This is a call to investigate this idea :
I don't see MJ renting a house...don't ask me why, i just don't see it. We all remember that the phone call to 911 has been made from beverly hills hotel (even with technical explanations, yet it was written beverly hills hotel...)
I don't know why but the feeling came to me that MJ was in this hotel on long stay and never lived in Carolwood drive. That the house was rented for hoax purpose, to get a safe place to organise etc...
things that make me think this
- Never saw a picture of MJ or any leaked video after his death, showing his life in htat house.
- Joe making statement that he could never be allowed into the house to see his son. Maybe there was "nothing/nobody" to see there.
-Only picture for some LIFE inside was this overly staged picture of the bedroom. All pictures we got from the inside were about the house total empty and clean.
- The house being "cleaned" by some jackson people before cops come to it. Could be a way to hide the fact that nobody lived there or remove "hoax stuff" after june 25.
- helicopter landing to Neverland on july 8 makes me think maybe MJ left the hotel after anonymous stay there, using helicopter landing pads from there, while everybody focussed on carolwood/staplecenter/wherethehellisthecoffin story.
I'm not trying to say exactly what happened, but i guess it would have been easy to get to an hotel (where liz taylor spent 6 honey moon) under anonymous identity, use an empter house from the neighborhood to plan the hoax and while people focuss on there, leave the hotel still anonymous.
As i don't like feeling neither right or wrong about something, i ask YOU to debunk me, and find me pictures or videos or statements of fans, of MJ living in Carolwood drive before his death...