Summary of Preliminary hearing People vs. Conrad Murray

Started by Sinderella, January 06, 2011, 06:28:37 AM

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Here we go ladies and gents
Summary Of Trial Day 1 Onwards Thread  =]

L.O.V.E to you all
Sin x

A summary from inside the court 4/1/11



Judge :- Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor
Prosecutor:  Assistant Deputy D.A. David Walgren
Defence: Ed Chernoff

Family attending:-
Katherine Jackson
LaToya Jackson
Jackie Jackson

Witnesses called:-
Kenny Ortega (Producer/Director – This Is It)
Michael Amir( Michael's Bodyguards)
Faheen Muhammed (Michael's Bodyguard)

Court convened at 9am.

Reports have Murray as usual been 'shepharded' in through the back door and arriving in court looking remarkably relaxed – as he continued to be throughout the whole proceedings.
Fans remained outside behaved in a respectful and dignified manner as the family filed in.

Deputy District Attorney, David Walgren said he will rely on Murray's statements to police, as well as text messages, phone records and expert testimony to show the doctor should stand trial.

He said evidence will show Murray waited at least 21 minutes to call 911 and ordered a bodyguard to help him clean up evidence before summoning help. In the most favorable scenario, Walgren said, Murray waited at least nine minutes before calling paramedics.

He faulted the doctor in opening statements for performing CPR on Jackson with one hand on his bed, rather than a hard surface as is generally required.

He also stated that " fabulous" rehearsal two days before his death and was set to go to London in a few days."

Walgren also plans to call several experts whom he said would testify, "there are a number of actions displayed by Dr. Murray that show an extreme deviation from the standard of care."

The prosecutor also said he would call a bodyguard who would testify that Murray ordered him to collect items from Jackson's bedroom

The first witness the prosecution called was "This Is It" producer/director Kenny Ortega


Choreographer Kenny Ortega testified that he was summoned to Jackson's home a day after letting the superstar skip rehearsal because he seemed sick.

Dr. Conrad Murray and others suggested Jackson should not have been sent home because he was physically and emotionally fine,Ortega testified, adding he was told not to try to be Jackson's doctor or psychiatrist.

Later in the hearing, Ortega testified that Jackson had gone home early from rehearsals on June 19.

"He didn't look well at all," Ortega testified. "Michael was chilled and soft-spoken. ... He wasn't in the kind of condition to be at rehearsal."

Ortega also said Jackson appeared lost.

"It was scary. I couldn't put my finger on it," Ortega said. "I said, 'Michael, is this the best place for you to be or do you want to go home and be with your family?' He said, 'Would you be OK with that?' I said, 'OK,' and he left."

The next morning, Ortega said, he was called to Jackson's home, where he was confronted by Murray, Jackson, the star's manager Frank DiLeo, and Randy Phillips, head of AEG, the company producing Jackson's "This is It" comeback tour.

"It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me," Ortega said. "Dr. Murray was upset that I had sent Michael home the night before and didn't allow him to rehearse."

Ortega, who later directed the Jackson concert film "This Is It" based on rehearsal footage, said the pop star was in good spirits throughout most of the rehearsals and was excited about the progress being made in preparation for the London shows.

He recalled his last conversation with Jackson.

"Michael said, 'I know you love me and care about me. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine,' and he gave me a big hug," Ortega said.

On cross-examination, defense attorney Ed Chernoff asked Ortega if he had ever seen anyone having withdrawals from drugs, and the witness said he had not.


Another witness, Jackson's personal assistant Michael Amir Williams, described Murray calling him on the day the superstar died and frantically asking him to get help from bodyguards for Jackson, who was in a bedroom

Williams stated he received a frantic voicemail from Murray at 12:13 PM on June 25, 2009. Williams said Murray's VM  said, "Where are you? Get here right away, hurry."

Murray told him the singer had a "bad reaction" and that immediate help was needed, but didn't ask him to call 911, Williams said.

Williams says he then called Alberto Alvarez, MJ's security guard, and asked Alvarez to walk to the front door. Williams says he heard Murray's voice in the background, then Alvarez hung up

Williams added that staff were never allowed upstairs.

Williams described the chaotic scene at the mansion and hospital and recalled the heartbreaking moment when DiLeo told Jackson's children their father was dead. Williams said he and Murray and everyone else were crying. He also added that Murray added to the confusion by immediately contradicting Dileo.

He went on to say that at one point just after Michael had been pronounced dead, Murray insisted to Williams that he was going to go back to the house to get some 'cream' that "Michael wouldn't want people to see". Williams immediately contacted staff at the house to 'lock it down'. Also whilst chaos reigned at the hospital the Murray was requesting Williams to get him food!


One of Michael's other bodyguards, said he and and guard Alberto Alvarez saw Murray crouched next to Jackson's bed "in a panicked state asking, 'Does anyone know CPR?'"

"I looked at Alberto because we knew Dr. Murray was a heart surgeon, so we were shocked," Muhammed said

When defense lawyer Ed Chernoff asked if perhaps Murray was only asking for help because he was tired, Muhammed said "The way that he asked it is as if he didn't know CPR."

Jackson appeared to be dead at that time, with his "eyes open and his mouth open, just laying there,"

Prosecutor David Walgren earlier said that Murray used "ineffectual CPR with one hand while the patient was prone on a soft bed." Two hands with the patient prone on a hard surface is the proper method, he said.

Muhammed, the third witness on the opening day of the hearing, said he never saw Murray performing CPR on Jackson before paramedics arrived and carried him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Jackson's two oldest children, Prince and Paris, were at their father's bedroom door as the drama unfolded just after noon on June 25, 2009, Muhammed said.

"Paris was on the floor on her hands and knees and she was just crying," he said.

The children would learn two hours later that their father had died when Dr. Murray and Jackson manager Frank Dileo talked to them in a hospital room.

The session ended at approx 16.30pm.  To be reconvened on 5/1/11 at 09.30am

Travis Payne was also present.


Quote from: "Sinderella"


Judge :- Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor
Prosecutor:  Assistant Deputy D.A. David Walgren
Defence: Ed Chernoff

Family attending:-

Katherine Jackson
Joe Jackson
LaToya Jackson
Janet Jackson
Randi Jackson
Rebbi Jackson

Witnesses called:-
Alberto Alvarez (One of Michael's bodyguards, director of logistics)
Kai Chaise (Michael's personal Chef)
Richard Senneff (Emergency Medical Technician)

Court convened at 9.30am 5.30pm UK

First on the stand:-
Alberto said that he was the first person to walk into Jackson's bedroom after Dr. Conrad Murray realized his patient had stopped breathing.
Alvarez said that when he walked into the second-floor bedroom of Jackson's Holmby Hills mansion,Michael was sprawled out on the bed with his eyes and mouth open, and Murray was administering chest compressions with one hand.
"I said, 'Dr. Murray, what happened?'" Alvarez said. "'He had a bad reaction, he had a bad reaction,' that's all he said."

Alvarez said the children followed him into the room, and Michael's daughter, Paris, screamed "Daddy," and fell to her knees, crying, Alvarez testified, choking up as he described the scene.
Murray told him to get the children out of the room, saying, "'Don't let them see their father like this,'" Alvarez said. "I turned to the children and I told them, 'Don't worry children, we'll take care of him, please go outside,'" he said.
After he escorted the children out of the room, Alvarez noticed the singer's penis was out of his underwear and tubing was attached to it.
Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren asked Alvarez if he knew what a condom catheter was; he responded that he did not.
Murray then began grabbing a handful of medicine bottles and instructed Alvarez to put them in a bag, Alvarez testified. Alvarez said he grabbed a plastic bag from a chair and held it out as the doctor dropped the bottles inside, then put them in a brown canvas bag on the floor as Murray asked him to do.
Murray also instructed him to grab one of two bags from an IV stand next to Jackson's bed and put it into another bag, Alvarez said. He noticed a "milk-like substance" at the bottom of the IV bag, he said. Michael supposedly died from intoxication of propofol, a powerful surgical anesthetic.
It was then that Murray instructed him to call 911, Alvarez testified.

"After you had collected the bottles per Dr. Murray's instructions, and after you had collected the bags per Dr. Murray's instructions, did Dr. Murray instruct you to call 911?" Walgren said.
"Yes, sir," Alvarez responded.
Walgren then played the 911 call from the morning of Michael's death. When Alvarez told the emergency operator that a 50-year-old man was on a bed, unconscious and not breathing, the operator instructed him to move the man to the floor to perform CPR.
When Alvarez told the operator that the man's personal physician was there, the operator expressed surprise.

"Oh, you have a doctor there?" the operator said, adding that the doctor would be the "higher authority."
Alvarez ALSO testified that Murray told him and Muhammed that he was inexperienced at mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

"After the second time, he gave a breath, he said 'You know, this is the first time that I give mouth-to-mouth, but I have to do it, because he's my friend,' " Alvarez said.
Under cross examination ,  Ed Chernoff ,Murray's lawyer, got Alvarez to admit he never told the cops about Murray ordering him to remove the bottles. Alvarez also admitted he may sell his story.

It was noted by the court and media that each Bodyguard completed their testimony they turned and bowed as a sign or respect to Mrs Jackson

Michael Jackson's cook, testified after Michael stopped breathing, Dr. Murray came downstairs in a panic and summoned Prince ... and Chase told the boy, "Something may be wrong with your dad."
Chase says it was evident there was an emergency and the housekeepers started crying.
Chase had testified MJ was on an extremely healthy diet, dining on seared ahi tuna salad for lunch the day before he died.
She found it odd that she prepared Tuscan white bean soup for MJ and Murray the night before Jackson died, but when she came to work the next morning the soup was untouched.


notes of things that were also discussed in detail:

Ambulance arrived approx 4mins after 911 call
Michaels eyes were open,his mouth was open,eyes-dilated and dry,his hands and feet were blue
He was cold to touch,this pointed to the fact Michael was dead.
He was asked repeatedly what had happened-Murray answered I don't know I am only treating him for dehydration problems.
They put Michael on a heart monitor-it was a complete flatline
He was given 1round of drugs to jump start his heart,after this failed they intubated him
Paramedics kept asking how long had he been like this-Murray kept saying it had only just happened
Never once mentioned propofol to anyone

Senneff testified that Murray's responses didn't add up, because the singer looked so pale and thin that he thought he was a hospice patient.
He said he didn't recognize Jackson until he was told who he was, and described the pop star as a gaunt figure clad in scrub-style pajamas and a shower cap. When he picked him up off the floor, he was cold to the touch, and his hands and feet were turning blue.

He said Murray told him Jackson had just become unconscious, but Senneff said it was obvious from his condition that an estimated 20 minutes had passed since Jackson lost consciousness.
After failing to revive Jackson with drugs, a ventilator and other measures, the paramedic said he called his base station at UCLA Medical Center and was advised to "call it" as a death.
"I told them we have a very high profile VIP and I would be more comfortable transporting him," Senneff said. He also mentioned that Murray was present and "didn't want to call it."
He then took Jackson's body to his ambulance and said he returned to the bedroom to find Murray by the bed.

"He had a white plastic trash bag and was picking up stuff," Senneff said.
Murray rode to the hospital in the ambulance beside Jackson's body. Further efforts to revive Jackson there failed, and he was declared dead at 2:27 p.m.
At the hospital, Senneff said, Murray was "hyperkinetic, moving around sweating, multitasking at a high rate of speed."
"Did Dr. Murray ever advise anyone on your team that he had given Michael Jackson propofol?" Walgren asked.
"No," Senneff testified.

Senneff will return on Thursday for Defense questioning.

***Please remember this was written from what was in court not the media and as much of what was said as is possible.***


Quote from: "Sinderella"


Judge :- Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor
Prosecutor:  Assistant Deputy D.A. David Walgren
Defence: Ed Chernoff

Family attending:-

Katherine Jackson
Joe Jackson
Janet Jackson
LaToya Jackson

Witnesses called:-
Richard Senneff (Emergency Medical Technician) cont...
Paramedic Martin Blount (driver of ambulance on call June 25th 09)
Harri Daliwal (ATT employee of 15years-phone records access)
Jeff Strohm (Sprint communications worker custodian of records)
Dr Richelle Cooper (UCLA Dr)
Thao Nguydn (UCLA Cardiologist)
Dan Myers Detective LAPD

Court convened at 9.25am(not 12.15 as reported Weds)
First on the stand:-cont from yesterday Richard Senneff
Richard Senneff still on the stand under cross exam from LOW

Q: Left off where the hospital gave you the choice to call it -the death?
Senneff: That's not correct. When we give our third round of meds we update vital sings of any changes. Read all the information. There was no change in the patient.
They (UCLA) said, "We'd like to call it." It's their call. They want to speak to the physician. Be advised this is a very high profile VIP. They said, "No, call it. Put Dr. Murray on the line, with UCLA and then handed the phone back to him.
Dr. Murray was assuming the call and they were going to the hospital. He didn't want to make the call either.
Dr Murray assumed control [of the resuscitation effort].

Q: He said he wanted to insert a central line.
Senneff: That's correct.
Q: Another idea he had was to administer magnesium.
Senneff: Yes.

note: Strange drug to pick. From what I remember about Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), magnesium is used for ventricular tachycardia, a rhythm that would easily be identified via EKG, and via paramedic testimony, was NOT present.

Q: They don't give you all the equipment /medications as a hospital?
Senneff: That's correct.
We're not trained in central lines. I've never been trained on it or read up on it, and it's out of our range/scope of training.
Paramedics did not have magnesium on hand. Not part of their standard medication stocking, so all that had to be obtained from the hospital.

At some point I was  informed of the name of the patient. I'm not sure who said it, but somebody said it in the room. No one was "insisting" that we do anything because of who this was.

Q: Did Dr. Murray assisted you bringing the patient downstairs?
Senneff: No, not at that point.
Q: Was there at some point did Dr. Murray say that he had found a pulse?
Senneff: Yes he did. Murray claimed he felt a pulse in the femoral artery
As soon as he said it, the first thing I did was look at the monitor.
Q: When you do good CPR, it's common to get a pulse.
Senneff: I believe what I said was, stop compressions, continue ventilations. If you stop compressions, then you feel a pulse, then obviously it's not the compressions. Stop for a few seconds, check the monitor. It also gives you a clear opportunity of the EKG machine.
Q: Now, downstairs at the ambulance. There were a lot of people out there with cameras. Would you describe an accurate term, paparazzi?

Big cameras, little cameras, video. There were a lot.

Senneff: Dr. Murray asked us to give another round of epinephrine. They did that through saline line.
At UCLA. The crowd was all over the place. Dr. Murray made a request to put a towel over to cover his face.
When they left the house, a man with a camera started running down the street and put the camera right up against the window and was running with the ambulance, filming. Because of that event, it seemed a reasonable request by Dr. Murray to cover Michael Jackson's face.

Note:UCLA tried to revive Michael Jackson. While at the hospital he learned that the death was called by UCLA. He doesn't remember exactly how long the time lapse was that passed, but guesses 45 minutes to an hour after arrival at the hospital.


DDA Q: Asking about femoral pulse during treatment.
Senneff: When Dr. Murray said he felt a pulse, not one of the other paramedics had felt a pulse. There can be a "false" pulse during CPR compressions. They stopped compressions for a few seconds, and then resumed. He did not feel a pulse.
DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray offer to insert a central line from his equipment?
Senneff: No.
DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray offer magnesium from his equipment?
Senneff: No.
DDA Q: When you first came in the room, and saw that Dr. Murray identified himself. Was that unusual?
Senneff: Yes.
DDA Q: The fact that there was an IV there. Was that unusual?
Senneff: This patient seemed thin  and pale.
DDA Q: Your opinion of this patient was based on the surroundings, the IV, the look of the patient, quite thin and pale, the doctor being there. In fact, it was your opinion that the patient was dead.
No other indication of other type of illness or drug use, other than your observations and the defendant telling you he gave him mirazapam?
Senneff: No. It was just unusual to see a doctor in a patient's home, the IV and oxygen bottle.
DDA Q: You thought it was inaccurate that the doctor said the patient had just gone down with the call?
Senneff: Yes sir.
DDA Q: (Re-verifies with the witness) That you are comfortable with a time that the patient went down prior to your arrival?
Senneff: "20 minutes to an hour."
DDA Q: At any time, did any of your team feel a pulse on this patient?
Senneff: No.

DDA Q: What time was the 911 call?
Sennett: 12:21 p.m.

Q: That wasn't actually the time of the call; that's when you received it, correct.
Witness needs to check the run sheet.
Sennett: Call came in at 12:21; they received it at 12:22.

No further questions

Witness #7—Paramedic Martin Blount

Firefighter 20 years. Paramedic 11 years. Working as a paramedic on June 25th, 2009. He was the driver on this call. Once on the property, he was directed in the house and up the stairs.
When he first saw the patient, he was not on the floor; he was in the bed.
Blount identifies the defendant, who identified himself as the patient's personal physician. Dr. Murray was the one who opened the door and requested help. He noticed that Dr. Murray was sweating profusely. Blount clarifies that when he entered the room, the patient was on the floor. Testifies that he noticed an IV stand in the room. The patient was moved to a better area of the room.
Explains why he was last person in the room. As the driver, he got the gurney out of the back of the ambulance and other gear. His role, as driver, is to be available to the patient, so he positions himself at the patient's head. He did hear Dr. Murray being asked if the patient had been given any drugs and Dr. Murray said no. Dr. Murray explained that the reason there was an IV was because the patient had been dehydrated.

Blount's police statement said that Dr. Murray said that the rehearsals the previous day had been 16 hours.

DDA Q: Do you remember Dr. Murray said something about a physical?
Blount: Dr. Murray said that the patient had been down five minutes, prior to calling 911.
Blount :I saw O2 cylinder. Oxygen tank.
DDA Q: Anything else? Heart monitor?
Blount: No sir.
DDA Q: Did you see a nasal cannula?
Blount: Yes, that's tubing that would go around the nose and connected to an oxygen tank. I Did not observe any other type of medical equipment.

Blount described his primary job is to get air going via an endotracheal tube (ET), and let the patient know how he's doing. Patient's head was at his knees. Blount was able to quickly place and insert an ET tube. Once the tube is in place, the patient is getting air. It's a hand pump device (Ambu bag). Other paramedics are giving chest compressions, etc.
Blount noticed the IV wasn't operating properly, so they were looking for a site on the arms to insert a new IV. Blount said, "To me, the temperature of Jackson's skin was cool."
While this was going on, he was also observing the heart monitor, and making observations of other readings note: monitoring CO2 in patient's respiratory effort. Confirmed that the tube was properly placed and filling it's function. While looking for an IV site, another paramedic decided to stick via the jugular (the two heart stimulant drugs). He observed that the patient's eyes were "blown"  note: blown means large and unresponsive to light.
It was Blount's opinion, from observing the body, that the patient was dead.

At that point, Dr. Murray held up a hypodermic needle with a blue colour, and said, "We could use this here. The team said, "That's okay." Witness thought that was odd because they had asked about drugs and Dr. Murray said he had given none. The size of the needle caught his attention. It was a 24 gage (small)
Blount noticed small bottles of Lidocaine. It's a form of anesthetic. There were bottles on the floor. He thought that was odd because they had asked Dr. Murray if he had given any drugs and he said no.

DDA Q: Skipping now to when UCLA took the care of the patient over to Dr. Murray to assume care. Did you read through the monitors any viable heart rhythm?
Blount: No.
DDA Q: Do you remember Dr. Murray telling you he felt a femoral pulse?
Blount: Yes.
DDA Q: Was there something that you saw that you thought was odd?
Blount: The patient had a condom catheter.
DDA Q: What is a condom catheter?
Blount: Commonly used in surgical proceedings when a patient is unconscious.
note: actually an indwelling urinary catheter is more likely to be used.

He observed Dr. Murray scoop the three Lidocaine bottles off the floor and put them  in a bag.Blount never saw those bottles again.

Blount observed Dr. Murray in the ambulance take out his cell phone and make a phone call. While working on the patient, Blount heard that it was Michael Jackson and he recognized him as Michael Jackson. At the hospital, he was at the location, restocking his equipment. He then asked a nurse to locate a piece of equipment. Briefly saw the doctors working on Michael Jackson. Dr. Murray was in there with the doctor's while they continued to work on Michael Jackson.


CROSS by Low

Q: Do you recall what date it was that you told detectives the patient's skin was cool?
Blount: I did not ask him if the patient took recreational drugs. One of my team did. The answer from Dr. Murray was no
Q: Do you have any reason why they could not find a vein? Is it in your experience, people who are as skinny as they are, and who are drug addicts that it's difficult to find a vein?
Blount gives an example of a known drug addict with tattoos and he is still able to find a vein.
Q: Even so, at the same time, it can be difficult. The witness agrees.
They did their normal protocol.


DDA Q: If someone has no viable heart rhythm, then blood cannot be circulating through the body one of the things that happens is the veins collapse and they can be difficult to access.
Blount: Correct.
DDA Q: Did you count the number of sites that paramedic Goodwin tried to access to get a line in?
Blount: No.

10:58 am
Back inside the courtroom.

Witness #8— Harry Daliwal
DDA Debrah Brazil
ATT employee for 15 years. Area retail sales manager of eight stores. Access over phone records, text messages.

DDA shows Daliwal Exhibit 19, 72 pages. He recognizes the document; he's reviewed the document before—it's cell phone records.
Daliwal is directed to page 2.

DDA Q: Does page 2 provide information to whom those records belong?
Daliwal: Conrad Murray.
DDA reads the phone number into the record.
Daliwal : the page contains cellular call information and data information for that phone. Data information is all text messages, e-mail or if the owner checks the Internet.

DDA directs witness to Page 66 of Exhibit. Describe for the court, the information contained on the page, left to right in the columns.
Daliwal: Item number = serial number as actively happens; it's chronological  time. Next column, there's no information in the sent or received column
Next column is the amount of kilobytes. Higher number reflects more data, more character, a larger piece of information, larger email, text, etc. SMS indicates that this is a text message.

DDA directs attention to cell phone activity starting on June 25th, 2009, on page 66. Daliwal going over those entries.
DDA Q: Starting with serial number 870, is that the first entry on that date?
Daliwal: Yes.
DDA Q: What time?
12:04 a.m. received data entry.
3:04 and so received data entry all the same  until 6:04

Is very possible that was the setting on the phone. It's possible that the phone was set and the automatic activity would occur.

Daliwal:there was a txt received at 6:25 a.m.
next entry
7:03 a.m. data
7:20 a.m. data
8:14 a.m. data
next text message from Texas
8:54 a.m. data
Next page-67
9 a.m. text message sent to or from someone in TX
9:11 a.m. text message to or from TX
8:35 a.m. data
10:04 a.m. data
10:15 a.m. data
10:26 a.m. text message TX
10:24 a.m. California
12:03 p.m. text
12:04 text message to or from TX
12. 13 p.m. data
12:18 p.m. data
12:53 p.m. text message California
1:23 p.m. text message Nevada
2:19 p.m. data

DDA exhibit pages 1 through 24.
DDA Q: What type of activity is reflected?

Daliwal: Cell phone usage, to or from...Calls, on June 25th, 2009, page 21, page 22, page 23.
Page 21 first top column
Item =serial number
date =date of call
time = time
calls to =to incoming or out going call
minutes used= length
usage type =what type of phone call it was.
Charge, then roaming type= if on home system or other network.
Code= "Network code not familiar with"
Next "Tells which carrier carries the call."

June 25th, 2009 phone activity begins on item 319.
9:23 a.m. number incoming 22 minutes.
Next several items, serial numbers 312-328 calls made on June 25th as well.

DDA produces copy of Exhibit 20.
Reads off a list of call times on Murray's phone
10:29 a.m. call from *** to Murray's phone 22 minutes
11:07 a.m. from (6xx) 994-3233 to Murray's phone 1 minute
11:18 a.m. call from (7xx) 862-0973 placed (2xx) 866-6802 and that call logged at 32
missed listing one call
11:49 a.m. call placed from Murray to (702) xxx-4989 3 minutes.
11:51 a.m. a call placed from Murray to (832) xxx-3832 11 minutes.
12:12 p.m. from Murray phone to (562) xxx-2570 lasted 1 minute
12:15 p.m. from (562) xxx-2570 to Conrad Murray 1 minute


Q: How did you get chosen for this?
Daliwal: "I didn't."
Q: Is there a way for the prosecution or the defense to retrieve the content of text messages?
Daliwal: "It's not a yes or no. There is a way. However, I'm not familiar with it. I'm not in that process, so I don't know."
Q: What about the content of voice mail? Is there a way for ATT to retrieve that voice mail?
Daliwal: "It's a yes or no answer, It can be done but I' not an expert."

Witness #9 Jeff Strohm.

DDA Walgren states that both the content of the cell phones and text messages have been provided in discovery, and if there is a question about that he would be happy to answer. DDA what is your background?
Strohm: I work for Sprint Nextel communications where I am a custodian of records. As a custodian I'm responsible for testifying.Responsible for various types of legal commands.

DDA produces Exhibit 21
Strohm:I am familiar with the document. (702) xxx-3747 phone records for subscriber information and phone calls, Conrad Murray.
DDA Q: Are these records prepared near the time of the activity occurs. Are these documents regularly maintained in Sprint Nextel activities?
Strohm: Yes.
DDA goes to entries for date June 25th, 2009; page 123 of 183.
Strohm : Calling number initiation, next call receiving, dial digits ,4 mobile roll number ,start date, date and time of call .
DDA can you give me call detail descriptions.
DDA Q: Are all phone calls on June 25 based in LA?
Strohm: "Correct. Reviewed calls from 7:01 a.m. to 8 p.m.

7 a.m. from (xxx) 792-709 made to *** 25 seconds
8:49 a.m. from 5217 to Conrad Murray Nextel 3. 53 seconds
10:22 a.m. from 0124 to 3747  111 seconds
10:34 a.m. from Conrad 3747 to 3233 = 8 and a half minutes
11:26 a.m. from 9566 to Conrad 3747: seven seconds
1:08 p.m. from his phone to (310) xxx-070 2 minutes

Focus on two calls: 8:49 am 53 seconds and right below that a call for 48 seconds
DDA Q: Please describe what it reflects.
Strohm: If you look at the call detail, one is a routed call, and the second is the inbound call. And that is actually one call because the times overlap, so the 53 seconds would be more accurate.
Q: What is a routed call
Strohm: There's two examples of routed calls.
Temporary local dialing number that's a bridge number when they are in an area that they can't find service. That number is used so the person can complete a network connection. Routed aspect and inbound aspect. And the overlapping times tell you that.Lunch.

Back in session at 1:15 pm.

•   We need to here when Dr. Murray was on the phone and how long those phone calls and messages
•    Dr. Murray had two phones—an iPhone and a Sprint-Nextel phone registered to him.
•   He was actively using both phones for text and calls all through the morning of June 25th.

Afternoon Session:
Witness #10—Dr. Richelle Cooper: UCLA Emergency medicine physician.

Been an attending since 2008. She details how long she was a resident. June 25th 2009 working at UCLA as an ER physician.
Deputy District Attorney
(DDA) Q: Remember being consulted by a bay station call-in?
Dr. Cooper: There is a care nurse, assigned to answer radio calls.
DDA Q: That nurse is charged to radioing back to the care for the patient to be given?
Dr. Cooper: Yes.
Dr. Cooper details :My understanding that the arrest was around 12:18."
The time is the "estimated" time of cardiac arrest. This information came from the radio nurse relayed to her. While this bay station call was continuing, she was only being consulted as needed.
Dr. Cooper: I was told that reputation at the scene did not pronounce any response. I gave permission to pronounce at 12:57 p.m. and For transport, the personal physician would have to take charge and would have to arrive with the patient. I was there when the ambulance arrived.
I had already prepared a team. As the patient rolled past, I was introduced to Dr. Murray.
( Dr. Cooper identifies him for the record.) and asked him what happened.He reported that the patients state of health, not ill, had been having trouble sleeping, that he was dehydrated and had not been sleeping. He reported that he had given the patient 2 mg of lorazepam [Ativan] and then later another dose. Did not mention that he had given the patient any other drugs.

Murray stated he witnessed the arrest.

I asked about reported past drug use that he may have been taking other than the Valium and flomax. There was no seizure activity or if the patient had any chest pain before the arrest. Murray reported no seizure activity preceeding the arrest.
He [Jackson] took Valium and Flomax. It's for urinary flow problems. Describes what Valium is.
DDA Q: Dr. Murray stated there was no report of chest pains or anything of that nature?
Dr. Cooper: Correct.The patient had no sign of life. The pupils were fixed and dilated. The patient was dead on arrival to UCLA. Despite that condition, they attempted to revive the patient. No pulse; no other signs of trauma. Proceeded to administer other drugs. Patient is still being ventilated and CPR is continuing and cardiac monitors on the patient.
DDA Q: Did you ever note or feel or observe a pulse on the patient?
Dr. Cooper: I did not. There was report of a pulse being felt on the nurse call sheet.
There were also starter drugs that were additionally given to Michael Jackson. They were not effective. Time spent on the patient, 1 hour, 26 minutes. She made the decision at 2:26 p.m. to call the patient deceased (stop treatment).
Blood was drawn from the patient for later medical testing. When Jackson arrived at UCLA, he was given a medical record number/name to track everything until the patient is formally registered. Gershwin was the name given to Michael Jackson, so that things can be recorded and labeled immediately so they can perform care.

DDA Q: What is a urinary catheter?
Dr. Cooper: Urinary catheter, it's put on the penis. For those that are incontinent or when they are sedated. I observed that when he came in, he had on a condom catheter.
DDA Q: At any time did Dr. Murray indicate that he had administered Propofol or any other benzodiazepine?
Dr. Cooper: No.
DDA Q: Have you ever been involved in or witnessed or was present in a situation where a medical doctor was administered in a home setting?
Dr. Cooper: No.
DDA Q: Are you familiar with Propofol?
Dr. Cooper: Yes, I've used it before. Used it for a procedural sedation. To like, set a broken bone. Also use it sometimes when patients are intubated, and we don't want them to wake up. So, in a surgery situation where you want to put the patient under. Yes. I've seen it used in outpatient setting, but not in a home setting.

CROSS: Defense Attorney Flannagan.

Q: Do you yourself use Propofol?
Dr. Cooper: Personally, I've administered it to patients.
Note:As an ER physician, she doesn't need to be licensed to use it. Any doctor can use any medication.She pronounced the patient originally at 12:57 p.m.
There was a report by Dr. Murray that he had detected a pulse which was in conflict so she made the decision to attempt.

Q: There was one other person who said that they detected a pulse?
Dr. Cooper: "I can not confirm."
Q: Was it Dr. Wang? Do you have your medical records with you? Did you write in the name of the person who felt the pulse?
Dr. Cooper: "No I did not."

Q: Do you have BATE stamp 2132. I left mine in the car. Mr. Walgren is complying.
Dr. Cooper: "This is a nurse-scribed note about the feeling of a pulse,I don't know who reported the pulse. Dr. Murray was in the room and did have gloves on.
Q: Was Dr. Murray hands-on in the room?
Dr. Cooper: "When he arrived, yes.I was never able to confirm a pulse. Sometimes, people feel a pulse that isn't there.I began questioning him as soon as he came in the door. He reported to me that he was there when the patient stopped breathing."
Q: What is it that you see, when you witnessing an arrest?
Dr. Cooper: I heard him to mean that he saw the patient stop breathing, and administered CPR.
Q: Explain what she would consider "witnessing an arrest."
Dr. Cooper: It's a common phrase that we would use .My recollection, from my notes, that's what I was told, that Dr. Murray witnessed the arrest.
Q: Does it have the same meaning for all medical people?
Dr. Cooper: I can't speak for all people. But I would say for all physicians, they would say, 'witnessed arrest. I did not ask Dr. Murray to elaborate what he meant.
I asked had Mr Jackson used recreational drugs.I had a 50 year old male that was dead. I didn't know why. This is a common question.
Q: Did not ask Dr. Murray what time he gave the lorazepam.
Dr. Cooper: "The exact time, no.I didn't ask and wasn't given any time frame.
Q: Isn't the timing of the dose important?
Dr. Cooper: (She pauses)I suppose you could say the timing would be important, if I was administering more sedative medication.
Q: Which situations Propofol is used?
Dr. Cooper: the amount used for procedural sedation,Every patient is a little bit different.
Q: Defense attorney mentions MJ's weight—136 pounds, and asks how much for that weight.
Dr. Cooper: (Generally) 60 mg. is what she usually starts with.
Q: Asked if that is a little conservative.
Dr. Cooper: In Mr Jackson, it could produce sedation. Sometimes we have patients where that happens
Q: Defense attorney asks about 25 mg. Dose lorazepam
Dr. Cooper: Generally 60 mg would last 10 to 20 minutes. You wouldn't expect a sedation (of) more than 5–10 minutes on only 25 mg.I don't know how long that dose would last. A dose usually takes 20-30 minutes to wear off. Everyone's different.I wouldn't know why someone would use that amount. I would not expect that 40 minutes later that medication would have an effect.
Q: "What if" scenario... that if gave that medication at 10 a.m., and at noon, the patient stopped breathing, you would not expect that it was the medication that caused it would you?
Dr. Cooper :If I was administering a sedative... she would be concerned by that amount of time after it had been admind there was problems.If you're not giving continual medication, then the meds clear within 10 to 20 minutes.
Q: What is it that lets you wake the patient up so quickly?If you had known Propofol was administered would she have treated any differently?
Dr. Cooper I thought I was treating a cardiac arrest.
IF there was no other medication given between the sedative and the arrest, I would not think the events that happened were related.If there is more than one sedative, there is an additive effect.
If a one time dose of Propofol is given, I would not expect (an hour later) the Propofol would have any effect.
DDA Q: Mr. Flannagan wanted you to assume that Dr. Murray gave Propofol around 10:40 to 10:50 only 25 mg. However if that was not a truthful statement, your answer would differ significantly).
DDA Walgren asks if the drugs on top of drugs were given to Jackson, would that be an accumulative effect?
Dr. Cooper: protocol requires certain monitoring to administer Propofol. There needs to be equipment available to monitor the airway. There must be heart monitoring. There has to be a staff person available as their only job to monitor the equipment/patient.
DDA Q: So that the patient doesn't die?
Dr. Cooper: "Yes."
Q: When a physician takes a history, it is for purpose of treatment?
Dr. Cooper: "Yes."
She clarifies that when she asks for history of drug use, it's relevant to the treatment at hand.
Q: If you had known that Dr. Murray had been giving Michael Jackson Propofol all this time, that would not have made and difference as to the medical treatment you had given him?
Dr. Cooper: "No."

Witness #11—Dr. Thao Nguyen
, cardiologist fellow, UCLA

DDA takes Dr. Nguyen through her credentials. Working as a cardiologist fellow on 6/25 for cardiac intensive care unit. How long?
Dr. Nguyen: Three and a half. In June I had finished my fellowship.I am the one responsible for the whole unit the entire staff.
DA asks her role on June 25, 2009.
Dr. Nuygen: I was called to the ER by Richelle Cooper. When she came down Dr. Cooper was working on the patient. Dr. Cooper introduced her to the defendant. She met Dr. Murray in the ER. Asked Dr. Murray what happened..He told me he was the physician for the patient. The patient was preparing for a tour in England and had some difficulties sleeping and had been given some medications for sleep. Asked him what did you give? He said, '4 milligrams of Ativan (lorazepam) via IV.'"
DDA Q: At that time were you aware of the condition of the patient?
Dr. Nuygen: Yes.
DDA Q: What follow up questions did you ask?
Dr. Nuygen: Asked him if he gave any other medications.
DDA Q: What did he tell you?
Dr. Nuygen: "No."
DDA Q: What did you ask him next?
Dr. Nuygen: Did you try to reverse the effect of the Ativan? He said no.
I asked Dr. Murray what happened after he gave the medication. "He told me that he later found the patient not breathing. I Asked him when he found the patient not breathing. He said he did not know the time.
DDA Q: Did you ask him when he had the patient "down" not responsive, not breathing, possibly pulseless when he made the 911 call.?
Dr. Nuygen: He said he did not have a watch and he did not have the time.
He didn't know the time lapse. Not able to give her any kind of time estimate as to when the drug was injected as to when the patient went down or when the patient was found not breathing.

DDA Q: Were there any other questions directed at Dr. Murray or does that sum it up?
Dr. Nuygen: Dr. Murray did tell us, he asked me to try to save the patient.
DDA Q: Did he ever mention giving the patient Propofol?
Dr. Nuygen: No.
DDA Q: Did he ever mention giving the patient other benzodiazepine medications?
Dr. Nuygen: Absolutely not.
I did the balloon pump, after the time of death was already called. I didn't think it would work based on all that had been done already. So, an agreement was made with Dr. Murray that if the balloon pump failed, then they would call the time of death.
When the time of death was called, she looked at her pager; she noticed the time was 1:35 p.m.
Q: In your practice do you use the drug lorazepam?
Dr. Nuygen: Yes sir.
Q: Four milligrams of the drug, in a 136-pound patient, how long would it keep him to sleep.
Dr. Nuygen: It takes about 15 minutes or so to put him to sleep
Q: How long would that last?
Dr. Nuygen describes the type of drug it lorazepam/Ativan is. It is used for anxiety. Also used to induce sleep.
Q: If use it to induce sleep in 136-pound patient, how long should it induce sleep for?
Dr. Nuygen: It's half-life is about 14 hours But you also have to take into consideration the prior use of the drug in this patient. Half-life is The time it takes for the medication to have 1/2 of the effect. Note: Dr. Nuygen is not totally accurate here. Half-life is the amount of time it takes for the body to metabolize and excrete the drug.
Q:What was written in Dr Coopers report?
Dr. Nuygen: "I do not know anything about Dr. Cooper's report."
Q: So, you would start with 1 mg, possibly 2?
Dr. Nuygen: I would need to know about prior use of the drug with the patient.
If you keep using the same medication, you would have to use a higher amount because you reach a higher concentration. If the medication is given IV, depending on the metabolism through the liver.
I am not aware of the blood level of this patient.
Q: Would you expect the blood level 169, to produce sleep?
Dr. Nuygen: We usually do not measure that.
Dr. Nuygen: When you are given lorazepam or/and benzodiazepine, you are expected that you give a certain dose per weight. I thought I explained that it's not known in relation to blood levels.
Q: Do you know anything about blood levels?
Dr. Nuygen: Again, that's not how we measure.
Q: When you were taking to Dr. Murray, you said he had no concept of time.
Dr. Nuygen: It's not my conclusion. I am not saying as to how he appeared. This was his answer to my question.
Q: Did you have an impression of his emotional state?
Dr. Nuygen: Do you want my opinion of his emotional state? He appeared devastated.
Q: What do you mean?

Dr. Nuygen: You want the definition of devastation?
Q: What was it that caused you to believe that he was devastated?
Dr. Nuygen: His facial expression.
Q: What about his voice?
Dr. Nuygen: His voice was normal. He appeared calm. The voice was calm.
Q: That facial expression, that just caused you to determine he was devastated.
Dr. Nuygen: Yes and I did not ask him if he gave lorazepam. I asked him what drugs he gave.
I asked him what time and he could not give the time. He could not give an estimate.
This was the time I saw on my pager that I started talking to him 1:35 p.m.
The other doctors, I recognized Dr. Cooper. There may have been other residents.
Q: Was there a lot of confusion?
Dr. Nuygen: There was no confusion.
Q: Not at UCLA?
There was some activity at the hospital
Q: This questioning of Dr. Murray took place at 1:35 in the room where there were five or six people working on Michael Jackson.
Dr. Nuygen: Correct.
Q: And you're asking him what time he gave what drugs. (Withdrawn).
It was at this time, did you think you had his full concentration?
Dr. Nuygen: Yes. He was not watching the patient while he talked to me. He had established eye contact with me throughout the conversation.
Q: How long was the conversation?
Dr. Nuygen: About 2 minutes. He was standing at the left leg of Michael Jackson. The size of the room was about a quarter of this room.Dr. Cruz did not arrive until I asked him to come down.
Q: Dr. Cruz was the one who used the balloon pump?
Dr. Nuygen: Dr. Cruz and I operated the balloon pump.
Q: And whose idea was it?
Dr. Nuygen: Dr. Cruz.
Q: You did the balloon pump?
Dr. Nuygen: Yes. We continued on the request of Dr. Murray. He did not want us to give up.
Q: When you learned there was Ativan in the patient, did you use any drugs to reverse the lorazepam? Just talking about this case. Did you use any drugs to reverse the effects of the lorazepam?
Dr. Nuygen: I asked why. Before I decided not to use, I asked Dr. Cooper, if lorazepam had been used/reversed. She said no,At the first time of distress, that's when the drug needs to be administered.
Q: Dr. Murray didn't give the order for the balloon pump did he?
Dr. Nuygen: "No. It was not his advice, to put in the balloon pump.
Q: Without any indication?
Dr. Nuygen: The indication was cardiac failure.
Q: Did the balloon pump, that was the purpose, to reverse the drug induced cardiac arrest?

Dr. Nuygen: No sir. That's not what I said. The indication of the balloon pump is to assist the heart when it was failing. But it doesn't reverse the drug. It only assists the heart.Only when the window of time will allow (to use the reversal medication).


DDA Q: When you were presented with a number of hypotheticals by Mr. Flannagan. When you would give 1 "p.o." that would be giving it by mouth, orally, because it would be safer?
Dr. Nuygen: Yes
Dr. Nuygen clarifies that she clearly heard and understood Dr. Murray when questioning him at the hospital

Witness #12—Dan Myers: Detective LAPD

Judge: Heard previous admonitions?
Myers: Yes your honour.
Background: Employed at LAPD. Currently work in Robbery-Homicide. Lead investigators.
DDA Q: Examination of Dr. Murray's cell phone calls. Dr. Murray had 2 cell phones in his name. Is that correct?
Myers: Yes.
He examined the cell phone records provided by the vendors.
DDA Q: Focused the phone activity of June 25th 2009, from midnight 6/24h through the conclusion of 6/25.
Myers: Yes I did.
DDA Q: What was the purpose of contacting the phone numbers?
Myers: To identify the person or persons who were called
Exhibit 20 on ELMO
DDA Q: First call—7:01 am call from 3747 (Dr. Murray) to 0266? Did you call that number 11/17th.
Myers: 0266 belongs to Andrew Butler.
DDA Q: Important question. How long employed (by LAPD)?
Myers: A little over 23 years.
DDA Q: Did he verify was in fact his residence phone number? Did you ask him if he knew Conrad Murray?
Myers: He identified him as his friend and doctor.
DDA Q: Asked him (Butler) if he received a phone call...
Myers: He said he did not recall receiving a call from Dr. Murray. He said Dr. Murray was the physician.

DDA Q: 8:49 a.m. (702) ***-5217 from to 3747 . Did you dial that number?

Myers: Guild. I spoke with Ms. Guild. I Asked if she knew Dr. Murray. She said he was a friend and her doctor. She said that she had received a letter in the mail that he would not be in the office and she called the doctor to inquire.

DDA Q: 9:23 a.m. 2909 from to Murray 0973. Who used the number 2090?
Myers: I Spoke to Marissia.  A friend of a daughter of her friend. Asked if her knowledge of Dr. Murray. She said that's my friend's father. She said, yes, that's girlfriend Chanelle, in California.
DDA Q: 4955 to 9073 to Dr. Murray's phone?
Myers: Called that number to identify the owner of the phone. Belonged to Acres Home and Cardiology Clinic in TX.
DDA Q: 10:22 a.m. 0124 phone call from to Dr. Murray.
Myers: I Talked to a Dr.She indicated that she in post-op room in hospital and ready to perform a procedure and she needed to know what kind of medication that patient was receiving. She needed to know if she should continue medication. She did talk to Dr. Murray and they discussed the care for this patient.
DDA Q: Was Dr. Murray able to assist her with the information?
Myers: She recalled the patient by memory. The patient was a few months post-op from a stent. Dr. Murray recalled the patient and the amounts of the medication. She indicated that in her short telephone call of less than 111 seconds, Dr. Murray was able to recollect the patient, provide her with necessary information as medications as well as info on the procedure conducted 2 months earlier.
DDA Q: 10:34 a.m. From Murray 3747, (619) ***-3223.

Myers: Called around the same time/date, called Stacey Howel-Ruggles. She said she knew Conrad Murray, and that she was his personal assistant.
DDA Q: Did you ask Ms. Howel-Ruggles if she had a conversation?
Myers: She said that she did remember the conversation, because it was an anniversary.
DDA Q: Ms. Ruggles told you that Dr. Murray directing her, requesting of her, she was drafting a letter concerning the upcoming tour in London? Objection
DDA:Did you ask her if he seem distracted during the phone call?
Myers: She did not indicate that he appeared to be distracted or tired.
DDA: Did you ask her directly—did Conrad Murray appear distracted? And what was her response?
Myers: That he did not appear to be distracted.
DDA Q: 11:07 a.m. Same Ruggles phone number. 11:18 placed call to 6802.
Myers: contacted that number 32-minute phone call.
DDA Q: Who was that? What is that location?
Myers: It's Dr. Murray's practice in Las Vegas.
DDA Q: That call duration to Global Cardiovascular.
11:26 another call to Conrad Murray.
Myers: A Miss Morgan. She confirmed that was her number.
Another call from Dr. Murray to a Robert Russell. It was his number. Dr. Murray was his cardiologist.
11:51 a.m. from Murray 093 to 3832. Myers contacted that number.
DDA Q: Who did you speak to?
Myers: Sade Anding. She knew Conrad Murray.
(Objection to the conversation, She did in fact receive a phone call, and she spoke to Dr. Murray on the telephone.)
DDA Q: 12:12 pm from Murray to Michael  Williams, and that we had testimony from him.
1:08 p.m. to 8070 from Murray to Ms. Nicole Alvarez.
DDA Q: Did you determine how she knew him?
Myers: He is the father of her child.

9:30 a.m. resume tomorrow, January 7.


Quote from: "Sinderella"

Judge :- Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor
Prosecutor:  Assistant Deputy D.A. David Walgren
Defence: Ed Chernoff

Family attending:-
Katherine Jackson
Joe Jackson
Janet Jackson
LaToya Jackson
Brian Oxman-not testifying outside causing shit
Witnesses called:-
Detective Myers LAPD cont #11
Sade Anding(cocktail waitress)#12
Bridget Morgan (6questions asked only)#13
Nicole Alvarez(Dr Conrad Murray's Girlfriend)#14
Elissa Fleak  (CSI toxicology UCLA)#15
Court convened at 9.25am[/b]

Witness #11: Detective Myers continues.

Cross by defense attorney Ed Chernoff
Q: Talk about when this whole case erupted.
Myers: This detective was out of town. (Objection)
Q: What day did you come back from out of town? (Objection overruled.)
Myers: June 29th, actually returned My partner, Det. Smith... He came back after first two trips back to Carolwood... (objection)

Q: What documents Det. Myers, have you reviewed? Did you review documents? Did you review notes, what documents did you review? (Objection beyond scope.) Did you have a chance to review documents before you testified?
Myers: Yes. I continue to update myself with all aspects of the case. I refresh my memory.
Q: You also review you notes?
Myers: Yes.
Q: And witness statements you typed up yourself?
Myers: Yes
Q: Were you present when the Carolwood house was searched? (Objection) why???
Chernoff is showing documents, showing defense C, D, E, and F.

Brazil has an objection to documents. These documents do not related to the scope to his testimony yesterday. Explains to Judge. Prosecution is still objecting about the documents.

(PIO Pat Kelly arrives.)

Q: On part of your investigation have your prepared any documents of a chronology of events.
Myers: Yes.
Q: Was it a chronology or a time line.
Myers: I've prepared various documents.

Q: Have you prepared what would be termed a timeline of events including phone calls?
Myers: You'll have to be more specific counsel as to your events.
Q: did you prepare this document?
A: (regarding defense exhibit D) Yes, I had input on that timeline.
Q: Chernoff asks can I show the detective this document? Did you have any input in the author of that timeline?Myers: Yes.
Q: Referring to Def E, do you know when you had input into that timeline?
Myers: This would be every early on in the investigation. I can't say precisely but the first week or two
Q: How about Def D?
Myers: I believe this was sometime later. I don't have an actual recollection. One month, 2 months later. I don't know.
Q: Was the processing from Def D of E, was that in related to your investigation.
Myers: As far as Def E, I think I may have authored it, and only on Def D I had input

Q: Det. Smith and Martinez has already interviewed witnesses at the house? (Objection scope.)What was your reason in this investigation? Were there assignments? (Same objection your Honour. Obj. beyond scope.)
Judge Pastor: Det. Meyer is being called for only a small scope and not a general purpose.

Q: Were you in charge of the investigation?
Myers: No.

Q: Was there a detective who was in charge of making assigning responsibilities?
Myers: "It was a collective effort." HAHAHAHAHA. In collaboration with MJ.

Q: Did Det. Smith make any of these phone calls?
Myers: Well, there was more than just phone calls.

Q: Did Det. Smith or Martinez interview any of those individuals that we heard about yesterday? (Objection relevance; sustained) We looked at a series of phone calls, and you explained some of the numbers and people that were attached, and these were all the phone calls that we made on the morning of the 25th?
Myers: Yes.

Q: Did anyone else investigate that activity, other than you?
Is the info you provide complete and total?

Was there a phone call made on June 25th that you did not investigate?
Myers: "A range?"
Q: You investigation did go no further than the mid afternoon for June 25?
Myers: No.
Judge Pastor: Refine please.
Q: Did you investigate phone calls AFTER that time frame?
Myers: There's been investigation into those other phone calls.

Judge Pastor: Mr. Low has to leave for another responsibility.

Q: have you interviewed any people involved in those phone calls.( Objection)

Judge Pastor: We have a problem. I think we need to move on.

Myers: Sade Anding was one of the people that I talked to and that she was the phone call of 11:51. Yes. Misstates. The call was to Miss Anding, not from.
Q: And this is the person you interviewed her in Texas?
Myers: Yes.
Q: And have you interviewed her again?
Myers: Yes.
Q: When?
Myers: Last night. STILL INTERVIEWING PEOPLE IN 2011????

Witness # 12 Sade Anding  SAD ENDING

DDA: In Feb 2009 where employed?
Anding: Sullivan Steak house.
DDA Q: Where?
Anding: She was a cocktail waitress. "I was there for six months at that time; six-eight months.
DDA Q: Describe the steak house. Which part did you work as? (Objection relevance, sustained.)Restaurant or lounge? (Objection sustained.)
While working as a cocktail waitress, did you meet someone who identified himself as Conrad Murray.
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: Do you see him? (Anding identifies Dr. Murray.) Do you recall when it was you first met Conrad Murray, what month?
Anding: It was after Valentine's Day. I just know I had started there two/three months [prior].

DDA Q: So the latter portion of February or the beginning of March?
Anding: Yes.

DDA Q: How did you meet? (Objection, overruled.)
Anding: Met him at the restaurant? (Objection, sustained.)
DDA Q: When you met Conrad Murray at Sullivan Steak House was he working there, or ????
Anding: met him at the restaurant.
DDA Q: Did your first meeting with [Murray] at the restaurant stand out in your mind? (Objection, sustained.) Was there something unusual about your meeting? (Objection, vague.)
Judge Pastor: Do you have an offer of proof?
DDA (EC): I do your honor. Approach the bench.
DDA Q: From that first meeting with Dr. Murray, did you see him with some frequency?
When you first meet him did you see him on other occasions?
Did Dr. Murray refer to you as his girlfriend? Were you Conrad Murray's girlfriend?
Anding: Yes.

DDA Q: Ms. Anding, in June 2009, was your telephone number (837) 366-3832?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: On June 25th 2009 did you receive a phone call from Conrad Murray?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: What time was it your time in Houston [when Dr. Murray called]?
Anding: I know it was 12:30 about. It was in the afternoon yes.
DDA Q: You were on your way out? (Objection sustained.) Did Dr. Murray telephone you on your cell phone, residence or landline?
Anding: Cell phone.
DDA Q: What did he say when he first spoke?
Anding: He told me he it was Conrad; he said "Hi," and "How are you?"
DDA Q: Did you recognize his voice?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: He identified himself and asked you how you were. Did he tell you how he was doing?
Anding: He told me I was doing well, then I cut him off and I started talking. I said, "Well, let me tell you about my day."
Just talked about how down and that I had a job. Before that time I'd seen him was in May.
DDA Q: What day?
Anding: May 23rd. In Houston.
DDA Q: Referring back to June 25 phone call,So you interrupt Dr. Murray and start chatting about your day and going on in your life?
Anding: Yes.
Anding said that she heard another phone go off. Then mumbling voices and then the sound was muffled
DDA Q: For a while into the conversation, you realized that he wasn't there because he wasn't saying anything to you?
Do you have any way of knowing when he stopped listening to you?
Anding: No.
DDA Q: Did you ever say anything specific when you realized that he wasn't saying anything?

Anding: "Just hello, hello, hello. Are you there are you there? (But she didn't get any response back from Dr. Murray.)

DDA Q: When you heard the mumbling on the other end, did you recognize the voice [as being Dr. Murray]?
Anding: No.
DDA Q: You said you tried to call Dr. Murray's phone back and you got a response and but you got no response back? Was that unusual?
Anding: Yes. Last time I talked to Dr. Murray was when LAPD came to my house. It was sometime in 2009.
DDA Q: She was attending an event when the police came in Houston?
Anding: Yes.
DDA Q: Did you go to a sporting event?
Anding: Yes. A baseball game.
DDA Q: At some time did you learn that police that wanted to speak to you?
Anding: I called Conrad Murray and told him that the police came to my house. He said that he was sorry to have put me in that position. He made a request for her to call an attorney afterward.
DDA Q: Asked if she spoke to Dr. Murray's attorney the next day. (Objection sustained.)

Defense cross-examination Chernoff.
Q: Ms. Anding, how are you? when did you get to LA? Did you fly yourself in?
Anding: No. (She flew into LA on County's dime, spent the night last night and will fly out today (Friday).
Q: Was there anything else that you told Ms. Brazil today that you did not say previously?
Anding: No.
Chernoff: That's it.

[b]Witness #13: Bridget Morgan.[/b]
Chernoff: This is Mr. Low's witness and he walked away with all our stuff.  (HAHAHAHAHA)

Morgan questioning begins. DDA Brazil direct.
DDA Q: Do you recognize Conrad Murray?
Morgan: Yes. (Identifies the defendant.)
DDA Q: Ms. Morgan, when did you first meet Dr. Murray?
Morgan: In 2003.
DDA Q: Where?
Morgan: At a club. Developed a social relationship with him.
DDA Q: Ms. Morgan, I ask you what your telephone number was in June 2009? [Exhibit 20 on ELMO.] (310) xxx-5868
DDA Q: Did you call Conrad Murray on June 25th?
Morgan: Yes.
DDA Q: Did you actually speak to Dr. Murray when you made that call to him?
Morgan: No.

Witness #14—Nicole Alvarez

Alvarez identifies Dr. Murray for the record.

DDA Q: When did you first meet?
Alvarez: I don't recall exactly, around 2005.Met him in Las Vegas.
DDA asks where.
Alvarez: Specifically? I met him in a club.
DDA Q: Were you employed at the club?
Alvarez: Yes I was.
DDA Q: What position? Objected to.
When you met Conrad Murray in the club, was he a guest, or was he an employee?
Alvarez: I believe from my understanding he was a guest.

DDA Q: When you met Dr. Murray, did he introduce himself or did you introduce yourself? Or was there some other way?
Alvarez: I don't recall exactly how that came about.

DDA Q: After you met him the first time, did you maintain contact with him via phone or in person?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Did you give him your phone number when you met him at the club?
Alvarez: I don't recall exactly.

DDA Q: When you met him where were you living at the time in Los Angeles?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Did you commute from LA to Las Vegas to your job?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Developed an intimate relationship? When?
Alvarez: I don't recall exactly.

DDA Q: How long after you met did you start a personal relationship with him?
Alvarez: Quite some time had past. I can't recall how long. It's something that developed over time.

DDA Q: Over that time, would you see him in person?
Alvarez: At times. Not all times.
DDA Q: Did that relationship develop in Las Vegas?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Did it also develop in Los Angeles?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Your present address since 2005 have you always lived in Los Angeles?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Would it be correct to say you were involved in a personal relationship in 2009?
Alvarez: I assume so yes.
DDA Q: In 2007?
Alvarez: I can't recall.
DDA Q: When you developed this relationship, did he inform you that he was still married?

During months of April, May, June of 2009, was Dr. Murray living at your residence?
Alvarez: Can you clarify the question please?

DDA Q: Let's start with April 2009? Was Dr. Murray living at your residence?
Alvarez: I'm trying to answer accurately. I wouldn't describe it as permanent residence.

DDA Q: How would you describe it? Did you know where he lived?
Alvarez: I would assumed in Las Vegas
DDA Q: Do you have a son with Dr. Murray?
Alvarez: Yes. Born in March, 2009.
DDA Q: In April 2009, how much time was Dr. Murray was spending in LA?
Alvarez: I don't recall how much time.
DDA Q: One night a month?
Alvarez: No. It was quite frequent.
DDA Q: One week?
Alvarez: At times.
DDA Q: Two weeks?
Alvarez: At times.
DDA Q: Three weeks?
Alvarez: I'm not comfortable with three weeks. (DDA asks another question to describe how often he was staying at her residence.) I think you're asking me to give you an example, correct?

DDA Q: I'm asking you how frequently Dr. Murray was staying at your residence?
Alvarez: I think it's fair to say that he was staying 2 weeks out of the month.

DDA Q: When he was not there, where did he stay?
Alvarez: I do not know.
DDA Q: When he left your house you didn't know where he stayed?
Alvarez: No.

DDA questions about her just giving birth in April, and she is fighting/deflecting answering every questions.

Alvarez: When I mentioned two weeks, it wasn't two consecutive weeks. So I cannot say that I saw him consecutively for two weeks every single day.

DDA Q: So he would come during April, Dr Murray would stay overnight two, three, four days at a time, go someplace else you're not sure where, and then he would return and stay again?
Alvarez: That sounds about right. Two, three days, but not three, four days.

(Question again about not knowing where he stayed when he wasn't with her.) Well, I don't have expectations of Dr. Murray, so that's fair to say. That's just a rule that i live by.

DDA Q: When Dr. Murray would spend two, three days with you, would he let you know that he would be away from you and your son for a period of time?
Alvarez:Don't recall, probably

During the month of April, 2009, you would not know if Dr Murray would be at your house?
Alvarez: Could you repeat the question?  ??????

DDA Q: You were not sure from one day to the next, you were not sure if Dr Murray would be there from one day to the next.?
Alvarez: Can you repeat the question?

DDA Q: Miss Alvarez according to your memory, Dr. Murray would spend a few days at your residence and come back?
Alvarez: Correct.

DDA Q: Did you have any idea if you knew when he would be there or away from your residence?
Alvarez: I would not have an idea.

DDA Q: In May of 2009, did Dr. Murray maintain the same type of schedule, as in April?
Alvarez: That's fair to say.

DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray spend the same amount of time in May as in April as to the same stretch of time?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: In June of 2009, did he maintain the same amount of time?
Alvarez: That's fair to say.

DDA Q: In May, did he tell you when he would be returning?
Alvarez: No.
DDA Q: In June did he tell you when he would be returning?
Alvarez: No.

DDA Q: During that time, would you be in telephone contact with him?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Would he let you know where he was?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: But you spoke with him every day?
Alvarez: I never said I spoke to him every day.

DDA Q: What month in 2009 would you say that Dr. Murray spent the most amount of time in LA with you?
Alvarez: I'd say, June of 2009.

DDA Q: Did Dr Murray spend more time at your residence in June than in May?
Alvarez:Don't recall

Did Dr. Murray spend more time at your residence in June than in May?
Alvarez: Not June, but in March, he started to spend more time in LA than before.

DDA Q: Was he paying your rent in March 2009?
Alvarez:No, It was around 2,500 per month. Not too sure...He wasn't responsible for my rent. Everything was in my name. I was responsible for my rent. If he wanted to help me that was up to him.

DDA Q: During March of 2009, was Dr. Murray working with Mr. Jackson as his personal physician?
Alvarez: March, 2009, I can't recall exactly.

DDA Q: When did you become aware that he was working for Mr. Jackson?
Alvarez: I can't recall exactly.

DDA Q: Were your pregnant with your son?
Alvarez: Noooooo, I was not pregnant.
"Actually, I learned way before I got pregnant. I can't remember an exact date."

DDA Q: Can you give me a year?
Alvarez: If I back track by month, it was very early on when i was pregnant. One month.

She can't remember when she was pregnant and she can't recall when she learned her 'bf' was working for the most famous man in the

DDA Q: Ms. Alvarez, you take the time that you need. When did you first learn that you were pregnant?
(she is counting on her fingers)
Alvarez: "June of....urm"

DDA Q: 2008? When did you first learn that Dr. Murray was working for Mr. Jackson?
Alvarez: I don't recall.  WHAT?
DDA Q: In June of 2008 were you spending time with Dr Murray?
Alvarez: At times.
2008? Wasn't he put in place 11days before?
DDA Q: At that time did he tell you he was working for Mr. Jackson?

DDA Q: When you were working in Las Vegas, did at some time he tell you he was working for Michael Jackson?
Alvarez: That's fair to say at some point that I became aware that he was working for Michael Jackson.

DDA Q: When was that?
Alvarez: From my recollection, it was here in Los Angeles.

DDA Q: When he was staying with you, did you become aware that he was providing care for Michael Jackson at Carolwood Drive?
Alvarez: No. You're asking me?
DDA Q: Did Dr. Murray ever tell you that he was providing care for Mr. Jackson in his home?
Alvarez: what do you mean?

DDA Q: Let me make it simple for you.


DDA Q: Did he ever tell you (that he was providing care for Michael Jackson)?
Alvarez: I knew he was his personal physician.
DDA Q: What did he tell you?
Alvarez: Absolutely nothing. He's a professional man, and I know my place and it's not my position to know his patients, his business or his whearabouts or anything of that sort. I was aware that, when Dr. Murray was in LA, he was at times to my belief, with Michael. As to what capacity, I [didn't know anything about that].

DDA Q: (Do you) know if he was treating anyone else while in LA?
Alvarez: Not to my knowledge.

DDA Q: Describe to me, Dr. Murray's schedule, during the time that he was staying with you in April. Did he go (to Michael's house) during the day, did he go in the evening?
Alvarez: During the best of my recollection, it would be in the night time.

DDA Q: So Dr. Murray would be there with you in the day? You had a baby together right?
Alvarez: Fair to say.

DDA Q: What time did he leave your residence?
Alvarez: I would say, approximately on average, I used to put my son to sleep at 9 o'clock. It was never at the same time, on an average it would be 9 o'clock sometimes ten.

DDA Q: And when would he return? The next day?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: What time did he return?
Alvarez: It was always different times, it was never the same. I would say usually it was in the morning. 7, 8 , 9, 10... there wasn't a regular pattern. There wasn't a time that he would DEFINITELY return every morning.

DDA Q: When he returned, what would he do, normally?
Alvarez: He would relax, go to the gym, and sleep....sleep for a large majority of the day.

DDA Q: Did you have dinner together?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: So that was typical routine for him that he would leave 9 o'clock, and that he would return some time the next morning.
Alvarez: That would be fair to say.

(DDA questions now about the London tour and upcoming trip.)

Alvarez knew that Dr. Murray would be going to England. She was invited to go along with him. Doesn't recall when she was invited???

DDA Q: Were you excited about the trip?
Alvarez: Definitely! Definitely.

DDA Q: Did you know how long you would be gone?
Alvarez: He never told me exactly how long (we would be gone), I knew it would be .......that we would be home for the holidays.

She had not made any plans (regarding a question to give up her apartment or not) for the trip. The baby is mentioned. "I was concerned. I wanted to go. I had a baby. "

DDA Q: The baby might have prevented you from going on the trip? Childcare, traveling.
Alvarez: Yes.

so he'd planned it for her to go with him..did MJ know about

DDA Q: In May to June, he said that there would be packages coming to the house?
Alvarez: Yes. He didn't really say anything, other than if the packages came, to bring them inside. But if they came to my unit, I would bring them inside the unit. So, (he said) just to be ware that they were coming, to bring them inside and to put hem aside for him.

DDA Q: Did he tell you what they were?
Alvarez: No.
DDA Q: Did he tell you that they were important?
Alvarez: No. He would just let me know, out of respect to me, that there was a delivery coming...

DDA Q: Describe your apartment and deliveries. Did you receive packages at your residence that were addressed to Dr. Conrad Murray?
Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: Was it on a regular basis?
Alvarez: I don't recall it being on a regular basis, I just know it had been a few times.

DDA Q: What type of things were they?
Alvarez: I don't know what they were.
DDA Q: Did you ever open any packages that came to Dr. Conrad Murray?
Alvarez: Absolutely not.

DDA Q: Some of the packages were left in the lobby?
Alvarez: I can recall one or two times where I was going for a walk with my child... and I would always check and sometimes there would be something there.

She testifies there would be mail addressed to him, addressed to him in her mail box, but there would be packages left in a common area.

DDA Q: And sometimes packages left at her doorstep?
Alvarez: Yes. He would always inform me if there was something coming as I recall.

DDA Q: Did he ever tell you what these packages were or what they were for?
Alvarez: No.

DDA Q: Did you ever ask?
Alvarez: No.

(shows witness exhibits.)

why is she having problems answering?

DDA Q: Like to show you a series of documents and see if you recognize them. Exhibit people's 22.

This is a FedEX receipt dated .... do you see 1540 Sixth Street? Alvarez: Yes, her address in 2009.

DDA Q: Do you recognize that signature? Alvarez: It very well could be, not sure,it looks like my signature. WHAT?!

DDA Q: Do you see where it says recipient, care of Nicole Alvary?
Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Do you see where it says Applied Pharmacy Services?
Alvarez: Yes. But she didn't necessarily pay any attention to that.

Alvarez: You have to think of the big picture here. I have a lot of things going on. I sign for it. I may have glanced at it, and maybe read a paper in detail, for something that as for me.

DDA Q: But you would have just confirmed that it belongs to you or Conrad Murray?
Alvarez: That's correct.

(DDA shows Exhibit 23, a FedEx receipt dated April 29, 2009, addressed to her apartment on 6th street. Signed for by a P. Maria.)

DDA Q: Do you know a P. Maria that resided at that residence?
Alvarez: No. I'm the only one who resided at that residence.  LOL

DDA goes over the part of the receipt that says C/O Nicole Alvery. The witness verifies that her name is spelled wrong with a Y instead of a Z.

DDA shows a May 1st, 2009 Fed Ex receipt to Alvarez' apartment, c/o her from the same pharmacy to Dr. Conrad Murray.
Alvarez: That's correct.

DDA shows witness a FedEx receipt dated May 13th 2009. Alvarez doesn't recognize the signature on that receipt. DDA notes same shipper applied Pharmacy Services. Alvarez says there's not a doorman...

Is this yours?
Alvarez:Can't be sure,no

DDA Q: Was there anyone beside her who was living or staying with her? Did your mom or someone helping you with the baby.
Alvarez: Absolutely. There was always someone coming (helping out).

DDA Q: So, possibly one of those people could have signed for a package that could have signed for it? (Objection, sustained.)

Did anyone tell you that was a guest at your apartment sign for a package? Alvarez: Not that I recall.

DDA shows another FedEx package to Dr. Murray c/o her dated May 15.

DDA question as to if there were packages left that she did not sign for. Alvarez says, perhaps, yes, that she would come home and there would be a package left.

DDA shows another package, same shipper. Alvarez: "Perhaps she did that."

Another package; same shipper—Applied Pharmacy Services. Same thing. Alvarez says "I think that's correct."

DDA Q: Is Conrad Murray currently staying at your apartment? Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Do you recognize Mr. Chernoff sitting here to my left? Alvarez: Yes.

DDA Q: Did you contact Ed Chernoff, for legal advice after Michael Jackson died?
Alvarez: No. There would be no reason to contact Mr. Ed Chernoff for personal reasons.

DDA Q: Why did you contact Mr. Chernoff? Alvarez: I contacted Ed Chernoff after I had received a subpoena.

DDA Q: Why did you do that? Alvarez: I thought it would be a reasonable thing to do. I think any thinking person would do that.

I don't recall exactly how the exchange for legal advice. I just wanted to know what it (the subpoena) was.

DDA Q: Did he explain that to you?
Alvarez: I don't know. I don't think he did? He made a referral. He just put me in touch with Joseph Low.
DDA Q: Mr. Chernoff gave you Mr. Low's phone number? Did you come to court as requested back in 2009?Alvarez: Absolutely.
DDA Q: And Mr. Low came with you? Alvarez: Yes.
DDA Q: You also reached out to in 2010 to an attorney. Alvarez: I believe so, yes.
DDA Q: When you began an intimate and personal relationship with Conrad Murray, were you aware that he had six other children? (Objection)
Alvarez:Don't recall
DDA Q: Dr. Conrad Murray is the father of your son?
Alvarez: Absolutely

Witness #15—Elissa Fleak, LA County Coroner's Investigator

DDA established where witness is employed and what job entails—she is an LA County Coroner Investigator. Performs investigations at scenes, notify family, write reports for pathologists, and assist investigation. Eight years (in job). Was working in that capacity in June 2009.

DDA Q: Learned of the death of entertainer Michael Jackson? Fleak: Yes I did.
DDA Q: In response to learning that information did you respond to UCLA medical center?
What time did you respond? Fleak: Can I check my notes?
DDA Q: Yes. Fleak: I arrived at hospital at 17:20 hours.
DDA Q: At UCLA ? Fleak: Yes.
DDA Q: 5: 20 pm?Fleak: Correct.
DDA Q: At your arrival to UCLA did you make physical observations of the decedent?
Fleak describes what she did and what her duties were: To perform an external body examination. "Anything I could infer, to the cause of death for my report.
DDA Q: Looking for wounds, knife wounds?
Fleak: Yes. Did not find anything at that time.
Investigator Fleak obtained 4 vials of blood from UCLA staff labeled Gershwin. [ed. note: recall explanation pseudonym from yesterday's testimony]
DDA gives label number. Fleak replies, "Yes. Correct."

DDA Q: Were those vials of blood logged into the coroner's office? Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Was to preserve them? Fleak: Yes for toxicology purposes.
DDA: On that date did you respond to that location of 100 N Carolwood, LA?
Fleak: Yes. After ER room, I went to the house to observe the scene investigation.
She specifically did an investigation of that bedroom area.

(DDA puts up exhibit on the ELMO. Fleak identified where she was told the decedent was before taken to the hospital. Photo of the two tables, night stands; she identifies them.)

DDA Q: People's 9. Recognize?
Fleak: Yes. The diagram of the second floor of the house.
DDA Q: Depicts the bedroom you just described? Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: At this point did you begin taking photographs and documenting some of the items you found relevant to pertaining to cause of death. Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Begin with any prescription?
Fleak: Yes, I began with several pill bottles on the nightstand right next to the bed.

DDA Q: Did you document inventory?Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Documented on a Coroner's 3A form?Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Do you remember what prescriptions you recovered? Fleak: Yes I do.
DDA Q: What did you recover?
Fleak: Flomax, clonazapam, diazapam, lorazapam, tomazapam, trazadone, and tiziandine.

Also collected several pill bottles, tubes of lotion. Hydrocodone note: Vicodin]. Tube of Lidocane lotion that was it on the nightstand [ed. note: Lidocaine lotion may have been used to reduce pain when starting IV].

DDA Q: How about Benoquin? Fleak: Yes. There was Benoquin.
DDA Q: Lotion in a tube? Fleak: Yes it was.

DDA Q: Did you document who prescribed?
Fleak: diazepam (Valium), Flomax, Lidocaine lotion, lorazepam (Ativan), temazepam (Restoril, a sleep aid) prescribed by Dr. Murray. [ed. note: A cardiologist prescribing a med for prostatic hypertrophy?] Clonazepam (antianxiety), trazodone (antidepressant) by a Dr. Metzger,and prescribed by Dr. Klein [ed. note: Benoquin is a medication used for vitiligo]

DDA shows Investigator Fleak photos of a night stand, close up of table next to night stand,

DDA Q: Do you see the two separate tables? (Shows photo. Line of questioning and answers describes another photo of area where prescription bottles were, in a basket in the lower shelf of one of the tables, as well as other areas of the table.

(There is a tube of Lidocaine lotion on table. There was a syringe on the table and one on the ground, next to the bed.)
The plunger and the top part of the syringe (to which you would attach a needle)?Fleak: Yes.

DDA shows new photos of syringes, of oxygen tank, other items, taking Investigator Fleak through identifying photos with more items, including an IV bag with connected tubing.

Fleak described some of the equipment. Blue "Ambu" bag goes to a nasal cannula. [ed. note: Actually it would be connected directly to oxygen tubing and not a nasal cannula.]
Fleak notes "I did describe it as a broken' syringe because the two pieces are separated from each other. I should have ...they're not broken."

Syringe on the table, needle on the floor. DDA asks Fleak if they may have been together they may not have been. Fleak: correct.
DDA Q: [Regarding location of IV stand] If you were facing at the bed, at the foot of the bed, the head of the bed it would be to your right?
Fleak: Yes. [note: The IV was positioned in Jackson's left leg.//apparently]
DDA is showing Investigator Fleak photos of nightstand and IV stand and IV kit attached and asks her to identify.
Fleak. Yes. She describes where everything is. "It's a saline bag"
DDA Q: In addition to observations of what you described, did you locate a jug that appears to be a jug of urine?
Fleak: There was a chair behind and to the left of you that had a bottle of urine and several urine pads.
DDA identifies Peoples 35.Fleak identifies the items in the photo.
DDA Q: Medical-type container for holding urine? Fleak: Correct.
DDA Q: Recovered an open box of disposable hypodermic needles? Fleak: Yes. It was on the two tables as well.
DDA Q: Recovered IV catheters? Fleak: Yes.
DDA Q: Is it all documented in your form? Fleak: Yes it is.
DDA Q: Recovered an empty vial of Propofol and (garbled; could be midazolam
or lorazepam, both of which were given and are given IV)?
Fleak replies vials were found between the two nightstands. DDA presents more photographs for Investigator Fleak

DDA Q: Was this an empty full, partially full bottle of Propofol?
Fleak: It was empty. (She verifies where the Propofol vial was on the floor.)

DDA Q: 200 mg bottle of Propofol? Fleak: Yes.

DDA Q: Now did you return to the location of 100 N Carollwood on June 29th 2009?
Fleak: Yes.
DDA Q: Continued your investigation? Fleak: Yes.
DDA shows Fleak some photos for clarification.
DDA Q: Describe if you will, if you would walk from this area, bedroom 2 closed.
Fleak: It's an attached room lined with wooden closets lined with wood.
DDA Q: About the size of a regular room? Fleak: Yes.
(She went into this closet area to investigate.)
DDA Q: Recovered items that were logged into evidence? Fleak says yes.
Was that logged (the syringes) as medical evidence #1? Fleak: Yes.
Describes how items were logged into evidence and the numbers given.
People's 39, 40, 41, 42 43 44 45 photos presented and Fleak describes.
Ppl 39. This is the closet area. Wooden cabinet area. Shows evidence that she collected on 29th. Showing ppls 40 close up of same items. Some bags as well as some plastic bags containing items.
DDA Q: Did you remove those items from that cabinet and inventory them on that day?
Fleak: Yes I did.

DDA Q: Is this a photo of some of those items after being laid out on a table? Fleak: Yes it is.
DDA Q: Describe items.
Fleak: Black square bag with a zipper, recovered from cabinet area. One dark blue bag with a zipper with "Costco" on the outside. Light blue and brown colored bag with a zipper with "baby essentials" bag; misc. medical supplies.
DDA Q: As well as creams? Fleak: Yes bag full of Benoquin lotions. Yes, those are bottles, tubes of lotions.
DDA Q: Did you empty and inventory the contents of these items? Fleak: Yes I did.
DDA Q: This box, a black pressure cuff? Bottles?
Fleak: Three bottles of Lidocaine. Vials of Lidocaine. [ed. note: Differs from Lidocaine cream/lotion in that this solution is added to Propofol to reduce pain upon injection.]
Fleak checks notes to remember if the bottles were full or not. "Two were empty and one of them had some liquid in it. All three of them had been opened." They were 30 milliliter bottles. Large dark blue Costco bag.

DDA Q: Did you find saline bag that had been apparently cut open? Fleak: Yes I did.
DDA Q: Find anything in that saline bag? Fleak: A bottle of Propofol inside that cut-open bag.
DDA shows Fleak a photo.Flea: Yes (that's what she found).
DDA Q: Can you describe what I'm showing; can you describe?
Fleak: It's a slit in the bag.
DDA Q: Did you take this photograph? That was the Propofol bottle that was inside the IV bag? Fleak: Yes.
DDA Q: In addition the IV bag with the slit in and the 100 mg. Propofol you mentioned, what else did you find?
Fleak: 20 ml bottle of Propofol bottle. Back to 100 ml bottle; it was open and had liquid in it. Twenty ml. open with liquid in it. Ten ml. lorazepam (Ativan) bottle open with liquid in it. Two bottles of midazalom (Versed) 10 ml both open, both had liquid in them.
DDA Q: Was there any other items in there?
Fleak: A bloody piece of gauze, a bag of miscellaneous packaging, medical packaging and a finger pulse monitor.

Inventory of the light blue and brown "baby essentials" bag.

2 100ml bottles of Propofol
2 20 ml bottles of Propofol unopened
(3?) bottles of 20
3 20 ml bottles of Lidocaine opened
1 30 mil bottle of Lidocaine unopened
20 ml bottle of diazepam opened
(Sprocket note: I can't keep up.)
more unopened. 5 mi diazepam opened.
1 4ml (Sprocket note: I missed) opened
1 4ml of diazepam unopened.

DDA Q: Where there other items?

Fleak replies: Red pill bottle with no label that contained 14 capsules turned out to be ephedrine. Over-the-counter night drops. Five bus cards of Dr. Murray. An IV clamp. A blue strip of rubber.

Fleak recognized the rubber as used for a tourniquet.

DDA Q: In total, looking at contents of both bags, is accurate to say, there were 11 bottles of Propofol?
Fleak: correct

DDA Q: In addition to the one empty bottle on the floor of Propofol there were a total of 12 bottles of Propofol. Is it true there were six bottles of Lidocaine?
Fleak: I'd have to count.

DDA Q: Could you please?Fleak: Six, correct.
DDA Q: In addition to the Lidocaine lotion. Correct.

Another photo exhibit. Photo of some of the contents of the "baby essentials" bag.
Describes the items that were all in the photo...medicines.

DDA: Nothing further.


Q: You made a search of the bedroom on 25th in the evening? Fleak: Yes.
Q: And that's where you obtained all of the photos and the bed and the surrounding the bed?

Fleak: Some were taken on the 29th. I was told by detectives additional information medical evidence at the house.

Q: They told you Dr. Murray told them a location and what they had? Did they tell you the interview that they had was from Dr. Murray?
Fleak: Yes. (Objection, sustained, reply stricken from record.)
Q: Did they tell you what information they had that you—(Objection, sustained).
Why did you go back on the 29th?
Fleak: I was told there was additional evidence at the house.

Q: Detective smith. Did he tell you what there was?
Fleak: No.
Q: Did he tell you where to look?
Fleak: Yes. In that closet room.

Q: Had you looked in that room on the 25th?
Fleak: I did not. I may have glanced in the room but I did not search it.
(note: Please recall the house was not sealed off for upto 4days after the 'death' had occurred. Everyone including  the Jackson's went back and forwards through the house until it was deemed a crime scene.If no one searched the bedroom on June 25th how the hell are they sure they were not put there between the 25th and 29th ?? exactly....they aren't)

Q: So you went back looking for evidence that Detective Smith said would be there.
Fleak: Yes.

Q: Did you search any of the other items, any of the other drawers?Fleak: Yes.

Q: Was all of the stuff that you found that you took into your custody, was all in that one little area? (lists the bag)

Fleak: Those three bags were found in that cabinet, yes.

Q: When you went through and searched all the drawers and cabinets in that room, did you ever find a trash bag?

Fleak: What type of trash bag? Like a grocery trash bag? No. In the plastic bag, there was something that was crumpled up...
(Discussion about bag and baggies.)

It was clear plastic bag about a gallon. There was no zipper, it was just open at the top.

There was clumpled-up plastics, like disposable syringes, the packaging surrounding syringes, tissues, crumpled up.

Q: Like anything that had biological material on it?
Fleak: It was in the Costco plastic bag, but I don't remember specifically if it was crumpled up.

Defense now questions about the IV bag with the Propofol bottle in it, questioning Fleak about how much was left in the bottle. She didn't inventory for amount any bottles that were opened.

Q: You fingerprinted? Fleak: I didn't fingerprint. Notes mean the bottle was open, it had liquid in it and it was fingerprinted.

At this time, I believe it was possible to be fingerprinted. We are not fingerprinted at that time when I wrote my notes.

Q: You didn't use the term positive for liquid you just have residual?
Fleak: "In my mind it means the same thing. It was just how I was taking notes."

Q: The black square bags. On things you have listed, it's crossed out. Fleak: It 's just a number 2.
Fleak: I don't know why I crossed that number out. Two vials... Empty means there was on liquid in it that I could see.

Q: The Costco bag was a mixture of partially used and full bottles? Did they all have liquid in them? Fleak: Yes.
Q: Some were partially used? Fleak: Correct.

Q: The IV from the IV bag. Last page of your worksheet. "IV bag from the IV stand."
Did it have liquid in it? Fleak: Yes.

Q: Did you have it fingerprinted? Fleak: I don't remember.

Q: This IV bag had some tubing coming down from it. Fleak: Yes.
Q:And in the tubing had an IV in it?
Fleak:Halfway from the tubing there was a clamp and that clamp had a syringe in it.
The plunger was depressed. I don't remember if there was a small amount of liquid in the syringe.

Q: Was the plunger completely depressed? Fleak: I don't remember exactly where it was.
Q: Was there residue? Fleak: I don't remember?

Q: Was there more tubing below that IV port? Fleak: Yes.
Q: Did that tubing have liquid in it? Fleak: I don't remember.

Q: Did the tubing above it have liquid in it? Fleak: Yes.
Q: Was that clear?Fleak: Yes
Q: Was the IV bag clear? Fleak: Yes.
Q: Did it have a milky appearance to it? Fleak: It was clear.

Q: When you went back on the 29th, was this the only thing you collected from the bedroom?
Fleak: Yes.

Q: One of the items, I think this bag, fingerprint dusted, the only [thing] you remember is from the IV bag itself?
Fleak: Yes. Remembers that the IV bag had about 1/2 to 3/4 full when it was hanging.

Q:It was open? Fleak:yes

Fleak: "There was a vial, with some medications."

Q: What was crumpled up? Fleak: The packaging.

Q: You described that as a bag of medical garbage? Fleak: Yes.
Q: All of these things, all of the vials, hand been used? Is that correct? Fleak: Yes.
Q: They were open and they had liquid in them? Fleak: yes
Q: In the main room, where was the IV bag on the stand that had the syringe in it? In that room? In this corner. (She's pointing to an exhibit on the screen with a laser pointer.)

Why wasn't that taken on the 25th?
Fleak: I wasn't taking anything that was injectable. I'm usually looking for pill bottles. At the time I didn't know what Propofol was when I was there. I didn't know it was injected intravenously. I didn't know it would be used to administer the drugs that were there.

Q: So you saw the IV drugs there?
Fleak: I saw bottles of medications.
Q: Asks about the "broken" syringe.
Fleak: I should have described it as "separate." It was not cracked it was not broken it was not defective in any way. They were just separate—the needle and the plunger.
Q: As you sit here now you would have described it as a broken syringe? Fleak: No I wouldn't
Q: Why did you collect that? Fleak: It was on the ground near the bottle on the ground.
Q: Did you ask for these things to be fingerprinted? Fleak: I don't remember?
Q: Is it part of your role to ask for things to be fingerprinted? Fleak: No.
Q: So (what is your role?) you collect and put away? Maintain custody?
Fleak: In a complete death investigation we have more responsibilities than just collecting and logging evidence. (A coroner's investigator) performs a body investigation, notifies families, performs a death scene investigation...
Q: On that day, did you notice the IV with the pole with the IV syringe?
Fleak: Yes I did.
Did you notice on the table some juice bottles? They were labeled the Naked Juice company.
Were they empty?
Fleak: Yes.
Fleak: I did not collect those juice bottles and I did not document what was in them.
Q: You left them there at the scene? Fleak: Yes. They were on the table next to the bed.
Q: And the syringe, was it in reachable distance of the bed?
How far was the syringe from the bed? Fleak: About 2 feet.
Q: Bottle of Propofol, how far was that? Fleak: I don't know if it was one foot or more
Q: Defense attorney asks, something about what about a 136 pound, 5'9" man, could they have reached it.
(isn't MJ 5'11?)
Did you take the Ambu bag into custody? Fleak: No I did not.
Q: The open box of disposable needles how close was that to the table? Fleak: Couple feet.
Q: So if that was on the table so you could reach that?
Fleak: Both vials on the floor were empty. No liquid that I could see. I could not see and I did not check the inside of those vials.
Q: When you seized these items, where did you take them? Fleak: To the coroner's office.
Q: What did you do with them? Fleak: booked them into evidence.
Q: Did you inspect them? Fleak: As far as the labels...
Q: Did you inspect them, as far as the portions? Fleak: No.

No additional witnesses today. The prosecution is ahead of schedule.
Back in at 9:00 a.m. Monday to discuss evidentiary matters. 10 a.m. for testimony.


Quote from: "Sinderella"

Here is a shorter summary for people who don't have time to read the pages long summary for each day.It will be ammended each day.
I never wrote this for the record,it was clearly copied from another source as they left all mistakes in it.
Elissa Fleaks part is seperate and done as an inventory/summary by myself.


Day 1:
Kenny Ortega
A long time friend from Michael and the producer of "This is it".
* On June 19th 2009 Michael wasn't feeling well. He was cold and having shivers. This worried both Kenny Ortega and Michael because Michael couldn't tell what was wrong with him.
* Kenny Ortega than asked Michael if he wanted to go ahead with rehearsels that day and Michael said NO so Kenny Ortega sent Michael home.
* Conrad Murray was angry at Kenny Ortega and told him that there was nothing wrong with Michael. Conrad Murray told Kenny Ortega that it was not up to Kenny to tell Michael to go home for not feeling well.
* Because Kenny Ortega was worried about Michael there was a meeting with several people to talk about this. Michael was involved in this meeting.
* June 23 and june 25th Michael was back on track and rehearsing again. He looked good and everybody was amazed by the rehearsels. There where in Kenny Ortega's opinion no signs at that point that Michael's health was in distress.
* Kenny Ortega was asked if he ever talked to Karen Faye about Michael's health..the answer was a loud and clear NO.

HAHAHAHAHA sorry Karen,to the left you go..

Michael Amir Williams

Michael Jackson's Personal assistant.
* Conrad Murray was already at the house on Carolwood Drive when Michael returned home that day from rehearsels. Michael Amir and Michael's driver both saw Murray's car in front of Michael's house.
* At 12.13 Michael Amir Williams received a voicemail from Conrad Murray telling him to come to Michael's house.
* Michael Amir Williams called Conrad Murray back to find out what was wrong. Conrad Murray told him that Michael had an allergic reaction to the meds Conrad Murray give and that Michael was in distress.
* Michael Amir Williams went to Michael's house and the cheff Kay Chase opened the door.
* According to Michael Amir Williams Conrad Murray was all sweaty, breathing heavy and clearly in panic.
* Michael Amir Williams was the one who opened the door for the EMT's.
* Michael's children went in a car to go to the hospital where their father was.
* Doctors in the hospital told the adults that Michael was gone and that Michael was brought to a private room. They needed somebody to tell the kids what was going on with their dad.
* Frank Dileo is the one who told the children that their dad died of a heart attack.
* When Conrad Murray heard what Frank Dileo told the kids Conrad Murray got angry.
* Conrad Murray turned to Michael Amir Williams saying he needed to go back to the house to get rid of some cream Michael surely didn't want to be found.
* Michael Amir Williams found that strange because there was no cream .
* Michael Amir Williams made up a story and told Conrad Murray he didn't have the keys to the house because the police needed them.
* Than Conrad Murray left the hospital and Michael Amir Williams called to Michaels house telling the staff to leave the house and lock it down.

Faheem Muhammad:
Michael Jackson's bodyguard
* When he arrived in Michael's room Michael was on the bedroom floor with his eyes open.
* Conrad Murray was also in Michael's room. He sat on the floor and was crying and begging if somebody knew how to do CPR.
* At one point the bodyguard looked up and noticed Prince was standing in the door opening and Paris whas on her knees in the hallway and crying.
* The bodyguard called for the nanny and asked her to get the kids out of there and make sure the kids were in a car.
* After Michael was declared dead at the hospital Conrad Murray told Faheem that he was hungry and wanted to leave. Faheem told Conrad Murray to eat something at the hospital but Conrad Murray left the hospital anyway

Day 2:

Alberto Alvarez:The bodyguard that called 911
* When Alberto Came around 12.17 Am he saw Conrad Murray was upstairs in the hallway hanging over a railing, at that point Conrad Murray was NOT in Michaels room to take care of Michael.
* When they entered the room Conrad Murray performed CPR on Michael on the bed with one hand on his back. Michael's lower body was nude at that time because Michael had a catheter.
* When Alberto Alvarez came into Michael's room he saw Michael motionless, with his eyes and mouth open.
* Conrad Murray told Alvarez Michael had an allergic reaction.
* Conrad Murray ordered Alberto Alvarez to collect bottles from Michael's room
* Conrad Murray ordered Alberto Alvarez to remove the IV bag with a milky white substance from the IV stand and to put everything into a brown canvas bag
* There was a seconds IV bag and Conrad Murray ordered Alberto Alvarez to leave that alone
* Conrad Murray ordered Alberto Alvarez to put all the collected items in a bag before calling 911
* Conrad Murray did NOT put the Pulse Monitor on Michael until shortly before EMT's arrived
* Conrad Murray gave Michael mouth to mouth...he told Alberto Alvarez he never did that before and that he did this because Michael was his friend
* Paris and Prince were watching from a bedroom doorway while Conrad Murray did CPR on Michael. Paris than started screaming for her father and cried.
* Conrad Murray told to get the kids out and to not let them see their dad like this. Alberto Alvarez turned to the children and asked them to please leave the room and told them not to worry they would take care of their father.
* Alberto Alvarez admitted during cross examination by Conrad Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff that he never told the police that Conrad Murray ordered him to remove the bottles.

Kai Chase

Chef Kai Chase. Michael's Chef while he was rehearsing for the "This Is It" shows.
She left once in May and came back-reason unknown.

* The chef said Michael was on an extreme healthy diet.
* The chef told that the Jackson home was normally a happy home but there was something different on June 25th, something just didn't feel good.
* According to the chef Conrad Murray was very anxious that day, his eyes were enlarged and he was screaming, it was like he was panicking.
* It was very clear to the Chef that there was some kind of emergency when the housekeeper started crying.
* Conrad Murray summoned for Prince...she told prince she thought he should go because there might be something wrong with his dad.
* Kai Chase prepared Tuscan white bean soup for MJ and Murray the night before but the food was still there standing untouched the next morning when she arrived.

Richard Senneff
one of the paramedics

* The paramedics arrived at Michael's house 4 minutes after the 911 call was made.
* When the paramedics saw Michael they notice Michael was very pail, his eyes were open and pupils were dilated and dry. Michaels hands and feet were blue. All these things indicated that Michael was dead.
* Richard Senneff said he believed Conrad Murray must have waited at least 20 minutes before 911 was called based on Michael's condition.
* They put Michael on to a heart monitor and it there was a complete flatline.
* Paramedics kept asking how long Michael was like this and according to the paramedic Conrad Murray told them it just happened.
* Paramedics also asked repeadetly what happened...Conrad Murray kept saying he didn't know. He was only treating Michael for dehydration.
* Paramedics felt from the start that Conrad Murray was not telling the truth about what happened and how long Michael was in the state they've found him when they first entered the room
* Soon after the paramedics hooked up the heart monitor they give Michael medication for the first time. This was ment to jumpstart Michael's heart again.
* When first round of medication didn't get results the paramedics intubated Michael
* when Richard Senneff asked Conrad Murray about what kind of medication he gave to Michael, Conrad Murray first denied that Michael got any medication ... after a repeating the question about medication a couple of times Conrad Murray only told the paramedics about the Lorazapam (Ativan).
* Conrad Murray did NOT once mention Propofol to the paramedics.
* One of the Conrad Murray's lawyers, mr Lowe called Michael a drugaddict several times during cross examination
* The defense asked if the paramedics didn't want to save Michael because he was a drugaddict and if that was the reason why they wanted to call it at the scene.
* The defense lawyer also asked if it was true that the paramedics didn't wanna take Michael to the hospital because hospitals are understaffed and treatment would be to expensive. Richard Chenneff told the lawyer he didn't even know how to answer that question because he never heard such a ridicules thing.
* The defense also stated that it was not possible for the paramedic not to know the patient was Michael Jackson since he must have seen at least one picture from Michael because there are too many pics to have never seen one.

Day 3:
Martin Blount Second paramedic that is taking the stand.

* Conrad Murray denied to this EMT that he gave Michael any drugs
* Conrad Murray told Martin Blount that he only wait one minute after he found michael before he called 911
* The paramedic said he didn't observe a viable heart rythmn.
* He saw Conrad Murray putting bottles into a bag.
* Mr. Blount said he and fellow paramedics refused to use a hypodermic needle that Conrad Murray wanted them to use on Michael.
* Martin Blount said they did everything they could and even more to try to save Michael
* The Paramedic told the court that in his opinion there were NO SIGNS of DRUG ABUSE
* When the paramedics got Michael into the ambulance they had to wait for him to join them
* When Martin Blount looked around to see where Conrad Murray was he saw Conrad Murray walking around Michael's room through the bedroom window
* The defense asked Martin Blount if the collapsed vains are a result of drug addiction and Martin answered no

Phone Companies
Two workers who represent the phone companies testified that in the hours around Michael's death that Conrad Murray was texting and calling people. One of the witnesses was Harry Daliwal, an AT&T area manager (iPhone) and the other person was Jeff Strohm who works for Sprint Nextel. .

* Conrad Murray had used two cellphones that day, an I-Phone and a Sprint cellphone.
* Records show 26 cellphone activities from 6:30am to 4:03pm.
* They declared that Conrad Murray NEVER called 911
* Two of those calls were made at 12:03 and 12:04 PM
* Conrad Murray also sent textmessages at 12:15, 12:18 and at 12:53.
* Conrad Murray also called his girlfriend Nicole Alvarez. The record shows that this call was made at 1:08 PM
* Harry Daliwal also said that it is possible to recover the contents of text messages, but that he does not know how to do this.

Doctor's from UCLA
One of the UCLA doctors that took the stand was Dr. Richelle Cooper, the ER doctor, and the other doctor was Dr. Thao Nguyen who is a cardiologist.

Dr Cooper
* The EMT's contacted dr. Cooper at 12:57 for advice. Dr. Cooper than gave the paramedics permission to pronounce MJ dead.
* On arrival Conrad Murray told the doctors not to give up on his patient
* Dr Cooper declared that it was very difficult to get information about Michael from Conrad Murray. Dr Cooper told Conrad Murray would be in charge during transportation.
* Dr Cooper told the court Michael was DOA (dead on arrival) but the still worked on Michael for 1 hour and 26 minutes.
* Michael had a condom catheter when he arrived at the hospital
* Conrad Murray told dr. Cooper he felt a pulse at arrival, however nobody else who worked on Michael at the ER was ever able to feel a pulse.
* When dr. Cooper asked Conrad Murray what happend Conrad Murray told him he watched going Michael in cardiac arrest.
* When dr. Cooper asked Conrad Murray about Michael's health he told the doctor at the hospital there were no health issues and that he was in good health.
* Dr Cooper asked what medication Conrad Murray gave, Conrad Murray admitted giving Michael Lorazapam, Flomax and Valium.
* According to dr Cooper there is a protocol regarding the use of Propofol. This protocol requires certain monitoring to administer propofol. There needs to be equipment available to monitor the airway. There must be heart monitoring. There has to be a staff person available as their only job to monitor the equipment/patient. So that the patient doesn't die
* Dr Cooper was asked if she knew Conrad Murray gave Michael propofol. SHe told the court Conrad Murray did not tell her this.
* Dr Cooper made it very clear she treated Michael only for cardiac arrest,.
* Dr. Cooper was asked how much propofol she would give to someone with Michaels weight (136 lbs), she told the court she would start with 60mg.
* When she was asked what a 25mg dose would do she told the court that 25mg wouldn't last longer than 5-10 minutes and a dose wears of in 20-30 minutes.
* Dr Cooper declared that all those different kind of drugs that were given to Michael, had an accumulative effect.

Dr Thao Nguyen

* Dr Nguyen was called to the Er by dr. Cooper
* When dr Nguyen asked Conrad Murray at what time Michael went into cardiac arrest Conrad Murray told her he didn't know because he didn't have a watch.
* Dr Nguyen asked Conrad Murray if he gave Michael any sedatives or narcotics, Conrad Murray denied that he did.
* When the doctor was asked if Murray said anything about propofol dr. Nguyen answered NO.
* Conrad Murray told dr. Nguyen that Michael was getting ready for a tour. Because of sleeping troubles Conrad Murray said he gave Michael 4 miligrams of adavan (mirazapam) via IV.
* Conrad Murray couldn't tell the doctor at what time he give the medication to Michael.
* Dr. Nguyen and Conrad Murray agreed that Dr. Nguyen would try a balloon pump and if that would fail they would declare Michael dead.

* One of the doctors testified that she told Conrad Murray that in NO WAY the amount of drugs that Conrad Murray told them he gave to Michael would result in the death of Michael who according to the doctor weighted 136LBS.

Dan Myers

Dan Myers is a detective working for LAPD. He talked mainly about the phone calls Conrad Murray made and received during that fatal day.He did not run the investigation.

* 7:01am Conrad Murray called to Andrew Butler, a patient of Conrad Murray.
* 8:49am Angelette Guild, another patient of Conrad Murray, called Murray to ask about the note she received saying that Murray wouldn't be in his office.
* 9:23am Conrad Murray called Marissia Bioni, he is the father of her friend.
* 10:22am Conrad Murray received a call from Dr. Prechad. She told Conrad Murray she was with one of Conrad Murray's patients and ready to perfrom a procedure. She did need to know what kind of medication that patient was receiving, and if she should continue medication. Conrad Murray and Dr. Prechad discussed the care for this particular patient.
* 10:34am Stacey Howel Ruggles, Conrad Murray's personal assistant, was called by Conrad Murray. Conrad Murray requested her to draft a letter concerning the upcoming tour Michael would have in London.
* 11:07am another conversation with Stacey Howel Ruggles.
* 11:18am Conrad Murray called his practice in Las Vegas.
* 11:26am Call from or to Ms. Morgan.
* Between 11.26am and 11.51am Robert Russel called Conrad Murray. Robert is a patient of Conrad Murray.
* 11:51am Ms Saday Adinie was or has called. This regards an objection to some kind of irrelevant conversation they had.
* 12:12pm Michael Amir Williams was called by Conrad Murray

Cont tomorrow.

Day 4:
Myers didn't have much more to say only that he wasn't in charge and interviewed Sade the night before for the 2nd time.No cross exam.

Sade Anding
* She is claiming she was Conrad Murray's girlfriend on June 25th 2009, she comes from Houston, Texas.
* She met Conrad Murray late February early March in Houston.
* She worked as a cocktail waitress in Houston.
* Sade says she was on the phone with Conrad Murray, who called her, at 12.30 Houston time this is 10.30 LA time.
* She was on the phone with Conrad Murray for about 10 minutes when all of a sudden Conrad Murray didn't respond back anymore.
* Sade heard rumble noise on the background and heard somebody mumbling but can't tell who that person was.
* Because Conrad Murray didn't respond she hung up and tried to call back about 5 minutes later.
* Conrad Murray didn't answer her phonecall.
* A few days later the police visited her to ask her questions about Conrad Murray.
* All this time Conrad Murray never contacted her till after the police visit. He told her than NOT to talk to the police without HIS Lawyers being present.

Bridgette Morgan
-Cocktail Waitress
* Was first asked if she knew Conrad Murray, she said yes and pointed him out.
* When asked what her relationship with Conrad Murray was she said the relationship was social
* She has told the court she met Conrad Murray in a club in 2003.
* She was asked to point out her phone number and she did. Than she was asked if she called Conrad Murray on june25th 2009 and she said she did but never spoke to him directly that day.

Nicole Alvarez
(is hysterically thick)
Conrad Murray's girlfriend., at the time she met Conrad Murray she worked as a stripper.
* Nicole Alvarez and Conrad Murray met in 2005 in a club at Las Vegas where she worked at that time and that they developed an intimate relationship.
* Has told the court that Conrad Murray sent several packages to her Los Angeles home between April and June 18th 2009, she didn't mention what was in the packages she only recieved and signed for the packages.
* The packages came from Allied Pharmacy in Las Vegas and contained Propofol according to the evidence, in total there were 7 shipments.
* She was asked if she knew Conrad Murray was married and the defence called for objection.
* She was also asked if she knew Conrad Murray had 6 other children.
* When asked when she got pregnant with Conrad Murray's baby she said she didn't know. LOL
* Nicole Alvarez didn't know at first that Conrad Murray worked for Michael Jackson, but later on she said she kind of figured this out. She also said she knew Conrad Murray worked sometimes but she didn't know how or what because their relationship was on a need to know basis
* She never knew when Conrad Murray would come to see her.
* When she was asked when Conrad Murray started to live with her she said she couldn't remember exactly.
* Nicole also told the court that since she has the baby Conrad Murray is with them more frequently.
* The defence didn't want to cross examin...


Elissa Fleak
(These notes are mine as in Sin's)
She arrived at the scene to conduct a scene investigation and to begin with several bottles found on the night stand next to the bed.
Fleak found prescriptions for flomax clonazapan, diazapam, lorazapam, tomazapam, trazadone tiziaandine. Hydrocodone, lidocane, and benequin

Fleak documented who had prescribed these prescriptions, most of which are by Murray.
She arrived at 17.20 at UCLA hospital to do an external examenation on Michael. She could not see any obvious external signs from what might have caused Michael's death.
Fleak obtained 4 vials of blood from ucla staff labeled Gershwin which, were logged into the coroners office to perserve them for toxicology purposes
There were images syringes, of oxygen tank, iv stand and other items at Carolwood.
There was also an empty bottle of propofol on the floor and the volume of the bottle were 200ml.
There was bag full of bedoquin lotions, three bottles of lidocaine (2 of which were opened and the third contained some liquid inside) all three bottles had been opened. The saline bag was slit open with a bottle of propofol inside.Along with the IV bag and 100 mg propofol, 20ml of propofol was also found. It was open with liquid in it just as the 100 mg propofol.
Furthermore, a 10ml morazapam bottle open with liquid in it.2 bottles of midazalom 10 ml both open both had liquid in them.
Lastly other items in this box were, 10 mg morazapam bottle open with liquid in it.2 bottles of midazalom 10 ml both open had liquid in them.
In a light blue & brown bag there were 2 100ml bottles of propofol 2 20 ml bottles of propofol unopened, bottles of 203 20 ml bottles of lidocaine opened.
1 30ml bottle of lido unopened 20ml bottleof diazolam opened more unopened bottles mil diaazopam opened. 1 4ml bottle opened 1 4ml of diazopam unopened.

The blue strip of rubber was recognized as rubber as used for a tournequet.
In total in the contents of the bags there were 11 bottles of propofol and including the bottle of propofol on the floor there were 12 bottles of propofol. There were 6 bottles lidocaine, in addition to the lidocaine lotion.
Most of the images oh the items which were found at the scene were taken on the 25th June also some were taken on 29th June.

Other items included; Red pill bottle with no label that contained 14 caples turned out to be emphederine. Over the counter night drops.
Five bus cards of Dr. Murray. and IV clamp blue strip of rubber.

Fleak was told that were additional evidence at the house and was therefore sent back by Dectective Smith to investigate further. The three bags were in the cabinet when Fleak went back to check that room. There was a plastic bag which contained
clumpled up plastics, like disposable syringes, thacaging surrounding syringes, tissues, crumpled up.
The next set of questions were about the IV bag with the propofol bottle inside it and how much was left in the bottle.She did no inventory for the amount of bottles which were opened.One of the bags was a mixture of partially used and full bottles containing liquid in them.
There was liquid in the IV bag but Fleak did not remember whether it was fingerprinted. (LOL well done...)
When asked about the if the bag was clear she said 'yes' it was and still said the bag was clear when asked if there was a milky appearance to it
Note.The house was open to everyone as it was not taped off by the LAPD for 4days.How is any of this able to really be submitted as evidence when the 'scene' had 4days and nights of contamination.
No fingerprints were taken either.

I have taken parts from a few sources,since day 1,everyone seems to just be using everyone else's notes.This is from inside the courtroom,and the spaces were filled in with another first hand account.I have given up trying to summerise,it is not possible with the amount of information now being given as the days go on.
I think this is a much clearer way for it to be presented and understood by everyone.
It is a lot to read but very detailed and most importantly,accurate.
As I said I cannot be there atm or I would be doing my own version.
Thank you for your patience,I will try and be faster next week.

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