Michael Jackson is Not Dead; So WHO died?

Started by scorpionchik, January 06, 2011, 09:49:45 PM

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scorpionchikTopic starter

January 06, 2011, 09:49:45 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I decided to make a new topic so everybody can see the article I  have also read long time ago.
I will paste first part, but it is long. So, you click and read. See also  viewtopic.php?f=50&t=17091&start=25

http://illuminustheo.blogspot.com/2009/ ... -died.html
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Michael Jackson is not Dead; so WHO died?
Contents copyright June 2009, WNB, at Illuminus Theo
Why and how Dimitrie Draghicescu died in Jackson's place.[Note: Dimitrie was unrelated to the famous Romanian writer and diplomat who died in 1945; both Dimitrie and Draghicescu are relatively common names in Romania]
Contact: mailto:Illuminus.theo@gmail.com">Illuminus.theo@gmail.com

The Truth Behind Michael Jackson Death Hoax
The outpouring of grief over Michael Jackson's death, and the sheer magnitude of the deception that Illuminus Theo (IT) has allowed itself to be a party to, now force me to reveal what many have suspected (and with good reason). Michael Jackson did not die--but someone else did. Who died in Jackson's place, and why did Michael Jackson stage his own death in one of the greatest ruses in history? For that matter, why did my own highly reclusive order help Jackson pull this off? I must share this, and quickly, and hope that this blog is not removed before enough people have learned the truth, because what Michael Jackson has just pulled off is nothing compared to the plans that he has for us during the coming century.

Why Did Illuminus Theo Agree to be a part of the Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?
Quite simply, who could turn down Michael Jackson when he asked for help? Even his closest confidantes admitted that whatever Michael wanted, he got. But when he approached our Order four years ago in Naples, Italy, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of his promised reward (which we will yet receive; the reports of his so-called bankruptcy are as fraudulent as his staged death). These funds will enable our order to further the research which we have pursued for almost 700 years--unheralded, unrestricted by the Vatican (they did not even know of us until the 1940s), and unfunded, as we had our own financial resources--at least until the financial fiascoes of 2000. But what does it profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul? Even Michael's millions would not have been enough if he had not approached us with a golden carrot in one hand and an iron stick in the other.

Michael's Gold Carrot and Iron Stick
Michael warned Illuminus Theo quite plainly that, given the very nature of his proposal, he could not allow us to refuse his generous offer; he threatened to expose to the world the lapses and indiscretions that had brought us to the attention of the Vatican during the 1940s, and thereby destroy the secrecy that we have so carefully guarded for over 700 years.

My superiors will be livid that I have exposed this dark deception. Illuminus Theo will no doubt engineer the erasure of this blog as soon as they discover it, and Jackson may exact his own revenge upon the Order and myself. Yet if he does, I will reveal exactly where Michael Jackson is today--provided I am not first silenced by either Jackson or my own Order. Over the centuries, Illuminus Theo has silenced those it could not buy. I'm not sure about Jackson, but given the desperation that drove him to this great deception, I would not be surprised if Jackson has also sent some detractors on a one way trip to Neverland.

Why Michael Jackson's Staged Death?
Michael had multiple motives for his staged demise, but ironically, it all began over two decades ago with Michael's morbid fear of death itself. His former wife Lisa Presley has recently revealed that even though Michael daily underwent a rigorous regimen to achieve his dream of living to at least 150, he frequently voiced his fears that he would die early, like Lisa's legendary father Elvis Presley. Michael's most bizarre longevity rite was, of course, his sleeping in hyperbaric chambers. These photos were carefully 'leaked' [with instructions to label them as 'bizarre') to heighten the public's fascination with his unusual lifestyle, but this was more than just promotional hype. Jackson laughed it off but it was a true reflection of Michael's deep seated fear of death.

Why Michael's Morbid Fear of Death?
Michael feared death because, quite simply, he had never really lived. As a child he was reportedly abused by a domineering father who drove him to success, denying him a childhood, hence the attempt to recapture his lost youth with Neverland ranch. Jackson's father not only denied Michael his childhood but also, in driving him to success, molded Michael into a compulsive success addict who could never really slow down to enjoy the massive wealth he accumulated. Michael existed, but he never lived. He viewed life from the outside, from the above--as we view the insignificant lives of millions when our plane rises out of Los Angeles airport, cars below buzzing about like bees in futile search for significance or, increasingly, for survival. And it was this godlike perception of the world, and his intoxication with unparalleled success, that gave birth to Michael's belief in his own deity and inevitable immortality--which he sought not just in science but in the occult.

Michael and the Occult
The public had no idea that Thriller, which was released on Nov. 30, 1982, was not just fiction but autobiographical. Jackson was, in a sense, taunting death. But as he worked on Thriller he became even more enthralled with the occult, and given his fear of death, it is not surprising that he sought the secrets of unending life by searching out the undead, the vampire--which led him to Illuminus Theo.

Jackson Discovers Illuminus Theo
If Jackson spent millions on spending sprees, he spent hundreds of millions seeking the holy grail of immortality through science and the occult. Even as Hitler's henchmen searched the planet from Tahoe to Tibet for occult power to insure the Third Reich's success, so Jackson's army of researchers circled the globe. But although Illuminus Theo managed to evade Hitler's henchmen, we could not hide from Michael Jackson, but that is not surprising. Jackson had better resources than the failing feuhrer.

When Jackson learned of Illuminus Theo's centuries of involvement in the occult, in particular our research into alleged (I emphasize "alleged") cases of possession and vampirism, he threatened our order until we allowed him access to archives that have been kept hidden for centuries. We denied, of course, that we had any of the materials that he sought, but he in turn insisted that if we had nothing to hide, we had nothing to fear from him and his assistants browsing our archives. And so Jackson spent weeks at a time in our archives while one of his three lookalike Michaels carried on his public appearances (one advantage of Michael's plastic face was that it was easy to create lookalikes; this helped inspire the staged death scheme--but I'm coming to that).


scorpionchikTopic starter

January 08, 2011, 04:49:08 PM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

The main reason I believe this theory is that it matches my belief & I have always said SOMEONE DIED THAT DAY AND WAS MICHAEL LOOKLIKE MAN WHO"S AUTOPSY WE HAVE FULL OF INCONSISTENCIES. CHEIF CORONER COULD NOT BE BRIBED, BE IN HOAX AND WRITE FAKE AUTOPSY AND GIVE TO DA/LAPD TO INVESTIGATE. But they have mistaken Michael's copy with real MJ. therefore 2 or 3 autopsies were performed and took so long to complete.
I can't say it is Dimitry for sure, name can be fictitious, but the Michael's genious idea to replace "dead" Michael witih someone much more possible than consider about 30 people, besides family, being in hoax, including authorities. Remeber we have 1 single photo of "dying" Michael in ambulalnce taken by Michael's friend, which is photoshop, for people, especially authorities, to believe it was Michael. That's why we don't have tapes. This being said,  Murrey is in the hoax, don't be surprised why he could not perform CPR, why he did not call 911 on time, why he was  hungry and wanted to eat, etc . I hope This Is It.


Liberian Girl Heehee

January 08, 2011, 08:39:34 PM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

And don't forget, Michael was ID'd in the hospital by his driver's license, not figure prints or anything else.  So, I could believe this story.... 8-)


January 08, 2011, 08:41:12 PM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

or, they are all faked documents. illegal.

I was a believer until i\'ve decided to seek the truth.


January 08, 2011, 09:07:15 PM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Also don't forget the bed sores.

There is no way happy, healthy, dancing MJ would have bed sores.

If you guys don't know how bed sores are acquired; People get bed sores from laying in one position for an extended amount of time, like months.

People who get them aren't able to move around and relive pressure in certain areas, or they don't have anyone to position them every hour.

So a HOSPICE PATIENT (Which is what the paramedic said he mistook MJ for) would be a likely candidate, also someone in a coma.  Get the point I'm trying to make.  MJ wouldn't have had bed sores, it's just not possible.

So the theory that someone could have died in MJ place is very plausible.


January 08, 2011, 09:10:05 PM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

If someone died, maybe Dimitrovu-romanian, Behind the mask-Bucharest concert...

I was a believer until i\'ve decided to seek the truth.

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