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The Zodiac and Michael JacksonThere are actually 13 signs in the zodiac.Michael Jackson is actually a Leo.Leo is represented by the Lion.The SphinxThe Sphinx in Egypt is facing it's mirror image in the night sky as it looks directly at the constellation Leo. (Man in the Mirror?)The Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafre (aka Kafra, Khefren).Khafre was an Egyptian pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty, who had his capital at Memphis. Khafre built the second largest pyramid at Giza. The Egyptian name of the pyramid was Wer(en)-Khafre which means "Khafre is Great". He is also credited with the building of the Sphinx.Michael recreated himself as the statue of Khafre in the HIStory CD Booklet.
mindseye wrote: Sign sign everywhere a sign....If it has anything to do with MJ, Does that mean a date or plan is going to be moved up a month?They mention Lea Michele -- Born August 29, Virgo ... would have been a LeoStory image includes: Christina Aguilera -- Born December 18, Sagittarius ... would have been an OphiuchusNatalie Portman and Johnny Depp – Both Born June 9, Gemini ... would have been a Taurus…Sign of twins has changed to Taurus, considered a negative sign, ruled by Venus.
MJ says that we only have four years left so we areassuming he is talking about 12/21/2012, the end of the Mayan calendarand even says in his lyrics "the planets are linin up so we arebringing a message". The start of the Mayan calendar is August 11.However, the start of the hoax could not happen until he died. So wecan assume the start date was June 25, 2009. The start date of themayan calendar is Aug. 11. There are 47 days between those two dates.4+7=11. The start of Murray's preliminary trial was January 4.There are 146 days between Aug. 11 and January 4. 1+4+6=11. His trialwill start January 25th which is 21 days later. 21 is 7x3 so thesedates together look like 11:11:777.
According to Bible prophecy... we are livingin the "end time" of man's rule on earth. In that regard, we are stillin "Bible times."And the purpose of a "watchman" is still the same. A watchman is aguard... a "SENTRY.""Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the House of Israel:therefore hear the Word at My mouth, and GIVE THEM WARNING FROM ME."(Ezek.3:17)
Okay this is weird again. This article on TMZcaught my attention because I posted about the 13th sign, Ophiuchus,in the "Michael Jackson and Religious Symbolism" thread.by Serenitys_Dream » Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:41 pm Quote from: Serenitys_DreamThe Zodiac and Michael JacksonThere are actually 13 signs in the zodiac.Michael Jackson is actually a Leo.> 37 days longThe ancient Mayans used Gematrian numbers in their very accuratetimekeeping. One important number is 37, which produces the tripletsvia the common 3, 6, 9 sequence (3 x 37 = 111, 6 x 37 = 222, etc.).This prehistoric system of numbers included the 360 degree and harmonics of it. Placing a five pointedstar in the circle divides it into 72 degree portions. Anothersuch star, inverted, creates the "Gematrian Wheel" of ten segments of36 degrees each. Theses are the base "Gematrian" numbers of the ancient system (36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, etc.). All the numbers addto nine or a multiple of nine and are divisible by nine. They all endin an even number. The starting multiples of nine form a MIRRORbetween 45 and 54, like this: 0 9 18 27 36 45 (mirror) 54 63 72 8190.The Solstice on December 21, 2012 ~ precisely at 11:11 AM UniversalTime ~ marks the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of theAncient Maya Long Count Calendar. Rather than being a linearend-point, this cycle that is closing is naturally followed by thestart of a new cycle. The mayans went on a 13 baktun cycle that wasseparated into different worlds or "ages". At the end of the 13thbaktun the long count presents the date 12/21/2012 which means theending of that age and the start of a new world.Maybe it's not going to be the end of the world, but the beginning ofa new world order.A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year whenthe Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost orsouthernmost extremes. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun)and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun standsstill in declination; that is, the apparent movement of the Sun's pathnorth or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.The term solstice can also be used in a broader sense, as the date(day) when this occurs. The solstices, together with the equinoxes,areconnected with the seasons. In some cultures they are consideredto start or separate the seasons, while in others they fall nearer themiddle. About 3,000 years ago, Britain's earliest humans builtStonehenge, a collection of huge stone slabs standing upright in acircle. It was used to track the movement of the Sun. When you standwithin Stonehenge, you can see the sun rise above the stone at summersolstice. The timber circle was orientated towards the rising sun onthe midwinter solstice, opposing the solar alignments. Thousands ofmiles away from Stonehenge in Central America, between about 200 and900 AD, Mayan Indians built many tall pyramids. Thepyramids were used to keep track of the Earth and the Sun. TheBabylonians also began predicting events in peoples' lives based onthe movements of the planets. Today we call this astrology. TheBabylonians invented the 12 birth signs that we still use today likeCancer, Scorpio, and Virgo. Around the same time the Greeks named mostof the stars and constellations like Hercules, Perseus, and Cassiopea.The Greeks also named the planets after their gods like Mercury,Venus,Mars, and Jupiter.A guy named Munck took the 60 original Sarsen Circle stones andmultiplied them by 360 . . . 60 x 360 = 21600 . . . which "happens tobe" the number of arc-minutes on any circumference, according to mathconventions. And, 21600 also "happens to be" the number of NauticalMiles on the polar circumference of Earth. Using the most accuratemaps available, Munck looked to see if he could find some meaningfulrelationship between the precise location of Stonehenge, on Earth interms of latitude and/or longitude, and the number 21600. He noted itslatitude of approximately 51 deg 10 min North. Amazingly, Stonehengecenters itself precisely AT this latitude : 51 deg 10 min 42.3529seconds. He determined thatthe prime meridian for this 'geomath matrix' passesdirectly through the center of The Great Pyramid at Gizamaking it's geographical location the center of the earth.Quote from: Serenitys_DreamThe Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafre (aka Kafra, Khefren).Khafre was an Egyptian pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty, who had hiscapital at Memphis. Khafre built the second largest pyramid at Giza.The Egyptian name of the pyramid was Wer(en)-Khafre which means "Khafre is Great". He is also credited with the building of theSphinx.Michael recreated himself as the statue of Khafre in the HIStory CDBooklet.
The Zodiac and Michael JacksonThere are actually 13 signs in the zodiac.Michael Jackson is actually a Leo.
The Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafre (aka Kafra, Khefren).Khafre was an Egyptian pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty, who had hiscapital at Memphis. Khafre built the second largest pyramid at Giza.The Egyptian name of the pyramid was Wer(en)-Khafre which means "Khafre is Great". He is also credited with the building of theSphinx.Michael recreated himself as the statue of Khafre in the HIStory CDBooklet.