What is Michael Holding in his Hand?

Started by DancingTheDream, February 13, 2011, 05:28:05 PM

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I have always wondered this.

What is Michael holding in his hand, in the picture for his "Off the Wall" album cover?


suspicious mind

February 13, 2011, 07:16:01 PM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "anewfan"

Quote from: "suspicious mind"

Quote from: "anewfan"

@suspiciousmind...I am a teacher....the first couple of classrooms that I taught in had these.  ;)  Thank God we have Smartboards and whiteboards in our classrooms now. I do still have a little bit of chalkboard showing...but I don't use it. Too messy!

oh yes i recognize now you being one of our teachers.  but  :oops:  i cannot remember who is the other.  got to stop daydreaming in class  ;)

I think katoooooo is another teacher as well. I wonder if there are any others out there?

you would think i would remember that name. i don't know if any others are teacher's but we seem to have quite an assortment of people here.
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."

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