
Forum categories and House Rules

Started by ~Souza~, January 24, 2011, 09:06:48 PM

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This is a long post, yet I want you all to read every word of it. I have been cleaning the forum the last couple of weeks and I made some changes and to keep this forum clear for everyone, I have made an overview of the lay-out and the purposes of the categories and the subforums. Many are saying numerous times that we should try and get the non-believers on board, but if we present them a mess full of double posts, troll threads, split discussions and forums with 1,500 or even 3,000 topics, we shouldn't be surprised they won't even take the time to read. To get this forum cleaned up and back on track but alo to make it a valuable archive for ourselves if we need to find old information later on, please take note of the following starting on top of the board index:


Introduce yourself:

Subject: Where new members can introduce themselves.
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Who can post new topics: Registered users
Who can reply: Registered users

Note: Use this for introduction reasons only. If a discussion starts on a certain topic, make sure it will be posted in an exsisting thread about that topic in the subforum where it belongs, or make a new thread in the appropriate subforum if there is no discussion thread about it yet.

Info for new members:

Subject: For threads with recaps that will help people get up-to-date on the hoax.
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Who can post new topics: Registered users
Who can reply:: Registered users

Note: Everyone can post threads in this subforum, but make sure your post is easy to follow for people that are new. Post for example a complete series of hoax videos that sum up all the events in the hoax so far, timelines on the MJ 'death' investigation, or complete recaps with all the information you gathered. These threads do not have to be in English! Video series, timelines and recaps in your own language are very welcome too, because according to the statistics, only a little over 30% of the visitors are native English speakers. The purpose of this subforum is too give a well layed out overview of the hoax, so that new visitors don't have to browse through 16,000 topics to get up-to-date enough to join the discussions. The recaps don't have to be complete. If you just pick one subject, like the preliminary hearing or the Elvis similarities for instance, that would be fine as well.

Guest Forum:

Subject: Subforum for guests.
Who can read:: Everyone
Who can post new topics: Everyone
Who can reply: Everyone

Note: Forum for guests that have questions, are hesitating to join etc. Troll threads will be deleted instantly and IP addresses banned of guests that only post to cause drama.

Admin messages:

Subject: Subforum to keep you informed about the forum and the website in general.
Who can read:: Everyone
Who can post new topics: Admin only
Who can reply: Registered users

Note: --

Michael Jackson Death Hoax Theories

Subject: Categorie for all theories explaining the whys and the hows of the hoax.
Who can read:: Everyone
Who can post new topics: Registered users
Who can reply: Registered users

Note: This category is for theories about the hoax, which means that the theory you post must be coherent and argumented. For example: A post that states "I think MJ is making a movie because Craig Harvey from the LA coroner is listed on IMDB" is not a theory, it's simply an oddity that should be posted in "General Hoax Investigation" -> "The Death Certificate, The Autopsy & The Will" -> "The Coroner and Autopsy Report". If it's not Craig Harvey from the LA Coroner that is listed on IMDB, but Harvey Levin from TMZ, the thread belongs in "The Media" -> "TMZ.com" -> "TMZ Discussion". I gave these particular examples because the coroner and TMZ have their own subforums. Karen Faye, Kenny Ortega or Teddy Riley have no own subforums and should therefore be categorized in "Persons of Interest". Conrad Murray is a different story because of the court case, which I will get back to later.

In for the "Similarities" and "References" subforums, the above does not apply. Here you can post just individual things you have noticed, as well as complete theories.

General Hoax Investigation

Subject: Categorie for all clues, oddities and inconsistencies found since and prior to June 25, 2009 that point to a death hoax.
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Note: This is the main investigation forum. I have created as many categories as possible so that everything can be categorized and found easily later on. A little more explanation about the subforums:
The subforum "Important Upcoming Dates" speak for itself. One of them, which I already posted, is the arraignment tomorrow. This is meant to have a clear overview of upcoming events. As soon as the date arrives, I will transfer the  thread about that date to a subforum elsewhere on the board where the day and event itself can be further discussed. In this case, I will transfer it to "The Conrad Murray Investigation & Court Case" and I will create a new subforum for the arraignment (which will be up later tonight). Keep every event/date in one thread, so there won't be 3 different discussions about the same subjest. It is confusing and it will be harder to find all the info later on. As soon as there is a subforum for the particular event, more topics can be opened, because they will all be categorized in the correct subforum. When starting a thread for an upcoming date, make sure your title contains both the full date (that means year included) and the event that will happen on that day.
The subforum "Michael's Life" is categorized further. This subforum is for everything hoax related that happened before June 25,2009 (with the exception of newly released music and videos, the impersonators and the articles about Michael that were published after June 25, about his life). Oddities about and symbolism in album or DVD covers, clues in the lyrics or videos, all should be posted in "Understanding His Music & Short Films".
"June 25, 2009" is the forum where all discussions about everything that happened on that day need to be posted. "Medical Discussion" is a general category to discuss the Propofol and all the other medicins allegedly administered that day. If you want to discuss drugs that he allegedly took or was addicted to during his life, the thread needs to be posted in "General Hoax Investigation" -> "Michael's Life" -> "Michael's Health & Alleged Drug/Painkiller Addiction". If you want to discuss the Autopsy Report, your thread belongs in "General Hoax Investigation" -> "The Death Certificate, The Autopsy Report & The Will" -> "The Coroner and Autopsy Report".
Discussions about the Autopsy Report or Death Certificate need to be posted here as well, and not in "The Funeral, The Body & Forest Lawn". The body in the latter refers to everything we heard about it before the AR was released (like the make-up done by Karen Faye, the body missing or being frozen/embalmed, etc.)
"The Conrad Murray Court Case" is the subforum for everything about Murray that is court related. I will keep it updated when new hearings/trials etc. are being announced, so that everything on this will also be categorized. Also note that Joe's wrongful death suit has a category in there as well, so info about that case belongs here and not in Joe's subforum under "Persons of Interest".
I created "Special Events & Days for things that passed and are not widely discussed anymore (Jermaine's tributes, The Jacksons Real Life soap and June 25, 2010 for now) and also the awards, split into the years they took/take place.
"Contradictions and all stuff that doesn't add up" is created for exactly that. We are 19 months ahead now and we here more and more contradictions and people that have changed their stories, pluas things that shouldn't be possible normally. My request is to collect that info all in this thread, PLUS in the subforum about that topic. For example: a testimony from an EMT during the prelim that doesn't fit the earlier reports, should be posted here, and in "The Conrad Murray Investigation & Court Case" in the prelim category. That way we will have the info in the right category so it can be found easily, and we will create a category that we can link to non-believers, asking if they can explain all the BS in there. I will create a sticky post in every subforum relevant that is called (for example) "Jermaine Jackson - All contradictions and stuff that doesn't add up" where this can be collected, to avoid double posts/threads.
"Other Odd Things" is for one purpose only: to post oddities that can't be categorized under any subforum elsewhere. This because the All Odd Things, as it was called before, has over 3,000 topics which means lots of good info is buried and hard to find. All these threads need to be checked and moved to the correct subforum, so please only post in here if there is really no other subforum suitable for your post.
The Questions, polls etc. subforum is to ask quick questions if you are working on a post and are searching for pictures, videos, or simply want to know other's opinion on a certain subject.
I think all the other subforums speak for themselves.

The Media

Subject: Categorie for articles reported in the media, or discussions about media outlets.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: First of all: not every clue you find is breaking news. I have noticed that users post threads in here for the sole reason that it is the most watched one. Same problem as explained above, good info is burried under 1,500 topics and needs to be checked and post categorized. It is filed under "The Media", which means it is for articles published in the media. And only for those that really contain Breaking News. Tito tweeting about tacos is not breaking news. Some goes for this topic (as well as "Other Media Outlets", "CNN/Larry King"and "TMZ"")  as for the Contradictions category:  The articles from the media should be posted in here, but also in the relevant subforum. Another example: TMZ posts an article about Jermaine being stranded in Africa. You post the article in "TMZ" -> "TMZ Articles" and you post the same article in the sticky thread (yet to be made) in the subforum "Persons of Interest" -> "The Jackson Family & Kids" -> "Jermaine Jackson".
TMZ has subforums. One for the recaps, which I will update every month, and also a general discussion to discuss Harvey, TMZ live or TMZ's involvement in the hoax. The Honest Journalism is for all honest articles published by journalists actually doing their job by investigating and reporting facts instead of fiction simply for sensationalism, the Bad Journalism obviously for the opposite, so we can discuss if and how we will report this.


Subject: Categorie for everything regarding This Is Also It.
Who can read:: Everyone
Who can post new topics: Registered users (with the exception of "Updates & Posts by TS")
Who can reply: Registered users

Note: The old TIAI subforum was a mess as well. Too many stickies, discussions and redirects buried each other etc. so I decided to give TIAI it's own category. Updates can only be posted by TS, but registered users can read and reply to the updates. The redirects are categorized by year, and all renamed. If you post a new redirect, please post it like this: "TIAI January 24" in TIAI ~ 2011. This way it's also obvious if the redirect is already posted or not, because in Europe we write January 24 as 24/1 instead of 1/24, so that can be confusing for some. This way it's easy to see for everyone, and if you want to know what the redirect for November 20, 2010 was, all you have to do is go to the search bar (top, right) and type "TIAI November 20".
If you want to question TS/TIAI, or support, or discuss, or explain or whatever, use the subforum "TIAI & TS Discussions.
"www.ElvisAndMJ.com" is for everything about just that. Not the Elvis and MJ theories and similarities, they go under the theory section as discussed above.

Persons of Interest

Subject: Categorie for everyone that needs to be discussed.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: All carreer moves, slip-ups, tours, discussions, photoshoots etc. about a certain person (with the exception of Twitter, see below), go here. As for Murray, this subforum is for his acting skills, photoshopped pictures, runs on the beach, barber visits, shopping days in Santa Monica etc. Everything court related does not belong in here, but in the subforum already discussed.
If a certain person doesn't have an own category, post your thread in "Others".


Subject: Categorie for Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube accounts or all other things internet related.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: The Twitter accounts are split. Verified, not verified but (probably) real, others and fakes and hoaxers. I have merged all the threads, so that the discussions about every account is collected in one single thread. Please do a search for a particular account on the forum first, to see if there is already a thread for that account. That is to avoid numerous threads about the same account. Use the same system for the titles if you make a thread for a new account as I used, see the subforums. For instance, Randy's Twitter thread is called "Randy Jackson - @randyjackson8 (verified)". This way it's easier to find the thread, because people can simply put the "@randyjackson8" into the search bar to see if the thread already exsists. Same goes for the (probably) real accounts, but without the verified part, and for the rest it's enough to just name the thread @omgitzparis. There is a subforum for online petitions, and a subforum called "Other" for everything else multimedia related, like weird websites or Twitter rallys.


Subject: Categorie for charity foundations.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: This category speaks for itself and needs no further explanation.

New World Order & Mind Control

Subject: Categorie awakening and awareness.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: This category is a general one and not MJ related. Everything about this subject that is MJ related needs to be posted in the Theory category under "The Illuminati Theory". The subforums speak for itself. "The Resistance" is for posts about people fighting it and artists breaking free (Lauren Hill for example, who's lyrics speak volumes in her accoustic performance, but also people who are trying to expose the evil agenda of the powers that be.

New World Order & Mind Control

Subject: Categorie awakening and awareness part II and a little fun.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: Conspiracy theories, whether just funny or dead serious, and hoaxes pulled off by others belong in this category.

General Michael Jackson Forum

Subject: Categorie MJ.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: This category is a general one for the main fan discussions. Videos, pictures non hoax related and your love letters or virtual slappings for MJ can be posted right here. All tributes can be posted/announced here as well (except of course if Jermaine will announce "The Tribute 2011 in Amsterdam or Paris" for example, because I will be very pleased to give that its own subforum.

Just to chat about whatever...

Subject: Categorie whatever.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: This category is random. It's all for L.O.V.E. for threads of which you think should be categorized there, the off-day forum if you are sick and tired of waiting, crying your eyes out because Murray was in court and the evil people want to put him in jail, etc. Of course you can also post in Messages to MJ in that case and give him a virtual slapping because you don't like his hoax. Maybe he will even reply "That's not nice, not nice at all". On a serious note, if you feel down and need people to remind you that this is a hoax, post it here. You can also pm me, but I tend to get frustrated when people lose hope just like that without thinking about what we have found the past 19 months, so I wouldn't recommend it...
General talk to discuss shoes, parties, clothes, pets, home decorations, boyfriends, girlfriends, kids etc., but NEVER EVER post your personal info, real names, kids names or pictures (I rather not have anyone posting their own pictures either, but if your over 18 it's your own responsibility) or anything else like that. If you see someone that did, please notify me, so I can delete it. There are people with bad intentions everywhere and most definitely on this site, lurking for stuff like that, so personal info is not allowed, for your own safety.
I also made a subforum "Mediums" for all the people who say the have spoken to God or a dead MJ. Don't get me wrong, I believe there are people who can, but mist I have seen the past 19 months are full of BS. That doesn't mean that all threads about this are BS, but I would like to have it all collected in here and it's up to everyone individually which one to believe or not.
Other languages speaks for itself. If someone thinks there is a troll in one of those topics, or disrespectful to other members, verify me. I don't check the other languages that much, because it takes too much time to read them through. I assume everyone is mature enough to keep the peace in there, so as long as I don't hear any complaints, I will leave you all to it. If some are missing their language and think they are with enough to have a board discussion of their own, let me know and I will add it.

Forum help

Subject: Categorie forum.
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Who can reply: Registered users

Note: Very simple, 2 subforums. Forum F.A.Q. for questions about the forum and the use of it, Help improve for suggestions regarding the forum or the website. You can also PM me if you want to know anything, I always reply and I'm online pretty much every day. Make sure you don't send your PM to Souza if you want to PM me, but to ~Souza~, because those are two different accounts and I rarely check the Souza account, because I don't use it.

Last but not least, some "house rules". I don't like rules, but since this forum is approaching 5,000 members, it's inevitable. I will sum it up here:

Posting threads:
Before you post anything, please check if it isn't already posted. Use the 'view new posts' option, the search tool or check the subforum. to see if it isn't already there. If you want to add something to a discussion that is already up and running, do so in the thread that already is available, besides if you think it's important enough to give it it's own. Double threads, disrespectful comments etc. will be deleted/merged or edited without warning, so if one of your posts is gone, it's because of one of these reasons.
Make sure your title explains what your post is about. Titles like "OMG, LOK WHAT I FOUND!!!!!" or "I was just wondering" or "What is this?" are not helpful.

Trolls that come here only to play with people or to cause trouble, will get banned immediately and their threads/posts will be deleted.
People that are disrespectful to other members get a warning. If you keep behaving like that, I will throw you off as well. I do not count the official warnings, i just wait til I'm out of patience. I think many people on here can confirm that I do not ban people for having another opinion than I have, because most of them are still members here. If I have a discussion with you about your opinion or theory, it is because I want to challenge you, and not because I want to ban you. If you think you are right, you can challenge me back and prove me wrong. i have no issues at all with that, I actually like discussions. It's nothing personal. If you get personal on the other hand because you can't win the discussion and start being disrespectful (whether it is to me or anyone else on this forum), you will get a warning as well, again until patience runs out.

Bashing of members, Jackson family or anyone else discussed here on the board is not allowed, with the exception of Diane Dimond, Tom Sneddon, Batshit and Mottola. I know many dislike Karen Faye as well, I don't like her (role??) either, but keep it respectful. The four I mentioned were exposed as being pure evil, so therefore the exceptions.

No swearing. I have no issue with comments as "What the fuck", but I don't appriciate complete rantings full of swears. I couldn't care less because if people think it's necessary to portray themselves as asocial with a vocabulary that counts 2 pages at most, it's their own problem, but we have minors on here as well and we should set an example. I don't think it's necessary to put filters on certain words, because I think most of us are mature enough to behave as so.

Personal info:
It is not allowed to share your or other's personal info. That includes personal info of the people discussed. No pictures of your kids, no real names, no whereabouts (besides something very general like "I will go to Paris next month" or "I visited FL last week", but please please be careful with all that. When I see anything like it on the forum, I will edit or delete. Not because I don't like your picture or try to annoy you, but for your own safety.

That's about it for now. The cleaning of the forum is not done yet, so some things will still be moved, subforums added etc, but that will take a while. If there are people that are willing to help sort out all the old threads and move them to the right section, please PM me. Help is appreciated.

If we all take the above into account when using this forum, we will have a complete, clear and useful archive for those who did not follow all this from the start, as well as for ourselves. If we want to get non-believers on board, we better make sure we have a story to tell, and present in a way it makes sense and invites, instead of scares off.

If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.



January 25, 2011, 01:27:38 PM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I guess you're going to have more and more work especially when the "army of non-believers" gets here! :D :d :
Thanks for your hard work.  :)

Please, click "I Like It" on my Facebook page if you like my drawings :) http://www.facebook.com/artbozenawojtas


January 25, 2011, 02:42:51 PM #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks for all of your work.  It looks great and will be easier to find things now.

Thanks again

Love and Blessings


January 25, 2011, 03:25:16 PM #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thank you Souza

It's all for L.O.V.E.


January 25, 2011, 03:33:22 PM #18 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thank you so much Souza. The forum looks amazing and it is easier to find the topics now. Great job!


January 26, 2011, 05:49:13 AM #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Fabulous Souza :)
The swearing thing is probably for my benefit lol!

I am still alive and shall be rejoining you all in the land of the living again very soon.Had a few things to sort out Inc a v broken laptop.
Hopefully tonight or tomorrow!

I hope everyone is well and awesome.

Anything major I need to be aware of pm me and I'll prioritise =]
S xo


January 26, 2011, 12:27:22 PM #20 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Great work, really amazing how you managed to structurize the entire forumcontent! Had a lot of work to do abroad, almost back on track again!Thanks again!


January 27, 2011, 09:23:49 AM #21 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks Ladies for all your hard work, without this forum and the hoax video makers, there would be no hoax...literally...we would't have a clue what is going on...That is why I believe Michael depends on you and the hoax videos and us general believers...its an adventure...a great adventure..and we are all a part in it! Thnx again.


January 27, 2011, 10:46:39 AM #22 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks for your hard work Souza!!! :)
Great job!!!

[size=150]"You can pray to the angels and they will listen, but the best way to call them,      I am told, is to laugh" Michael Jackson[/size]


January 27, 2011, 06:44:12 PM #23 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks Souza, for the great work.


January 31, 2011, 06:51:57 PM #24 Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 12:16:25 AM by SEHF


January 31, 2011, 07:00:34 PM #25 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "SEHF"

OMG!! I just googled "invisible sammich" to see what it meant. (I was pronouncing it "sammick".)  I thought it had some purposeful meaning or something.......I can't quit laughing right now...that's so hilarious! So random! I'm starting to appreciate your off-the-wall humor, SEHF!

Your true character is how you act when no one is looking.

Michelle WilkieNZ

February 04, 2011, 10:18:49 PM #26 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks Souza !!
For everything You guys do!!
I truly appreciate it and please let me know if there is anything I can do!!
Hope Your New Year's and Mo's has kicked off great!!
way to go with what You have done!!
love and big MJ ;)  hugs

Jina Jackson

February 20, 2011, 08:19:07 AM #27 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks Souza! Your topic is very helpful. And it's good to separate members of the forum from guests. So that we are responsible for the posts we make.

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