience EVER) enough facts arranged to be crystal clear to US, how are the actual attorneys going to prove it to the average joe? :?  :shock:  :geek:

Just throwing that out there.... ;)

the solicitor : what about oxman? is it possible ? what do you think?
I never thought of him. MJ said, "Nothing's real, ALL is possible....". Oxman may be a solicitor...for trouble!! I don't know that much about him, but he seems like the perfect show-offy goofball to involve himself in a hoax (of ANYTHING :lol:  :lol: ). Still, I think he is WAAAAAY too silly to be TS, who has demonstrated GREAT logic, self-discipline and restraint, in the planning and composing all the posts in his name....TS seems to be a very calm peaceful soul. Is Brian Oxman? :?

IDK, but has Dave Dave gotten his law degree, yet? HE could  :o be behind the curtain, here, too, for college credit, or just for fine tuning his brief-writing skills... Or, and THIS is REEEEEALLY a long shot, but TS may not be an attorney, at ALL. He COULD be a scriptwriter, writing in the persona of a solicitor!!!! I won't say which scriptwriter, yet. If it IS the person I have in mind albino/ , you all will go NUTS. (I don't feel like a  beat-down, right now...perhaps a little later... ;)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: ) respect/  respect/

ONLY Believe...


Quote from: "heartphantom"

to prove what?

Prove the hoax. Specifically, the presence of (imo) a hoax court.

If we prove it, that means it's possible, which means anyone could do the same. This may have some major importance in regards to the come back. Makes sense to me.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is this: IF MJ wants us to prove it... why is he trying SO HARD to make it nearly impossible to prove? And why send Jermaine to shake us off the trail with his "not a hoax" comments? We already have little credibility, no one listens to us as it is. Why not leave well enough alone? Why discourage us further if he needs us to prove it?

It's contradictory so I'm left with no clear direction as this juncture.

Are you entertained?



I kinda think too, that MJ and his team need to do some more fine tuning giving clues and confidence balanced with shaking most followers off the trail--delicate. My question is if TS really wants people thinking/discussing NWO and how powerful and dangerous they are, does that not signal TPTB's bloodhounds right over to us, checking our posts. (Who are all those guests anyway?)  It's not like we all meet in a bug-free, sound-tight room like Maxwell Smart's boss and him. You have Donald Trump twice really stressing how smart Michael is, and Kathy Hilton specifically saying how powerful MJ is. Pretty loud and clear, or are they playing an intimidation game with the big boys. The FBI are supposed to be involved, and IMHO they are connected with the CIA and big US government so how could they be good guys. As for MJ staying away in hiding and only coming out if we connect all the dots and "get" what he wants us to, that's like God saying Jesus will only come back when everybody on earth has heard. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. If that's the case, since we have limited human abilities, then this beautiful fabulous hoax will simply unravel, disintigrate and be perpetuated by a few toothless grannies (gramps) 30 to 50 years into the future. Naw, ain't gonna happen. I really think TS is just saying that to pressure us to put our thinking caps on, artistic license and all that. We have to read between the TS lines a bit. I really do think TS wants us to take the time to like heartphantom and MJFAN7 have just done, rehash previous posts of his. It's so much more fun to do quick superficial interpretations of new bits we see/read.

(picture 2 little guys perched on each of my shoulders) On the other hand, there is sadly a voice saying that all the clues and even the BAM part at the end of TII is part of a program of immortality and living on forever that MJ is instituting--a promise with no intention of fulfilling it with an actual comeback but giving us empty hope, starting a myth/legend/cult, etc. "It's all just good business", he says. :cry: Could TS be kind and cruel at the same time? Afterall MJ doesn't really owe us anything, and has given all his life, has dealt with the pressures of unpleasant press and grabbing fans all his life. If that's true, that would cause me personal pain at the time I have wasted here then, but it would be my own choice. Sorry, I'm again weighing everything, and just don't know what to believe/think.  errrr  geek/



I think we all should need to slown down and get some rest. If this is a take over, it may get longer than we expected and the BAM might have postponed. Maybe that is the reason why the clues stopped and TS stopped posting. I'm pretty sure that everything will be up again with the trial. TS will be posting again. This is not going to last forever. Let's be patient all together and keep the faith.

Its her

Quote from: "MJonmind"

I kinda think too, that MJ and his team need to do some more fine tuning giving clues and confidence balanced with shaking most followers off the trail--delicate. My question is if TS really wants people thinking/discussing NWO and how powerful and dangerous they are, does that not signal TPTB's bloodhounds right over to us, checking our posts. (Who are all those guests anyway?)  It's not like we all meet in a bug-free, sound-tight room like Maxwell Smart's boss and him. You have Donald Trump twice really stressing how smart Michael is, and Kathy Hilton specifically saying how powerful MJ is. Pretty loud and clear, or are they playing an intimidation game with the big boys. The FBI are supposed to be involved, and IMHO they are connected with the CIA and big US government so how could they be good guys. As for MJ staying away in hiding and only coming out if we connect all the dots and "get" what he wants us to, that's like God saying Jesus will only come back when everybody on earth has heard. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. If that's the case, since we have limited human abilities, then this beautiful fabulous hoax will simply unravel, disintigrate and be perpetuated by a few toothless grannies (gramps) 30 to 50 years into the future. Naw, ain't gonna happen. I really think TS is just saying that to pressure us to put our thinking caps on, artistic license and all that. We have to read between the TS lines a bit. I really do think TS wants us to take the time to like heartphantom and MJFAN7 have just done, rehash previous posts of his. It's so much more fun to do quick superficial interpretations of new bits we see/read.

(picture 2 little guys perched on each of my shoulders) On the other hand, there is sadly a voice saying that all the clues and even the BAM part at the end of TII is part of a program of immortality and living on forever that MJ is instituting--a promise with no intention of fulfilling it with an actual comeback but giving us empty hope, starting a myth/legend/cult, etc. "It's all just good business", he says. :cry: Could TS be kind and cruel at the same time? Afterall MJ doesn't really owe us anything, and has given all his life, has dealt with the pressures of unpleasant press and grabbing fans all his life. If that's true, that would cause me personal pain at the time I have wasted here then, but it would be my own choice. Sorry, I'm again weighing everything, and just don't know what to believe/think.  errrr  geek/

You said a mouthful afraid/ , but I'll just reply to the 3 items I enlarged, to cheer you up.  :)

And I want to say, too, PLEASE don't get apprehensive about all the "V"s (visitors). Such a huge group showing up at once :o , it HAS to be the first wave of the Great PuppetMaster (leaving a trail of M & Ms, everywhere!!), leading  them here to become full fledged BeLIEvers!! bounce/

This can't be The Greatest Show On Earth, besting P.T. Barnum's shenanigans, when only a few thousand  :?  people are in the seats, WATCHING ;) ...

MJ is a Global Icon, and the Greatest Entertainer Who Ever Lived 8-) . In 2011, with ALL the tools that Barnum didn't even HAVE for drawing crowds, It is UNTHINKABLE  :x  that millions won't be WATCHERS, still getting in on some of the show, way before the BAM. I cannot see "I Love You More", Michael Jackson, leaving ANYone of his fans out of this. :D  He's so sweet!

MJ DOES owe us something.  suspicious// HE PROMISED us a BAM.  mj_bad/ He said to "Keep Watchin!" He said the best was yet to come! He said, to just wait till he gets through, because he's BAD--you KNOW it :!:  He is NOT going to KOP-out ( :lol: pun intended, whether he's FBI or King of Pop), and just go do his life, in a sulk :x , because not enough people understood what he was trying to do!!!!! He is excited about this, too! :mrgreen:

You know ;) , it is NOT the audience's job to gather the crowd at the circus, (well, maybe to bring a guest)---But, it is the  bow/ MADMAN behind the curtain's job to create enough commotion and colored lights to call people out of their comfy boring houses. lolol/  lolol/

This reminds me a LOT of the movie, Something Wicked This Way Comes!!! Not because MJ is wicked, in the evil sense, but because of all the  bounce/ "crackling" in the air bounce/ , like in the movie, when the eerie Carnival  afraid/ comes to town! SOMETHING  mj_dance/ is going to happen in a good way, with MJ being so wickedly mysterious and mischievous, these last two years...He's NOT trying to hurt us :) ; it is MJ MAGIC. Instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, MJ is pulling all of us out of a twisted rabbit hole of his  8-) creation!!! It is going to be great, I just know it!!

BAM :!:  mj_dance/

You're right, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. But a really wise person said once, "You CAN make him very, very thirsty".  geek/  mj_dance/

Reading TS again, I think, is a great idea. Then we will know exactly where to send people with questions---right to the pertinent thread. TS isn't exactly light reading... ;)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: One really MUST read him in context. AND, now read him with new "Hoaxing for two years, eyes". :o  8-)

Btw, there are people in this community who are typing words in their posts in upper and lower case letters, indiscriminately, with no rhyme or reason that makes sense (to errrr  me), let alone with MJ's direction, with a hoax hint in mind. This is HIGHLY awkward to read, & confusing to people who are reading TS, and searching for hidden hints from MJ(??). When "TS"  does it, the caps form a word or phrase or idiom, or demonstrate intelligent hoax purpose. He wants us to get all his clues and thoughts, or why bother? :)  This may be one way (in the past) he meant for us to read between the lines... albino/  If you spot something real, you KNOW ;)  it. Kinda cool. bounce/

I lied :oops:  :P , I have to say this, too. The FBI are good guys, pretty certain. The other guys have government oversight, but I think the FBI are actually independent of everyone. Seems like I read that. I'll have to look this up... The  suspicious// other guys are used against them, to take them out, when one or a group of them stumble upon a major U.S. Government evil. Hmmm...how many agents died at Waco, from friendly fire??

Someone showed me a book once, that an FBI guy had written. It said on the cover, "If you are holding this book, I am dead."  :shock: (or something equally compelling) He explained in the book what he knew and why he would be killed.

And, he WAS dead, afraid/  by then!!! My friend said she couldn't put it down, but I was too busy then to read it. I'll ask my friend about it, again. :?  The FBI is probably the most cerebral of ALL Law Enforcement. 8-)  They are cool.

ONLY Believe...



If we prove it, that means it's possible, which means anyone could do the same.

agreed but to whom serves the fact that anyone could see this is a hoax?

Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.  ~ Voltaire


Quote from: "heartphantom"


If we prove it, that means it's possible, which means anyone could do the same.

agreed but to whom serves the fact that anyone could see this is a hoax?

Anyone who would bring litigation in regards to it after the fact? Just a guess.
Are you entertained?



I see what you mean, but i believe those who want to bring litigation in regards to this faked death are already legally covered in their claims with the civil status papers that prove "death", they cannot be told by the Judge " well, you didn't doubt the official papers, you didn't start an investigation by your own to see they were fake, so you can't claim anything".
the fact that these legal papers are fake are law responsability of those who officially empower that papers  and not of civils. i'm not sure my english covered what i meant to explain here but i guess yyou'll understand my point.

Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.  ~ Voltaire



Yeah I do and you're right heartphantom. Thanks for the good point, it's comforting actually.

Are you entertained?

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