QuoteReference: http://site2.mjeol.com/attachments/2814 ... tter12.pdf
Statement from Steven M. Hoefflin, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S.
I am personally going to put a stop to all of the threats on my life and the threats against my family.
I am now bringing out to the public all of the credible evidence in my possession on the corruption in Los Angeles Law Enforcement pertaining to the Michael Jackson Investigation. I am going to personally stop all of the threats from the LAPD on my life and the threats against my family. These are occurring because those members of law enforcement know that I possess abundant incriminating evidence that is going to put a lot of people in prison. I am not going to allow and will expose those people who are colluding together, such as Diane Dimond of Entertainment Tonight, with the police to use false documents to threaten me, obstruct my independent investigation into Michael's death and to stop me from providing evidence to the proper authorities. All of the people that have been threatening my family and I that I have incriminating evidence on are going to be exposed with this evidence in the public eye so they will stop their attempts on my life that I have been experiencing for too long. For me to wait for the slow wheels of government investigations to catch on and bring these people to justice is no longer feasible. Colin Powell is a friend of mine. I have already called his house and left a message for him. I am asking him to engage a congressional investigation into all of the LAPD and Los Angeles Sherriff Department Law Enforcement Corruption in Los Angeles that is taking place in the Michael Jackson and other important investigations that is ruining our city. I want a Congressional Committee to subpoena these people, put them under oath, gather credible evidence for a good District Attorney, and bring them to proper justice. I have already asked Bob Woodward to report on this matter in the Washington Post. I am going to put an end to these threats now. I owe it to my family. I owe it to myself. But, most of all, I owe it to the public who always wants to know the truth and especially the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson. In reference to yesterday's lawsuit filed against me by Dr. Arnold Klein, I am established Government Witness in the Michael Jackson Death Investigation. It is my clear opinion that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys are attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I possess on Dr. Klein. They know that I have provided this evidence to the authorities. They also know that credible, incriminating evidence is going to be shortly released in my book. In my opinion and that of others, they desperately want me to stop any further investigation and to stop providing the public and the authorities the evidence that I acquire.
It is my opinion that Dr. Klein is using a letter with falsified information sent to him by Howard Weitzman, Esq. In July 2009, I was asked to have a privileged meeting with Mr. Weitzman and another attorney. I shared incriminating evidence that I possessed on Dr. Klein and that he was under investigation by multiple agencies of the Department of Justice.
Mr. Weitzman told me that he would neither talk with Dr. Klein, would not provide him any defense, nor would he assist his defense attorneys. On August 1st, 2009, after that privileged legal meeting, Mr. Weitzman prepared a letter with false information to Dr. Klein's defense attorney, Mr. Charnley, in an attempt to discredit me. The false information in his letter was known to be false by both he and Mr. John Branca. Mr. Weitzman had told me he had discussed it with Mr. Branca. Mr. Weitzman falsely stated that I had no permission nor right to talk about Michael or his mother. H also stated that he and Mr. Branca did not condone me providing evidence to the public about Dr. Klein's criminal activities, that may have actually contributed to Michael's death, the very person who's estate they now represent.
Shortly after the publication of his letter containing false information, I had left Katherine Jackson's home, and Mr. Weitzman, my wife and I had a telephone conversation. We requested that he provide a corrected letter to Mr. Charnley, to the media who requested a correction, and to send a copy to me. He already had the hand-written and signed consents from both Michael Jackson in March 1999 giving me permission to publically discuss his medical records and from Katherine and Rebbie Jackson from July 18, 2009 giving me permission to talk with the media about Michael. He told me that he had discussed the issue with Mr. Branca and that both of them agreed to provide me, Mr. Charnley and the media with a corrected letter. Both of them failed to do this despite having documents proving the information in Mr. Weitzman's letter was false.
On July 24th, 2009, I had corresponded about the issue of slander and defamation with one of Dr. Klein's lawyers, Mr. Boyer. I invited Dr. Klein and Mr. Boyer to sit down with me and go over all of the evidence that I had on Dr. Klein's criminal activities and that I would delete anything that they proved to be false. I never heard back from them. His client, Dr. Klein, also had knowledge of my being given consents by Michael Jackson and by Katherine and Rebbie Jackson to discuss Michael and his medical records.
Dr. Klein, all of his attorneys Richard Charnley, Bradley Boyer, Susan Wootton and the firm "Ropers, Majestic, Kohn, and Bentley" together with Howard Weitzman and now apparently John Branca knew of the falsity of Weitzman's letter, yet are attempting to use it in their attempts to bring a frivolous lawsuit against me, obstruct my testimony, and to discredit me.
With this evidence, I have contacted the Attorney General of California, Jerry Brown. I expect that he will put a stay on this lawsuit because he would never allow a court to proceed in an action that would obstruct one of their primary witnesses (myself) in a federal investigation.In addition, I expect that he will now open an additional investigation into probable felonies that all of these individuals have committed in attempting to obstruct justice, intimidating a government witness with a document that is known to be false, and possibly other crimes.
I believe that with this evidence, I now have a legal standing to bring a lawsuit against all of them, which I certainly will, for possible felonies committed against me. I am going to start providing the media and Michael Jackson's fans all of the evidence that I have involving the Michael Jackson Death Investigation, the Corrupt Los Angeles Law Enforcement, and others colluding together to obstruct Justice. If anyone wants to file another slander and defamation suit, I suggest that they send a copy directly to the Attorney General of California Jerry Brown.
Those trying to hurt my family and I should stop because all of the evidence that we possess will not be with us but with the public.
Steven M. Hoefflin, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S.
Steven M. Hoefflin,
FACS Immediate Past President Los Angeles Society of Plastic Surgeons