TIai update #6.5: Michael & Elvis, DOUBle-scam from TS??

Started by TS, December 01, 2010, 01:30:15 AM

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Are the Elvis and MJ parallels all a scam by TS?  In fact, is TS involved in a complex murder plot along with Sony and TMZ—using Elvis and numerology, etc, to make the MJ death look like hoax??  This post covers the answers to these questions.

However, if you are a hoax newbie, this post will not make much sense until you have read at least the following posts:

TIAI Update #4a, #4b, #4c, & #4d: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof Hoax, Not Murder

TIai update #6: Michael & Elvis, DOuble-bam This Summer?!?

Silencing the Critics, And $999 REwarD??? You bET

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1. Outline

1. Outline
2. Truth Will Prevail
3. Most Recent Predictions
4. Unclaimed Numerology Reward
5. Outthinking the Illuminati
6. Katherine and Randy
7. Bahrain And Michael
8. God Can Protect
9. "His Own Words"
10. Eliza's Court Case
11. Eleven Thirty

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2. Truth Will Prevail

Although I did mention the concept of being tested, I never said that the test would be intentionally false information (to see if anyone would catch it).  That is of course a possibility; but it's also possible that the only test is whether people will reject true information, without checking it out for themselves.

It is good to see people doing their own research, on some of the subjects that I have previously written (as well as other subjects); I have no complaints about this.  If what I have written is wrong, in time that will become obvious; and if what I have written is truth, in time the "truth will prevail".

However, just because someone questions or challenges what I have written, don't expect me to respond impulsively.  In time I will usually answer, especially if nobody else does; but don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from me, I've never operated that way and never will.  Quick reactions are usually emotionally charged, and not well thought out; I like to give time for the dust to settle, and also time for others to find answers—that way people are thinking for themselves, rather than just letting me spoon feed them.  Furthermore, I normally post on key dates and times; and this case is no exception (see section 11, below).

Some have thought that my "return" and "bam" predictions were for the purpose of testing people.  Again, this is possible; but there is another reason, which I won't reveal until after the bam.  And as I have said before, the "return" did have a double-meaning: one meaning was a possible bam, and the other meaning was "piece by piece" information about the hoax coming together, and especially things about the hoax hitting the media.  This process is still going on, including recently (see section 3, next); although it was rather quiet there for a few months.  Did anybody notice that things suddenly picked up recently?

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3. Most Recent Predictions

Quoting from the redirect on November 2 (which mentions the November 1 redirect): "I think that it is not only the content of the [November 1] redirect that is important but the timing as well. ... I think that we are maybe now moving on to the next level. ... we have reached a certain stage and are heading now to the next one. ... The term 'the eleventh hour' springs to mind and perhaps this is why TS redirected to this post on the first day of the eleventh month. It could mean we are moving into the next phase ... 'Remember, remember the 5th of November'" {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15306}

Does anybody feel like this month (November) has been the "next phase", or "next level"—have things been a little crazy this month (after being rather quiet for a few months)?  We got "Breaking News", first preview on November 5 {http://www.tmz.com/2010/11/05/michael-jacksons-new-music-breaking-news-song-sony-records/}; and "Opis None", also on November 5 {http://www.tmz.com/2010/11/06/michael-jackson-katherine-jackson-mj-song-opus-released-music-jackson-secret-vault/}; the Oprah Encino interview happened this month (see section 6, below); and the news about MJ and Elvis still being alive was huge hoax news that came out this month (Teddy Riley and Akon).

By the way: did you notice that much of the media reported Riley as an "insane producer"—but the word "insane" was not used by TMZ?  "MJ Producer Believes MJ is ALIVE!!!!!"  {http://www.tmz.com/2010/11/22/michael-jackson-alive-dead-conspiracy-teddy-riley-blackstreet-dangerous-death-life-hiding/; http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=%22insane+producer%22+riley&aq=f&aqi=&aql=f&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=cae82668a2ddab14}.

So this has been quite a month.  And just before this month began, on October 30, TIAI redirected to War of the Worlds: "On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks [breaking news] ..." {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15242}

Elsa commented on this prediction: "I've realized that this TIAI redirect about the Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds (The Greatest Hoaxes ever), was timed perfectly prior to Breaking News . The War or the Worlds broadcast was done as a series of news bulletins about Martians landing in New Jersey. Breaking News starts with news bulletins and was supposedly recorded in New Jersey."

That TIAI redirect to War of the Worlds on October 30 was clearly first, because the song title "Breaking News" was not mentioned on TMZ until November 4 {http://www.tmz.com/2010/11/04/michael-jackson-album-sony-breaking-news-fake-tracks-katherine-jackson-prince-paris-new-jersey/}.

Let me make it clear that I do not expect people to gullibly believe anything and everything I say, merely because of the predictions.  Please accept or reject what I say based on the reliability of the information itself; this is what I have always said.  If I signed up with various usernames—and posted information using various writing styles, so that people would not recognize me—the information should be assessed on the exact same basis as my posts under the username TS.

Some have commented on my predictions, saying that I have a "need" to prove my authenticity.  But again, the reason for the predictions is not for you to merely believe everything I say; rather, it is for when I reveal my identity—to help people believe what I say about myself at that time.  Some would believe me now if I revealed this, but some would not.  

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4. Unclaimed Numerology Reward

I think that there are two main reasons why many people do not accept the numerology: either they are not mathematical, and don't understand it very well—and/or they do not want to accept the meaning of it all (MJ planned his own death hoax; and New World Order, end of the world, Elvis connection, etc).

But the $999 reward is the solution for both of these two reasons.  And the fact that nobody has come anywhere close to claiming the reward (or succeeded in passing the coincidence test)—after nearly three months, and multiple thousands of views on that $999 reward post—this is very strong proof that the numerology is irrefutable evidence.  Nevertheless, in spite of the unclaimed reward: I will go into more details now, because of the high importance of the numerology, and also because of the fact that many still don't understand or accept it.

Many people on the forum, as well as the general public, are not real good at math—especially if it gets complex.  But the MJ numerology math itself is very simple, such as: 1998 / 2 = 999; or 6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040.  What's much more complex than the numerology itself, is calculating the statistics of whether the MJ numerology was all by chance or design.  And this is what a lot of people are still not getting—especially when it comes to calculating not only the probabilities of a coincidence, but also the opportunities of a coincidence.

Recent complaints about the numerology have included statements such as: TS has been "crafting numerology", or I just "kept looking until I found connections", or there are "countless events which hold numerology", etc.  All such statements show a great lack of understanding the opportunities concept, in all the MJ hoax numerology.  So I will try to explain this further.

First, we must understand that when some connection is made (whether a number, or anything else): if we want to assess the likelihood of the connection being merely by chance, we need to look at the opportunities for a coincidence on both ends of the connection (this is something many forget, and at most they look only for the opportunities on one end of the connection).

For example, what are the opportunities for MJ to die (one end of the connection) on June 25, 2009 (the other end of the connection)?  Let's take a close look at each end of this connection, starting with MJ.  Why are we picking MJ's death—why not Farrah, or someone else?  How many opportunities are there for SOMEBODY to die on 6-25-09?  Thousands of people die every day!  And even if we were to limit the opportunities down to only famous or important people, we would still have a list of 16 people on Wikipedia who died that day {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_in_June_2009}.

Out of these 16 opportunities, why do we choose MJ—just because we like MJ?  What about Farrah fans: should they limit the opportunities down to 1, merely because they like her?  No, being a fan of MJ or Farrah does not change the opportunities of who might die on that day by chance.

However, did Farrah or anyone else in the world (other than MJ) have a record-breaking album, song, and video titled "Thriller"—which was about the dead being alive?  Or did anyone other than MJ marry the daughter of an extremely famous person, who is very well known for possibly faking his death?  It is these things, and not merely liking MJ, which allows us mathematically to reduce down to 1 the opportunities of a coincidence on this end of the connection (WHO died on 6-25-09).

Notice also at this point, that the opportunities for somebody ELSE famous or important dying on the same day is very likely—in fact, 15 other people are listed on Wikipedia that day, and several people are listed as dying on every day of the month in June 2009 (in fact, Wikipedia lists notable deaths regularly every day).

And if you were to start researching the other people who died on 6-25-09, you would almost certainly find SOME kind of connection with MJ—same age, or lived in the same town, or same color hair, or same first name, or same brand of car, or same SOMETHING!  You will find connections which are merely coincidence, because you are browsing through an almost endless sea (multi-contextual research) of opportunities for a coincidence.  So no, MJ did not plan to fake his death on the same day as Farrah's death (or anyone else).

We have looked at MJ's "death" on one end of the connection; now we are ready to look at the other end of the connection, the date (6-25-09).  What are the opportunities of MJ dying on a particular date by coincidence?  Why do we pick 6-25-09, merely because that is when it happened?

Wikipedia lists the current average worldwide lifespan as 67.2 {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_life_span}.  If we multiply 67.2 by 365.25 days in a year (average including leap years), we have 24,545 days in the average person's life; this means that we have nearly 25,000 opportunities for MJ to actually die on SOME day by chance.  So why do we pick 6-25-09?  This is where the numerology really kicks in, and narrows the window of coincidence opportunities from 25,000 down to 1.

First, let's look at the 2040 number on the spaceship.  The year 2009 had 11 dates which add up to 2040 (and 2010 through 2027 have 12 dates each year).  But these years all have more than 350 dates which do NOT add up to 2040; so even with no other numerology, there is only about 1 chance in 30 (~3%) that MJ really died on 6-25-2009 by chance—and 29 chances in 30 (~97%) that MJ planned to "die" (a fake death) on 6-25-2009!

True, numerology often continues adding and reducing until the answer is one digit (6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6); however, that is not the only method of numerology.  And since the 2040 was clearly copying Elvis (because both Elvis 2001 and MJ 2040 was a space-related concert into, adding up to the fake death day): then we can be sure that in this case, the date 6-25-2009 should not be reduced to one digit (just like 8 + 16 + 1977 = 2001, not one digit).  And please do not overlook the important fact that understanding the Elvis connection answers many of the MJ hoax questions and objections, etc.

Even with this 2040 connection, we should think about connections on both ends.  We have already looked at the one end (6-25-2009); but what about opportunities on the other end of the connection, 2040?  How many different numbers did MJ display on a space-related concert intro?  Ten thousand, or fifty, or a dozen, or only 1?  Maybe those of you who know MJ better than I do can help me out; but right now, I can only think of 1 opportunity on this end of the connection.

So even if we stopped the numerology right here: we could close the book and say that there's a 3% chance MJ died on 6-25-2009 merely by coincidence, and a 97% chance that he faked his death by plan!!!  Thankfully, MJ did not want to leave anyone with a 3% wiggle room; because human nature tends to prefer claiming rare coincidence, rather than admitting unwelcome truth.  So MJ made sure that the numerology was less than 1 chance in a million, rather than 3 chances in a hundred (3%).

Especially since many people don't like my long posts: I will stop here, rather than continuing to examine the opportunities of a coincidence (on both ends of each numerology connection).  However, I will repeat here the list from my last post; and keep in mind that the 3% (above) is only one of the twelve listed below.  Notice also that the numerology is all dealing with factors of time related to the "death"—which greatly reduces the scope of coincidence opportunities: it is NOT browsing through a wide sea of events, and multi-contextual researches, etc (quantity of album sales, street addresses, shoe sizes, length of paper clips, add infinitum).

a. The 911 call was in the first few seconds of 12:21
b. 12:21 to 2:26 is 2 hours and 5 minutes on June 25; 2 + 5 = 7
c. 1,221 + 226 = 1447; 1 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 16; 1 + 6 = 7
d. Memorial 7th day of 7th month, 7 years after will (and full moon)
e. 77 days from "death" to 9-9-09
f. 7 days from "burial" to 9-9-09 (and almost full moon)
g. THIS IS IT vowels = 999
h. HIS (HIStory and THIS IS IT) backwards = 1998
i. 1998 autograph; 1998 - 666 = 1332 / 4 = 333 + 666 = 999
j. 777 + 999 = 1776
k. All of these numbers (333, 666, 777, 999, 1221, 1776, 1998) are divisible by 111
l. 8 + 16 + 1977 = 2001; 6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040 (space intros for Elvis and MJ)

I realize that this next statement could be referred to as "circular reasoning"; however, if you can accept even one step in the circle, then the whole circle becomes valid.  #1 As long as nobody can claim the $999 reward, the numerology stands uncontested and irrefutable; #2 the numerology proves that MJ himself planned the timing of his own (fake) "death", so he was not murdered; #3 the numerology explains the reasons for the hoax, including the Elvis connection; #4 TS has understood and explained the numerology better than anyone else in MJ hoaxland, so TS is valid;  #5 TS supports TMZ (and TMZ supports TS); #6 TMZ is not playing games, unless MJ is really dead; but we know that MJ is not dead (see #2), so TMZ is in on the hoax; #7 TMZ gave us the first numerology clues (the 7's), very shortly after MJ "died"; so we know that the numerology is part of the hoax (which leads right back to the start of the circle, #1).

And speaking of the unclaimed numerology reward: I could increase the reward up to 999 million dollars, but nobody would collect a penny—because the most advanced mathematician in the world can't debunk it!  You don't have to be good at math personally; all you need to know is that no mathematician can debunk it.

What about DNA (even if it is handled under certain "chain of custody" requirements), do you need to be a lab technician to accept DNA evidence?  Or could you accept the fact that lab technicians themselves are unable to refute certain DNA evidence?

Go ahead, take the $999 reward challenge; if you are not good at math, get a friend or math teacher to help you—and split the reward.  You have nothing to lose (other than time).  The phrase "You bET" in the title of that post was merely an expression (I realize that some who don't know English as the first language might not recognize this expression); this expression (you bet) simply means "of course"!  It was used primarily for the word "YET" (in all caps).  It was not used to mean a gamble; you will not have to pay $999 if you take the challenge, but don't succeed.

Finally, in all that I have said about the numerology, I am not just rattling off random numbers; I have backed it up with an almost ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR reward!  And nobody has even come close to claiming it.  Has any other hoaxer ever offered any such reward?  As the saying goes: "put your money where your mouth is"—and I have done exactly that.

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5. Outthinking the Illuminati

I have never said that the whole company of Sony is in on the hoax.  What I have said is that Michael planned this hoax for many years, and got a few key people in a few key positions.  Some of what comes through Sony is part of MJ's plan, but a lot of it is not.

And the statement by MJ, about outthinking Sony, is not being understood with the word "outthink" in mind.  Yes, MJ did have some problems with Sony—especially TM, who is long gone.  But was it really Sony that MJ was primarily talking about?  Would stating in public and on video exactly who you are planning on outthinking, would that really qualify as outsmarting them—or would it be outstupiding them??

Do you really think that MJ was talking exclusively (or even primarily) about Sony, when he said that they have manipulated the "history books"?  Or perhaps was MJ actually referring to outthinking the Illuminati, and using Sony as a bit of a diversion (although the Illuminati does have its fingers in every big pie, including Sony)?

The idea of the hoax being a cover up for murder has been discussed a lot, and recently it has been discussed in the context of TS possibly being part of this Sony and TMZ affiliated cover up.  I have gone into the murder theory several times before, and won't repeat all those things now.  Of course the numerology is very strong against murder; but aside from that, I will make a couple of points here.

The family has already said they know who killed MJ, and "it's all going to come out".  So if Sony, TMZ, and/or TS were involved in this murder plot—and the family has already figured it out—then continuing to promote the hoax concept would only make them look more and more guilty of trying to hide the murder.  As soon as Sony, TMZ, and/or TS realized that the family was on to their tracks, they would distance themselves from the hoax theory as far and as fast as possible.  Then why has that not happened???

Also, here is a very good point from jacilovesmichael: "If he was murdered, then those who murdered him [supposedly including TS] surely wouldn't want to continue spreading the message [which is exactly what TS does] that he was murdered for." {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15976&start=25#p271397}.

By the way: I have already said that I do not work for TMZ.  I will now say that I do not work for Sony.  Do you believe it?  If so, then you have your answer; and if you don't believe this answer, then there's really no point in asking the question.

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6. Katherine and Randy

Speaking of the murder theory: many people have had their faith shaken lately—especially with Katherine crying in the Oprah interview, as well as some tweets from Randy.  But again, if people would take the Elvis connection seriously: they would understand a lot more, and it would be much easier to "keep the faith".

If you read the book by Elvis/Jesse (and Dr. Hinton), The Truth About Elvis Aron Presley In His Own Words (which I will abbreviate as TTAEAP): you will find repeated similar statements, such as this one—which is right up front in the introduction.  "So many people have written or spoke about my death as a hoax.  It was not a hoax! ... Elvis Presley did die that day."  The physical body lived on, yes; but the performer, the King of Rock, ceased to exist on 8-16-1977.

With MJ: his enemies really did kill the reputation, the image, the performer, the King of Pop—Michael Joseph Jackson.  Therefore, the statements and emotions of the family are real—even though it is metaphorical murder, and not literal.  Even the Bible uses death and murder in a metaphorical sense: "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer[/u] ..." (1 John 3:15; see Luke 9:60; etc).

Katherine was crying on the Oprah interview; and it was real emotions and real tears, not just acting.  She also said on that same interview, in the context of molestation charges and not the context of 6-25-2009: "I can't talk about anything without crying ..." {4:31, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLy_-sCG76o}.

Also her biggest grief on June 25 was not when Murray told her that MJ was "gone" (to the airport).  Instead, her major grief was when she had to take the children home with her; because at that point, MJ really was "gone"—and the children would not then be living with him or seeing him regularly {10:21, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLy_-sCG76o}.

But if any still have difficulty with the emotions and statements of Katherine and/or Randy, you might want to consider that maybe some of the family members are not in on the hoax.  I'm not saying that this is the actual case; but if it's easier for you, this is yet another example where the Elvis connection could help.

"One fact that most people would think is that my Daddy [Vernon] must have known, well he didn't.  We were planning on telling him when he passed away without ever knowing." (TTAEAP 28).  "My own Daddy bless his soul never knew the truth.  Little Lisa was told months later and explained to her she would not see me much. ... I feel bad my Daddy wasn't allowed to know but it just couldn't be done." (TTAEAP 32,33).  "Also let me tell you that my Daddy did not know of this hoax if they want to call it that.  If he had not died suddenly, we would have told him. ... To this day I feel terrible about this.  But he had to be eliminated from the beginning.  He was to be told after 3 years but as you know he passed 6 months too early." (TTAEAP 56).

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7. Bahrain And Michael

One of the redirects included this statement: "It's quite reasonable to think that one of the places MJ's been hiding out in is Bahrain." {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=15880#p268640}.  Several questioned why I would redirect to this, and put MJ at risk.

First, let me repeat what I have said before: just because I redirect to something, it does not mean that I agree with every single word on the comment or webpage that is redirected; instead, look for the main points being said, not necessarily every detail.  In this case, however, I did make sure to redirect to a post which had a very important detail in it: "ONE of the places MJ's been hiding".

Second, Bahrain could be a decoy.  Third, whether or not it's a decoy: TS is certainly not the only one who has given the Bahrain clue.  It was also on the Jackson Reality Show, on the recent Oprah interview, and on TMZ.  "Bahrain Company Didn't Get Memo On MJ's Death" {http://www.tmz.com/2010/11/19/michael-jackson-estate-creditors-claim-estate-bahrain-company-loan/}.  As many noticed, this title had nothing to do with the article; the title was a clue that Bahrain didn't know about MJ's death, because they did know that he is not dead!

Elvis/Jesse has also listed several of his past hiding places—including Apopka, Florida; Tenino, Washington; and Hawaii, which is a paradise island (TTAEAP 28,38,40,48).  Many rumors have circulated for years about Elvis living on some "paradise island"; well, he actually did!  And of course, Bahrain is also a paradise island.

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8. God Can Protect

There was a fair amount of discussion recently regarding the Bible redirects—and whether they are spiritual messages for those who believe in God and the Bible, or hoax clues and hoax messages for those who don't?  The answer is: both!  And it's up to you whether to accept only one aspect of the Bible redirects, or both aspects.

I realize that there are many on this forum who are agonistic or atheist (don't believe in God); and that is their choice—in fact, most if not all of us who do believe in God, we all recognize that God Himself gives everyone the freedom to choose whether or not to believe in Him (see Hebrews 11:6).  So please don't let what I say in this section (or anywhere else) be taken as disrespecting those who choose not to believe in God; I still respect you, even if I think that you have made the wrong choice.

However, for those of us who do believe in God—which includes Jesse/Elvis, Linda, Eliza, and of course MJ (as well as many on the hoax forums)—they all recognize that God is bigger and more powerful than all the people and all the money in the world combined!  Therefore, if God wants the general public to know the truth about Elvis, and/or MJ: then nobody and nothing is going to stop it.

Furthermore, all who believe in God should also realize that He is fully capable of protecting both Elvis and MJ.  And if MJ did not have a strong faith in God's protection, he would've never planned any BAM at all.  "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear ... He that feareth is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18).  Remember: It's All For LOVE!

I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know.  And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future.  If any are able to figure out The Source of what I've been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I'm saying here is 100% true.

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9. "His Own Words"

There has been a lot of question and discussion lately about Linda Hood Sigmon, and whether she is a reliable informer for Elvis/Jesse.  According to her: "Elvis/Jesse does not support the court case ..." {http://lindahoodsigmontruth.com/page53}.


Which of these statements is true: the one from Linda, or the one from Eliza?  Can you wrap your mind around the idea that both of these statements are true?  Is it possible that Jesse has asked Linda not to support the court case, and yet he has not asked Eliza to stop it?  Can you put yourself in his shoes for a moment, and understand what issues he is dealing with?

Did you know that there was a similar situation between Linda and Dr. Hinton, regarding Jesse "coming out" in 2002?  Both of them were in contact with Jesse, and both of them were informers; but Linda and Dr. Hinton did not agree on this aspect of the general public learning the truth about Jesse {http://lindahoodsigmontruth.com/page19}.

Also, notice this recent statement on Linda's website: "He [Jesse] has mentioned coming to see me a few times and while he knows that he would be welcome, I have not encouraged it." {http://lindahoodsigmontruth.com/page53}.

The book by Dr. Hinton and Jesse, which I have already quoted from above, is titled: The Truth About Elvis Aron Presley In His Own Words!  And many of the letters printed in this book, are also photocopied there in his own handwriting.  So if we want the most accurate information about Jesse, this is it!  This first quote which I will include from this book is about Jesse, but written by Dr. Hinton; while the other quotes, below the first one, were all written by Jesse himself (his own words).

Dr. Hinton said: "... they did not want him [Jesse] within five miles of Graceland, but he [Jesse] and one other person went up to his bedroom at Graceland late at night to get the cuff-links." (TTAEAP 50).

Jesse: "The Graceland estate does not allow me to contact them personally, they are determined to keep the myth alive and don't want me taking any chances.  ... I can't do a thing about it either.  The Church of Scientology has something to do with it." (TTAEAP 40,41).

Jesse: "You see I have everything taken care of except the fact that I am never given any cash whatsoever.  When I do ask for cash, I am always given the third degree on what I need cash for.  So you can see all the restrictions I have on me.  People ... thought I was the same old Elvis handing out money ..." (TTAEAP 28; see 48).

Jesse: "I picked four (4) of us initially and to this day all have kept the secret.  I also know when this book reaches the bookstores people (my loyal friends) will be heartbroken.  They took care of me and convinced others that I was no longer alive." (TTAEAP 31).

Jesse: "I have already been told through a source that Lisa Marie will cause problems if B.J.'s picture is shown." (TTAEAP 63).  And yet the picture of Jesse and Benjamin was included in Jesse's book (on page 23).

Jesse: "I was told there was a survey that stated percentage wise that many people still thought I was alive!  But as time went by I became more daring and went out [in public] with minimal disguises." (TTAEAP 48).

Jesse: "As I get older I feel I must reveal more facts of my life as Jesse." (TTAEAP 56).

Some may say that these statements by Jesse/Elvis were from about ten years ago, and perhaps things have changed since then.  Yes, and I would also say that those who can read between the lines, think for themselves, and put themselves in Jesse's shoes—they will probably be able to understand what has and has not changed in the last decade.  Nuff said!

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10. Eliza's Court Case

Many say that posts by TS are too long; and some people don't even read them, because they are so long.  Also, I was asked to keep this post short—and yet the same person complained that I left important information out of a previous post (update #6).  It is possible to include more information, and it is also possible to keep the posts short; but it is not possible to do both.  So what should I do: keep my posts short, and leave out important details?  Or have long posts?

Anyway, the whole issue over DNA was not the result of intentionally misleading information from me or the attorney; I was merely trying to keep the post from being any longer than it was already.  I did link to the blog by attorney Mayoras, giving more than half a dozen very strong reasons why the DNA was not falsified—even though the DNA did not qualify for the specific legalities that have been discussed {http://www.probatelawyerblog.com/2010/05/the-elvis-presley-conspiracy-part-iv-what-does-it-all-mean.html}.

And by the way, the DNA itself is from real people—the laboratories do know this for sure; but the theoretical possibility here is that Eliza got the DNA from people other than Elvis and Presley relatives.  However, even though this is a theoretical possibility, in this case it's not a very realistic possibility.

Notice the following statements, which I made in update #6 (all of which would be pointless, if the DNA was already under the legally established protocol): "However, for the sake of keeping this fairly short, let's stop here and notice some very clear reasons why Eliza's story is not some elaborate fabrication. [P] If this was a big joke: it would be very easy for Graceland to disprove it (provide DNA); but they have not even tried. Also, Eliza did not set out to prove that Elvis is alive; instead, she set out to find her real father—and unexpectedly stumbled across amazing evidence that Vernon Presley was her real father (and therefore that Jesse/Elvis is her half brother). She is not asking for money, she only wants the public to know the truth; if she was trying to get tons of money, then that would probably raise questions about a possible motive for attempting a scam—but she is not."

And even if Eliza was after money, now and/or in the future: there is no way that she could get any money from EPE—unless of course the DNA is valid!  Surely if Eliza's DNA sources were not valid (if they did not really come from Elvis and real Presley relatives): then EPE would come up with DNA (such as Lisa Marie's) to disprove Eliza, rather than paying her megabucks!  This evidence is common sense, think for yourself—even if this evidence does not have certain legal qualifications.  Our forum here is for investigating all evidence, not merely evidences which abide by certain court regulations.

The attorney also made this same "common sense evidence", as one of his strong points—which I will quote here: "Not to mention the fact that if this was all a master scheme to defraud the public, through a court proceeding, why would they have done it knowing that it would be so easy for their plan to fall apart?  Elvis Presley Enterprises simply has to march into court with the DNA of Lisa Marie, or either one of the two cousins tested for that matter, and they could prove in a snap that it's not true ... unless, of course, it IS true." {http://www.probatelawyerblog.com/2010/05/the-elvis-presley-conspiracy-part-iv-what-does-it-all-mean.html}.

If Eliza's DNA was all collected and shipped and handled under the specified legal criteria for chain of custody proof, etc: then there would be no need whatsoever for either the attorney or me to present these above arguments, in favor of Eliza's DNA being genuine and not a scam.  (By "Eliza's DNA" here, I don't mean merely her own personal DNA; I am talking about all the DNA tests and evidence that she has.)

And the same could be said of the discussions about possibly exhuming the graves of Vernon and/or Elvis.  If Eliza's DNA had been legally established, the court case would be settled without any need for any exhuming whatsoever.  The very fact that this possibility was discussed (by Mayoras, and the TMZ redirect, etc) should have been an indicator that the current DNA evidence is lacking, at least in some manner.

It's almost impossible to write a couple dozen long posts, and not be misunderstood several times.  Here is one possible example: "the basis for a legal case which is already in court" (update #6); although I said "basis for a legal case", I did not say the "legal basis".

Without the DNA, Eliza most likely would not have the confidence to pursue the court case (and Eliza herself knows that she is being honest about the DNA, even if others do not).  Therefore, the DNA is the basis for her choosing to go forward with legal case (even though the DNA is not the legal basis).

Also notice that in update #6, I never said the DNA was "legal" evidence which the court would accept.  Instead, I used the phrase "scientific evidence"; and indeed, Eliza's DNA evidence is scientific—regardless of legalities.  I also used the term "strongest scientific proofs"; and by that, I did not mean it would be impossible for stronger proof to ever exist.  Instead, I meant of all the evidences that have existed in the last 33 years about Elvis possibly being alive: these evidences are the strongest.

Notice also that I said "proofs" (plural); so I was not talking merely about the DNA.  Other strong scientific evidences included the photograph, the lie detector test, and the graphology / Forensic Document Examiner {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=16038&start=25#p272697}.

Actually, even the numerology is scientific evidence; it is based on math and statistics, which are very scientific.  However, a court probably would not accept numerology evidence; and this again should show that scientific evidence and legal evidence are not always the same.

So does this all mean that Eliza's court case will fall through the cracks, and be a waste of time for Eliza—as well as our own Elvis And MJ connections, etc?  I am not the Judge (or Chancellor, in this case); but I can tell you that judges are not stupid—and most likely he will see the common sense evidence regarding the DNA, and understand that Eliza is being honest.

Actually, Linda has put more legal weight on the DNA evidence than I have ever done.  "Once it became clear this month that the judge has refused to dismiss the case, after seeing the DNA results which revolve around my friend Jesse's DNA ... No judge would allow a case to proceed in this manner without substantiating proof ... the court case will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Elvis is alive and is now Jesse." {http://lindahoodsigmontruth.com/page53}.

It is very likely that the Chancellor will not dismiss this case on December 14, merely because the methods of DNA collection/shipping do not match certain legal protocol, etc.  Fortunately, we have only a couple of weeks to wait before we find out.

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11. Eleven Thirty

I have titled this post update #6.5 (not update #7), because this is primarily a continuation of update #6.  And yes, it's also because I said that update #7 will probably be after BAM.  Does this mean that there will still be more updates and/or posts, before update #7 (6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.95, 6.96, 6.999, etc)?  I won't say absolutely no, but most likely not.

Repeatedly, I've said that I would not do much if any more (posts or redirects); but I kept watching, and I saw a need and wanted to help.  But now, it has come to the point where I would rather say and do no more, than continue causing endless controversy that is not going anywhere.

I will be watching, and if anyone wants to make a serious attempt at the $999 reward: I will certainly either respond to it or else send the money; but they must be serious calculations.  Other than that, I am not obligated to do any redirects or posts; it is my own choice, and no amount of complaints or anything else is going to force me to post again.  If I have been wrong on anything, time will tell.  And if I've been right, time will also tell—the truth will prevail.

Instead of doing a whole new post: I may on a rare occasion make a comment or two in a thread that was posted by someone else (and probably redirect to that comment, so people will who are following TIAI will see it).  But redirects will not be daily anymore; those who still don't accept TIAI/TS probably never will, no matter what I redirect to or whatever I write in a post, so there' really s no point.

The hoax doesn't rely only on TS anyway; as many have said, they believed in the hoax before TS ever posted anything.  In fact, don't you think there is good reason why I didn't post any new thread—or even make a comment in an existing thread—until more than two months after the "death"?  If I had posted immediately after 6-25-2009, then people could claim that TS is the reason for believing in the hoax; but it did not happen this way, for a good reason.

This update 6.5 (6 + 5 = 11) was posted at 11:30 PM (CA time), on 11-30 (November 30).  Also, a few days ago TIAI redirected to a clock with the hands at 11:30 {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=16037}.  What is the significance of this?  As usual, the redirect had more than one meaning.

The Thriller album was released on 11-30 {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thriller_(album)}; and Eliza's case was previously scheduled for 11-30, although it is now rescheduled for 12-14 {http://chancerydata.shelbycountytn.gov/pls/chweb/ck_public_qry_doct.cp_dktrpt_frames?backto=P&case_id=CH-09-1696}.

Speaking of Thriller, 11:30 (PM) is "close to midnight ... the midnight hour is close at hand".  So 11:30 also represents near the end (end of the day, or end of the hoax, or end of the world, etc).

And finally, we are now about half way between 2009 and 2012 ("four more years"); and 11:30 is half way between 11:00 and 12:00.  The clock is ticking, and there is no time for unimportant or unkind controversy.  Yes, some things are important and must be discussed—even if we don't agree; but even then, disagreements should be done respectfully.  It's all for LOVE!

"And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm ." (Matthew 8:26).  I have said the following more than once before, but people seem to quickly forget it; so I am going to end by repeating this one more time.  Jermaine said: "it's all going to come out" (and this was in the context of the "airport" slip-up); until it does all come out, keep the faith NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!



Quote from: "frogh777"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Quote from: "frogh777"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

Quote from: "MsTrinity333"

I've also noticed to my  :?  that all the TIAI videos & updates have been wiped from YouTube and this forum.[/b]

In fact, youtube deleted our entire channel around 5AM today due to a third time violation of copyrights.  This time it was a claim from Web Sheriff, concerning the video "Michael Jackson - Gangsta (No friend of mine)".

WOW.. THAT IS STRANGE!!!!!!!!!, why not only that video, why the entire channel???

Third violation. I wonder who that Web Sheriff is, because that video was up for months and months.

I think u should make a new account. and post all those videos again. not that gangsta video, but those Hoax videos were great. Maybe they wanted those videos removed, and that Web Sheriff used the gangsta video for a reason to do...

I second this.  Those videos are to valuable to loose. :(
Fide Et Opera


Quote from: "MsTrinity333"

Quote from: "frogh777"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Quote from: "frogh777"

Quote from: "*Mo*"

Quote from: "MsTrinity333"

I've also noticed to my  :?  that all the TIAI videos & updates have been wiped from YouTube and this forum.[/b]

In fact, youtube deleted our entire channel around 5AM today due to a third time violation of copyrights.  This time it was a claim from Web Sheriff, concerning the video "Michael Jackson - Gangsta (No friend of mine)".

WOW.. THAT IS STRANGE!!!!!!!!!, why not only that video, why the entire channel???

Third violation. I wonder who that Web Sheriff is, because that video was up for months and months.

I think u should make a new account. and post all those videos again. not that gangsta video, but those Hoax videos were great. Maybe they wanted those videos removed, and that Web Sheriff used the gangsta video for a reason to do...

I second this.  Those videos are to valuable to loose. :(
Already uploading them again to my other account, but it might take a few days  :lol:



~Souza~ wrote.

frogh777 wrote:
*Mo* wrote:
MsTrinity333 wrote:
I've also noticed to my  that all the TIAI videos & updates have been wiped from YouTube and this forum.

In fact, youtube deleted our entire channel around 5AM today due to a third time violation of copyrights. This time it was a claim from Web Sheriff, concerning the video "Michael Jackson - Gangsta (No friend of mine)".
WOW.. THAT IS STRANGE!!!!!!!!!, why not only that video, why the entire channel???

Third violation. I wonder who that Web Sheriff is, because that video was up for months and months.


Web Sheriff is an internet policing company based in the United Kingdom. It acts for the rights of its clients against a wide range of media copyright infringement, privacy violations, trademark infringement and domain name squatting.[1][2][3] The company also generates official content for its clients by designing, building and maintaining websites, YouTube channels, MySpace pages and the like. It produces video edits for several of its household name clients and also manufactures watermarked CDs and DVDs as well as providing individually watermarked streams of audio and video.[4] Clients include record labels and musical artists, media organizations, newspapers, broadcasters, film companies and celebrities.[5][2] It enforces online rights management for record labels and film companies by managing album and movie leaks and is most notable for policing blogs, BitTorrent trackers, file-sharing sites, film-sharing sites and websites that are offering downloads of copyrighted music and film. Web Sheriff initially interacts by sending "take-down" notices to the offending parties.[6]

Although most of the company's work relies heavily on the entertainment industry with enforcing copyright and new release protection, it handles all forms of illegal activity on the internet. It has been instrumental in the removal of Ken Bigley execution videos and has closed down terrorist related sites[7] as well as the extreme pornographic strangulation sites at the center of the notorious Jane Longhurst 2003 murder trial at the Old Bailey in London, England.[8][9]

Described as "Europe's leading policing specialist",[10] Web Sheriff was founded in 2000 by former music business lawyer, John Giacobbi who acts as managing director.[11] Former deputy chairman of G-Cap Media, Steve Orchard serves as chairman of the company, which has operations in two offices in the UK and a work team of 20 patrolling the web 24/7.[5][1][12]

Operating methods
Web Sheriff uses web-crawler programmers for searching, as well as human auditing and investigations;[7] it relies heavily on phone calls and relationship building rather than merely on technology. It does not use technical means to illegally interfere with a music-sharing site or add bogus files but targets the persons running the sites.[13] The most common problem the company deals with is the leaking of pre-released albums and movies.[14] If an MP3 pirated track shows up on a tracking site or BitTorrent, fan blog or website, the copyright offending sites are asked politely to take down the postings and only upon non-compliance is the ISP notified to forcibly remove the content or close down the website.[7] Some of the BitTorrent sites give Web Sheriff access to remove the files themselves.[1] The company's premise is that "most file sharing is done by highly enthusiastic fans. We just try to educate them about the harm they might be committing."[6] Web Sheriff has further stated that "while we do take down sites illegally sharing files, we also then direct them to sources of legal and official music, such as promotional tracks or YouTube channels."[15]

[edit] Fan reactions
Music fans and bloggers often respond angrily when first requested by Web Sheriff to take down MP3 tracks or to not post them on the music-related site. Web Sheriff's usual approach is an appeal to the fans to respect the wishes of the band with offers of links to approved tracks and samples for the new album. Fans sometimes interpret this as Web Sheriff saying, "I've got my eye on you."[16] But eventually most of the fans tend to respect the wishes of their favored artists by cooperating. The Prodigy fans on the brainkiller forum engaged with Web Sheriff on a thread that lasted through 18 pages. Some of the fans who had been hostile at the beginning, then asked what they could do to help the band.[14] Bit Torrent file sharers are much more resistant to a friendly approach and may be sent letters threatening the consequences of non-compliance with civil or criminal charges being instigated.[7]

[edit] Clients:  MICHAEL JACKSON
Clients are predominantly from the United States and United Kingdom and include Bryan Adams,[14][17] Adele,[18] Animal Collective,[1] Antony and the Johnsons,[1][7] Arctic Monkeys,[14][19] Estate of Chet Baker,[20] The Black Crowes,[21] Bloc Party,[22][23][12] Broken Bells,[24] Chicane,[25][12] Depeche Mode,[1] Bob Dylan,[26] Franz Ferdinand,[7] The Hold Steady,[4] Michael Jackson,[27][28] Estate of Bob Marley,[29] George Michael,[19][12] Moby,[6] Mogwai,[4] Van Morrison,[14][1] The New Pornographers,[30] Cat Power,[4] Prince,[1] The Prodigy,[14][17] The Raconteurs,[31] The Shins,[6] Sonic Youth,[32] Spoon,[33] Third Eye Blind,[34] Travis,[12] UB40,[29] Vampire Weekend,[5] Village People,[13][30] The White Stripes,[14][1][12] Yo La Tengo[30] and Thom Yorke.[7] Record labels that are represented include Columbia Records,[35] Matador Records,[4] Warner Bros. Records,[31] Universal, Ministry of Sound,[36] Domino Records,[37] V2 Records,[19] XL Recordings,[18] Cooking Vinyl[14] and Rough Trade Records.[4] Film distribution companies such as Magnolia Pictures,[7][38] and BreakThru Films have hired Web Sheriff's services in order to get their copyrighted content removed from websites.





The Words That We Speak

The words that we speak, are they life or death? Do they give us hope or discouragement? Since we are held responsible for every word we speak, I think we had better listen very carefully to what we are saying, not just to our brethren, but also to ourselves. Notice what Jesus said: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned" (Mt.12:36-37). Let us look at the words, justified and condemned a little more closely. By being Justified -- we are being freed from all blame, we are without guilt and we are shown or proven to be right. Condemned means -- to be pronounced unfit for use, guilty. By our own words we can be free from blame and without guilt, or we can pronounce ourselves guilty and unfit for the use of God. If it is the Word of God -- it is Life, it is freedom. If it is ourselves speaking -- it is death, and words of death will destroy, kill everyone that hears us; and not only they who hear us, but ourselves as well. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

So what do we love -- Life or death? What are we eating, and what are we 'living' on? Is it Life or Death? It is one or the other. Let us quote Proverbs 18:21 again, it says that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." And in 18:20, "A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled." Is our belly satisfied and filled with life, which is Christ, and live; or are we filled with the manna of death, which is an enemy, and die? Let it be life, and then this verse will come to pass, "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" (1 Cor.15:26).

All evil comes forth from the heart and proceeds out of the mouth. " The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer 17:9). "...For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Mat 12:34). "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies" (Mat 15:18-19). We need the circumcision that is of the heart, by the spirit (Rom 2:29), then the evil that comes out of our hearts will cease. "And I will give them one new heart, and I will put a new Spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh" (Ezek 11:19).

Let us take a moment to see what the heart expresses through the tongue. "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and is set on fire of hell, for every kind of beast, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" (Jms.3:6-11). I could go on with the rest of the verses, but I am sure you can read the whole chapter yourself, which is very good.

Has anyone ever said something negative to you, and you just wilted and felt like you had died inside, or perhaps they said some beautiful words to you, then you just blossomed like a flower. This is the way of the tongue. Let us, therefore, tend to life with our tongue, which may seem to be an impossible task; but be assured with God all things are possible (Mk 9:23). We will and shall be able to tame the tongue and only speak living words of life and reality. In Proverbs 26:20 we also find these words: "Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth." When our wood, hay and stubble is consumed, the carnal fire has gone out, but the eternal flame of God will burn for ever. Praise God Hallelujah!

We can see there is a negative (dark) side, but there is always a positive (light) side as well. What is important to us is that which is positive, that which gives us life eternal, and we know our life comes from God the Father through Christ Jesus, Who is the savior of all man. It is good to know the dark side of things, so we can stand against the wiles of evil, but it is so much better to live and have our being in the positive (the side of light and life).

I myself want to live. What about you? I know the answer to that. We are all wanting to live, and not just live but to live life more abundantly.

So now that we know we are all wanting to live, let us look at some of the scriptures that speak of those things that give us life:

Proverbs 10:20 says, "The tongue of the just is as choice silver", (silver speaks of redemption & righteousness),( see also Proverbs 25:4-5 and Psa. 12:6).

"A wholesome tongue is a tree of life" (Prov. 15:4), and we know that Jesus Christ is the Tree of Life -- ever living (Rev. 2:7).

"The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life" (Prov.10 :11), and John 4:14 tells us that He (Jesus) is the water for the thirsty. Jesus also said, "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink" (John 7:37). "In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found..." (Prov. 10:13), "...and with wisdom the house is built" (Prov. 24:3-4).

"The lips of the righteous feed many" (Prov. 10-21), and Jesus said, "Feed My sheep" (John 21:15-17).

To have all the words of life we must be circumcised in the heart and put on the mind of Christ, also communicate, and have an intimate relationship with Him, with Christ the living Spirit which dwells in us. And He is in us, don't we know? "But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach" (Rom. 10:8). You see He is so close, in our mouths and in our hearts -- so why don't we speak words of Life and Live? Because our hearts first need to be circumcised and we need to have His mind. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom 2:12). "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). We know a double mind can mean death or life. And "For to be carnally (fleshly) minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Rom 8:6). As long as we are thinking or speaking negatively of anything or anybody, we do not have His mind, nor are our hearts circumcised. We die each time we utter ill words, they cause us to abide in death. To walk in His life, we must have His fullness and His mind. There cannot be any negative thoughts or words spoken, because they will result in death. As long as we possess carnal minds, we have death, we are dying, and we will go to the grave.

Jesus tells us in John 5:19 "The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do: for what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." He also said in John 14:24, "...The word which ye hear is not Mine, but the Father's which sent Me."

Can you see what Jesus is saying to us? We have to hear the Father and speak what we hear. Let me make this very plain. We can know the Bible from one end to the other, have it all memorized in these heads of ours, and we can tell the world all about it, till we are blue in the face; but without the Spirit, and if God did not tell us to speak -- it is death!

Jesus, in John 6:63, said, "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life." Do you see it? The flesh profits nothing -- the carnal mind, the written word. Second Corinthians.3:6 says, "...The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." So let us not speak the scriptures for the sake of being heard; but let it be the Spirit that quickens -- makes alive. So when the Spirit moves through us, let us speak like it says in 1 Corinthians 2:4-7, "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory. "And now, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus..." (Phil 2:5). Then the words that we speak are Spirit and Life. They glorify God, not ourselves! Amen.

Margit H. Roach


http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... ersion=NIV
Matthew 7:3-5 (New International Version, ©2010)

3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

The World's Illusion, Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment
By Remez Sasson


The world around us looks so real, and to proclaim that it is only an illusion may seem sheer nonsense. How can it be? Yet, it is possible to accept this idea. I believe you agree with me, if I say that the body is some sort of an extraordinary machine. It is made up of a combination of materials, but it functions as a unit. Can you say confidently that you are the body? Are you the hair that is cut and thrown away when you go to the hairdresser? Are you your fingers nails, nose, legs or thighs?

The body changes through the years, do you really feel that you are this changing form?

Many thoughts pass through the mind every day. Can you say that you are any one of these thoughts? They are like a movie that plays in front of your eyes. Do you remember what you thought one hour ago? Yesterday? How can these thoughts be the real you if they always come and go? You think them, but you are not them.

The same thing goes for your feelings. What do you think is more correct to say, "I am angry", "I am sad", "I am happy" or "I am letting feelings of anger, sadness or happiness to occupy my consciousness for a while"? As with thoughts, feelings and emotions pass through you, they come and they go. You cannot be your feelings, which constantly change.

Then who are you? After reading the above, do you still believe that you the body, feeling and thoughts, or something beyond them? To know who you really are, you have to take your awareness beyond the mind. The answer comes when you are able to transcend your mind. Spiritual traditions and experience say that you are an inseparable part of the eternal, impersonal consciousness that created the world and infused life into everything, including this conglomeration of body, feelings and thoughts that you call "me".

This homogenous, indivisible, impersonal Consciousness manifests in and through everything. It is the life principle of the manifestation that you consider to be yourself. The manifestation, which is the combination of body, thoughts and feelings, is nothing without this life principle. This Life Principle - Consciousness, is the only real thing, and every manifestation is created by it, and therefore is dependent on it.

Can you become aware of this Consciousness? When you develop some inner detachment and inner peace, you will be able to turn your attention within you, instead of to the external world, and then you will become aware of the Consciousness that is beyond the mind.

Silence of the mind is the prerequisite for becoming aware of this Consciousness. Only when the mind is silenced and there are no thoughts, you realize who you really are - the vast, eternal Consciousness.

This is also what has been called enlightenment. This is what yogis, saints and seekers on the spiritual path seek. Through constant meditation the mind is made quiet. Then, from deep inside will rise great silence, peace, bliss and consciousness. Then you will know who you really are. This is enlightenment.

The way to spiritual awakening is open for everyone. Only attachment and erroneous thoughts and concepts hide it. It can come suddenly, and it can come gradually. The funny thing is that you do not have to search for it, and you do not need to reach anywhere. All you have to do is dive within with a quiet mind, become aware of this inner, eternal underlying consciousness and stay there.

If you watch a movie with inner detachment, you can still enjoy it, yet you are not agitated by what happens in it. You know it is just a movie, the projection of light and color on a screen. After gaining inner peace and silence, and becoming aware of your real I, you see the world and live in it, but yet, at the same time you understand that it is not real. This helps you stay calm and detached in all kinds of situations.

When you are spiritually awakened, nothing can affect your mind and moods. You may still need to work and interact with other people and the world around you, yet you will do so while remaining uninvolved in consciousness, as if outside of the world.
The mind and its thoughts create your world - the illusion you are living in. Thoughts and imagination are creative, and therefore mold and affect your world. As your thoughts are, so is your world.

When you awaken to your real Consciousness, you will be able to master your mind and thoughts, and therefore if needed, be able to change your illusion - your world, through the creative power of your mind. By focusing your mind on the thoughts you choose, you can affect your "reality" accordingly.

You might say that after spiritual awakening you will be beyond the world's illusion, and material things will not matter any more. This is true, but yet, the illusion has to be lived. You have to eat, pay bills and take care of the body. It is true, you will approach these matters in a completely different way, but you will still need to take care of them.

Even an enlightened master has to eat, drink and sleep.

Going beyond the mind, beyond the illusion of the world, puts a great power and responsibility in your hands, for then you have the power to affect the world. Your awakened consciousness is an immense power that can stimulate the spiritual awakening in others. As all Consciousness is one, calming down your mind, going beyond it, and becoming conscious of your real being, to some extent, affects the whole world.



Re: We only have four years?
by Im_convincedmjalive » Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:51 pm


MJalive999 wrote:
When he sets himself up as God war will break out in heaven. Satan, having received false glory as the Almighty from his son the antichrist, will be cast down to earth along with his legions of demons who side with him in the heavenly battle. This will occur three and a half years after the peace agreement has been signed and marks the beginning of the 1,290 day desolation period.

I am REALLY GLAD to see this!

Someone is getting the BIGGER picture!

I pray that more people will soon have the DECEPTIVE veil lifted from their eyes.

While the hoax is providing us with clues to many things about why MJ had to construct his "death" as a shock value for US to wake up to these REALITIES, it is also causing many to get confused and not focus correctly.

I have read the theories related to what some think is the meaning behind 4 years and I say it is humorous at times but, also very sad.

I am getting the impression here that there are alot of younger people who need their elders to get involed. I hope that if the younger ones on this forum become aware that they in turn inform their parents to help them gain a better understanding of this enormous concept.

Don't lose hope and give into FEAR!

Love you all.

L.O.V.E. = Law of vibrational energy!



Re: We only have four years?
by Im_convincedmjalive » Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:41 pm

Although this text comes from a website in which the plan of the devil ( satan) uses a deception on people to believe that this information is coming from an Alien, like E.T. if people of (faith who understand it to be exactly what it is) and interpret this information correctly it is very good insight to truth.

A SPIRITUAL WARFARE between good and evil. Warfare between God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit ( Trinity) <Good vs. Evil> ( satan and his demons).



Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. You (as a collective consciousness of the planet) are choosing the Negative Polarization by default, by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out.

Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today.

You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'.

When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice.

Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose.

It is very important to us, that the Polarization of this planet is Negative at the time of the Great Harvest. That means Service to Self orientated, as opposed to Positive, Service to Others.

We require a Negative Harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal. We are very grateful.

There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the Great Harvest approaches.

You will see windspeeds surpassing 300 miles per hour at times. There will be raging tsunamis and widespread devastation; and a solar emission in late 2009 early 2010 that will cause major melting of the ice caps, and subsequent drastic rise in sea levels, leaving many (international) metropolitan areas underwater.

That is all I have time for at present. I have a Sacrifice I must attend now.

No, not really.

Let's see if we can increase the 'depth' of enquiry and question matter in the next session. Seek beyond the superficial. Get to the 'Core' of the matter.


Now if you read this as a person of FAITH and see it for what it is, this is a spirit ( don't know for sure which side it is on) but, it has told it like it is. It has given us Humans the answer, and WE have FREE WILL to choose what we want here and NOW!

L.O.V.E.= Law of vibrational energy.

Stop living in FEAR and Confusion.




However for those who do not view this like some of us do, here is a more human (vs. spiritual) and surface explanation to the phenom of what is going on with the non-believers.
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990) was an American psychologist, author, inventor, social philosopher, and poet. He was the Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at Harvard University from 1958 until his retirement in 1974.

Skinner invented the operant conditioning chamber, innovated his own philosophy of science called Radical Behaviorism, and founded his own school of experimental research psychology—the experimental analysis of behavior. His analysis of human behavior culminated in his work Verbal Behavior, which has recently seen enormous increase in interest experimentally and in applied settings.

Skinner discovered and advanced the rate of response as a dependent variable in psychological research. He invented the cumulative recorder to measure rate of responding as part of his highly influential work on schedules of reinforcement. In a June, 2002 survey, Skinner was listed as the most influential psychologist of the 20th century. He was a prolific author who published 21 books and 180 articles.

Brave New World is a novel by Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Set in London of AD 2540 (632 A.F. in the book), the novel anticipates developments in reproductive technology and sleep-learning that combine to change society. The future society is an embodiment of the ideals that form the basis of futurism. Huxley answered this book with a reassessment in an essay, Brave New World Revisited (1958), and with his final work, a novel titled Island (1962), both summarized below.

Brave New World is partly a statement of ideas (expressed by characters with no more depth than cartoon characters) and only partly a story with a plot.

The first three chapters present most of the important ideas or themes of the novel. The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning explains that this Utopia breeds people to order, artificially fertilizing a mother's eggs to create babies that grow in bottles. They are not born, but decanted. Everyone belongs to one of five classes, from the Alphas, the most intelligent, to the Epsilons, morons bred to do the dirty jobs that nobody else wants to do. The lower classes are multiplied by a budding process that can create up to 96 identical clones and produce over 15,000 brothers and sisters from a single ovary.

All the babies are conditioned, physically and chemically in the bottle, and psychologically after birth, to make them happy citizens of the society with both a liking and an aptitude for the work they will do. One psychological conditioning technique is hypnopaedia, or teaching people while they sleep- not teaching facts or analysis, but planting suggestions that will make people behave in certain ways. The Director also makes plain that sex is a source of happiness, a game people play with anyone who pleases them.

The Controller, one of the ten men who run the world, explains some of the more profound principles on which the Utopia is based. One is that "history is bunk"; the society limits people's knowledge of the past so they will not be able to compare the present with anything that might make them want to change the present. Another principle is that people should have no emotions, particularly no painful emotions; blind happiness is necessary for stability. One of the things that guarantees happiness is a drug called soma, which calms you down and gets you high but never gives you a hangover. Another is the "feelies," movies that reach your sense of touch as well as your sight and hearing.

After Huxley presents these themes in the first three chapters, the story begins. Bernard Marx, an Alpha of the top class, is on the verge of falling in love with Lenina Crowne, a woman who works in the Embryo Room of the Hatchery. Lenina has been dating Henry Foster, a Hatchery scientist; her friend Fanny nags her because she hasn't seen any other man for four months. Lenina likes Bernard but doesn't fall in love with him. Falling in love is a sin in this world in which one has sex with everyone else, and she is a happy, conforming citizen of the Utopia.

Bernard is neither happy nor conforming. He's a bit odd; for one thing, he's small for an Alpha, in a world where every member of the same caste is alike. He likes to treasure his differences from his fellows, but he lacks the courage to fight for his right to be an individual. In contrast is his friend Helmholtz Watson, successful in sports, sex, and community activities, but openly dissatisfied because instead of writing something beautiful and powerful, his job is to turn out propaganda.

Bernard attends a solidarity service of the Fordian religion, a parody of Christianity as practiced in England in the 1920s. It culminates in a sexual orgy, but he doesn't feel the true rapture experienced by the other 11 members of his group.

Bernard then takes Lenina to visit a Savage Reservation in North America. While signing his permit to go, the Director tells Bernard how he visited the same Reservation as a young man, taking a young woman from London who disappeared and was presumed dead. He then threatens Bernard with exile to Iceland because Bernard is a nonconformist: he doesn't gobble up pleasure in his leisure time like an infant.

At the Reservation, Bernard and Lenina meet John, a handsome young Savage who, Bernard soon realizes, is the son of the Director. Clearly, the woman the Director had taken to the Reservation long ago had become pregnant as the result of an accident that the citizens of Utopia would consider obscene. John has a fantasy picture of the Utopia from his mother's tales and a knowledge of Shakespeare that he mistakes for a guide to reality.

Bernard gets permission from the Controller to bring John and Linda, his mother, back to London. The Director had called a public meeting to announce Bernard's exile, but by greeting the Director as lover and father, respectively, Linda and John turn him into an obscene joke. Bernard stays and becomes the center of attention of all London because he is, in effect, John's guardian, and everybody wants to meet the Savage. Linda goes into a permanent soma trance after her years of exile on the Reservation. John is taken to see all the attractions of new world society and doesn't like them. But he enjoys arguing with Helmholtz about them, and about Shakespeare.

Lenina has become popular because she is thought to be sleeping with the Savage. Everyone envies her and wants to know what it's like. But, in fact, while she wants to sleep with John, he refuses because he, too, has fallen in love with her- and he has taken from Shakespeare the old-fashioned idea that lovers should be pure. Not understanding this, she finally comes to his apartment and takes her clothes off. He throws her out, calling her a prostitute because he thinks she's immoral, even though he wants her desperately.

John then learns that his mother is dying. The hospital illustrates the Utopia's approach to death, which includes trying to completely eliminate grief and pain. When John goes to visit Linda he is devastated; his display of grief frightens children being taught that death is a pleasant and natural process. John grows so angry that he tries to bring the Utopia back to what he considers sanity and morality by disrupting the daily distribution of soma to lower-caste Delta workers. That leads to a riot; John, Bernard, and Helmholtz are arrested.

The three then confront the Controller, who explains more of the Utopia's principles. Their conversation reveals that the Utopia achieves its happiness by giving up science, art, religion, and other things that we prize in the real world. The Controller sends Bernard to Iceland, after all, and Helmholtz to the Falkland Islands. He keeps John in England, but John finds a place where he can lead a hermit's life, complete with suffering. His solitude is invaded by Utopians who want to see him suffer, as though it were a sideshow spectacle; when Lenina joins the mob, he kills himself.

Because this is a Utopian novel of ideas, few of the characters are three-dimensional people who come alive on the page. Most exist to voice ideas in words or to embody them in their behavior. John, Bernard, Helmholtz, and the Controller express ideas through real personalities, but you will enjoy most of the others more if you see them as cartoon characters rather than as full portraits that may seem so poorly drawn that they will disappoint you.

It boils down to social conditioning from birth.

The biggest "hoax" towards humanity being played out on the world stage is from the biggest liar of all time.

The devil.  8-)



by Im_convincedmjalive » Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:29 pm

I am taking a shot in the dark and a guess at what might be the important connection and why TS is hinting so strongly at Elvis/ Michael parallels.

I am thinking it has alot to do with spirituality, numerology, and coming back as a different person. Michael is evolving from The king of Pop to a leader of The Army Of Love, etc. I am sure more...

Maybe the comparisons are to show that since Elvis gave up his old life so his brother could live, he had asked Linda if people would understand this?
Maybe Michael wants to know the same thing, will people understand him being a different person?

Jesse/Elvis wrote his book to explain to his fans why he did what he did, and he has seen the reactions of the people over the years and he has seen how people have used his name to make money. Now it seems like he wants to set these rumours, and money hungry dogs straight.

Perhaps that is what is going on with Michael, he is watching our reactions and he sees the rumours and the dirty dogs making money off his name. Perhaps he would like to set records straight too.



by Im_convincedmjalive » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:15 pm

There will be consequences for how we live.

Whether it comes from God himself or just life in general, the energy you put out is what you get in return. What you focus on will become your reality. The negativity you hold onto is going to eat you alive from the inside out. I know from experience. The results of always focusing on negativity will keep you in a unhappy place.



by Im_convincedmjalive » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:14 am


I am not surprised by all this in-fighting and confusion happening now. I am really learning alot about Human Nature. At the first sign of trouble, the family falls apart instead of rallying together. The NWO doesn't have to do a thing to us, we are doing it to ourselves and falling nicely into the chaos.

None of what has happened in History is TS' fault. I take his information as a blessing. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about these horrific crimes upon humanity by the real enemy.

Some people will never be satisfied and I realized that a while ago when I tried to comfort a few members by letting them know they weren't alone. LOL... that fell on blind eyes to the very ones I was addressing.

There is absolutely NOTHING that TS could say now that would be good enough for those who are unwilling to live without fear.

Some people expressed fear over the redirect to Bahrain, thinking that would expose Michael to the enemy and say where he is hiding. LOL... come on. We are speculating he is hiding there. We have absolutely no proof he is there. A redirect from TS does not prove he is in hiding there. It does explain that IF he is there, he won't be extradited to USA because there is no extradition treaty. That is GENIUS. Pointing out a possible place won't necessarily put him in danger either. If anything drawing more public attention to this "hoax" and exposing the NWO for what they are is like shining a bright light on the dirty rats.

Do you honestly think they would dare try something now when we are aware of them? I will be the first to snitch on them if they dared to make an attempt now on Michael's life. He is safer now than he has ever been. People now know of the plots on his life and ours. He has so much security around him, it is probably like Fort Knox.


"Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you."
I John 3:13

How do people end up adopting these ways?

It all begins in the human mind! The people of Noah's day knew of God,
and His judgment on the world. Evidence of their world-wide flood was
everywhere. Some of their ancestors who lived through it were still alive.
Yet, all it took was a couple of hundred years to bring them together once
again - united against God! Why?

What caused the people to turn so quickly against the God who created
them? What was behind all of their rising animosity? Simply, there was
ideology being pumped into the masses on a large scale - the same ideology
which individually produced a change of heart before the flood. This
ultimately, again, worked to seduce the overall majority of the populous.

This became their own, ancient version of "political correctness"

Culture - a definition:
"... a pattern of behavior, learned, developed or otherwise... that has
worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to
new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to
those problems."

Edgar H Schein,
Organizational Culture and Leadership 201,
p. 1

The great "veil" that Mystery Babylon hides behind, back then as well as
today, often involves "political correctness". Certain views are flooding into
our society. Today, it is through a propaganda "machine" - a progressively
left-leaning news media, entertainment media, and academia. The
political bombardment by these media outlets have the same effect on our
world as Hitler's propaganda "machine" did in the 1940's! Back then, people
were seduced by certain ideologies, and wanted to feel good about being
"politically correct", so they began to adopt whatever the 'movers and
shakers' around them told them was right. It's all the same today - only
from a different theological viewpoint.

There is one fact about the human mind - it is divided into two halves, with
a "left" and "right" brain. One side or the other usually dominates the
individual's thought. Those with "right-brain" dominance often seem to think
with their "heart", or their emotions. They can be more passionate, artistic,
and open to new experiences. Those with "left-brain" dominance, however,
may often tend to think with their "head" - with logical, rational thoughts;
with less emotion.

Funny, those with this "right-brain" dominance seem to run parallel with
those who adopt a number of ideals of this "left" wing. As stated in
Politically Correct Babylon, those who take on these political views often
look at the world in terms of how compassionate or fair something is, or
how much impact something would have on their individual freedom. Again,
emotions, compassion, and freedom of ideology often come into play, in
these cases. Facts often mean little to these people - it's perception that
matters; how they feel about it.

What begins to lead a person to follow these modems of thought often starts
at a young age - when their mind is young. All it may take is one or two
traumatic events in childhood to start to turn someone towards these ways
of thinking. Sure, bad things happen to all people. It's how we react to the
negative aspects life that matter. Those who begin to go down the
"politically correct" way of Babylon and, ultimately, the "Ways of Cain",
begin to take on the same mindset as many people did back in the Tower of

Many who maintain these "left" thoughts often want the world to be a
certain way, and just plain cannot accept the reality that it isn't. Any fool
can see that we are not the same - we have differences in culture and ways
of life that separate us - some that can be downright negative. True, we
should all get along. True, we all have rights; but, collectively, we have to
put something into a society before we get something out of it! A lot of
people think they are entitled to "40 acres and a mule" without having to
work to achieve it. Some scream out "where's my program" and "where's
my money", but cannot understand, nor would be willing to accept, personal
sacrifice. There is truly no honor - in the classical sense - in many people,
now a days.

True, life is not fair, but we also must realize it became that way because of
Adam and Eve's sin. Our world is this way because of man's sin, not God.
Some people want to continually blame God for their own situations and
failures. True, some things happen that are truly not our fault, but, more
often than not, people get themselves in their own situations.

As with Cain, people also begin to believe the world begins to revolve
around themselves, and not God.

These "Way of Cain" are truly coming back to us - full circle.

What do we do about it, to stop our world from collapsing under the weight
of these detrimental ways of life? First, realize it's so easy to "play the
victim" as Cain did, and avoid the real truths of life. It's so easy to twist the
reality of things, to try to get away from personal responsibility. Be strong;
don't cower at the first sign of bad weather.

It is this whole sense of "entitlement without effort" that drains money and
strength from any society - this happened in the past, collapsing so many
cultures and empires before us; and it is happening again, in our modern day.

Why can't more of us see through this political "veil" of Mystery Babylon?
Why are people acting just like they did when Semiramis and Nimrod ruled?
It's because there are a number of people in key positions around us,
intentionally or unintentionally contributing to our own blindness. A person
in the media, for example, might not like something or someone around
them. They will make the politics of the entire situation sound as favorable
to their beliefs as possible. These people might report on the exception of
the story, rather than the rule. Instead of reporting on the 99 times out of
100 something works, they concentrate on the 1 time it didn't - all to make
the entire system look bad. This is one of the easiest ways to twist a story,
destroy authority, and bring others on the same ideological band wagon!

Once someone, by these manipulations, begins to concentrate on how
negative the 1 exception is, they begin to consider the political thoughts of
the agitator. This is how ideological change slowly manipulated the masses
in Nazi Germany; this is how it works today.

What results, on a grand scale, is that the ways of God and the Bible are
twisted, and made to look bad. God and the Bible now become a person's
"oppressor" - a way to take away individual freedoms; a way to stifle
compassion! As a result, the ways of Babylon and Cain become the keys to
"true" ways to compassion and freedom!

Just notice how many Christian values are being shunned, today - the
ideologies taking it's place are none other than these self-centered, pagan
concepts. We, at Mystery-Babylon.org, ask the individual to not be
influenced by empty thoughts of "political correctness", and not fall to the
political morals portrayed by much of the media, but rather discover where
these ideological thoughts actually might come from.

We need to discover what actually are the "Ways of Cain"; we need to
decipher what actually comes from Babylon. The more we know, the closer
to understanding the true direction the world is heading, as well the ancient
force that's continually heading us there!

In the end, we need to ask ourselves a couple of questions: where do many
of these "politically correct" ideologies and political thoughts come from if
they don't come from the Bible and God? Also, in what direction would
these thoughts ultimately head us towards if not God? Could they being
heading us, not forwards, but backwards - towards the same "one world
government" that was once Babylon?

Please get it together family.



And finally, we are now about half way between 2009 and 2012 ("four more years"); and 11:30 is half way between 11:00 and 12:00. The clock is ticking, and there is no time for unimportant or unkind controversy. Yes, some things are important and must be discussed—even if we don't agree; but even then, disagreements should be done respectfully. It's all for LOVE!

"And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm ." (Matthew 8:26). I have said the following more than once before, but people seem to quickly forget it; so I am going to end by repeating this one more time. Jermaine said: "it's all going to come out" (and this was in the context of the "airport" slip-up); until it does all come out, keep the faith NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: "TheRunningGirl"

Quote from: "chappie"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Quote from: "chappie"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Quote from: "Uranus"

I have to say that I do not get it. Should everyone have the same opinion around here? Why being so anxious about it, when someone doesn't agree with you? I think that *Mo* has made some very logical statements and whether she is right or not, time will prove it and not anybody else. Telling somebody that he/she has lost him/herself, just because he/she seems to be considering another point of view than he/she used to and that is different to others' views isn't an argument at all, and tends to be extremely narrow minded as an opinion.

People are asking a genuine question since Mo is on a mission to oppose everything regarding TS or the Eliza case. She bases her opinion on assumptions and theories and that is fine as long as she stops dissing others telling them they are sheep and implying she is the only one who can think for herself. I have no problem with anyone having a different opinion, but if someone else posted the same as Mo, that person would have gotten the exact same reply and believe me, they would have had the same reply from HER as well a few weeks ago. Everyone has the right to voice their opinion, so do we and when I see things that I don't agree with, I reply and post my arguments, Mo is no exception. I didn't diss her, I didn't attack her, I simply questioned her post. I have no reason to give her special treatment. As you have stated before, we are here to investigate. So why should it be ok for Mo to oppose TS' posts, but we can't oppose hers? Do we need to believe everything she says or should we simply ignore her posts? That's a little strange and to me THAT is narrow-minded.

If you are such a fighter for the right to voice your opinion, I wonder where you were when the two of us were attacked for the various theories we posted? Never ever have you posted before, what makes this case so special?  My red flags are up as well.

Where can I find the sheep theory Mo wrote
I was searching for it can someone help me out?
Sure, here in her own words:

Quote from: "*Mo*"


To the ones who will get angry with TS – Don't blame TS. In fact, if it turns out that this was a test, then there's no one to blame but yourself. You, like me, gullibly believed everything TS said in Update #6. Keep in mind that he simply summarized the already existing stories on the internet, he didn't make this up himself.

Don't point out fingers to TS, but look in the mirror and point towards the one you see in that mirror - the one who was gullible.

We were warned.

Quote from: "*Mo*"

Since people are blindly following TS in this case, here's the reason as to why people believe Linda:

She shouldn't speak for others. If she felt she was fooled because she never really questioned TS' posts, then fine, but that isn't the same for me or others on this board.
Where are the sheep that Mo was telling about?
Just a thought Chappie...!
Why don't you PM Mo to ask her where the sheep have gone...?  Then post the link as it seems to be of interest to the discussion at hand!

With L.O.V.E

I believe that Souza was the shepherd bringing in the sheep.....
So how can Mo know where the sheep are?
Perhaps in a stable hiding from the cold?
This needs further investigation for sure!



Quote from: "chappie"

Quote from: "TheRunningGirl"

Quote from: "chappie"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Quote from: "chappie"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Quote from: "Uranus"

I have to say that I do not get it. Should everyone have the same opinion around here? Why being so anxious about it, when someone doesn't agree with you? I think that *Mo* has made some very logical statements and whether she is right or not, time will prove it and not anybody else. Telling somebody that he/she has lost him/herself, just because he/she seems to be considering another point of view than he/she used to and that is different to others' views isn't an argument at all, and tends to be extremely narrow minded as an opinion.

People are asking a genuine question since Mo is on a mission to oppose everything regarding TS or the Eliza case. She bases her opinion on assumptions and theories and that is fine as long as she stops dissing others telling them they are sheep and implying she is the only one who can think for herself. I have no problem with anyone having a different opinion, but if someone else posted the same as Mo, that person would have gotten the exact same reply and believe me, they would have had the same reply from HER as well a few weeks ago. Everyone has the right to voice their opinion, so do we and when I see things that I don't agree with, I reply and post my arguments, Mo is no exception. I didn't diss her, I didn't attack her, I simply questioned her post. I have no reason to give her special treatment. As you have stated before, we are here to investigate. So why should it be ok for Mo to oppose TS' posts, but we can't oppose hers? Do we need to believe everything she says or should we simply ignore her posts? That's a little strange and to me THAT is narrow-minded.

If you are such a fighter for the right to voice your opinion, I wonder where you were when the two of us were attacked for the various theories we posted? Never ever have you posted before, what makes this case so special?  My red flags are up as well.

Where can I find the sheep theory Mo wrote
I was searching for it can someone help me out?
Sure, here in her own words:

Quote from: "*Mo*"


To the ones who will get angry with TS – Don't blame TS. In fact, if it turns out that this was a test, then there's no one to blame but yourself. You, like me, gullibly believed everything TS said in Update #6. Keep in mind that he simply summarized the already existing stories on the internet, he didn't make this up himself.

Don't point out fingers to TS, but look in the mirror and point towards the one you see in that mirror - the one who was gullible.

We were warned.

Quote from: "*Mo*"

Since people are blindly following TS in this case, here's the reason as to why people believe Linda:

She shouldn't speak for others. If she felt she was fooled because she never really questioned TS' posts, then fine, but that isn't the same for me or others on this board.
Where are the sheep that Mo was telling about?
Just a thought Chappie...!
Why don't you PM Mo to ask her where the sheep have gone...?  Then post the link as it seems to be of interest to the discussion at hand!

With L.O.V.E

I believe that Souza was the shepherd bringing in the sheep.....
So how can Mo know where the sheep are?
Perhaps in a stable hiding from the cold?
This needs further investigation for sure!


Your Words Chappie  ;) :

Where can I find the sheep theory Mo wrote

I definitely beLIEve that it deserves a much more thorough investigation... Mo may have some sheep... and may have written on them .... I really don't know!
We once had painted cows in London, but well... a cow is not a sheep!

Take care...

With L.O.V.E

"Let us dream of tomorrow where
we can truly love from the soul, and
know love as the ultimate truth at
the heart of all creation."


I did some thorough investigation and just found 2!
Breaking news the new Black and White release!



Whatever, thanks for the post TS, I went through it and from what I understand, things are highly complex and not too easy to understand because there are things that cannot be be said, for so called good reasons. That seems to be the frustration we have to deal with and that sometimes leads to speculations in a maybe wrong direction. All in all I stick to keeping the faith;there is enough evidence in total!


December 03, 2010, 04:37:46 PM #173 Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 04:50:09 PM by Serenitys_Dream

I was not going to comment on this thread but I feel I have to. TS has addressed some of the questions but not all that have been raised. We have people defending TS and I feel that TS is capable of defending their opinions and theories themselves and anything anyone writes on their behalf is just that individuals opinion and perception. TS should be responding for themselves.

On the Graphology issue:
Graphology is not forensic document examination to determine authorship of a document.
Graphology is the analysis of writing to reveal personality and/or psychological characteristics of an individual (this may include diseases of the brain and/or nervous system). It is mainly used in employment issues to analyze suitability for a position or promotion.

Linda submitted an autograph by Jesse, signed as Elvis Presley, to a company which certifies autographs on memorabilia. This analysis was done through an online analysis of the handwriting and she received a letter of online authenticity. This was certified as Elvis' autograph but this type of analysis is not admissible in court.

Linda then submitted the same autograph for an actual hands on analysis and could not obtain authentication because the autograph was in the book which had been published in 2001 and Elvis had reportedly died in 1977. Again, this means that this autograph could not be used to prove that Jesse is Elvis because it can not be certified forensically as having been written by Elvis. It would not be accepted by a court as evidence of Jesse being Elvis and therefore that Elvis is alive. If it would be acceptable, Eliza would have submitted this evidence to support the Jesse DNA in her paternity case. (I haven't heard if that has been done or not). Fox News had the documents forensically analyzed and could not get them certified as having been written by Elvis either; the results were inconclusive.

Now, I am in no way saying that Linda's evidence is fake nor that she is a fraud. What I am saying is that though we may believe her (and as a matter of fact I do) that this does not LEGALLY prove that Jesse is Elvis. The case against Dr. Hinton would have been dropped by the AG because though this analysis can not legally prove that Jesse is Elvis, it raises enough "REASONABLE DOUBT" in the case, that Dr. Hinton would not have been convicted of the the charge of fraud which had been brought against him.

The Eliza DNA Evidence:
Mo has shown that the there are "Chain of Custody" issues with the DNA in the Eliza paternity case.

Chain of Custody
The chain of custody begins when an item of evidence is collected, and the chain is maintained until the evidence is disposed of. The chain of custody assures continuous accountability. This accountability is important because, if not properly maintained, an item may be inadmissible in court.

What is the Chain of Custody procedure?
"Chain of custody" refers to the proper management or control of the DNA samples throughout the testing process. First, it requires a neutral third party to verify the identity of the individuals being tested and collect their DNA samples. Following that, the DNA samples and appropriate paperwork (including signed copies of identification papers) need to be delivered to the testing location ensuring that they have not been tampered with. Finally, the DNA laboratory performing the test needs to ensure they handle the DNA samples and paperwork correctly by tracking and documenting the DNA samples throughout all of the testing process. If the procedures are followed correctly, this will allow the laboratory to issue notarized test results that can be stand up in court.

Legal DNA Paternity Test
In essence, a legal paternity test is a test in which the DNA samples are collected by an independent third party who becomes responsible for confirming the identities of the persons who are taking part in the test and assumes general responsibility for assuring that the DNA samples are not in any way tampered with. Therefore whilst in a home paternity DNA test, samples are usually collected by the participants themselves in their own home environment, a legal DNA paternity test usually necessitates a visit to a clinic or laboratory where the specialist will collect the samples.

Chain of Custody
This procedure is called maintaining the 'chain of custody', and is necessary in order to ensure that the test results are reliable, valid and that this fact can be witnessed by an independent third party. For this reason, results of a home DNA paternity test cannot be used in a court of law, because there is no way of proving without doubt that the persons participating in the test on paper are indeed the same persons who have provided the DNA samples. So, for example, a person who does not wish to provide child support may send a sample from another person instead of his own, using a home DNA paternity test. For this reason, the results of a home DNA paternity test can be used for 'informational' purposes only.

Okay, so a lab did verify that there are links between the DNA samples but it did not collect the DNA nor did it verify from whom the DNA was collected, so this is the issue with the Chain of Custody on this DNA. Therefore the DNA may be considered inadmissible because it has not been gathered in such a way as is required to be considered in the courts.

This does not mean that Eliza is being deceitful or that the DNA isn't from the people she says it is. It does mean that there is a good chance that this case may be dismissed. It leaves the door open for the defense to ask the judge to dismiss this evidence because it does not meet the chain of custody for evidence requirements and without this evidence there is no paternity case.

The real issue here is that TS said this in update number 6:

Quote from: "TS"

After 33 years of question and debate over whether Elvis Presley faked his death: we now have the strongest scientific proofs that he really did fake his death—and in fact, he is still alive to this very day!!!!!!!!  And this is not based on some lunatic fantasy whims, that Elvis is living on a paradise island; no, this is documented evidence which is so strong, that it's the basis for a legal case which is already in court.  And to top it all off: there's a good chance that this will all be hitting the news this summer!

Yes, DNA evidence is scientific proof but it is not legally admissible, if it is has not been collected in such a way that follows the procedures of chain of custody for evidence as required. Graphology is not accepted by the courts and there has been no certification by a forensic document examiner on anything written by Jesse. The problem here is that TS has led us to believe that the outcome of Eliza's case will be Elvis' "bam" and that this was most likely going to occur this past summer. Well, Eliza's court case was not decided this last summer, the issues with the DNA may cause the case to be dismissed, if that happens than Eliza may try to appeal. The Eliza/Vernon/Elvis case is no where near being decided at all, as here we are in December and it is no further along than it was when update number 6 was posted on June 16, 2010. This case could be settled within a few months or it could take years still. There has been nothing in all of this that LEGALLY proves so far that Elvis is alive.

We are all free to believe whatever we choose but no matter what we believe, no matter what our common sense may tell us...this is not legal proof nor is the general public going to accept anything less than legal proof of Elvis actually being alive. Linda has loads of "evidence", there has been a book written by Dr. Hinton, there has been multiple sightings, there are photos, there has been media coverage, there is even DNA; none of it has been enough. What TS has brought to the table is nothing new and it hasn't proven anything beyond what was already known in the Elvis case. What has happened is that more people are personally believing that Elvis is alive and seeing the connection to the possibility that Michael also hoaxed his death...but we already knew that. ;)


TS wrote:


I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know. And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future. If any are able to figure out The Source of what I've been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I'm saying here is 100% true.

How do you guys interpret that?
We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


That´s another question.
Why sending such a document to a graphologist when the procedure would be sending it to a department with calligraphic expertise (forensic handwriting) wich is a discipline of criminology and accepted by court?

("Minkin güerveeeee")
Michael pls come back

"Why a four-year-old child could understand this hoax. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it"


Quote from: "Sarahli"

TS wrote:


I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know. And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future. If any are able to figure out The Source of what I've been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I'm saying here is 100% true.

How do you guys interpret that?
Look, I still think TS could be an insider or Michael himself but the above statement does not provide any facts. I could say that I know somethings about Michael that no one else does but that doesn't mean I do, it also doesn't mean I don't. TS has not stated what they know nor how they know this. TS could know something or the above statement could be a way to create a sort of credibility for themselves. If TS chooses to clarify this statement further that would be great but if not, then it carries no weight for myself.

We are again being "told" to figure out "The Source" this is opening the door to more speculation and multiple interpretations, just as many of the redirections did. At this point, call me pessimistic if you want but I feel if you have something to say or information to share, than just do it and do it in such a way that is understandable, direct and as complete as possible. If you can't do that than just don't say anything at all because I personally have had enough with all the veiled comments, contradictions and unclear statements.


Quote from: "Sarahli"

TS wrote:


I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know. And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future. If any are able to figure out The Source of what I've been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I'm saying here is 100% true.

How do you guys interpret that?


Do sheep eat carrots?  :roll:


Quote from: "*Mo*"

Quote from: "Sarahli"

TS wrote:


I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know. And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future. If any are able to figure out The Source of what I've been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I'm saying here is 100% true.

How do you guys interpret that?

Does that mean he's leading us further down the rabbit hole? Or yanking our chains?   :(  I don't particularly like having my chain yanked.....

Your true character is how you act when no one is looking.

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